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Chapter 1181 Taishan Palace

 On the outskirts of Licheng County in Qizhou, Wang Quan personally directed his concubines to clean the palace.

This palace is not very big. It was built last year. It was rebuilt on the basis of a post station. It was just completed a year ago. After the decoration is completed, it will be ready for people to live in after cleaning it. Taishan Palace is a saint in Qizhou.

A palace built urgently by the Northern Patrol.

It has been two or three years since Wang Quan came to Qizhou.

The reason was that his son Wang Jiao became the commander of the Qizhou Prefectural Army. After repeated persuasion, he moved his family from the countryside of Huizhou. After his son went to Yanzhou to become the commander of the capital, Wang Quan was too lazy to move, even if he had to

The move was also to Yunzhou, Wang Quan’s hometown.

Because his cheap son was promoted one after another, Wang Quan had a high status in Licheng County. At over fifty years old, he actually became the head of a township and led a whole township.

Taishan Palace was built by levying concubines from Quanzhou, and Wang Quan and his men were the last batch of people on duty. They were very relaxed, with only a little cleaning work left and some moving furniture.

The saint's first stop on his northern tour was the Taishan Palace in Qizhou. Wang Quan was a little puzzled, and Licheng Ling tried to curry favor with him, telling him some inside information, that is, the saint would personally direct the war against Hebei here.

Of course, personal command is just talk. What the saint is responsible for is most likely just the initial army strategy, that is, the idea of ​​using troops in a battle. When the situation arises, the specific command is still the responsibility of the frontline general. As of now, it is rumored that Long Xiangjun is responsible for it.

He made Ge Congzhou serve as the formation envoy, but he didn't know whether it was true or not.

"This palace is too small. It's hard for a saint to live there." Wang Quan walked around the palace and sighed.

The environment around Taishan Palace is pretty good. There are mountains, forests, swamps, and farmland. It looks quite comfortable, but the place is a bit small.

The second son, Wang Yong, opened his mouth wide when he heard this and said in shock: "Father, this palace can accommodate hundreds of people. Is it still small?"

"What do you know!" Wang Quan said seductively: "My family can be what it is today, all thanks to the saint. Dalang has been appointed to the Huaihai Road to command envoys, with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands. This kind of majesty, tsk tsk, I really didn't dare to do it before


Wang Yong was also very envious after hearing this. It was a pity that he studied literature. After graduating from Huizhou Prefecture School, he wasted many years. At the most, he only served as the warden of Wulan County. He was not even an official, but a small official. The whole family

After arriving in Qizhou, he became the Recorder of Licheng County. Although he was still an official, he was ranked higher, and Licheng was a prefectural government, which was quite good.

"Every time I see Da Lang, I have to tell him to fight for the saint." Wang Quan said, "Whoever dares to rebel, chop off his dog's head. The saint will not treat you badly. After defeating the Khitan, then

It will be fine if you go to the imperial army and take charge of the troops. It is not easy to hang out in the state army."

"Ye Li Kecheng was also a Yunzhou general back then, and now he has joined the Forbidden Army. My eldest brother should also have a chance." Wang Yong said.

Wang Quan glanced at his stupid son.

Ye Li Kecheng is already married to Princess Heyang, and it is different for him to be the prince-consort. However, he is confident that if his son can achieve military exploits in Andong Mansion, be promoted to the Forbidden Army, etc., after all, he came from the Forbidden Army before.

"Commander the king." Several horses came from a distance. After an officer dismounted, he saluted from a distance.

When Wang Quan saw it, it turned out to be Li Hongren, the governor of Qi, and he quickly returned the greeting: "Li Changshi."

Li Hongren is the son of the former Baiquan County Bo Li Shao, who was just transferred to the governorship of Qi in the first month of this year. He also has a brother Li Huai, whom Wang Quan knows, and is still the governor of Huizhou.

"Zhang Shijun asked me to come and see what else needs to be added to Taishan Palace." Li Hongren said: "What do you think, Commander Wang?"

"In fact, there is not much need to add. The post field of the old post station may be expanded to include the wasteland next to it. While there is still time, we can plant some pasture." Wang Quan said: "Just go to the farmers to find it.

.The saints, officials, and concubines are here, and they need to raise some livestock for supply."

"Commander Wang is still thoughtful." Li Hongren smiled and then ordered his entourage to do as he was told.

Some farmers in Qizhou now implement a three-crop rotation system, so it is not difficult to find some forage.

The Central Plains promotes both agriculture and animal husbandry, which is very different from the grassland. The grassland on the grassland is sparse, with large areas of sand in the middle, and there are all kinds of grasses, which is very messy. In the Central Plains, grass is grown like grain, with extremely high density and high planting density.

It is a leguminous forage with rhizobia, which has the effect of fixing nitrogen and fertilizing the field. The seeds have also been screened and cultivated, which is not comparable to that of grassland.

Li Hongren asked people to find pasture, which was actually cultivated and selected Dawan alfalfa. The yield was very high. It could be cut four or five times a year, and it would still grow after cutting. It was okay to raise some livestock for the saint's family and officials to eat and drink.


"There is still a shortage of people in the Taishan Palace." Wang Quan said again: "The saint is an old man who takes care of everything and devotes himself to it. How can we not serve him well?"

"This is not appropriate." Li Hongren said with a smile: "It is not appropriate for the saint to bring the palace servants here and for us to make arrangements without authorization."

Wang Quan felt a little regretful. He wanted to put his little daughter into the Taishan Palace to serve the saint, but he couldn't help it. What a good opportunity.

"Would you like to clean up the Nanshan Mountain in front of the palace? Saints love to hunt. If there are thieves hiding in the mountains, big trouble will happen." Wang Quan said again.

"In a few days, Commander Zhang will recruit tens of thousands of brave men from all counties and villages to go into the mountains and clear them out. They will not spare an inch of land and will search carefully." Li Hongren said: "Even if there are bandits hiding, this time

They will all be in bloody trouble."

Wang Quan laughed and said: "Some thieves committed crimes and went into the mountains to hide. Unexpectedly, they were chased by tens of thousands of people. They were really unlucky."

It was just a matter of stealing something and beating someone. It was a minor crime and he was afraid of being caught by the government, so he hid in the mountains to avoid the limelight. As a result, he was raided by tens of thousands of villagers. Do you think it was unlucky?

"The saint loves to play polo, so he should level the entire court." Wang Quan suggested again.

Li Hongren slapped his thigh and said, "I almost forgot about this." He immediately ordered his entourage to step up the process.

Wang Quan looked on and sighed secretly.

What the saint thought of and what he didn't think of, others took it into consideration for him. This is the most addictive power in the world. No wonder the warriors would rather abandon their wives and children and keep struggling. How can ordinary people in this rich and gentle land be able to



On April 18th of the third year of Jianji, Zhang Yanqiu, the governor of Huaihai Road, came to Qizhou in person.

"Where is the holy chariot?" Zhang Yanqiu toured six counties across the state and dismounted outside Taishan Palace for a break.

"We have arrived in Huazhou," the governor's guard commander replied.

The first stage of the Sage's northern tour will follow the same route as last year's eastward tour, first arriving at Huaihai Road. After he has a clear idea of ​​Hebei, he will probably cross the river and head north to inspect Hebei in a serious manner.

According to the previously circulated news, Shengjia left Luoyang's Dingding Gate on the second day of April and headed eastward. He arrived at Huazhou at a very fast pace. After all, he was marching on an internal route and did not need to build a strong camp every day.

"Well, we can arrive in Yunzhou by the end of the month, and we can arrive at Taishan Palace at the beginning of next month." Zhang Yanqiu nodded and said: "The native regiments of all the states in the Tao are not allowed to disband, and they are still training strictly to prepare for deployment. This matter is yours

Run in person and be sure to spread the word to every state."

"As ordered." The commander replied.

Zhang Yanqiu opened the bookmaking book in his hand again.

The target of this northern patrol is Cangjing, and everything else is incidental.

"The king is the king of the Eighth Palace, and his son educates the people. He must hide his benevolence and lead the virtue of forbidding violence and fighting soldiers... Lu Yanwei often makes wild plans. Don't start treacherous plots. He wants to visit Dizhou in the south and spy on Weibo in the west.

.There is no greater sin for people who are rude... When I first came to care for the world, it was really peaceful. I once ordered my close servants to write a letter, asking them to think deeply and correct their mistakes. I only care about the emperor, but I dare to be lazy and ambitious. I have been close to me, and I have become evil, ignorant, and chaotic.

What’s more, before sending traitors to recruit troops, they make monstrous words to deceive the living beings within the jurisdiction, and also post ultimatums, which has become a border threat..."

"If any of our Cangjing officers and men are able to uphold their loyalty and fight for their superiors, those who are first in rank six or below will be awarded the title of fourth-rank official. Those who are first in rank five or above will be given super prizes at festival level. They will still be given to Zhuang.

Each house has one district, and the money is 20,000 guan, and the favors are added in parallel. If he can lead the troops and horses under his control to surrender from the state and county, he will be given more than three capitals and officials, and he will be given 10,000 guan. If he surrenders from the town, he will be given more than two capitals.

The official will still give five thousand guan of money. If he surrenders his body, he will be changed and he will still be given money and silk. If he can understand his righteousness, repent, return to the court, and wash his hands, he will still be favored and rewarded..."

"In drama, it is an ominous weapon, but it is better to use it in war. How can the innocent people bear to fall into ruins? When they are about to be cut down, show your feelings and do your best to save them, so as not to cause harm to the barbarians. Although the military is powerful,

"Zhen, there is no harm in the king's way. All the ministers should take into account my wishes and make announcements inside and outside, so that the envoys will know."

"What's the use of writing "Chasing Lu Yan's Integration"!" Zhang Yanqiu put the book away and said with a wry smile: "They are all cheap people who kill talents. If you don't fight them, you will be afraid. Killing them all will not work."

Lu Yanwei was obviously not as powerful as Chengde, but he was more arrogant than Wang Rong. While snatching the benefits of the Clam Salt Pond, he also plundered Dizhou. Sometimes he also went west to Weibo to plunder, and even robbed the king of Le'an County.

Wealth makes people angry and resentful, which means there is something wrong with the brain.

The soldiers and generals under him were not good birds either. They were all cruel and brutal, specializing in looting and insulting women. They made Dizhou miserable and miserable. Even the three states of Cang, Jing, and De within their control were in ruins.

, and they also suffered a lot of misfortune.

Expecting these people to take the initiative to surrender? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult.

But this is not a bad thing for warriors. If the enemy surrenders as soon as you come, isn't it in vain? Only if the enemy does not surrender can you gain military exploits.

In fact, Zhang Yanqiu also wanted to go into battle.

In the past many years, he had been leading his troops to various places, and had very few opportunities to fight. The position of governor of Huaihai Road was also given to him by the saint, but he was actually not qualified - he had enough qualifications, but less merit.

It would be great if we could get a chance to fight this time. It's a pity that the elite soldiers of the state were taken away by that boy from Wang Jiao, leaving more than 10,000 people who are not very good at fighting. It's a bit troublesome.

If it didn't work, he asked the saint to let him lead the local peasants to attack the city. It would be a pity that the elite of the imperial army were wasted under the fortified city. This matter had to be done by the humble peasant warriors.

I'm just afraid that I won't even have this chance.

There are nearly 30,000 soldiers from Hehuangfan, Jiangling, Xingyuan, Qizhou, and Longjian. The saint will not stop until these people are almost beaten.

He had never expected that it would be so difficult to fight.

This chapter has been completed!
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