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Chapter 1184 Dizhou City

 Outside Dizhou Lisuoyanci County, Shao Bo, the governor, had just finished reviewing the troops.

After inspecting the troops, it was natural to give out rewards, but Shao Bo really had nothing to offer. One person gave him several hundred coins and sent them away, but the sergeants didn't take it seriously and went straight home to do farm work after they left.

Yes, there are almost no formalized professional warriors in Dizhou anymore. Those who are fighting now are all conscripts who have been replaced by countless generations. Under the long-term tug-of-war, the counties have suffered heavy losses, and their lives are almost unbearable.

——With such an economic situation, they still have to pay tribute to the king of Le'an County, and there are huge expenses incurred by the garrison of the Forbidden Army.

The imperial army stationed in Dizhou was a part of General Tu, with more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry. They mainly fought against Lu Yanwei, and occasionally faced Wang Rong's Zhenzhou soldiers.

General Tu was the main garrison on the Huaihai Road. At first, almost all of them were stationed in Dizhou. Later, as the situation in the south became tense, small-scale rebellions occurred in Xuzhou and Sizhou, so they separated a group of troops and went south to suppress them. They stayed in Dizhou.

They were in the left wing of the state, and they were old acquaintances with the Cangjing soldiers. It was precisely because of their existence that Dizhou was not completely destroyed, and the imperial court had a bridgehead wedged into the interior of Cangjing Town.

Shao Bo did not dare to place all his hopes on General Tu. That would be irrational. The land of Dizhou must be protected by the local warriors.

Shao Bo turned his head and glanced.

The soldiers who dispersed were old and young, some had gray hair on their temples, some had childish faces, some were quite tall and strong, and some were extremely thin. Even the weapons were of all kinds, and armor was rarely seen.

Generally speaking, such an army cannot fight, and it is very likely to collapse at the first touch. But who made Cangjing Wufu so capable of causing harm? The people of Dizhou have had enough of those jackals, and now the sergeants who have been recruited are more

Who doesn’t have a grudge against them? Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to persist until now.

"Dizhou's last vitality is gone. If they are gone, Dizhou's last backbone will be broken. From now on, even if the enemy who killed his father comes to fight, no one will resist." Shao Bo sighed and said.

Shao Yang, the younger brother, was a little confused after hearing this.

Dizhou stood on the front line for the imperial court and paid a high price. The surrounding areas were desolate and the people were scattered. The entire state was living a life of inhumanity and ghosts. The people's patience was almost reaching its limit. If we can't do it this time

I really don’t know what to say about destroying their number one enemy, Lu Yanwei.

Of course, what if the Northern Patrol fails? The saint walked away, leaving Dizhou alone in Hebei to fight against the enemy and endure the enemy's revenge. What can you do?

Rebellion? Do you have the strength? I am afraid that even the Yellow River cannot be crossed. The Great Xia court concealed the news of rebellion in more than a hundred states, and every state and county was not enough to open the palace city at night and report inside.

"Don't think too much." Shao Bo said: "Just wait and see what happens. On this northern tour, the saint came from an empty country. Even if he is defeated, don't have any thoughts. We are only loyal to the Luoyang court. As for the

It doesn't matter which saint is from that family. I will pack up today and go to Qizhou to meet the saint. You stay in Dizhou and keep in touch with General Tu to stay safe."

"Okay." Shao Yang responded.

My brother is capable and has extraordinary knowledge. Shao Yang has known this since he was a child. Recently, I have been discussing the general trend of the world with my brother, which has always been a regret.

In the past, Wang Jingwu, the governor of Ziqing, died, and Zhang Chan, the governor of Dizhou, refused to obey Wang Shifan's son and started a rebellion. The imperial court also coveted the land of the six states of Ziqing and sent Cui Anqian, the prince's young master, as the governor. Wang Shifan sent out to conquer Zhang Chan.

His general Lu Hong also supported his troops and returned to Qingzhou to force Wang Shifan.

That was the most chaotic moment in the six states of Ziqing. If you miss that God-given opportunity, you will never have another chance. And you are not even the governor of a town. In this troubled world, how can you have the opportunity to move freely and gallop to your heart's content?


The Shao family in Dizhou was not in the spotlight at that time, so that was it.

In the new dynasty, Shao Sheng worked hard to eliminate the vassal. The towns of Hezhong, Shaanxi, Xuanwu, Tianping, Taining, Guanghua, and Ziqing in the Central Plains were wiped out under his attack. Now there are only a few remnants of the vassal towns lurking silently in the local area.

, never waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble.

If the situation remains stable for another twenty years, when all the remnants of the vassal town have given up, there will be no chance.

The elder brother boldly judged that if there is a change of dynasty in the future, it will definitely start from Luoyang, not the local vassal town. In other words, the main force of the rebellion has changed from the vassal town to the Forbidden Army. He originally expected that this process would take decades, but Shao Sheng

It was frantic to cut down the feudal vassals. For this reason, we did not hesitate to delay the great cause of unification, but we also had to lay a good foundation.

The result of cutting down the feudal vassals was that the best soldiers from all over the world were gathered in Luoyang, and those who had the ability to change the dynasty were those from the Forbidden Army.

All these small local warlords can do is sit back and watch the king's flag change at the top of Luoyang City, and support whoever becomes a saint. They have no choice.

After returning to the city, the Shaobo brothers did not delay.

Shao Yang went to the government office without mentioning it, and Shao Bo had lunch with his family.

Looking at the meager meal on the table, he sighed heavily. Even the governor was like this, so imagine what kind of life Sheng Dou Xiaomin lived. What a shame, there was even Prince Le'an who was sucking blood. It was so! He even had some doubts.

, did the saint have an ulterior motive in placing the food town of Prince Le'an in Dizhou? With the wealth of five thousand households, wouldn't it be good for me to raise one thousand more elite soldiers?

After leaving home, Shao Bo took dozens of horses and headed south.

The area from Zhoucheng to the Yellow River ferry is sparsely populated and all industries are in ruins.

The houses are dilapidated and no one has repaired them, the weeds in the fields are not being cleared, and the roads are full of potholes, which is quite inconvenient.

It was already June, and the winter wheat planted last year had already reached harvest time, but there were not many people in the fields. Even if there were, they were mostly old people, women, and children.

After hearing the crisp sound of horse hoofbeats, the farmers working in the fields were trembling with fear, fearing that they were here to rush for classes or Latin. Shao Bo saw their frightened expressions and urged his horses to hide their faces and go away, unable to see the elders of his hometown.

After crossing the Yellow River and entering Zouping County, Zizhou, the scenery changed suddenly.

Zizhou hasn't had a war in I don't know how many years. The Anshi Rebellion didn't have much impact at that time, and the subsequent melee in the feudal towns was relatively peaceful and was not involved. After a long period of peace, the lives of the people of Zizhou were not that bad.

Wealthy, but there is nothing wrong with saying stability.

Shao Shengdong's expedition may have been devastated to a certain extent, but it ended quickly and the losses were within a tolerable range, so he recovered quickly.

"The four counties of Zizhou are usually similar to the six counties of Dizhou, but now they are far behind." Shao Bo got off his horse and rested in a small mountain shop, looking at the nearby fields.

The golden wheat ears have a very complicated look.

Cars and horses are constantly coming and going on the post road. Some of them are heading east, loaded with grain, farm tools, cloth, salt, tea and other materials; some heading west are carrying large amounts of millet, wheat, fruits and vegetables.

After a little inquiry, I found out that the eastbound supplies were transported to Denglai Qingsanzhou, and the final destination was Dulipu Pier in Lushun County, Andong Prefecture. The westbound supplies were transported to Licheng, Qizhou, to supply the Northern Patrol Army that was arriving one after another.

There are still several samurai taking a nap in the wild shop.

Upon further inquiry, they found out that they were soldiers sent by the sage from the south. The sergeant who spoke with a Shu accent was full of complaints and kept complaining that he was being driven to die by the imperial court.

"Those barbarians are becoming more and more difficult to control." A man who looked like an army officer said: "This time, 4,300 people went out to fight, and nearly half of them were barbarians. After two or three months of walking, they received two coins.

, when we get to Hebei and fight a few battles, I am afraid that these two coins will be taken back by the court again."

"You are like this, so why are we Tongzhou sons and daughters not the same?" Another person sighed: "The money we received when we were alive was not as much as the imperial army, and the pension after death was not as much as others. The sons and daughters went to the countryside to perform tooth sacrifices, and they were caught and executed.

Now, is this the way humans live?"

"Charging into battle, going through ravines, and attacking the city with ants. After these few moves, I'm afraid not many people will be able to go back."

"Rather than like this, it's better..."

"Do you dare?" The officer smiled bitterly and said: "Hei Jing, the Golden Sword Army marched south from Xingyuan Mansion. They are so majestic that no matter how much our soldiers continue to train, they will not be their opponents. You also see the Tianxiong Army stationed at Taishan Palace.

When we arrived, there were 30,000 soldiers in the army. They were all armored and they were brave and fierce. When Zhuge Shijun saw it, his face turned pale and he even turned his back on us!"

"Then - why not die?"

"Where to escape?" the officer sighed: "It's definitely not possible to run to Bazhou, because someone will capture you along the way. Surrendering to Cangjing or Chengde is not an option. If you go there, you will probably not be welcomed. It's the same.

Use it to death."

"What should we do?"

"Oh! Stop talking and drink!"

Shao Bo listened with deep emotion, as if he had met a close friend.

This is how the world behaves today. Shao Sheng defeated many vassals and towns with fists and kicks, but it is nonsense to say that everyone is loyal. In these days, even parents can be sold, how loyal can they be? To put it bluntly, they dare not rebel.

, I am not willing to die, and I have no place to escape. I really want to force people to death.

However, there is still a way to survive, that is, to serve as a town soldier in a border area, or to disarm and return to the fields and serve as a government soldier in a distant border county.

Not many people were willing to choose this road before. But as time goes by, under the choice of life and death, some people will always figure it out, and then make this choice, move to the border county, and live a peaceful life——

Nowadays, the war is mainly concentrated in the interior of the Central Plains. To be honest, it is relatively peaceful. There are occasional small rebellions, but they cannot make any big waves.

After resting, Shao Bo and his party continued on the road, galloping westward.

Along the way, you can already see a large group of marching warriors on the post road.

When we climbed the high hill, we could also see clouds and sails on the river in the distance. A large number of ships set sail from Luokou, Heyin and other places to transport grain, grass and military supplies to Dizhou downstream.

War is actually imminent.

On the fifth day of the sixth lunar month, Shao Bo arrived a few miles east of Taishan Palace. He saw numerous flags and barracks nearby. There were countless patrols and drill sergeants, and the dragon-like chariots and horses stretched all the way to the end of the horizon. They couldn't even place many of them.

He took the goods directly into the fields that had just been harvested.

I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of people stationed nearby!

This chapter has been completed!
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