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Chapter 1185 Report

Shao Sheng had just returned from hunting in Mount Tai.

Mount Tai is actually not that small. It stretches for hundreds of miles from east to west and is the dividing line between the north and south of the Shandong Peninsula.

At this time, the mountains were high, the forests were dense, and there were many birds and beasts. After just one day in the mountains, he harvested dozens of prey. It would have been nice to have someone to help drive away the wild beasts. Shao Sheng suddenly felt that his hunting bow had almost become a Gatling.

After returning to the camp, Wei Weiqing Murong Fu came to report that local state and county officials in Huaihai Province requested an audience.

Shao Sheng blocked them all.

It had only been three days since he arrived at Taishan Palace, and he spent the entire time with the warriors.

On the first day, I played polo with General Tianxiong and received numerous rewards.

On the second day, the school's volunteer soldiers were tested on their martial arts and military strategy, and were awarded numerous rewards.

On the third day, he went into the mountains to hunt with his attendants, Yin Anzhi, and Gongchen Army soldiers, and received numerous rewards.

In Shao Sheng's mind, it is clear who has more united front value.

After hunting, the warriors set up iron pots and plates on the spot and began to cook the prey. Sergeants came again carrying barrels of salted fish, and the chefs of the Shangshan Bureau cooked them themselves.

Steamed salted fish, pan-fried salted fish, braised salted fish, braised salted fish with tofu, braised salted fish with radish - only you can't think of it, there is nothing the imperial chefs can't do.

Shao Sheng ignored the advice of a gentleman who was far away from the chef, and went out to cook a dish of pickled fish and salted fish. He served it to Xia Ruqi and said: "Today I was hunting wild boars without you. I would be in a hurry and I might be injured. So.

A strong man, it is a blessing to get this fish. From now on, I will be rich and noble together with you. Come, you, my king and my ministers will share this fish."

"Your Majesty..." The twenty-two-year-old Xia Ruqi was greatly moved. He did not show any pretense. He took the dinner plate and placed it on the table. He and Shao Shude shared the meal with one chopstick at a time.

Everyone looked at Xia Ruqi with envy. But they were envious, but they couldn't be jealous.

Anyone who dares to compete with him will be beaten to death. This guy's physical strength is still at the level of an animal. He can fight with armor and weapons for two hours without getting tired. The most important thing is that he can hold a hand with one hand.

The gun is used in one hand, and the sword is used in the other hand. It is concise and fast, without any unnecessary movements. Every move goes straight to the gate of life.

When the saint was camping at night, Xia Luqi stood outside the tent holding his hand, as if it was difficult for ghosts and gods to approach him.

"Li Shidao's house in Xingjiaofang, Luoyang has been almost renovated. You can move in after my master returns to the court." Shao Shude asked someone to collect the dinner plates and then said.

"Your Majesty," Xia Luqi said anxiously, "How can you do this if you don't get rewarded for your merits?"

"It's a great achievement to save me today." Shao Shude said: "Yin'an Zhizuoying Team A got seriously ill ten years ago during the Song Dynasty. The vacancy cannot be left for a long time, so you can take up the position."

"Your Majesty is so kind that Lu Qi will never be able to repay him with death." Xia Luqi sobbed.

"How can a warrior whom I value have no dignity?" Shao Shude laughed.

Everyone was even more envious.

Granted wealth, beauty, house, promotion, and closeness to you. Who can withstand this combination?

Li Shidao's house has great regulations and beautiful environment. I don't know how many people in Beijing are watching it. Many people say that the imperial court will lend this house out when a prime minister comes back from another place. Unexpectedly, the saint directly rewarded it today.


If an honest person like Xia Ruqi gets caught, he may even sell his life in the next life.

Shao Shude was also very satisfied.

With hundreds of people guarding you, the Xuanwu Gate Incident can be smoothed over for you. Peace of mind means peace of mind!

"You guys should also be brave." Shao Shude looked at the soldiers gathered around Yin Anzhi and said: "In a few days, I will hold a big competition and select fifty people to be sent out as generals. All of them should be well prepared."

Everyone agreed with excitement and excitement.

The Three Thousand Soldiers of Yinanzhi are the troops closest to the Saint, and they are also the troops on which the Saint devotes the most effort. In addition to practicing martial arts and practicing military formations, they also often learn battle examples, allowing everyone to express their opinions.

This is a force trained according to officer standards, and they are all the emperor's personal personnel. Everyone knows that they will be released to lead troops in the future, and now they are really happy to know that the top fifty will have a chance soon.

"Drink! Eat fish!" Shao Shude waved his hand, and the soldiers started eating thousands of fish one by one.

Of course, the taste of sea fish is different from that of river fish, and the chefs are also good at their craftsmanship and use plenty of ingredients. For a while, there were endless praises and everyone was happy.

"Eat it with your belly open today." Shao Shude added: "After today, only warriors can eat this fish. The first in archery, the first in spearmanship, the first in swordsmanship, the first in riding skills, the best in single drills, and the best in drills.

First, everyone can enjoy fish."

"The saints of Dingjiao will be rewarded every day, and they will be rewarded every day."

"I, Zhang Erlang, will definitely eat this fish."

"Who in the army is as good at riding as I am? Haha, no one. From now on, everything will be better than the sun."

Shao Shude looked at everyone's excitement and smiled without saying a word.

He is elevating the status of sea fish, hyping an ordinary food, giving it a halo, attracting outsiders to pursue it, and artificially creating a market.

The brave warriors of Yinanzhi are rewarded with sea fish by the court. Aren't others jealous? What should I do if they are jealous? Spend money to buy it! This is how the market is created.

This item can also be added to the festival gifts distributed to officials in the future. One of the functions of the Forestry Department at Sinong Temple is to manage the ice cellar - ice storage in the winter and winter. Each year, a thousand sections are stored, three feet square and one foot and five inches thick.

, the state in charge of the state dug it out of the valley. The ice in the ice cellar was for the royal family and officials to enjoy. It did not store items, but several cold storages could be built. As long as the insulation was good, food such as salted fish could be preserved.

a long time.

After resting for a night at the foot of Mount Tai, Shao Shude returned to Taishan Palace on the sixth day of June and began to meet with officials from various places.


"Grandpa." The third son of the emperor, Shao Mianren, and the fourth son of the emperor, Shao Guancheng, went to the palace to pay their respects.

"Sit down." Shao Shude sat back on the bed, Xiuyi and Pei Zhenyi made tea beside him.

During her last tour to the east, the Queen arranged for Concubine De, Concubine Xian, Feng Zhaoyi, Yeli Zhaorong, Chen Xiurong, and Zhang Chongyuan to accompany her. Shao Shude also ordered Jiang Jieyu to accompany her.

On this northern tour, five daughters of Zhaoyuan Weicai, Xiuyi Pei, Xiuyuan Xiao, Chongyi Du, and Chongrong Wei were accompanying them. Shao Shude ordered Chongyuan Zhang Hui and Jieyu Chu to accompany him.

"Sanlang has been in Dengzhou for a long time. Have you learned anything?" Shao Shude asked.

"Grandpa, the state and county officials are polite to me on the surface, but in fact they are distant." Shao Mianren told the truth, "After many efforts, I finally won over some people, and then I understood local affairs. Now I only have one sigh, even though a sparrow has small internal organs It is not easy to manage a county well if it has everything in place.”

Shao Shude smiled and nodded.

If you go down as a prince, people will be worried if they don't guard you. Can the means of sharing money in private bring you along? Can you see the things that oppress the people? Don't want to live? It's too normal to be isolated.

But as Shao Mianren said, there are always people who want to make progress to curry favor with him. It is not difficult to win over a team and open up the situation. Moreover, it seems that Saburo has inherited his mother's wisdom and acts very measuredly. So far, I have not heard of anyone What a fuss.

now it's right.

The purpose of sending you down is not to investigate cases or punish corrupt officials, but to familiarize yourself with local affairs. There are so many officials in the world, but there are very few who don't make money. The only difference is the number. Can you punish them?

It made them so anxious that they jumped over the wall. Do you really think they dare not kill the prince?

"I'm very happy that you can think so." Shao Shude said, "Next month, you will serve as Penglai County Magistrate. First, you should familiarize yourself with how to be a County Magistrate, what is the proper rules, and work hard."

"Yes." His father did not call himself "I", but "grandpa". Shao Mianren was very happy, as if he had returned to the happy time when his mother held his little hand and his father held him in his arms.

"Silang, can Customs Lingshi still do it?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Grandpa, they didn't arrange much work for me." Shao Guancheng smiled bitterly and said, "If I hadn't learned some nonsense from Master Mani, I'd probably have nothing to do."

Ling Shi was actually an official, but he was a relatively confidential one, and all he had access to were core customs documents. Daxia inherited the former Tang Dynasty, with few officials and many officials, so Ling Shi didn't have much to do, which shows that he was isolated. Very serious.

"This is your own problem." Shao Shude's face fell, and he was very unhappy and said: "Learn from your third brother, how he opened up the situation."

"Yes." Shao Guancheng promised.

"Customs is very important." Shao Shude said: "Most Hu merchants doing business in Guangzhou, few go north. Will the Hu merchants you befriended come here next year?"

"Said... said he was coming." Shao Guancheng muttered.

Shao Shude sighed.

The fourth child's mother, Zhuge, was originally his niece. Her beauty was not outstanding in the harem, and her appearance could only be described as delicate. Her personality was also a bit weak and she was not very confident. Now it seems that Shiro has inherited this trait from her mother. Yes, I was fooled around by a bunch of veteran officers at the customs.

"Your grandson is also involved in maritime trade now, and he has a heated relationship with the customs officials. Please take the time to visit and ask him to help you think of a solution." Shao Shude nodded to his son.

"As ordered." Shao Guancheng responded.

Of course, Shilang's nephew was Zhuge Zhongbao, so he was the adopted son and general of Zhuge Shuang, the Jiedushi envoy of Shannan West Road. When Shao Shengwei was in power, the two called themselves brothers and sisters, but it was later that they turned against each other and became enemies.

After the failure of Zhuge Zhongbao, he has been very peaceful and focused on doing business. His involvement in maritime trade only started last year. Currently, he has two ships under his name, one goes to Silla and the other goes to Hangzhou. I heard that the business is good, so I am planning to

Expand business.

Shao Shude supported Zhuge Zhongbao's idea and encouraged him to expand the fleet and open up more routes. For example, routes to Japan, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, and Annan can be gradually arranged.

"My father has expectations for every child. I hope that you will achieve success in your studies and not just be a worm of pleasure." Shao Shude added: "The Shao family in Guangling has been passed down for several generations. It is only in my father's generation that it has become slightly prosperous.

Weather. As a father, I hope that you, brothers, will be respectful and help each other. In today’s world, if brothers don’t believe it, who else can you believe? Do it well and don’t let down my grandpa’s expectations.”

"Yes." The two brothers agreed quickly.

Pei Zhenyi poured a bowl of tea for Shao Shude.

She had been with the saint for several years and gave birth to a son and a daughter, among whom Huixian, the fifth son of the emperor, was born.

At this time, seeing the saint educating the children, she also felt something in her heart. It is not easy to be born in the heavenly home and have brothers, friends and brothers. She has no other ideas. She just hopes that her son and daughter will grow up and enjoy wealth and wealth, so that her years will not be wasted.

Concern, that's all.

This chapter has been completed!
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