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Chapter 1191 Consumption

 Under Cangzhou City, the masters were sweating profusely and working non-stop.

Because it had just rained, there was a lot of water behind the trench wall, so the envoy Zang Dubao sent his master to clean it up.

The morale of the sergeants guarding the trench wall was low. They spoke with a Sichuan accent and cursed endlessly.

The main force of the Xia army, except for a few unlucky ones who rotted in the muddy pond behind the trench wall, most of them rested in the barracks and were very comfortable.

On the other hand, these Tibetan and Han soldiers and horses from Jiangling, Longjian, Tongzhou, Bazhou, Shanzhou, and Kuozhou, as well as thousands of Weibo's men, had to guard the trench wall in the front and shoulder the heavy task of siege. They were almost angry.

reached its peak.

If the Cangjing warriors don't tell them whether they will die or not, they are about to die.

"Creak!" The south gate of Qingchi County, Cangzhou Lisuo, suddenly opened, and a group of sergeants filed out.

Judging from their attire, they should be among the more elite troops in Cangjing Town.

There were a total of three thousand people, all wearing armor, and more than half of them were armored.

The level of this equipment is quite good. Even in the Great Xia Forbidden Army, only 40% of all soldiers are armored, which is especially inferior to the Cangjing soldiers in front of them.

After the Cangjing soldiers left the city, they reorganized their troops for a while, and then fought out amidst the exciting sound of war drums.

Their movements were very fast and resolute, and those leading the charge were all desperadoes who dared to fight and fight. Even though there was a slippery muddy road in the way, they still rushed to the front quickly.


"Stop working for the Xia people."

"Run both ways!"

"The dog thief supervising the battle can shoot arrows and run in both directions."

The Tongzhou soldiers guarding the trench wall only fired a few sparse arrows, and then saw their comrades turning around and running away.

"Fuck!" The warrior who was about to fight yelled angrily, suddenly lost his fighting spirit and collapsed backwards.

The morale of the Cangjing soldiers was greatly boosted. After climbing over the trench wall, they started to kill heavily. The Tongzhou soldiers were routed everywhere and could not think of any resistance.

This rout led directly to the front of the camp. The Xia soldiers on the camp wall picked up their bows and arrows and fired continuously, shooting down all the friendly and enemy troops.

"Boom!" The camp door also opened.

The generals and warriors who had urgently formed their troops rushed out of the camp gate, slashed with their spears and heavy swords, and pushed the Tongzhou soldiers and Cangjing soldiers outward together.

The Tongzhou soldiers who were unable to dodge were furious, but there was nothing they could do. Attacked from both sides, they were quickly dispersed.

Cangjing's soldiers were not greedy. When they saw the Xia people killing each other and in chaos, they directly ordered gold to withdraw their troops, retreated, and closed the city gate tightly.

None of the warriors who had been fighting for many years was a fool. They could all see what the Xia people were playing.

It’s a waste of miscellaneous brands, who doesn’t know who is who? It’s an old tradition of Xia thieves.

I heard that when he attacked Yanzhou, Ge Congzhou's men were just miscellaneous, but they survived, and many of them were incorporated into the Forbidden Army. The group of people who were just killed in front of you are obviously miscellaneous, so I won't give you a boost.

Morale is not worth the many years of battlefield experience.

"Whoosh!" After Mi Zhicheng shot and killed a Cangjing military officer, he slowly lowered his rifle.

The battle started suddenly and ended very quickly.

Just like in the past few days, Cangjing Wufu specializes in attacking miscellaneous troops with low morale and weak combat effectiveness. From sneak attacks at night to strong attacks during the day, he succeeds many times - to be honest, there are quite a few later generations of volunteer soldiers who specifically target South Korean troops.

Break through the front line and then attack the American army in style.

They are all a bunch of people!

More Xia soldiers poured out of the camp. Some entered behind the trench wall and took over the position, while others began to chase the fleeing Tongzhou soldiers. Those who disobeyed and ran around were killed on the spot, and those who obeyed and stopped were taken into custody.


Everyone is very skilled, obviously this is not the first time they have done this.

Kang Yanxiao, the envoy of General Tutu, also came out surrounded by his own soldiers.

He held the handle of the knife with his hand and his face was expressionless. However, those who knew him well could still see a hint of unbearability on his face.

Once upon a time, Liang Jun was in the same situation.

After the defeat in the battle of Jiegoupu, Liang Jun lost its last hope of comeback. The Tianwu Eighth Army trained by King Liang in the last two years surrendered in large numbers and became Xia Jun's external troops.

They were also driven to attack the city and were constantly being consumed.

In anger, some people turned against each other, some fled for their lives, some mutinied in front of the battle, and some died of numbness.

Military trumpets such as Tianwu, Tianwei, Pengsheng, Yanwei, Pengri, Jianrui, etc. disappeared one by one, as if they had never existed.

This is the case in Bianliang, why not the same for the soldiers in Hezhong, Zhongwu, Ziqing and other towns?

One by one, the all-powerful bugles disappeared in the arduous battles and the frequent and brutal reorganizations, leaving only the Great Xia Forbidden Army.

There is nothing to say about whether a king succeeds or loses a bandit. If Kang Yanxiao were in Shao Shude's position, he would do the same thing. But people are not grass and trees, and after all, they are a little intolerant.

"Bring everyone here." Kang Yanxiao sighed and ordered.

After a while, the soldiers of the tug-of-war army gradually brought back a large number of Tongzhou's defeated troops who had been contained.

They were like frightened birds, and their morale was very low. Many of them were even empty-handed, and their weapons were not known where they were thrown.

"Why are you running?" Kang Yanxiao walked up to the defeated soldiers squatting on the ground and asked.

No one answered.

Mi Zhicheng moved his hands to his waist, ready to kill someone at any time.

Kang Yanxiao was not angry, and said to himself: "In the past, Marshal Ge was a surrendered general, and Long Xiang's army also surrendered. But because of their good performance in the war to annihilate Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin, Wang Shifan, and Zhang Tingfan, they are now also forbidden troops.

So, why are you running so hard? You came all the way from Tongzhou to Hebei to fight, don’t you know what’s going on?”

Still no one spoke.

At this time, Zhuge Shangren, the governor of Tongzhou, was also brought over. He was not being escorted, but he had suffered a lot. He was dirty and there was mud at the corners of his mouth. He apparently hit the ground on his face when he fled.

Very embarrassed.

"Let me tell you clearly. You can't go back to Tongzhou!" Kang Yanxiao continued.

The defeated soldiers finally reacted. Some people began to cry loudly and kept mumbling in incomprehensible dialects or barbarian dialects.

Mi Zhicheng looked at Kang Yanxiao and then at the defeated soldiers. These people were emotionally unstable and might break out and hurt others at any time. In his opinion, it was better to kill them. Anyway, in the siege battles these days, their His performance is also very average. He really doesn't look like a strong army, so it wouldn't be a pity to kill him.

"What's the use of crying!" Kang Yanxiao got a little angry when he saw their bearlike appearance, and said angrily: "Instead of doing this, it's better to make up your mind and return to fight the thieves to the death. If you are desperate for survival, you may not be unable to survive. If you get a life, you can even get a generous reward and be incorporated into the Forbidden Army, so that you can take over your family. Luoyi is prosperous, isn't it better than fooling around in your hometown?"

There were slightly fewer people crying, and most of them were still in a state of numbness.

Kang Yanxiao didn't think it was that strange.

These days, there are very few warriors in feudal towns who are willing to go out to fight. Even if they do, they have to pay more. For example, when they conquered Huaixi against the vassal, the imperial court gave them generous rewards, so that warriors like Wei Bo were willing to go on the road. It is equivalent to the imperial court paying to hire Wei Zhen sergeants to fight the Cai people.

The Tongzhou soldiers were themselves a local separatist force resulting from Zhuge Zhongfang's poor control. They left their hometown to fight in Hebei, but they were forced to do so. In addition, due to the high intensity of the war in the Central Plains, they did not prepare themselves mentally and attacked the city several times. After the battle, there were heavy casualties and morale plummeted, so they collapsed at the first touch.

This is true for all serious warriors, even less so for the barbarian soldiers who come out to make a fortune and make extra money. Their training is even less and their equipment is even cruder. Their only saving grace is the wildness in their hearts. But the battlefield is the best place to educate people, and the barbarians are It's not that he is invulnerable, but if he dies a lot, his morale will be lower than that of Tongzhou warriors, and he can run faster than a rabbit.

"Military envoy..." Mi Zhicheng came over and whispered to indicate that he had prepared his sword and axe.

"That's it, too many people have been killed, and there will be peace. Let's count how many people are left. If there are too few, we will merge with the Bazhou soldiers and reorganize them." Kang Yanxiao said: "In addition, there are still people behind the trench wall who have not escaped just now. ?”

"About a hundred people, led by the military academy, fought with the thieves and did not flee." Mi Zhicheng replied.

"Call people over here." Kang Yanxiao waved his hand and ordered.

The people came over quickly, and there were about seventy people left, all covered in mud, and almost everyone was injured.

"Even when the army was overturned, you still risked your lives to fight. This is a strong man." Kang Yanxiao showed a smile on his face and said, "Come here and give me a reward."

The civil servant immediately rushed to the camp, and after a while, the auxiliary soldiers came over pulling a cart.

According to the rules, each person was given a piece of silk and a piece of woolen cloth.

"Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishment for delinquencies are the best principles in the army." Kang Yanxiao said: "With the continuous fighting in recent days, there are many vacancies for General Tu, so I will add you and others to the camp of Vice General Mi and register for naturalization. willing?"

Mi Zhicheng hesitated to speak.

The more than seventy Tongzhou soldiers were overjoyed and said one after another: "Yes! Yes!"

"Your family members can also move to Shaanxi and Guo and settle down there." Kang Yanxiao said again.

Everyone was very happy and thanked him one after another.

Mi Zhicheng sighed secretly.

These dozens of people ranged in height, short, fat, and thin, and some were quite ferocious. He was afraid that they would not understand the military orders, so he was really unwilling to accept them. However, the military envoy had given the order, and he did not dare to refute it. Fortunately, these people did not

It's just too bad. Even though everyone else was running away, they were still fighting to the death. At least they had a strong will to fight, so it wasn't too bad to accept it.

Even now, all the Imperial Guards are reducing their numbers, but General Tu is still recruiting people, which is a little inappropriate. But that is Kang Yanxiao's business. He needs to explain to his superiors, and it is none of Mi Zhicheng's business.

The defeated soldiers squatting on the ground were stunned when they saw that their former comrades had suddenly transformed into the Great Xia Forbidden Army.

Sometimes, ten thousand words are not as effective as seeing them with your own eyes. More than seventy warriors with the same origin as them have become masters, how can they not be envious?

Kang Yanxiao turned his head, turned his gaze to them, and said: "If you are defeated in battle, you should be killed according to the law. I will give you one more chance. After you are contained and rectified, you can take effect in front of the army and attack the thief's city. If anyone escapes again, you will be killed.

No mercy."

From the beginning to the end when Kang Yanxiao was talking, Zhuge Shangren didn't even dare to fart even when he was standing next to him.

Before setting off for the expedition, he had vaguely anticipated that it would be difficult for these thousands of people to go back. He was really unwilling to do so, but he had no choice. After much deliberation, he could only stop his losses in time, make the last profit, and transfer these few

Thousands of people are sold to change their career path.

Kang Yan Xiaoai can do whatever he wants, he is tired and doesn’t want to care anymore.

War drums sounded outside the West City and East City.

The Longjian soldiers, Jiangling soldiers, and Helongfan people followed the siege equipment and launched a new round of attack.

The cruel and bloody war of attrition has begun again.

This chapter has been completed!
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