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Chapter 1200 Late General Attack Order

"I wonder if the wheat in the field has been harvested."

"Damn it, if you don't go back, Mr. Wang next door will help my mother-in-law harvest wheat."

"Zhang San is dead, how can I explain to his parents when I go back?"

"Is it true that no reward will be given?"

Outside the city of Dezhou, the native tribesmen from various states were noisy and discussing incessantly.

It can be heard that they do not have much fighting spirit and do not want to fight at all. But one thing is that they were quite brave when attacking the city, because the bows and arrows of the supervising troops were more terrifying, and they often shot and killed the sergeants who fled first. In addition, they were recruiting Ji Mizang Jieming would occasionally reward sergeants with outstanding performance, so their performance was not that bad.

But as time goes by, morale will inevitably decline significantly. If you think about it carefully, you will know, what are they trying to do?

Want to make great achievements? Haven’t you seen that the Forbidden Army is reducing its military strength?

Looking for money and silk rewards? No such thing, they received very little. In addition to rations, they could only get one or two bolts of silk when they were dismissed.

Tuzhaiyuan land? This is available, but in Andong Mansion, do you want to go? Most people are not willing to go.

Therefore, as you are now, you are worthy of your superior, so don't ask for too much.

A group of people here are complaining privately, while a group of people over there are working hard again.

Thousands of Luoyang men braved the arrows falling from the city wall and launched a fierce offensive against Dezhou Nancheng.

Up to now, the defenders are having a difficult time. There is enough food and relatively sufficient manpower, but the defensive equipment is very consumed. The most lacking of them is arrows, which are the most destructive consumption of Xia soldiers. There are not many weapons left. The Xia soldiers attacking the city can see that the Cang people have restricted their use. Except for officers and sergeants with good archery skills who are still shooting arrows, everyone else is fighting with long and short weapons.

Secondly, materials such as kerosene and falling rocks have also been greatly reduced. Even if you open the city to fight, you can't quickly destroy the Xia army's siege equipment, which is very fatal. The most outrageous thing is that even the golden juice It's all gone. I don't know whether it's because there's not enough excrement or urine, or there's not enough firewood, maybe both. Anyway, it's said that doors of houses are being torn down to make fuel in the city.

Third, the damaged parts of the city wall cannot be repaired in time. If the battle lasts for a long time, the city will definitely be damaged. At this time, it is necessary to repair it in time to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it.

In history, the greatest success of the Mongolian attack on Xiangyang was to cut off the Han River waterway, making it impossible for the Song Dynasty to transport materials for repairing the city wall into the city. Finally, after a year of continuous bombardment by Huihui artillery, the outer city was broken and began to smash Inner City - To be honest, the return artillery is really weak. Without anyone's interference, an army of 200,000 people stood ready, and so many trebuchets lined up to smash them. It took a year to break through. The outer city was attacked to the bottom of the inner city, but the Xiangyang city wall was only covered with bricks at important positions, which is simply outrageous.

Basically, it can be said that if a large amount of materials for repairing city walls are not stocked in advance, any city will be riddled with holes and its defense will be reduced after a long period of attack. Dezhou is now damaged in many places, and the bricks and stones of wealthy households are already being demolished in the city. The house is getting materials and trying to repair it, but this is not sustainable.

The city of Dezhou was no longer as calm as before under the Xia army's offensive regardless of cost. This can be seen from the increasing number of soldiers and horses from all walks of life attacking the city.

The messenger, Mei Zang Jieming, stood outside the city and watched the city's attack and defense for a while, then left and returned to the camp to summon all the generals and assistants to discuss the matter.

"Xiaojie Army, Gongchen Army fought well." Wu Zang Jieming sat in the camp and said to Huo Liangsi, Feng Zangzhi, Li Gongquan and Hua Wenqi: "Yesterday before Ge Shuai left, he revealed something

News. The news is very important. It should be strictly kept secret and should not be spread freely."

The four people immediately sat upright and listened attentively.

"Dezhou has been under siege for quite some time. Although the casualties of our army are not small, the casualties of the thieves are also very high. The fighting spirit and morale are not the same as in June." Meizang Jieming said: "Shuai Ge has an order.

With righteous obedience and loyalty, Gongchen's troops continue to attack Dezhou without any mistakes."

"As ordered." The four of them stood up almost at the same time and responded.

"Sit down." Mei Zangjieming waved his hand and said.

Huo Liangsi and others sat down together.

I am very satisfied with the result.

Of these two armies, the former is dominated by Puzhou and Xiangwei sergeants, and the latter is dominated by Wei Bo sergeants. They are really not direct relatives. However, in the past few years, they have performed well in conquering cities and territories. The most important thing is that they are relatively respectful.

Let siege the city be siege, and let the field battle be field battle, and the obedience will be better.

No matter what methods the four people in front of him used, Wu Zang Jie Ming only looked at the results - the results were good, so he naturally had no objections and would not hesitate to take credit for them.

"The following is the key. Even if you are with your close servants, you are not allowed to reveal it at will." Mu Zang Jie Ming said: "The chances of winning this battle are one in Youzhou and the other in Dezhou."

Huo Liangsi and Li Gongquan were slightly surprised.

"If the attack on Youzhou fails, Dezhou will be the breakthrough point." Mu Zangjieming said: "If the attack on Youzhou succeeds and the rebel army is shaken, then Dezhou will not be difficult to capture. The reason why Ge Shuai revealed this is to strengthen your confidence.

, work hard to promote loyalty and serve the imperial court."

Having said this, he glanced at the expressions of Huo Liangsi and the other four people one by one, smiled, and said: "This strategy was set by the sage. When he fights, he always walks on two legs and will not bet his treasure on one person.

Place. You also know that the summer is at its peak, the saints are at their peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the world is like an iron barrel. During the festival, the warriors of the Second Army of Gongchen were in the river, and Wei Bo was not well received. Moreover, most of the sergeant's family members had gone to Tang Dynasty.

Deng Suixiang, if you want to have an easier life in the future, you have to fight hard. Opportunities to make achievements are becoming less and less. Every time they are presented to you, you must seize them firmly."

"What you say makes sense." Huo Liangsi agreed: "The battle in the North has entered a decisive stage. Fighting opportunities are not often available, and it is difficult to achieve military success. Dezhou, we have decided."

Wu Zangjieming was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "General Huo has insight. In addition, Li Keyong has sent troops south to attack Xiangzhou. This is a desperate struggle and will undoubtedly be defeated. You may have heard some rumors, but there is no need to pay attention to it.

, fight how you want. Dezhou is surrounded like this. The thieves have no reinforcements outside and no tools to defend the city. It is only necessary for the three armies to use their lives and attack fiercely. It is not difficult to break through. To be honest, Ge Shuai once wanted to mobilize the mighty army.

We came to attack Dezhou, but later Xing Mingci gave up due to the tight war situation. But why did Ge Shuai have such an idea?"

The four of them were silent.

Everyone has heard about the siege battles of the Wuwei Army. They were really cruel. They used high-intensity and bloody attacks to put pressure on the enemy, regardless of losses, so that they could not hold back and finally broke through the city.

Only Lu Huaizhong could fight this kind of battle with ruthlessness. However, his reputation among martial artists was pretty good, which is incredible.

"Hmph! We're worried because we won't be able to attack for a long time." Wu Zang Jie Ming answered for them and continued: "Tu Tuan villagers have opinions and ideas, so don't worry about them. Just charge with all your might. If anyone

Anyone who dares to rebel will be suppressed immediately. The other armies, including my volunteer army, will also take turns to attack the city and kill and injure the rebels. At this point in the war, there is no room for mercy, so just kill them. Starting tomorrow, I will personally

When supervising the battle, if someone is acting cunning, I will kill him with his officers and soldiers. No matter what tribe he comes from, even if he is a general who rebels and joins the army, I will kill him, do you understand?"

"I understand." Everyone replied with a stunned look.

There is no doubt that Texas will enter the bloodiest stage.


Shao Shude, who had just arrived in Qingzhou, was also paying close attention to the situation in the five battlefields of Dezhou, Jingzhou, Cangzhou, Xingmingci and Xiangwei.

Hundreds of thousands of troops fought against each other, entangled repeatedly, and blossomed in many places. The war almost spread to many prefectures and counties in the original four vassal towns of Weibo, Zhaoyi, Cangjing, and Chengde. For a time, war broke out everywhere, and the people were uneasy.

"Li Keyong, Wang Rong, and Lu Yanwei are actually quite good at it. The original plan was to launch a landing operation by the end of July at the latest." On the cliff bank at the seaside, Shao Shude looked at Xiangou's beach and said with a smile:

"But that's about it."

After that, he went down the cliff and looked at the sunset in the west, as if he saw Li Keyong's melancholy face in it.

There is a small temple at the foot of the mountain. It is said that the Japanese monk Ennin once took a rest here.

In front of the temple, there was an old tree with several people hugging each other. Shao Shude took the feather fan from the palace attendant's hand, fanned it, and sat down.

"The good son-in-law rushed back from Hebei Starry Night, but what did Ge Qing ask you to bring?" Shao Shude looked at Ye Li Kecheng standing in front of him and asked with a smile.

Ye Li Kecheng is the envoy of the right wing of Long Xiang's army. He was originally in Quan County. He arrived at Taishan Palace last night and arrived in Qingzhou today.

Shao Shude is quite satisfied with him.

If you have excellent martial arts skills and can be considered qualified in military strategy, the most important thing is to be loyal. If you can use it with your own people, you can rest assured. This is enough.

"Your Majesty, Ge Shuai wants to know if it is possible to land on the sea." Ye Li Kecheng stood there with his head bowed and said respectfully.

Since joining the Forbidden Forces, Yeli Kecheng's performance has been mixed.

Those who praised him thought he was brave and courageous, and dared to fight. Those who criticized him thought he was too murderous and could not be said to be kind to his own people or his enemies.

Such a fierce warrior was as docile as a kitten in front of Shao Shude.

Perhaps this is the essence of being a courtier: a courtier of the emperor and a murderer in the world.

"Are you anxious when you see Chishui and other troops standing still?" Shao Shude joked.

Of course he knew that was not the case. In fact, it was probably Ge Congzhou who felt that the time was almost up and came to ask specifically. This was a respectful gesture, Shao Shude understood.

It's just that he didn't expect that Lao Ge, a former thief, would talk about politics like this.

"Li Keyong goes south to defend himself, can he stop him?" Shao Shude asked.

"Yes." Ye Li Kecheng replied directly without any nonsense.

"Can Cangzhou City be maintained?" Shao Shude asked again.


"Then - take action." Shao Shude put down the light cattail leaf fan, but the command in his words was more important than anything.

On this day, Ye Li Kecheng set out with the messenger and traveled day and night to the front line.

On August 21, Ge Congzhou issued an order for a coordinated attack by land and sea in Dongguang County.

It was also on this day that Chishui Army envoy Fan He said goodbye to Shao Shude in Qingzhou, and was the first to board a ship and set sail to sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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