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Chapter 1217 Personnel and Work

"I want to put Dezhou into the Huaihai Road." In Dezhou City, Shao Shude said in front of Wei Xun: "Cangzhou and Jingzhou are still under the jurisdiction of Hebei Road."

Wei Xun was a little surprised at first, but he was not too surprised. After all, the saint had been splitting up Hebei Road, and his intention was quite obvious.

Hebei is too big and too rich, and I can't rest assured if the imperial court is not divided.

At the meeting of Emperor Wuzong of the former Tang Dynasty, he took away the Meng and Huai Prefectures and placed them in Heyang Huaiwei Jiedushi, commonly known as Heyang Town. From that time on, the Meng and Huai Prefectures still belonged to Hebei Province in the imperial records.

, but it is actually controlled by Henan people.

The three eastern states of Zhaoyi Town, namely Xingming Ci, belong to Hebei in name, but are actually controlled by the Jin people. After all, they are governed in Luzhou.

There was a rebellion in the Henghai navy, and after it was destroyed by the combined forces of various towns, Dizhou returned to Ziqing, and it was politically separated from Hebei ever since.

The New Dynasty of Daxia conquered Weibo and defended the four states of Chanbo, and was included in the Henan Province.

Now that Cangjing is eliminated, Dezhou will be taken away by the Huaihai Road.

After much calculation, eight states were taken away from Hebei Province one after another. If the imperial court had not returned the three states of Xingmingci to Hebei, the losses would have reached 11 states.

But even so, there are still more than 20 states in Hebei's remaining territory, and their strength is still extremely strong, so they can only gradually develop it in the future.

"Your Majesty, the hearts of Dezhou people are not attached to them. Although they have submitted this time, they still need a large army to suppress them." Wei Xun said.

"The Tiande army is about to arrive. I asked Cai Songyang to pick five hundred-year-old soldiers and settle them on the spot. Li Siben's army of catching soldiers is also very powerful. I asked him to allocate 500 cavalry for you, and then follow the instructions from Xiaojie.

Pick five hundred men from each side of the army. It is almost enough to have two thousand cavalry to stay in Dezhou." Shao Shude said: "Dezhou is a powerful local, and I will choose three to two hundred young men with superb martial arts to join Yinanzhi.

To calm his mind. With such actions, the land of the six counties will be rough and there will be no trouble in the short term."

"Your Majesty is very considerate." Wei Xun sighed.

Chongrong Wei brought some snacks.

Shao Shu pulled her hand and asked Webster to sit next to him.

She recalled that she followed Mr. Du and Mr. Xiao to come to Mr. Pei to discuss music. Shao Shude vaguely remembered that at that time, he was still living in Longchi Palace, Anyi. Wei was only twelve years old, the youngest among them, with a beautiful face.

There is obvious baby fat.

Eleven years later, Webster followed him, starting from sleeping in bed, setting the bedside lamp every night, and fulfilling his duties. After the founding of the country, he became a concubine and received titles and titles, which was a matter of course.

Today's Webster still has a little baby fat on his face, which is really cute. Shao Shude glanced at the corners of Webster's mouth, and there were a pair of small tiger teeth, which were the ecstasy between the bed and he loved them very much.

"Do you have any candidates for the generals of the state army?" Shao Shude asked.

In fact, he had already taken over the military power of the governor of the world, so he shouldn't have asked this question. However, the situation in Hebei was special. If the governor had a bad relationship with the state generals, it would be very troublesome, so he still asked Wei Xun if there was anyone he needed to recommend.


It is impossible for a big family like Jing Zhaowei to not have reserve talents who are familiar with military strategy. Wei Gao during the reign of Emperor Dezong was very famous.

"Your Majesty, please appoint me," Wei Xun replied.

"Then let Wang Maozhang come over." Shao Shude said when he saw that Wei Xun was avoiding suspicion and not recommending him.

After Wang Maozhang was captured, he had been living in Luoyang without any work arrangements. He even got married last year. Shao Shude summoned him once and thought he was okay. Considering that he was from Huainan, he planned to use him so that the Huainan generals could also use him.

See, surrender is done by officials.

"What are your thoughts on civil affairs?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Have a rest with the people and encourage them to farm and cultivate mulberry trees." Wei Xun replied.

Shao Shude nodded. This was a fair answer. There was nothing wrong with it, but it was somewhat different from his intention.

"We can't rest for the time being." He said: "I will recruit you as soon as possible and go to Wudi County in Cangzhou. Taking advantage of the shallow water in winter, we will cooperate with Cangzhou to dredge the Wudi River."

The role of Wudi Water was already obvious during the war.

Cangzhou was an important navigation town before the Anshi Rebellion, and Wudi was one of the two major ports in Cangzhou. Because of Hebei's wealth, money and food, Cangzhou was the main force supplying the Pinglu Army in Liaodong at that time, and many ships went to sea through Wudi and sailed to Liaodong.

Shao Shude likes this kind of canal that can be used by ships. He privately regards Wudi as the "Seville" of Hebei and plans to focus on operating it as a major port.

Chishanpu in Dengzhou may be far superior to Wudi in terms of port conditions, but who says you don’t have an economic hinterland?

There is a huge gap between Dengzhou and Cangzhou in terms of population, economy or other aspects. The two are not even on the same level. What's more, the Wudi River also leads to Jingzhou and is connected to the Yongji Canal, which has great potential.

It is very huge. As long as the Yellow River does not destroy the entrance of Wudi River to the sea, the economic value here will not be comparable to Dengzhou.

"I obey the decree." Wei Xun replied.

"There is no rush. We will wait until the county officials take office," Shao Shude said.

Officials in the three prefectures of Cangjingde are still distributed according to the old rules: students from Guanxi Prefecture will serve as some; Jinshi from the New Dynasty will serve as some; and local powerful families with the value of united front will serve as some.

"I will keep some of the Henan natives in Texas for a period of time to help you stabilize the situation." Shao Shude added: "Do it well. I remember the Wei family's affection. Your Majesty is old, and you will have to shoulder the burden in the future.

Come and pick it. I share the wealth and honor of Daxia with Webster."

"I am so grateful that I will dedicate myself to my life until my death." Wei Xun said with emotion.

Shao Shude smiled, took Webster's hand, and said, "The good times are yet to come."


"The good days are yet to come." Li Gongquan, the envoy of the Gongchen Army, said with a smile as he looked at the five hundred cavalrymen who had been incorporated into the army.

After all, Li Siben was Shao Sheng's nephew. He was completely different from Wang Maozhang, a man who had been unemployed all year round. He became the envoy of the Gongchen Army as soon as he arrived.

After several months of fighting, the Gongchen Army's number had dropped to more than 3,000.

Shao Shude also put a lot of effort into this unit and tried many times to win over people's hearts as a sign of the united front against Hebei warriors, although many of the soldiers in this unit were no longer from Hebei.

Just a few days ago, he ordered the Weizhou Academy, Lingzhou Academy, Shaanzhou Academy, and Yunzhou Academy to select a thousand new soldiers each to join the Gongchen Army.

Among the remaining tens of thousands of people from Tongzhou, Bazhou, Longjian, and Helongfan tribes, three thousand elites were selected to join the Gongchen Army.

Coupled with the 500 cavalry selected from the capture army, a hodgepodge army is about to take shape: the entire army has about 11,000 people, including 10,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry.

This isn't over yet.

Because more than a hundred military student officers are already on the way, some of the elite troops from Hebei may need to be recruited next, or they may be merged with other units, and the number will reach a new level.

"From now on, I will ask the military envoys to take care of me." Li Siben said humbly.

"I don't dare, I don't dare!" Li Gongquan waved his hands repeatedly and said, "You are the righteous nephew of the saint, and I am a descendant of Wei Bo. They are different. From now on, the future of General Hua and I will be in your hands.


"General Li still needs more kind words in front of the saint." Deputy envoy Hua Wenqi said.

"This - alas!" Li Siben sighed and said: "We are all brothers. There is nothing more to say. Let's take care of each other."

"It should be so." Li Gongquan and Hua Wenqi laughed, feeling happy for a while.

Tomorrow, the saint will leave Dezhou and go to Cangzhou.

Tiande's army has begun to set up defenses along the Yongji Canal, and Gongchen's army is also preparing to break camp and march north to Cangzhou.

As for whether he will join the Youzhou battlefield in the future, it is difficult to say.

According to the latest news, Tianxiong's army attacked Gu'an City for several days but failed, so they retreated and waited for Longxiang's army to catch up. At the same time, they sent people to detour from the east road to defeat Yongqing County.

Entering Bo'anci, the Jin army was in disarray.

The situation was excellent, but Li Gongquan and others saw that the Tianxiong army had been fighting for hundreds of miles, and their front was blunt, and they had to wait for the main force to converge.

There is a high possibility that the Gongchen Army will return to the battlefield, so preparations must be made.

Not far away from the three of them, a group of ladies were packing their bags and preparing to set off.

"Zhou Da, I like how you look now." Qin Li was leaning on a long spear and said with a smile.

Zhou Dalang packed his things silently.

There is an obvious scar on his face. There are also two small wounds on his invisible body. The wounds are not big, they were injured by arrows and were left during the siege.

Overall, he is very lucky.

The hot golden juice did not hit him, and the arrows that shot through the air were weak and did not damage his vital parts. When the last battle came to the city, the enemy's sharp machete only disfigured him.

This is no longer a matter of smoke rising from the ancestral graves, but a fucking fire. Many of the men from Henan Prefecture who went on the expedition died in the battle and were maimed and injured. Those who can survive till now are enjoying themselves secretly.

However, Qin Lizheng was right about what he said. His temperament was completely different after he survived.

After all, I have been among the dead and gained a new understanding of life.

The ancients said that there is great terror between life and death, and many people cannot understand it. But every near-death experience can bring you one step closer to understanding it.

Due to the influence of their parents' family environment, many men from Luoyang actively practiced martial arts since childhood. They had never seen blood or been in battle before, so their martial arts skills were only 10% less than 20%, and they were scornfully called "little sheep" by the veterans.

Now the little sheep has been fighting a brutal siege for several months, and seems to have grown some bloodthirsty fangs, and no longer looks like a pushover.

Tomorrow I will follow the Saint on his northern tour, and he may participate in the Youzhou War. If we continue to fight like this for another year and a half, we will have a good source of additional troops.

The fall of Luoyang men seems to have been pushed back one generation.

Wang Quan was sitting on a carriage filled with corn and wheat, looking at a few people with a silly smile.

"It's time to practice!" He grinned widely, showing his yellow teeth, and said, "I remember when I was in Huizhou, and when I ran out of money, I went to kill some Tubo thieves. This is how my family earned its fortune.

My elder brother can become the commander of the Huaihai Road because he has trained well since he was a child."

Qin Lizheng already knew Wang Quan and agreed very much with what he said.

Wang Jiao was well-known in the old land of Ziqing Town, and he was able to become the commander of the Huaihai Road, so he was obviously capable. He didn't know what the old guy Wang Quan was, but it seemed that what he said was true.

"This is what happened to everyone." Wang Quan jumped out of the carriage, patted his butt, and said: "Now the court seems to be recruiting brave men from the Tutuan countrymen to join the army. If you are lucky, you can

If you join the army like a great man in our army, your future is not in doubt. This is all based on experience. The opportunity to fight with a saint does not come often."

When Qin Lizheng and Zhou Dalang heard this, they both felt it made sense.

"I'm old and have no chance. You can do whatever you want." Qin Lizheng glanced at Zhou Dalang and said, "If the saint comes to Youzhou City in person and the governor's ministries march in, whoever wins the jackpot at this time will reach the sky in one step.


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