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Chapter 1226 Honor

"Your Highness, Li Cunxiao is an unruly wolf. Even Li Keyong can't make him bow down. It's not surprising what this guy does, so why should he be angry?" Cao Yijin said in the corridor.

Their location is called Jundu Xing, the northernmost Xingdao of the Eighth Routes of Taihang.

The Xingdao is forty miles long, flanked by two mountains, with a river flowing beside it, and the road is square enough to accommodate rails. The name of the water is (léi) Yu, and later it was named Guangou.

Xingdao is divided into the south entrance and the north entrance.

Nankou is fifteen miles northwest of Changping County, Youzhou. Before the Anshi Rebellion, there was Nankou City, which was garrisoned by troops, but it is now abandoned.

The north entrance is in the south of Juyong County in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was called Jimen Pass or Iron Gate Pass, but many people still call it Juyong Pass. The city is tall, steep, deep, and extremely strong, so it is really dangerous if it is not attacked.

Twenty miles outside the pass is Juyongguan Mountain, also known as Jundu Mountain, later known as Badaling. It is very dangerous, and looking down at the city of Guan Guan is like being at the bottom of a well.

Juyongguan is such a majestic city and Junduxing is such a dangerous place. Normally it would be difficult to capture it. But the problem lies in the word "normal". Those who conquered Juyongguan in history all used abnormal means.

For example, in the later Wei Dynasty, Du Luo and Zhou defeated the army at the capital pass (Juyong Pass), relying on internal response, that is, someone rose up to rebel.

Xia's army also came here today, but they actually used abnormal means to capture it - the thieves and soldiers were panic-stricken and were already fleeing in all directions.

The Xia army that attacked Juyongguan was not large, probably only about ten thousand people, and was dominated by the newly established Crane Control Army.

When the army advanced to Changping, the rebels only held out for one day and then collapsed. Then they entered Duxing from the south entrance and the journey was smooth. When the Juyongguan garrison saw them, some even fled directly out of the city.

It is precisely because of this that Shao Siwu and Cao Yijin were able to chat here in a relaxed manner instead of fighting for their lives with serious faces.

"What you said is very good." After hearing Cao Yijin's words, Shao Siwu laughed forcefully and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Cao Yijin glanced at his lord and nodded secretly in his heart.

Even if you are a noble person in Tianhuang, many warriors may not give you face. You have to adapt to this. If you can't tolerate this, you will be so angry that you can't even get angry.

Even if he is a saint, many warriors in the army will be very vulgar when they speak in front of him, and sometimes they even do not listen to him. A saint does not take it seriously at all, and uses the warrior's way to get along with warriors, which can increase his favor.

King Zhao is also growing up! No one is born knowing it, and no one is born cunning. The speed of King Zhao's progress can be seen with the naked eye, and Cao Yijin is very pleased.

"Where is the saint?" Shao Siwu asked.

"I was in the Old City of Dayi three days ago." Cao Yijin replied.

The ancient city of Dayi is located fifteen miles southeast of Guiyi County, the other capital of Yan Huanhou. In fact, it is just a place name, and there is no city anymore. Eighteen miles south of Guiyi County, there is also the ancient city of Yijing. It is adjacent to Yi in the south.

The water and ships could go down the river and directly into the Liao Sea. Gongsun Zan built it in a prosperous manner, making it extremely high and solid, and accumulated three million grains to wait for the changes in the world. Shihu hated the solidity and destroyed it, so now it is just a place name.

"That will be soon..." Shao Siwu nodded and said to himself.

Going north from Guiyi County, passing through Xincheng and Fanyang, it only takes about 200 miles. If you take the post road from Gu'an, it only takes 220 to 30 miles, and you can reach Youzhou in seven to ten days.

"Intensify the attack." Shao Siwu turned to look at the majestic Guancheng and ordered.

The number of the Crane Control Army has increased, but their combat effectiveness is really disappointing. Except for the three thousand Dunhuang warriors who have some ability, the rest are all at the level of local warriors.

After being recruited, I practiced hastily, but many people still couldn't cooperate, and some even didn't recognize the golden drum flag, which was a headache.

Fortunately, the defenders of Juyong Pass are not fierce. Most importantly, they are small in number and have low fighting will. What they are thinking about now is not resistance at all, but how to save their own lives - Guizhou outside Juyong Pass belongs to Li Cunxiao.

Territory, Changping County within the Pass was captured by the Xia people again, Youzhou was still in danger, how to fight this battle?

Therefore, the effect of the battle of the Crane Control Army in attacking Juyongguan was that of novices pecking each other.

After attacking for a whole day regardless of casualties, Hu Linggui, the commander of Juyongguan Town, also lost confidence and took advantage of the darkness to break out of the siege - perhaps this was his plan.

However, Hu Linggui was very unlucky. During his escape, his horse stumbled and fell down on the rugged road. The Jin soldiers who escaped with him were so timid that they looked at each other and took advantage of the opportunity to help him up and killed him.


Hu Linggui woke up the moment he was attacked. He was about to be used with his head. But he was suddenly attacked and had no strength to resist. He could only fall to the ground sadly, gasping for air.

The sergeants didn't care whether he was still alive or not, they just drew out their swords and slowly cut his head.

Hu Linggui first screamed in pain, then twitched all over, and then became silent again.

Not long after Shao Siwu entered Juyong Pass, he received Hu Linggui's head. After understanding the situation, he could only sigh secretly, ordered his men to take some money and silk as rewards, and then directly drove out the Jin soldiers.

He would not accept this kind of person, nor would he dare to accept him.

"Changping and Juyong Pass have been captured..." Shao Siwu touched the thick walls of Guancheng, his face full of satisfaction: "Has Shimen Pass sent troops to occupy it?"

According to historical records, in the Tang Dynasty, Juyong Pass was built with huge stones, and no expense was spared. When Shao Siwu touched the thick stone wall, he couldn't believe that he had captured such a majestic pass that was difficult to conquer with manpower.

At the same time, I also realized that if people are not good, nothing can be done. When the defenders themselves are unwilling to defend this solid stone fortress, it is just a pile of stones, nothing more.

"Five hundred people have been sent there overnight. The place has been abandoned and there are no rebels." Cao Yijin replied.

Shimen Pass is located outside Juyong Pass. To be precise, it is on Jundu Mountain (Badaling) in the northwest, echoing Juyong Pass. When the thieves came from the grassland to attack Juyong Pass, the defenders of Shimen Pass came down from the mountain with overwhelming force. When the enemy struggled to attack from behind,

At Shimen Pass, the defenders at Juyong Pass can flank it.

Of course, the above are military offense and defense under normal circumstances. Under abnormal circumstances, anything can happen, so don’t mention anything.

"Leave two thousand people to guard Juyong Pass, and take the rest away and return to Youzhou." Shao Siwu did not want to stay here for a long time and decided to rush back to Youzhou as soon as possible.

This time when we came to attack Juyong Pass, the main reason was that the army had not yet arrived, so it was difficult for him to capture it all the way alone. So he divided his troops first and captured Changping and Juyong - which actually didn't make much sense. The main reason was to save some credit and show it to his father.

I know he can fight, that's all.


Ge Congzhou's large army has set up camp in the southwest of Youzhou.

Youzhou is also called Jicheng, named after Jixian County, where it is located, and is located southwest of Beijing in later generations.

Ge Congzhou brought more than 30,000 people, including 20,000 Longxiang troops, more than 10,000 Xiaojie troops, and 5,000 Qingyi troops. Ye Li Kecheng and Wang Qianyu stayed in Zhuozhou to guard the flanks.

Tianxiong's army was stationed in the south of Youzhou, and there were probably about 20,000 people here.

If we include the more than 30,000 people in the northeast of Youzhou, the total army is close to 90,000. Compared with the more than 10,000 remaining soldiers in Youzhou City, it has an absolute advantage.

But now is not the time to attack the city.

It's cruel to say that the motley crew and local peasants didn't come together, so what's the point of attacking?

However, the fact that the siege cannon fodder did not come does not mean that nothing can be done now. Ge Congzhou knew his business, and from the moment he arrived, the psychological battle had already begun.

Zhuozhou, Yingzhou, Mozhou, Jizhou, Pingzhou, etc., the soldiers and prisoners of various states under the jurisdiction of Youzhou Town lined up one by one and walked to the foot of Youzhou City.

Just one thing: cry!

As the saying goes, it is difficult to defend an isolated city. Defending an isolated city requires professional soldiers, sufficient reserves, and a morale that is ready to accept death. Those who cannot do these will not be able to defend it for a long time.

The cries of the prisoners clearly told the defenders that nine of the ten states of Lu Long's army had been captured by Wang's army, and you were now isolated and helpless.

It's not impossible to make up your mind to hold on, but you have to weigh the consequences. If you cause heavy casualties to the King of Daxia, will you be able to reap the benefits after the city is broken?

It is unrealistic to expect external reinforcements. Among other things, the Jin army's vanguard of more than 3,000 people was wiped out and Anyuan was beheaded. Qigou Pass and Zhuozhou were also controlled by the Xia people. How long would it take for reinforcements to come?

Not to mention, just look at the Daxia soldiers and horses that are advancing in sequence, and you will know that you will fight badly in other battlefields, and there is no hope.

"The sage has arrived at Fanyang..." Ge Congzhou said: "It will take up to five days for the sage to arrive at the foot of Youzhou City."

Judging from the distance, of course it would take less than five days. He said this because he heard that the saint showed off his martial arts in Zhuozhou and shocked the Yiwu Army and Hedong, so he reserved two days for the saint to "play".

He actually wanted to capture Youzhou before the saint arrived, but it was impossible to think about it. But if he could really do it, it would be a great honor.

"Geshuai, in fact, the saint may be waiting for supplies in Zhuozhou. Now the villagers on all roads are busy like crazy. There are damaged vehicles and dead draft animals on both sides of the post road. He may not..." He Delun, the governor of the capital, said


Ge Congzhou stretched out his right hand and stopped what He Delun was saying. He took a deep breath and said: "Everything is as usual. Those who persuade people to surrender, those who dig trenches, those who make instruments, those who make instruments. Take your time,

Don't be hasty."

Ge Congzhou decided that it would be better to leave the honor of Youzhou to the saints.

This is not random, but the result of his careful consideration.

Li Tangbin was young and powerful and could have continued to lead the army in battles. What is he doing now?

At his age, he could have continued to fight for twenty years, and maybe he could have made more contributions and become a general who will be remembered in history. But in today's social atmosphere, it is obviously impossible for him. This is the tragedy of the times. There is no way


Ge Congzhou did not want to be so sharp that his master would fear him.

Perhaps in the eyes of other warriors, this is too shameless and too weak. Even in the face of the emperor, you should not be so groveling. Since the Tang Dynasty, there has been no such rule, so isn't that a slave?

But Ge Congzhou didn't care about other people's opinions. He just wanted to die well and enjoy wealth and wealth.

If you learn them all——

"Haha!" A burst of hearty laughter came from the distance, and Li Cunxiao led a large group of people on horseback back to the camp.

"Bang!" He knocked another person off his horse and said proudly: "This thief's name is Li Cunhui. He was originally from the Yi'er Army. He sneaked out of the city last night and wanted to go to Yizhou for help. I captured him. Ge Shuai, take it.

, give it a good trial."

Before Ge Congzhou could speak, he heard Li Cunxiao say: "Zhu Zhen is the Marquis of Du Yu, right? What door does he control? He can't even stop the messenger. I think - haha."

After saying that, he shook his head and left.

The expression on Ge Congzhou's face was very wonderful. After a long time, he said: "Let Zhu Zhen come and interrogate this thief."

This chapter has been completed!
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