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Chapter 1234 The nephews’ new jobs

 Li Si'en had just received a new appointment: governor of Huazhou. Everyone he knew congratulated him, he was a "high official"! Li Si'en forced a smile on his face.

Is it a good thing? It seems so. Huazhou has a well-established household registration and prosperous business and travel. It is Shangzhou under the jurisdiction of Henan Province. The governor is from the third rank, which is absolutely top-notch. Being a governor here not only brings a lot of salary, but also various gray incomes.

Very impressive - this is the reason why everyone wants to be an official in a wealthy place.

But compared to Li Cunxiao, it is still far behind.

Li Cunxiao was the governor of Yaozhou, also from Shangzhou, but he was granted the title of Marquis of Jinxiang County and granted 1,500 households. During this expedition to Hebei, he made many meritorious deeds and added another 200 households.

In addition, the sage also gave Li Cunxiao a new house in Zeshanfang, Luoyang. It was built on the former site of Zilou Shide's house in Qiao County, Tongping Zhangshi of the former Tang Dynasty, and the standards were not low.

On the other hand, he himself moved Youzhou and surrendered, only to get the title of Lucheng County Count and the title of a thousand households. His house was in Wenwenfang, the residence of Wei Shi, the former governor of Bozhou in Tang Dynasty.

The title, the mansion, and even the wealth were far behind - Li Cunxiao got a lot of rare treasures sent from the south, and the quality was too different.

Of course, he also knew that Li Cunxiao took the initiative to surrender the territory of the three states, which was fundamentally different from the fact that he surrendered only when his troops came to the city.

If it weren't for his uncle's pity, Youzhou itself would have a very high status, and he wouldn't even be the governor of Huazhou. But he compared it with Liang Huaijin, who surrendered Weizhou, was granted the title of County Duke, and granted 2,000 households with food and even food.

Even better than Li Cunxiao's treatment.

Although I was guarding the border in the Qingtang Dynasty at this time and rectifying the Tibetan and Weibo immigrants, I was reviled every day. I heard that the ancestral graves in my hometown in Bozhou were destroyed by others, but - I can do it too! You can destroy the ancestral graves at will, and I represent you.

My ancestors didn't care about this, because my family didn't have such things.

Alas! Li Si'en sighed softly. He had no more troops and was about to go to Huazhou to take office. From now on, he would be like a phoenix with no hair and would not talk about anything. I hope that one day his uncle would still remember that he could lead troops to fight and make meritorious service.

Give it a chance.

The sky became overcast again. Li Sien mounted his horse and took a few followers with him to take one last look at Youzhou City.

"Haha! Khan captured Youzhou, and the armies behind the mountain collapsed and surrendered, and they were connected with Ruyuan and Xianyou Palace. How wonderful!"

"I've been waiting for the Khan to visit the Immortal Palace for a long time. It's time to go visit it during the Chinese New Year, right?"

"We should have gone to see it a long time ago, and then conquered the Khitan and defeated those thieves. I have long since found them distasteful. They killed so many of us last year."

"From now on, the grassland belongs to the Supreme Khan!"

On the post road, there was a burst of hearty laughter, occasionally mixed with a high-pitched voice. The speaker was wearing a fur coat and braided hair, not shying away from others at all, and he sounded like a rough grassland shepherd.

Sure enough, Li Si'en turned his eyes and saw hundreds of horses galloping towards him. The leader had white beard and hair, but he was energetic and looked forward to his glory. The others followed closely behind him and remained respectful. It seemed that he was

This person is the leader.

"Tuoba Jin!" Li Si'en knew this man and had fought against him before.

When Youzhou was still in the hands of the King of Jin, there were many conflicts between the armies and the Xia people in the area behind the mountains. Tuoba Jin often led his troops south to Ruyuan to assist King Xi in his expedition to Zhu. We all became "old acquaintances".

"Hey, isn't this Li Jun envoy?" Tuoba Jin reined in his horse, squinted for a while, and asked with a smile. Tuoba Jin didn't say the next words, but Li Si'en could figure it out: You too

Has it dropped?

"Prison Tuoba, long time no see." Considering the need to maintain a good relationship with colleagues, Li Si'en said hello bravely.

Tuoba Jin is the palace supervisor of Xianyou Palace, in charge of three thousand households and thirty-two thousand households.

These powers are actually nothing, and they only control the population of a county in the Central Plains. But who makes people the emperor's slaves? There is no need for Li Si'en to offend him.

Tuoba Jin looked at Li Si'en's attire and said, "It seems that General Li has been promoted." He is the sage's adopted nephew and has contributed to the city, so it is very common for him to be promoted to an official.

"On the way to Baima to take up his post." Li Si'en replied: "Prison of Tuoba Palace is so busy with work, he must be here to meet the Holy Spirit?"

"How can you not come to congratulate the saint for his victory over Youzhou?" Tuoba Jin did not answer directly and turned to

And said: "Huazhou is a good place. The land in the heart of the Central Plains is much better than the grassland. General Li is blessed."

To be honest, the saint once promised that the palace supervisors of the fourth palace, ten thousand households, and one thousand households could serve as officials in the court. He worked hard to help the saint manage the tribe and lead troops to fight. Tuoba Jin also wanted to make progress, even though he was already quite old.

Not too small.

"It's all a blessing from a saint." Li Si'en smiled.

"General Li is busy, so I'll take my leave." Tuoba Jin cupped his hands on his horse and said, "Prince Tuoba, please do as you please." Li Si'en returned the greeting.

More than a hundred riders left one after another, heading towards the Guanyi Station.

Li Si'en watched their departing figures thoughtfully.

When Tuoba Jin came to Youzhou, he obviously received the order from the Emperor. The more than a hundred people following him were mostly members of the Ten Thousand and Thousand Households of Xianyou Palace or famous warriors.

What is the saint trying to do? He doesn't quite understand.

"Let's go!" Li Si'en waved his hand and asked his followers to go on their way.

And just when he was about to leave, dozens more riders galloped through the post road and headed towards the Guanyi direction. Judging from their hair accessories, most of them had straight hair, either Khitan or Xi people. Then consider the Yanbei Caochang

According to the distribution situation, it is obvious that King Xi went to Zhu's people, and even he himself was among them.

Li Si'en didn't want to look any further and fled with his followers.


Li Cunxiao was also packing his bags and preparing to leave.

When they surrendered last year, the sage promised him to be the governor of Yaozhou and said he would take up the post after the battle. Now that Youzhou has been restored, according to his understanding, the war should be over, right? Unfortunately, the sage said it has not been over yet, so he can't take up the post yet.

Can continue to receive it remotely.

Fortunately, Yaozhou officials were more sensible and sent Governor Shi to report to him on the situation in the state. Li Cunxiao felt drowsy after listening to it. Before the meeting ended, Chang Shi took out a stack of silver dollar bills and quietly handed them to Li Cunxiao, saying

This is the filial piety paid to the envoy by the whole state last year.

This looks good! Li Cunxiao put away the stack of silver dollar bills that could only be circulated in Chang'anfang City, and his attitude became much kinder. Then he sent Chang Shi away and told him to do it well (as much as possible) well (quickly)

Do (play) work (money).

The Qingyi army now has 5,000 infantry and cavalry. It is reported that the more than 3,000 people left behind in Xinyi Gui will be turned into state soldiers on the spot - the imperial court has just issued an order to formally abolish Yizhou, and Wende County will be merged into Xinzhou. In fact, only Xinzhou,

Gui Erzhou is here.

Most of the people left behind were old, weak and remnant soldiers, so Li Cunxiao didn't care anymore, just do whatever he wanted. He had just received an order to serve as the envoy of Linyuguan Town to restrain the troops and replace the two thousand dragon warriors who were left behind at Linyuguan.

The Longwu Army gathered in the Macheng area, the German Army headed to Pingzhou, and the Huaihai Daozhou Army headed to Shicheng County.

This was publicly announced by Ge Congzhou, the commander of the Youzhou camp, at yesterday's military meeting - Qizhou camp had just been abandoned, and Youzhou camp was quickly formed, with basically the same team.

The three armies of Guide, Longwu, and Qingyi, plus Huaihai Daozhou soldiers, totaling 14,000 to 5,000 people, were all returned to the camp to command the deputy envoys, and the envoys to the town of Yingping were under the control of Zhao Wang Shao Siwu.

To be honest, Li Cunxiao was still very curious about the title of "Suppressing Envoy" on Shao Siwu. But Ge Congzhou just asked the ministries to set off and deploy them in place, without saying much.

After returning from the meeting, Li Cunxiao discussed it with his staff, and everyone agreed that they might attack Khitan. The various ministries had gathered before completing the war, and they might start the attack before the New Year.

But Li Cunxiao felt that the matter was not that simple. From a purely military perspective, this deployment was very thought-provoking. It seemed to be interception and suppression. Who was the target?

He had some idea in his mind, but he still couldn't figure it out. However, an aide accidentally mentioned something that opened his mind.

The staff said that he had heard that the imperial court intended to convert all the Longwu and Guide armies into government soldiers. This was not a secret. It had been going on for at least more than a year, and at least half of the Guide army had become government soldiers. The Longwu army was relatively

Few, probably only 20 to 30%, most people still want to continue to be recruiters.

But the imperial court has been trying to reduce the number of soldiers it recruits over the years.

In the past, various non-direct lineage forbidden troops were deliberately consumed. Later, the forbidden troops absorbed part of the army, the state army absorbed part, and the old people retreated.

Partially, but there are still many left, so we have to deploy government troops and suppress troops.

According to the information that has been heard so far, Feng in the Yinshan area has defeated many soldiers from the two states. The main force is the remaining troops after the Zhongwu Army was deposed. The source of the soldiers in the Andong Prefecture is Longwu and Guide's Second Army. At present,

There are about 8,000 people.

In addition, there are recruitment forces such as the Yinshan Town Army and the Qingtang Town Army, which were actually formed by surrendered troops from all walks of life. For example, the first town in Qingtang came from Wei Bo, and the town commander was Liang Huaijin, the surrendered general.

The government soldiers, or military households, need subordinates. According to people from the Longwu Army, thousands of Bohai households from Xincheng and Fushun were sent to the counties of Andong Prefecture, and most of them were assigned to the government troops.

Quite. As soon as this incident came out, the number of people willing to serve as government soldiers increased sharply, but the part was already divided.

Staff members asserted that the imperial court might want to capture more slaves as "rewards" to pay sergeants who volunteered to become government soldiers.

Li Cunxiao felt that this judgment was so damn reasonable! There were 20,000 Longwu and Guide troops, and they were still short of at least tens of thousands of troops. It was really possible that the imperial court would find a solution in Youzhou.

He was secretly happy that he had seen through the true intentions of the imperial court. Unexpectedly, an aide leaked the news, and some soldiers of the Qingyi Army knew about it. Then something outrageous happened: someone actually wanted to be a soldier.

Li Cunxiao was speechless about this. He did not expect that the Kuhaha people from Guizhou and Zhuozhou were so eager for slaves and land.

He should have expected this, because the rewards of the Qingyi army were not many, and they had lived in the cold and cold frontier for a long time. There was a big gap between them and the Central Plains sergeants in their childhood. For them, becoming a soldier was actually a

Improved living standards.

As a result of this incident, Li Cunxiao suddenly felt that the tribe he had finally gathered together was on the verge of falling apart.

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