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Chapter 1243 North Exit

 On February 2, the fourth year of Jianji, after the Spring Society Festival, the turmoil in Beiping Prefecture, Jizhou, Pingzhou, Zhuozhou, Tanzhou, Guizhou and other places has not yet completely subsided. But the overall situation has long been decided, and now the rebellions launched by various states and counties

, in fact, the scale is not large. If you can pull up a team of one or two thousand people, you are considered ruthless. Usually, there are hundreds of rebels running around, and various departments of the Forbidden Army set up checkpoints along the way to suppress them strictly.

On this day, Wang He, Tuoba Jin, and others who were intercepting the enemy at the back of the mountain were waiting anxiously. No enemy came for a long time, but they were eating what horses chewed. Seeing that the food was bottoming out day by day, they were filled with fear.

They had been keeping in touch with Shanqian and knew the local fighting situation. Shao Sheng's attack style with a large force surprised them. At the same time, they felt that there was no solution at all. It seemed that there was only one way to escape.

And they went south to block Fanhu's escape route in Youzhou.

From this point of view, those people are actually dead and have no chance.

"It's just a waste of time for us to travel together. After killing so many livestock to make preserved meat, how will we spend our days after spring?"

"It doesn't matter if you want to grab something to support your family."

"Since nothing happens, let us go home! I don't want the reward."

Outside Ximi Yun garrison city, the inspection of Sanquan made the men under Wang He's tent chatter and feel quite disappointed.

For people who are used to being poor, what are the most disappointing things? Losing good opportunities to make money.

Today, tens of thousands of people are in such a situation.

The rabble cannot have too high demands on their discipline. Complaining is normal, and it would be strange not to scold someone.

"Shut up, everyone." Wang He rode over and glanced coldly at the demoralized headquarters member Ding Zhuang.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in a green robe, who seemed to be a court official, either from the Libo Council or the Privy Council.

This man turned a deaf ear to the complaints of the Tibetan soldiers and could not help but urge: "Since spring has begun, the king's inspection should go south quickly. The saint started north yesterday and will reach Tanzhou in a few days."

"Okay." Wang He didn't talk nonsense and immediately sent people to various ministries to convey the message and headed south to Tanzhou.

After the order was issued, everyone became somewhat interested. The Supreme Khan was generous, and he had never been stingy with greeting gifts. On this trip south, one person might be rewarded with two bolts of silk.

And just as they were heading south, thousands of newly arrived Fanhu prisoners had arrived near Beikou Shouchu City and began to renovate the city.

The Beikou Shouzhou City was under the jurisdiction of Tanzhou. It was called "Beikou" in the pre-Tang Dynasty. Then some people gradually began to call it "Hubeikou". Later, it was called the "ancient" Beikou, that is, Gubeikou.

This is a thoroughfare in the northeast of Youzhou—compared to other mountain trails.

There were envoys from Tanji Town in Youzhou Town. Generally speaking, all the town generals were stationed in Tanzhou, which shows its importance. When entering Youzhou from outside the pass, there are only three decent roads, from west to east:

Juyong Pass Road, Gubeikou Road, Linyu Pass Road.

No matter how stupid General Youzhou is, he still knows that he should build a city and garrison troops here.

In fact, this has been a very important pass since ancient times.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was only Yandun here, which served as a warning.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu built a city here and fought with the Huns many times.

When the Great Wall was built during the Northern Qi Dynasty, Gubeikou was a pass.

In the Sui Dynasty, the Great Wall was built and a military town was set up at Gubeikou.

The Great Wall was not built in the Tang Dynasty, but Gubeikou was also built to station troops.

Since the secession of the vassal town, due to the weak grassland, Youzhou went north many times, burning, killing and looting, and the defense of the city at the north entrance was somewhat dilapidated. When the Khitan became more powerful and they felt it was necessary to renovate the defense, Youzhou town was destroyed again.

Now that Shao Sheng has built Beiping Prefecture, the northern capital, the importance of Gubeikou has once again been put on the agenda.

Both the captives who had arrived and Wang He's troops who went south came to renovate the city. In fact, not only Wang He's troops went south, but also Quzhu and Tuoba Jin received orders to meet at the north entrance.

Shao Shude left Jicheng on the third day of February. That night, he stayed at Sunhou Pavilion, which is more than 30 miles northeast of Youzhou.

After dinner, start

Start handling official business.

The first one is about Anton Mansion.

The weather got warmer, the Liaohai Sea opened to navigation, and the Pinghai Navy launched another large-scale campaign.

Their fleet arrived at the mouth of Rushui, and then, with the help of trackers, they traced their way up to Laoting County, Pingzhou.

This county has just cleared out more than 1,300 households with a population of more than 7,000.

Sometimes you don't know if you don't check, but you will be surprised when you check. There are so many "black households" living among the grass and trees in Laoting County.

Seven thousand people is not the final number. In fact, the work of reorganizing households has just begun. Who knows how many people will be found in the end.

Zhao Wang Shao Siwu worked hard. He went to various tribes and villages to supervise the work, and stayed in private homes at night. The supervisors praised him full of praise, and Shao Shude was also very satisfied with it.

He needs his son to be more capable to share the huge pressure. Dalang is capable, he is happy and ambitious, and can tolerate it as long as it is within limits.

If he has no ambition at all, or is extremely timid, and just wants to be a prince who just eats and waits for death, this will make him feel extremely disappointed - not only Dalang, he has this view towards all his sons.

The Shao Dynasty was not yet luxurious enough to raise a lot of salted fish princes. After the fleet stationed, it began to load the Fanhu tribe in batches, and then set out to sea and sailed to Andong Mansion.

Naturally, this process cannot be completely peaceful.

In fact, the closer they got to boarding the ship, the more unstable the mood of the prisoners became, leading to many troubles.

However, the soldiers of the Longwu, Guide, and Qingyi armies were very motivated and worked very hard during the suppression. They relied on the violence of swords and guns to maintain the entire immigration operation.

Those who boarded the ship were not only immigrants, but also warriors. There were about a hundred sergeants and three hundred families of immigrants, which was exactly the "establishment" of a hundred government soldiers.

This transportation process is destined to be very long and may last for a whole year. In fact, many sergeants could not wait and began to return to Lushun in batches by civilian boats.

Yes, the Longwu Army and the nearly 5,000 German soldiers will return to Andong Mansion, while the 5,000 Qingyi Army soldiers will have to return a little later. Those who were originally reluctant to become government soldiers are not so resistant now, and are trying to persuade them repeatedly.

Under this, all members of the Returned Army were converted into government soldiers, and most of the Longwu Army were also willing to be government soldiers. Only a few would rather be demobilized and return to their hometown in Qingzhou to work as farmhands than to go to the Andong Prefecture.

As for the Qing Yi army, there was no need to persuade them at all. They were willing to do it on their own. Li Cunxiao had nothing to say and drank all day long at Linyu Pass, adding to his worries.

The Longwu, Guide, and Qingyi armies successfully made a "soft landing" and were digested and disposed of. A huge boulder fell in Shao Shude's heart - these three small bombs were successfully defused.

After approving the first copy, Shao Shude opened the second copy.

This is about Huaihai Daozhou soldiers.

This army has been on the expedition for a long time, almost reaching the limit of what the warriors can tolerate. If it hadn't been for consecutive victories, generous rewards, and Shao Shude's personal visit to Youzhou, I don't know what would have happened.

Now they are finally allowed to return to their hometown, and thousands of people who are still in Andong Mansion can return to the states of Huaihaidao.

Wang Jiao, the commander of the prefecture army, was promoted again and returned to the imperial army system, serving as the envoy of the right wing of the Wuwei Army. The original envoy of the army, He Wei, was too old and retired to the second line, and became the commander of the Huaihai Dao Prefecture Army.

On the surface, it looks like the two have swapped places, but anyone who understands knows that He Yan is making way for Wang Jiao. Who makes the latter Jian stay in the emperor's heart?

The Huaihai Daozhou Army received an additional reward of two bolts of woolen cloth per person and went home happily. Naturally, someone was needed to take their place.

Shao Shude opened the third memorial and read it carefully.

Du Rangneng, Minister of the Ministry of War, had already commented on it with his own opinions. Shao Shude looked at it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so Zhu Pi agreed.

The Huaihai Daozhou Army was replaced by the Guannai Daozhou Army, with a total of more than 15,000 troops mobilized.

This is actually what Shao Shude meant. Guan Nei Dao has been at peace for many years, and the quality of the state soldiers has been declining every year. If they are not drawn out to fight a few battles, they will be used up. And if they fight well, maybe a few more will emerge.

Talent - what Sharucci originally recruited

They are Qingzhou State Soldiers.

After approving the memorial, Shao Shude read "Da Dai Li Ji" for a while, and then fell asleep. When the army was restless, he liked reading very much. Otherwise, he would not have known about the "Sanda" mentioned by An Fuqian.

"Virtue" comes from "The Doctrine of the Mean".

With his current level, he might not be able to pass the exams, but he would have no problem having a brief chat with the Jinshi scholars from the Hanlin Academy and the Secretariat Supervisory Office.

On the fourth day of February, the army set off northward.

Before leaving, he had some bad taste and ordered that the Sunhou Pavilion where he stayed last night be renamed "Wangjing Pavilion".

This is probably the first time in the history of Youzhou that the name "Wangjing" appeared. Originally, it did not appear until the Liao Dynasty.

Among the high mountains, a large army of nearly 20,000 people appeared. It was so vast that it was impossible to tell where it ended.

When Shao Sheng went north, he originally brought more than 2,000 palace guards and more than 4,000 Yin'anzhi sergeants. When he arrived in Huairou County (today's Shunyi District, Beijing), he was joined by General Tu's troops, and the entire army of 20,000 people marched north to Gubeikou.


On the evening of the fifth day of February, I arrived in Yanzhou.

Yanzhou is a Jisi state. It was originally located in the eastern part of Liaodong and housed the Millet Stocking Tudiji Department. During the Wude period of the former Tang Dynasty, Yanzhou Li was moved to the city of Youzhou. During the Kaiyuan period, it was moved to Taogu Mountain, ninety miles northeast of Youzhou.

After the Anshi Rebellion, it was merged into Youdu County - like Chang'an, there are two counties of Chang'an and Wannian, Luoyang has Luoyang and two counties of Henan. Beiping City has Ji County and Youdu County attached to Guo.

There were originally tribes in the hometown of Yanzhou, the descendants of the Mojie people, and later some Goguryeo and Xi people were mixed in. This time the household registration was cleared, and the Yanzhou tribes surrendered relatively quickly, so they were not seriously implicated.

On the first day of February, the imperial court established Shunyi County here, becoming the fourteenth county in Beiping Prefecture.

It is worth mentioning that Shunyi County in Daxia was actually in the Huairou District of Beijing in later generations. The Huairou County of Shunzhou, which was just abolished, was the Shunyi District of Beijing in later generations.

After leaving Shunyi County (Huairou), it took three days to arrive at Lisuo Miyun County, Tanzhou.

On the 12th, we passed through Yanle County in Tanzhou and finally arrived at Gubeikou.

This chapter has been completed!
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