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Chapter 1250 Chill

 Shao Shude woke up to the crisp sound of stones being polished. When he explored his left hand, he felt a tingling sensation.

Astrid had woken up a long time ago. She lay flat on the couch and leaned carefully against Shao Shude.

After the hair on her body was shaved, short stubbles grew again. She knew that the saint didn't like this very much, so she always felt inferior.

Shao Shude's right hand was explored again, and there was a smooth and delicate feeling. He also woke up, and she buried her head in Shao Shude's arms.

Astrid would not dare to do this kind of action. It was clear at a glance which of the two was more favored. Mrs. Zhang, the lady in charge, came in with four female historians and stood aside.

Shao Shude glanced at this woman.

Mrs. Zhang was born in the third year of Guangqi reign of Emperor Xizong of the former Tang Dynasty (887). She was the same age as Shao Shude's already deceased fourth daughter, and one year younger than his third daughter Fo Ya.

A few years ago, Mrs. Zhang also gave birth to a son, but it was a pity that the baby died.

Shao Shude suddenly remembered that as the wife of Zhu Yougui, Zhang seemed to have been the queen for less than a year in history. Looking at He in his arms and Zhang Hui who was still in Jiaotai Palace in Youzhou, he had already enjoyed

There were three queens.

This is really - great!

He is not as interested in women as before, but he is still very sexually attracted to women of special status. Think about it now, what queens have he not collected yet?

The first thing that popped into Shao Shude's mind was Shu Luping. That's good, Abaoji must be killed anyway. After getting up and dressing, Shao Shude stood outside the tent.

The strong men of Fanhu who came from the conscription were still working very hard dragging wood and stones to build the palace.

When they were fighting with the Khitan people a few days ago, their emotions were slightly turbulent. They seemed to hope that the Khitan would win and rescue them. But they were disappointed. Ah Huibu couldn't stand it anymore and ran away.

And as soon as they ran away, these people became completely honest, and the construction speed of Changxia Palace also accelerated. This is how people are, after losing the chance to be rescued, what do they think when they think about their wives and children who are still in Youzhou?

All faded.

"Kill him and his head will roll!" The men of the Tielin Army lined up in the wilderness and had begun training. Shao Shude laughed.

This group of grandsons just lacked training and fighting. Compared with other forbidden armies, they should have fought relatively few battles. Sometimes Shao Shude felt that they were being delayed, because they had been used as pro-military soldiers in the past, so they only went into battle a few times.

A fraction of the Xiong, Wuwei and other armies.

However, it still had a strong deterrent effect on the Tibetan people near Changxia Palace. First of all, they were well equipped and sold well.

Secondly, they are indeed familiar with military formations and have strict discipline.

Finally, they do still have a considerable number of veterans. With them, their combat effectiveness can still be maintained to a certain extent.

Of course, in Shao Shude's view, there may still be considerable shortcomings.

Good equipment certainly means an advantage in battle, but the battle is ultimately about people.

It is certainly good to have strict military discipline, but don't others have strict military discipline? Li Keyong's Jin army is famous for looting, but when it was snowing seven feet away, they still advanced bravely and attacked Huang Chao. Their tactical actions were very decisive. With Li Keyong,

During the battle between Kuangwei and Daibei, it was freezing and snowing heavily. The Jin and Yan armies fought repeatedly.

Throughout ancient history, there are not many people who can endure such a harsh environment.

Did Zhu Quanzhong's army have strict military discipline? He led his troops and killed large areas, and even tattooed the soldiers' faces. Without strict military discipline, it would have been impossible.

Therefore, strict military discipline is not really an advantage in the late Tang Dynasty, because everyone's battlefield discipline is not bad. If you can achieve this, you are just a qualified army, which is still far from a strong army.

Shao Shude felt that it was time to let go and that the Tielin Army could no longer be used as a guard of honor, so he called Ye Li Yu Lue.

"Your Majesty." Ye Liyu bowed slightly and saluted.

"You——" Shao Shude looked at the gray on his brother-in-law's temples and felt something in his heart, and said, "What do you think about the Khitan incident?"

"Your Majesty, if you want to defeat the Khitan, thirty thousand people are enough. If you want to conquer the Khitan, you must have one hundred thousand people." Ye Li Yulue said.

"I am here

I can’t find 100,000 people to attack the Khitans.” Shao Shude shook his head.

The 100,000 people Ye Li Yulue mentioned refers to the Forbidden Army, not some miscellaneous troops. The larger the place, the more troops need to be dispatched, and even 100,000 people may not be enough.

But if we just defeat the Khitans and then offer conditions to recruit them to surrender, 30,000 to 50,000 elite troops will indeed be enough.

Is it necessary to occupy the Khitan pastureland? Can it be occupied? What needs to be done in advance? How much price will it cost? To be honest, Shao Shude has not thought about it carefully. This also shows from the side that he is not ready to destroy the Khitan.

, Daxia was not prepared for this either.

"Here comes the picture." Shao Shude pondered for a while and stretched out his hand.

Just when Yin'anzhi Commander Chu Shenping was about to give instructions to his subordinates, Pugu Chengen quickly took out a copy from his arms and handed it over.

Good guy! Chu Shenping glanced at this lieutenant and thought to himself that he really underestimated him.

"Ye Li Yu Lue listens to the order!" Shao Shude looked at it for a long time, then raised his head and said: "Immediately form the camp behind the mountain, the left wing of the Tielin Army, the Dingnan Army, the Iron Cavalry Army, the Qingyi Army and the Tibetan tribes behind the mountain.

, unified under the control of travel and camp.

"I obey the decree." Ye Li was overjoyed and responded.

This is equal to Ge Congzhou. The front of the mountain belongs to Lao Ge, and the back of the mountain belongs to him. Very good, very good! "I will tell Chen Shilang later." Shao Shude turned his head again, looked at Chu Shenping, and said

"I want to establish Longhua County (today's Longhua) in the ancient city of Yanle and place it under the jurisdiction of Ruzhou; in Ximi Yunshu (today's Dage Town of Fengning County) to establish Fengning County and place it under the authority of Ruzhou; in the north of Yanzhou, Guangbian

The army established Longguan County (today's Chicheng) in the north, under the jurisdiction of Guizhou. New counties and villages were established, with land suitable for farming and grazing. The tribes, large and small, were assigned land as soon as possible."

This is actually to further consolidate the area behind the mountains, and to receive the war dividends won after defeating the Khitans the year before last. It is an move to consolidate the foundation.

"According to the order." After hearing this, Chu Shenping immediately responded.

"Following Li Shaoye, Li Neng and other troops marched eastward and grazed their cattle on Ahuibu's pasture. This was said to Ye Li Yulue.

The two tribes combined have more than 30,000 people, and their strength is limited. The Khitan is still somewhat prestigious in the Northeast. They may not dare to occupy the Ahui tribe's pasture, but they have no reason to go, and they have to go even if they don't.

"He took Wang He's troops and sent them to Dingwugan, went north to the plain pine forest, put them under the command of the cavalry army, and marched eastward along the Huangshui River to attack and harass."

The cavalry and Sanquan Tibetan soldiers cannot defeat the Khitan people and their vassal tribes in the flat pine forest area, but it is not difficult to weaken the Khitan people's strength.

As for his own consumption, Shao Shude doesn't care.

The important principle in fighting a war is to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses. What are Daxia's strengths? It is its productivity and wealth advantages.

Then make full use of this advantage. Heishui City, West City, East City, South City, Xiedan, Yongqingzha, Yinchuan, Tiandu Mountain, Shayuan, Guozhou, Heyang, Guangchengze, etc.

, there are too many government-run pastures, and the livestock accumulation is abundant enough. It doesn’t matter if you consume it, I will replenish it for you, just hunt it down.

The punch thrown by Shao Shude actually contains twenty years of skill. Can the Khitan people take it? Only those who have a brain can compete with you on the exquisite moves.

Shao Sheng's moves are all bad boxing techniques that everyone knows, but the advantage is that there are no flaws, and the internal strength is very deep, so the effect is naturally different.

"Li Cunxiao recruited the tribes and used this as a basis to harass the Khitans."

After Li Cunxiao arrived at Bailang garrison, some Qingtoucao tribes did come to surrender. Of course, Shao Shude could not let them go lightly. Bloodshed was inevitable. He dedicated resources to support the Qingyi army's attack on the Khitan people in order to atone for their sins.

the only option.

"Having said all this, I am not asking you to attack the Khitan in a big way." Shao Shude looked at Ye Liyu again and said: "The back of the mountain has been newly restored. Many prefectures and counties have just been established, and immigration will continue. It's a mess. You, Ping.

, Ji, Tan, Zhuo and other prefectures are also checking their household registrations and searching for the remaining enemies. At the moment, they do not have the conditions for a big fight. Therefore, the main defense behind the mountain is defense. You must be clear about this."

"I know your Majesty's intention." After Ye Liyu said this, he smiled again and said, "This is the art of war that is not taught in the Daxia Martial Arts Hall, which is called active defense. I have also been to the Martial Arts Hall, so I understand."

"Haha!" Shao Shude also

He smiled and said, "It's good that you know. Changxia Palace is a nail wedged into the hinterland of Khitan, and there is no room for error."

In defensive operations, some people like to defend Yingcheng and set up strongholds to intercept them. Some people like to take the initiative and use active offensive actions to disrupt the enemy's deployment and defuse the enemy's offensive. The former is passive defense, and the latter is active defense. They are both defensive operations.

, but the ideas for using troops are quite different.

In addition, Shao Shude valued the Changxia Palace very much. Its existence itself was a great deterrent to the Khitans, because it was not far from the Tuhu Zhenshui, and it was already one of the core territories of the Khitans.

Shao Shude couldn't imagine how Abaoji could still have the leisure to go south under such circumstances. "The Tielin Army's right compartment, with its silver saddle straight, and all the civil and military officials, will follow me back south."

After Shao Shude issued the last order, it meant that his patrol in the area behind the mountain would come to an end. Next, he would wait for the Khitans to move, and at the same time continue to improve the construction of the stronghold, the formation of the town army, the selection of officials, and the tribal inventory, etc. A series of tedious tasks


He did what he wanted to do, followed the plan step by step, and pushed the enemy to a dead end step by step. Abaoji, I wonder if he felt Shao Sheng's enthusiasm.


Abaoji will be in western Liaoning right now.

He captured a large number of people from the Bohai Sea. These people were mainly engaged in farming and were all farming people - more precisely, they were good at growing rice.

Meituo Lake (Xingkai Lake) in Longquan Prefecture of Shangjing in the Bohai Sea is mainly used for rice cultivation. The domestic "Lucheng Rice" is even used as a tribute to the Central Plains, and the quality is still very good.

Abaoji moved them to western Liaoning. It was relatively far away from the Bohai Kingdom and not close to Youzhou. These slaves had nowhere to go, so they just settled down to open up wasteland and cultivate the land for the Khitan army to move south to southern Liaoning.

Provide resources.

Xiao Shilu and Yu Lu saw their aunt and his wife following Abao's body, following suit.

Xiaoshi Lu originally helped Abaoji manage the Bohai Sea and was a slave of the Han Dynasty. This time, he was appointed by Yue Yelu Shilu as the governor of the Pinglu Army and the governor of Yingzhou. This was also the first time in the history of the Khitan Kingdom that such a Han slave appeared.

Local official position.

Similarly, Liu Rengong was also officially appointed as Fuyu Yin. This was the first time that the position of Fuyu Yin appeared in Khitan.

The appointments were all made by Shi Lu, but the idea came from Abaoji, which was also in line with Abaoji's reform ideas.

He wants to make the Khitan stronger, eager to learn the Central Plains system to manage Han'er and Bohai, learn the Tubo system to manage the tribes, and achieve the unity of Han and Tibet. Otherwise, the Khitan will be destroyed by the Xia people sooner or later. This is what he has always told his cronies

The ideas they instilled.

"Shilu, I will leave Yingzhou to you." Abaoji said: "I asked Agu to only assist you. He will be in charge of Yingzhou City and serve as a barrier to the west. You should manage the slaves well and do something as soon as possible.

I have long disliked the Xia people's Anton Mansion, and I will hand it over to you after we capture it."

"Don't worry Yi Li Jin, I will take good care of these slaves and won't let you down." Xiao Shilu patted his chest and said. Abaoji laughed loudly and said: "You are my brother-in-law, I don't believe you, how can you still do it?"

Who do you believe?"

But only he knows what he is thinking.

In fact, Abaoji felt that Shilu's ability was not enough to shoulder the responsibility of Pinglu Army's Jiedushi and Yingzhou Governor. If he had a choice, he would prefer to appoint Liu Rengong.

Abaoji's desire for Han people and Han land is very strong, even a little pathological. Otherwise, history would not have given great power to a repetitive villain like Lu Wenjin, so much so that he brought more than 10,000 people with him.

It was a big joke to the Later Tang Dynasty to surrender to the Khitan and then surrender with 200,000 Han soldiers and civilians.

Abaoji was really too generous to Han officials and generals, which may be related to his inferiority complex buried deep in his heart. That is, the Khitans were barbaric, ignorant, and backward, and any Han people had more culture and knowledge than them, so they had to endure it.

With heavy responsibility.

Shi Lu didn't know what Abaoji was thinking. He only knew that their family was prosperous.

The husband was a military governor, and the wife was the chief shaman of the Dieci tribe. She was good at boosting the morale of the army. In fact, among the eight Khitan tribes, Yu Lu Jiangu was the most famous shaman.

Both husband and wife have great power, all of which are given by Abaoji. At least in

At this moment, Shi Lu was truly grateful to Abaoji.

"Yi Li Jin, Yu Yue is back." Suddenly, the messenger rushed over and reported. "Why are you back?" Abaoji asked with a smile on his face.

"The Xia people massively increased their troops in Liuhe, and the fighting became fierce. Shilu could not resist the enemy, so he withdrew with his tribe A Hui." The messenger said. Abaoji felt a chill all over his body.

The Liuhe area had already passed the Tang Dynasty and entered the Khitan territory. It seemed that the Xia people had invested a lot of effort, otherwise Shilu would not have retreated.

Is this going to go directly from Liuhe River to Yinliangchuan River?

Based on the news received previously, Li Cunxiao entered the White Wolf garrison, and the Qiantoucao tribe surrendered one after another. Based on this idea, will the flat pine forest be in danger?

Abaoji originally thought that the Xia people were just trying to restore the Bailang garrison, Zimeng garrison and other fortresses that were abandoned not long ago by Li Keyong. Now it seems that it is not that simple.

Is this a three-pronged attack on Khitan? Abaoji feels the chill in his body getting heavier and heavier. Shao Shude has just entered Youzhou and has not yet established a stable foothold. How can he be so radical? How dare he?!

This chapter has been completed!
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