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Chapter 1253 Shuzhong and Yingzhou

 On May 25th, Ge Congzhou made a speech in the completed Jintai Palace and led the troops to the expedition.

The martial arts masters were going to work for their lives, and there was no need to say that they would be rewarded. The military tickets were flying out like water again.

The money and silk obtained from Cangjing and Youzhou have actually been spent, and Shao Shude's pocket is empty.

Thanks to his strong credit, the soldiers were willing to hold the military notes and exchange them with Yousi when they went back to rest after the war. Invisibly, this gave Shao Sheng the ability to issue forward drafts.

The magic of finance is so cool!

He still remembered that during the early days of the Huangchao campaign, the supplies of the sergeants were stored in Li Xiang's army camp. Wherever he went, wherever he took them, they were more precious than his own life.

This is the result of bad credit. No one will believe you until they see real money. Even because you have a history of defaulting on debts and have no credit more than once, the warriors will ask for rewards at the critical moment of the battle.

They force you to give money. Because they know that they won't get a penny until the enemy is beaten away and the war is over.

If you die, your death will be in vain, and you will even be called Qiu Ba in disdain.

Shao Shude's credit is extremely strong and has not faded for more than 20 years. He is widely trusted by warriors. The rewards he promised have been honored every time. Even if they are converted, that is, using other items to convert money and silk, they will be given in full and he has never been in arrears.

He once thought that if he opened a bank, it would soon become bigger and stronger, surpassing many time-honored temples (lending institutions).

The Long Xiang and Kong He armies were all taken away by Ge Congzhou, and Ding Hui's headquarters was also under his command. Supplemented by a large number of native Tuan soldiers, the total force exceeded 100,000, and they began to attack Yi Ding fiercely.

The main force of Tielin's army on the right wing was sent to the Tanzhou area to search for and suppress the bandits wandering everywhere, and also to intimidate the local area, while the remaining troops stayed in Youzhou.

As the general reserve team, the bodyguards and soldiers were sent to Ji and Ping prefectures to frighten the tribes and urge the people to repair the post roads.

Shao Shude and hundreds of officials stayed behind at Linshuo Palace. There were only more than 3,000 palace guards and Yin Anzhi, who had expanded to more than 4,300 people, plus more than 10,000 native Tuan villagers.

In general, all the troops that could be mobilized were mobilized. Shao Sheng was still very arrogant. He was eyeing Khitan, Chengde, Henan, and Daibei, and there were still people attacking Hedong. The main force was still attacking Yiding, and he was able to do so with ease.

On this day, after the court meeting, Shao Shude convened a civil and military meeting, and the first one was the war in Shuzhong.

In the past year, the war in Hebei has attracted most people's attention, so much so that it has eclipsed the war in the small basin of Zhongshu. However, Shao Shude has been paying attention to his son's performance, not only in military aspects, but also in politics.

To put it simply, Shao Chengjie fought three major battles in Shu, and with the advice of his staff, he worked hard to win over the local forces in Shu, especially those in Dongchuan Town.

In the first battle, the Guanzhong sergeant brought by Zhu Mei was recruited. Li Jichong, the fake son of Maozhen, personally led the people to suppress it. However, rebellions continued one after another. In the end, the two sides encountered each other in Puzhou. The Xia army defeated them.

Taking advantage of the situation, they besieged Zizhou, the core city of Dongchuan Town.

In the second battle, Li Maozhen personally led an army of more than 30,000 people to fight along the Zhongjiang River.

The two armies of Jindao and Heigui rushed to the bandit camp, but failed. Maozhen sent the navy to sneak ashore, contacted the Zizhou garrison, repeatedly harassed and burned Xia's military supplies. The two sides stayed in a stalemate here for dozens of days. On April 9th,

Shao Chengjie was impatient and ignored the dissuasion of his subordinates and used his body as bait to attract the Shu people to attack.

Li Maozhen was overjoyed and selected more than 10,000 men to go out of the camp and besiege Shao Chengjie's more than 2,000 soldiers from the horse. At that time, Shao Chengjie took 500 armored cavalry that had been concealed in advance and personally charged into the formation and defeated the thieves in one battle. Maozhen

They burned the camp overnight and escaped.

After the victory, the Xia army turned around and besieged Zizhou. This time it was much more successful and they were able to capture it in January.

In the third battle, after dividing his troops to capture Dongchuan and gathering a large number of miscellaneous troops, at the end of August, Gao Renhou led a partial division to attack Mianzhou to attract the attention of the Shu army. Shao Chengjie personally took over the main force and headed straight for Chengdu.

Maozhen regained command of the army and camped at Sanxue Mountain in the north of Jintang County. The mixed army consisted of more than 50,000 people and was extremely powerful.

Shao Chengjie personally led the army to charge and kill, and was hit by several arrows. He changed his horse twice and finally defeated the Shu army. Maozhen left his fake son Li Jimi to guard Jintang, and fled back to Chengdu in embarrassment.

When the governor of Mianzhou heard about the defeat of Sanxue Mountain, he abandoned the city overnight and fled back to Chengdu.

After three battles, 60,000 people were captured and killed. At least nearly 20,000 Li Maozhen's old base was wiped out, and his strength was greatly damaged.

In December, under constant siege by various factions, Li Jimi surrendered out of the city, and Jintang was recaptured. At this point, the door to Chengdu Mansion burst open.

After the Chinese New Year, Gao Renhou went south from Mianzhou. Although it was a partial division, the Gaobu troops that had gathered a large number of surrendered troops had expanded to more than 30,000 people. They attacked Peng, Han and other prefectures and won repeated battles.

In mid-April, he and Shao Chengjie joined forces in the suburbs of Chengdu and set up camp.

Li Maozhen spent all his family wealth to recruit warriors to defend Chengdu. At the same time, he sent his son Li Jikan to Qiong, Ya and other places to recruit soldiers and try to support them from the outside. Li Maozhen had ruled Qiong for many years, and the states southwest of Chengdu were considered his basic base.


As of now, the Xia army, which has swelled to 100,000, has surrounded Chengdu tightly and is trying to persuade them to surrender.

"Your Majesty, the situation in the battle in central Shu has become clear." Li Tangbin looked left and right in front of the map, feeling very excited and wishing he could fly all the way over, replace Gao Renhou, and personally command the final battle.

"The next step is nothing more than driving the soldiers and civilians to attack the city. There is nothing much to say." Li Tangbin continued: "Sichuan is rich, and the city of Chengdu is high and deep. Taking advantage of it is the last resort, and we still have to find ways to outwit it."

Shao Shude put down the military newspaper he had read countless times and said: "Gao Renhou is a veteran general. When I saw him sending troops to Qiong, I knew he had a strategy."

Qiongzhou was Li Maozhen's base camp before entering Chengdu. Except for the men and horses he brought over from Chang'an, the rest were basically from Qiongya. If the territory of the old Qiongnan Town is captured, the military morale in the city will definitely be chaotic, and things may change.


Li Maozhen is actually dead from futures. The only suspense is how long he can live.

It's great to go against the will of nature and wipe out a rising political power - in history, when the former King of Shu was established, he was even able to counterattack the Central Plains and show off his power for a while, but by the time of his son Wang Yan, it was completely shit.

, "Wang Yan, stupid boy's ears", this is how the officials of the Later Tang Dynasty who destroyed the former Shu evaluated him.

The Shao family and his son are elite fighters.

"Your Majesty, maybe we can set up a southern sword road." Prime Minister Pei Zhi stood up and suggested.

Shao Shude was silent.

In fact, he didn't really care about things in the battle formation.

Moreover, Chengjie fought fiercely and fought fiercely, and won several victories. It was completely like a style where great strength can cause miracles, and bricks can fly with great strength. It is too untechnical!

Why can't you learn from your father's meticulous layout and steady progress?

Thinking again about his battle ideas when he went south from Hanzhong, surprise attacks on the road, rushing into battle in the field, attacking in the east and west, etc., made him very unhappy.

As a military commander, you should be as solid as a mountain and pursue stability instead of taking risks and taking risks.

When I walk a lot at night, I always bump into ghosts. This kid is nothing like his father when it comes to fighting.

In addition to military affairs, Shao Shude also wanted to see his eldest son's political progress.

At present, it seems so-so. What makes Shao Shude most satisfied is that Erlang actually married three powerful legitimate daughters of wealthy families in Shu as his concubines.

This kid used to focus on practicing martial arts and was obsessed with all kinds of weapons. He actually had little interest in women. This time, he finally got the idea and knew the benefits of marriage.

How can we raise so many miscellaneous armies without uniting the big clans in Sichuan?

If the great clans in Sichuan are not united in the war, how can they have the money and food to support the war?

Without uniting the great clans in Shu, would the rear be so stable?

This is the right thing to do.

"Let's not set up Jiannan Road for the time being." Shao Shude rejected Pei Zhi's proposal and said: "Sanchuan and Yiying generals are all appointed by the camp. Maozhen is not destroyed, and it is not time to celebrate yet."

"Yes." Pei Zhi got frustrated and went down.

All the officials present were smart people, and they immediately secretly pondered the true meaning.

"As soon as Shuzhong responds to the military report, it will be submitted to my desk as soon as possible. The other trivial matters will be handled by the Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council." Shao Shude said: "Now let's talk about Yingzhou. After hearing the report from the Secretary, Khitan seems to be planning a big move.

Attack and attack Bailang garrison and other places. It seems that they have probably given up on going south to Anton. Regarding this matter, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty." Li Tangbin jumped out first and said sincerely: "Your Majesty, please order your ministers to go out. We only need 20,000 bodyguards to annihilate the invading enemies outside Linyu Pass."

Chen Cheng listened silently and shook his head secretly.

Li Tangbin couldn't hold it in any longer. How dare the bodyguards and soldiers get involved? He was afraid that he would be reprimanded.

Sure enough, I saw Shao Shude shaking his head and saying: "Li Qing, please sit down. It's just a small battle, and the country's generals don't need to go out to fight."

Li Tangbin retreated unhappily.

"Your Majesty, the camp behind the mountain knows the inside information of the camp, and Ye Lidutou may have a strategy." Chen Cheng said: "In my opinion, the defensive strategy previously decided is correct. It only needs to thwart the enemy's offensive and make them fearful.

Don't be too aggressive on the road to Yingzhou. Once you fall into it, it won't be solved by Li Cunxiao's troops."

Chen Cheng's meaning is very clear. You only need a small number of troops to repel the enemy's attack. Don't be greedy for success and extend your own supply line too long. There are swamps everywhere in western Liaoning, making supply difficult. If you get stuck in it, you are just asking for trouble.

, unless you plan to gather the main force to attack the Khitan in one fell swoop.

At the moment, it is obvious that the time is not yet ripe, and there is no need to overly stimulate the Khitan people.

"Your Majesty, I second the proposal." Wang Pu, the Minister of War, said: "Yelu Shilu is the Prime Minister of Khitan, and Yelu Yi is the Marshal of the Army. These uncle-nephew pairs have been in power for many years, and many people in Khitan are dissatisfied. Now they can take the opportunity to weaken this pair.

The prestige of uncles and nephews is like the saying that drops of water can penetrate a stone. As long as you work hard enough, it will always be effective. Sun Sheng, the eldest son of the Sui Dynasty, was well aware of the internal affairs of the Turks and successfully alienated and divided the various commanders, greatly weakening the power of the Turks. Now he may be able to follow this strategy.


"Good." Shao Shude couldn't help but praise.

This is the real temple strategy. Under the strategy, there is room for generals and marshals to drive and use troops. The general's tactical actions must serve the strategy.

If the strategic goal is not clear, the tactics will be at a loss - the strategic goal of the first stage is to consolidate the land behind the mountains, promote the internal division of the Khitan, and lay a solid foundation for the attack and destruction of the Khitan in the second stage.

"Call Brother Yeluhua." Shao Shude ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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