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Chapter 1258 Internal Explosion

 After dawn, calm has basically returned to Yingzhou City. At this time, the chasing parties also appeared outside Yingzhou City one after another.

The first ones to run back were the cavalry of the Wu Kui tribe. They abandoned everything they could throw away and fled in a hurry. When they saw the towering Yingzhou city wall, they were overjoyed and gathered at the door, shouting loudly.

They were answered with a barrage of arrows.

Gao Silun stood at the top of the city and sneered again and again. He didn't want to start so soon, but the situation was stronger than the others. In order to protect himself, the second brother rebelled before the battle. After the news was spread back to Khitan, the Gao family would not have any good fruits to eat, so they had to

It's better to strike first.

Now, Abaoji's cousin and brother-in-law Xiao Shilu has been beheaded, and his sister and niece have also been arrested and will be given to the saint for his enjoyment. There is no way to untie this hatred and can only end in one way.

In fact, there was a ruthless man in the army who came up with a plan to ambush thousands of elite soldiers in the city gate and on the rooftops on both sides of the street, armed with strong bows and crossbows, pretending to let the Khitans in and ambush them.

Gao Silun was worried about the rebellion of the Bohai people, Shiwei people and others in the army. He pondered for a long time and finally gave up.

The Gao family had already made great achievements, and wealth was just around the corner. It would be unsightly if something went wrong. So he decided to keep it quiet, but closed the door to accept it, and held on to his achievements, waiting for his brother's main force to come back.

After the defeated soldiers cursed for a while, they found out that the Gao family had really rebelled, and they were in an uproar.

Some people just cried, fell to their knees, and begged for some water, but they were still answered with arrows. Seeing this, others could only get on their horses and leave again, disappearing into the vast grass.

Of course, some people surrendered directly. After careful consideration, Gao Silun decided to send troops out of the city to accept the surrender, brought them into the city, and imprisoned them, a total of five or six hundred people.

The first wave of people dispersed, and only half an hour later, the second group of people arrived in a hurry.

The process was similar to the previous one. Most of the people dispersed. About two to three hundred people were tired and hungry, and their horses could no longer run, so they had no choice but to surrender.

Upon seeing this, Gao Silun simply sent out more than a thousand soldiers and escorted these surrendered soldiers to the Helong Camp for custody. At the same time, he silently considered whether these surrendered soldiers could be swallowed? It has always been the instinct of warlords to increase their own strength.

Gao Silun is no exception.

In this way, until Si Shi, Gao Silun had collected more than a thousand surrendered troops, and he was very happy. In the distance, the Xia army's pursuers also appeared on the horizon.

Li Cunxiao panted heavily, holding a newly acquired horse spear, and looked at the city head with cold eyes.

For Li Cunxiao, Gao Silun didn't seem to have any plans to open the city. He only sent some steamed cakes, dried meat and hay. "Gao Silun, your brother is begging for surrender like a dog. How dare you not open the city?" Li Cunxiao pointed to the top of the city in the distance.

, and cursed loudly. Although he was reckless, he was not a fool. He knew that the Gao family brothers were afraid of him competing for credit, so they closed the city and refused to accept him.

In fact, he was originally thinking about how to deprive the Gao family brothers of their contribution to the city, but now he saw that these people were so smart that they didn't even give him a chance.

"General Li, it's important to pursue the enemy." Gao Silun said: "The Pinglu Army will also send two thousand soldiers to accompany the expedition. There are still many thieves in the east, don't let them escape. When the general returns from victory, I will be in the city again

Put some wine inside and apologize to the general."

As soon as these words came out, before Li Cunxiao said anything, his soldiers and generals were furious. Some even clamored to attack the city and kill the Gao brothers.

As expected, this proposal won the support of most people because everyone wanted to enter the city.

The reason for entering the city is also very simple. You can plunder wantonly and even play with women. After all, this is an enemy city. What does it matter if you grab something and play with a few women? Afterwards, they directly kill the host of the suffering, and they are presumed to have resisted when they entered the city.

, are thieves, and the superiors can't tell at all - in fact, when the city is destroyed, as long as they don't make too much noise and a few people die, no one will care at all.

"Forget it!" Li Cunxiao stopped his angry men, snorted coldly, and said, "Rest for an hour, and then continue to pursue the enemy." Everyone was dissatisfied, but they still agreed.

In this way, they sat outside the city and fed the horses some hay, salt water and bean cakes. When the bean cakes were not enough, they asked the city to bring some grain, bran and mix them to feed the horses. The city complied with everything, but they were not allowed to enter.

At noon, An Jingjing also led a large group of people

The horse came and yelled again.

Gao Silun still provided all kinds of supplies and responded to requests, but the city gates opened and closed, and the defenders were also prepared to prevent them from entering the city.

"How many people were captured and killed in total?" Li Cunxiao asked while biting the meat.

"It should be no less than five thousand." An Jingjing said: "The prisoners have been escorted back to Bailang garrison, and the news of the great victory has been reported to the saint. It won't be long before we know."

"Okay!" A smile appeared on Li Cunxiao's face.

In this battle, the Khitan people took advantage of their own mistakes and made them frightened. Now that they have captured Yingzhou, it seems that they can take advantage of the favorable opportunity when the rebels are leaderless and the people are panic-stricken to make another charge and see if they can

Something gained.

As for the Khitan mobilizing the main force to attack this kind of thing, even if they can't defeat it, the worst they can do is relocate the people, abandon Yingzhou and retreat. And if the saint is willing to increase his troops, he can even save Yingzhou and let the Khitan return without success and swallow a bitter pill.

This doesn't matter, the key depends on whether you are courageous and determined.

After resting, the army continued to set off, all the way east, towards the direction of Yan County's capture of the city.


On June 11, the fourth year of Jianji, news from the Yingzhou front line was reported to Youzhou.

When entering the city, a special ceremony was held to announce the victory, that is, the good news was transcribed on it and passed through all directions to announce it to the whole city.

There is a mixture of Hu and Han people in Youzhou, and the customs are very different from those in the Central Plains. You have defeated the powerful tribes on the grassland, and it is a great deterrent to the Tibetan people inside and outside the city.

The city itself also has a strong military flavor. The people are martial and love to talk about war. When grown men drink and brag, they don’t talk about how much money I make or how well my children study, but how many stone bows they can shoot.

No matter how you play with the equipment, there are many "keyboard military strategists" - the background of this city can be seen from the name of Youzhou Lifang: Lulong, Yandu, Jibei, Sushen, Pingshuo, Liaoxi, Jun

Du, Tongma, Jining, Zunhua and so on.

After the mighty knight walked around the city, everyone who heard it had complicated expressions, especially those locals in Youzhou.

It has been twenty years. If Youzhou Town was under the rule of locals, it might be difficult to use troops like this in western Liaoning. It is not that it cannot defeat the Khitans, but there are too many troubles and too many constraints. As long as the Khitans do not attack the door

Later, it was difficult for Jiedushi to mobilize an army to go out.

The above are internal reasons, and what is more serious is the external threat. Youzhou's elite troops and generals must be used within the pass. For this reason, they did not hesitate to abandon the military town behind the mountain and let the Khitan cavalry enter Bo to show off their power outside Linyu Pass. In many cases, even

There are not many soldiers guarding Yuguan. If the Khitans really come, the few hundred old and weak soldiers will probably not be able to stop them.

Is it really only under the rule of outsiders that Youzhou can be so proud? Some generals and children from bureaucratic families have seriously thought about this issue.

The Lubu Feijie Knights quickly left Youzhou City and headed towards the counties and villages. There was no doubt that they wanted to publicize it greatly. The news of the victory would play a great role in stabilizing the local situation.

Shao Shude, who was hunting in the mountains, received the news earlier than the people of Youzhou, but he was in trouble at this time.

"Destroying thieves in a battle, chasing death and chasing north, anyway, in Yingzhou, one after another things are dizzying." After unstringing the bow, he threw it to Xia Luqi. Shao Shude sat on a piece of bluestone and said

"The Yizhou side is still besieging the city, and they can't get away for a moment. Is it necessary for the Khitan side to start a big fight? All your ministers, please discuss it."

At this time, most of the people around him were military officials, and the only civil servant was Chen Cheng. But as his mastermind for many years, Shao Shude still set his sights on him.

Chen Cheng was also surprised when he first heard the news.

The information secretly passed on by the Gao family is only known to the senior officials and close servants, and it is absolutely impossible to spread it to the lower levels. The more people who know about it, the greater the possibility of leaking the secret.

According to the plan of the monarch and his ministers, the Gao family should not quit at this time, because they have not exerted their maximum value. But the matter is now over, and there is nothing more to say.

The battlefield situation is complicated, how can everything go as you wish? You can't expect to take all the benefits, and Shao Shude can still accept this.

"Hasn't Your Majesty already

Do you have a strategy?" Chen Cheng said: "Maybe we can send brother Yelu Hua to help screen the prisoners, show them justice, and then release some of them."

"This is a very good strategy." Shao Shude said, "This matter is important. Any news will be reported as soon as possible."

At present, the war in the Central Plains is nothing to see, it is just a boring siege. It is impossible for the Yiwu soldiers to surrender. Only when they really can't hold on and can no longer maintain their lives in the mountains and mountains will they consider surrender.

Ge Congzhou had just defeated a Jin army that had left Feihukou and captured and killed more than 3,000 people. The army surrounded Yizhou and launched a fierce offensive.

King Gao of Dingzhou personally led a large army to rescue him, but was also defeated.

Chengde King Rong sent troops to attack Quan County, but failed. Within half a month, he fought more than ten battles with the Tiande army, with more defeats and fewer wins. In fact, Shao Shude was curious about what they were thinking and refused to surrender, but

The rescue friendly troops looked so helpless, and I didn't know what kind of trouble they wanted to make.

The outcome of the war in the Central Plains can be seen, but we still have to fight when we should fight, people still have to die, no matter how much we spend, they are all a bunch of beasts!

Shao Shude has given full authority to Ge Congzhou, and there is no need for any command.

In comparison, the Khitan side is more maneuverable, and he will focus on it in the next period of time.

"Your Majesty, over at Anton Mansion, many households have been visited this year, so it is best not to mobilize in large numbers. However, the Bohai Kingdom can contact us. The Khitans are in such a dilemma, they should take action." Chen Cheng added: "Another

The other person is Liu Rengong of Fuyu Prefecture. He may be jealous of the Khitan and throw himself into the Bohai Sea if he fails."

Shao Shude thought for a while, the internal fighting in the Khitan had never stopped. Every ten years, a group of Khitan nobles would flee to the Bohai Kingdom in embarrassment, and there was indeed a possibility that Liu Rengong would join him.

"Can Liu Rengong be surrendered?" Shao Shude asked.

Anyway, Gao Siji's influence cannot be underestimated. Abaoji trusted Han officials and generals so much, but was tricked by them. As one of the two models he personally promoted, Liu Rengong was under tremendous pressure, and some of them may have


"You can send someone to try." Chen Cheng answered in the affirmative. Shao Shude nodded, knowing what he was doing.

The strategy for the Khitan was to first promote the outbreak of its internal conflicts, weaken its strength, and finally attack and destroy it in one fell swoop. "Let Honglu Temple and Tingwangsi select people together and secretly go to Fuyu Mansion." Shao Shude ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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