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Chapter 1269 Niece-in-law

 "Liu Cungui (Liu Shoujing), a citizen of the city, paid homage to the saint." As soon as the Liu family and his son entered the house, they paid homage.

"People in the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly. I am a martial artist and I don't want to beat around the bush. Since this year, everything in Youzhou has been chaotic. What do you think of the Liu family in Changping?" Shao Shude was sitting high on the bed. Zhong didn't know what was going on.

Pulled him to sit next to him.

Liu Cungui looked to be in his thirties, but his eldest son Liu Shoujing was only about ten years old. I don't know why he was brought here with him. Could it be that he came here to gain experience?

"After your Majesty took possession of Youzhou, he organized households and unified the people, which solved the chronic problems of the Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years. This is a great achievement." Liu Cungui did not expect that the saint would be so straight to the point. He had no time to think about it and said directly: "In the past, our great ancestor, Prince Pengcheng (

During the reign of Liu Ji (Liu Ji), he crusaded the Xi people and recruited soldiers from various tribes, but these people pushed back and forth. Emperor Gaozu hated him deeply and wanted to use the power of victory to deal with it, but he failed. Your Majesty did this, and I am happy to see it succeed. I hope it will happen.

See how it works."

During the Dezong Dynasty, the Xi people were powerful, far more powerful than the Khitans. Liu Ji, the governor of Youzhou, led his army to defeat them, chased them for more than a thousand miles, and beheaded more than 20,000 people before returning.

During the reign of Emperor Wu Zong, Zhang Zhongwu, the governor of Youzhou, defeated the Xi people again, and this time even the heads and heads were arrested. All the more than 800 Uighurs who supervised the Xi people were killed.

With these two defeats, the Xi people who once oppressed the Khitan finally weakened and were slowly conquered by the Khitan.

Youzhou Town is extremely powerful in the external war, but the internal problems are not small at all. Liu Ji wanted to solve them, but in the end, they ended up in vain because there is me in you and you in me.

As Liu Cungui is a local Han from Youzhou, his words should be true.

"You have such insight, you are a great talent. How can I not reuse him?" Shao Shude agreed with his statement and said: "By the way, I have always been curious, why did the Liu family of Changping abandon martial arts and follow literature?"

"Your Majesty, it's just because my family discovered a secret." Liu Cungui said without hesitation: "After the difficulties, the survival years of Youzhou's general family will be far less than that of the farming and studying family."

Shao Shude laughed after hearing this.

What Liu Cungui said is not to say that the Gengdu family is stronger in status and power than the Jiangmen family. The fact is just the opposite. It's just that the Jiangmen family is too miserable and has been replaced too frequently. One declines, the other rises, and then repeats itself, which is extremely bloody.

Although the Gengdu family was also bullied, it was not so difficult to break it up into pieces through marriage, family division, etc.

If warriors want money, give them money.

The warrior wants women and marries them.

If a martial artist needs help with work, then he should go to the Yamen and become a civil servant, and by the way, he can bring back blood to the family. Occasionally, he will send some martial arts students to join the army, and serve as a small school to barely protect the family.

In fact, it is difficult to survive, but because they are not in the whirlpool of front-line power struggles, they are relatively safer. Tragic situations like the Zhu family being repeatedly massacred are less likely to happen to them.

"I believe this reason." Shao Shude said: "An Dong Mansion has just vacated a Shaoyin, are you willing to go?"

"I obey the order." Liu Cungui immediately agreed without any hesitation.

The situation in Youzhou has become clear. The imperial court has generally pacified the Fanhu tribe through both carrot and stick methods. Now it is giving them the sweetness of the Han people. If you don't accept it, you will be shameless and the consequences will be unknown.

Liu Cungui originally wanted to wait and see, but the longer he waited, the clearer the situation became, and he could no longer hesitate.

Shaoyin of the Andong Prefecture, from the fourth rank, is one of the two deputies of the Prefecture. His official rank is not comparable to that of the Xiazhou Governor, and his actual power is far inferior, but who made him miss the opportunity?

And once these people vote, even if someone wants to cause chaos in the future, the difficulty will be greatly increased. The Xia people's rule in Youzhou is completely stable.

"Is this your son?" Shao Shude pointed at Liu Shoujing behind Liu Cungui and asked.

"Your Majesty, this is Quanzi Shoujing, who is ten years old this year. I have always admired the saint, and today I get to see his beauty. I am lucky for the rest of my life." After Liu Cungui voted, he felt relaxed and said with a smile.

As one of the four major Yan clans in the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties, the Changping Liu family has always been honored and favored. In fact, it was similar in the Tang Dynasty. With three generations of military governors, the Changping Liu family was not wiped out by the rebel army. Their good fortune continued.


In history, Liu Shoujing served as the deputy governor of Nanjing of the Liao Kingdom - Zhao Dejun was the deputy governor of Nanjing at that time.

Liu Shoujing's son Liu Jing was a Hanlin scholar in the Liao Dynasty and also served as deputy retainer in Nanjing.

Among the four major tribes of Yan, the Yutian Han family is the soul, because they have been promoted to the national clan of the Liao Kingdom, hold the core power, and have constant marriages with the royal family. The marriage of other Han clans with the Yutian Han family is equivalent to indirect marriage with the Liao Kingdom.

Royal marriages basically hold real power.

At this point, the Liao Kingdom is very grand and has no ethnic sectarianism. It treats them as its own people. Therefore, if the Central Plains regime cannot defeat the main force of the Liao army head-on in Youzhou, it will be difficult for you to persuade them to surrender.

"This son looks smart and smart, and I really love him. How about he come to me and study with the prince and princess?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's what I asked for." Liu Cungui said with excitement: "This is the good fortune of the dog!"

After that, he pulled Liu Shoujing to salute together.

Zhong Jingxian watched with cold eyes as the Changping Liu family and the Ancihan family continued to marry each other. In fact, these big families did not particularly care who was in power above them, they were more concerned about their own interests.

The main force in Youzhou's separatist regime was actually Wu Fu. Now that Wu Fu had been eliminated, the Fanhu tribesmen who were Wu Fu's reservists were also bloodily liquidated and organized into households. If we come back to them at this time, they will basically surrender.

They are just wallflowers. In fact, Immortal Zhong looks down on these people.

He looked down upon Liu Cungui, but Liu Cungui secretly envied him.

The sage sat at the top, and from time to time his eyes would be focused on Mr. Zhong beside him. It was obviously the time when the fresh and warm energy came up. If Mr. Zhong's belly was strong and gave birth to a Lin'er, the Zhong family would soar into the sky, far away.

surpassing these local families in Youzhou.

It looks like I will have to spend more time with the family in the future.

When the sage built the northern capital, he would rather recruit talents from Hebei. Now Zhong Jingxian, Zhong Jushuang became the governor, Zhong Yanyou joined Yin'anzhi, and he became the leader of the team as soon as he left. The development momentum of the Zhong family is really very good.

The Zhong family is the leader of the Hebei faction, Liu Cungui has no objections, and the Liu family of Changping is willing to join Jiwei. Now that Hebei is like this, it is time to abandon some illusions and seize the time to fight for their own interests.

When the saints attacked and destroyed Zhu Quanzhong, Henan's power had just begun. What is the situation now?

There is still a chance, but I don't know if the Zhong family can shoulder this important task. Liu Cungui thought secretly, but Shensi didn't think so.


On the first day of September, Shao Shude was still lingering in Changping Tang.

For many days, he had doted on Zhong almost exclusively, to the point where he couldn't put it down. Aunt Yu Lujian, who had just arrived, was waiting pitifully, but Shao Shude seemed to have forgotten her.

Mrs. Zhong tried her best to attend to Shao Shude's bed, but she was determined not to indulge in prostitution during the day. In the morning, she always brought robes and put them on for Shao Shude with her own hands, and persuaded him to go into charge of government.

Shao Shude was in a state of fresh energy and was treated docilely by this little girl, so he returned to Changping County and continued to meet with all kinds of monsters and monsters.

On this day, Wang Yu, the former governor of Yizhou, was sent.

"My niece and son-in-law are so confused!" Shao Shude arranged for a banquet and complained during the dinner: "The painting slave is my niece, you are her husband, and you are all my relatives. Why raise an army to fight against her?"

Wang Yu was caught in bed.

Long Xiang's army dug all the way to the backyard of his house, then rushed out and killed Wang Yu and his wife indiscriminately, almost cutting Wang Yu and his wife into a pulp.

After interrogating him, Ge Congzhou sent him to Beiping Mansion, and then he was interrogated again, and now he was sent to Shao Shude.

Painting Slave is the daughter of Li Keyong, so named because she was holding a painting when she was born.

A few years ago, two cousins, Wang Gao and Wang Yu, went to Jinyang. Neither of them got married. Li Keyong wanted to marry a girl to bring them closer, but Wang Yu was chosen instead of Wang Gao.

The reason is also very simple, Wang Yu is handsome.

"Uncle." The painting slave blinked, looked at Shao Shude, who was meeting for the first time, and said, "I heard the fourth sister mentioned you."

Shao Shude was stunned at first, but soon remembered that this "fourth sister" should be Wang Ke's wife.

"When the painting slave comes to uncle's place, he is going home." Shao Shude smiled gently and said, "You can have more fun in Beiping Mansion."

When Mr. Zhong, who had been sitting quietly next to him, heard this, he suddenly said: "The autumn scenery in Youzhou is very beautiful in Guan's house. It is also a pleasure for me to take my niece, my painting slave, for a walk."

"Good." Shao Shude was overjoyed and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Although Mr. Zhong is young, he is very organized and reassuring.

"Thank you, aunt." The painting slave smiled innocently and looked at her husband, Wang Yu.

Mr. Zhong nodded slightly, his eyes were calm and dignified, but his cheeks were stained with a layer of rouge because of the word "aunt".

"Don't panic, niece or son-in-law." Shao Shu pulled Wang Yu's hand and said: "Uncle just now was angry. We are obviously a family, but he was beaten to death. Isn't it possible that my uncle can't give you the wealth you want?


Wang Yunuonuo didn't dare to speak, and his body was still trembling a little.

"Why are you panicking? My niece-in-law has made a mistake, can I still kill him?" Shao Shude glared at Wang Yu with a look that hates iron and steel, and said: "Let's stay here for now. Your Majesty, please return.

He will stay in Luoyang for a while, and after a while, I will bring him back, and then you and your son can meet each other."

Wang Chuzhi came to Luoyang as an envoy, but was detained and has been under surveillance ever since.

"Yes." Wang Yu didn't say much and only responded softly.

"One more thing..." Shao Shude pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Wangdu is a general. He has led troops into battle many times to resist the king's division. This is a way to die. If you care about your brotherhood, you might as well write a letter.

, to persuade him to defect. Wouldn’t it be nice for the three of us, father and son, to be reunited and enjoy wealth and honor in peace and prosperity?”

Wang Yu actually had this realization a long time ago. Is it possible that if he is captured, he will not be allowed to persuade you to surrender? Besides, he has no choice. He really thinks that "uncle" will not fall out with him? He has a kind face but a dark heart. Remember these four words.

"I will obey my uncle's orders." Wang Yu responded.

"That's good." Shao Shude was very happy.

He did not expect that Wang Yu's persuasion to surrender would be effective. In fact, he had already ordered Wang Chuzhi to be sent here. With his persuasion to surrender, the effect would be more significant.

Of course, even if persuasion to surrender fails, it doesn't matter. Just fight. It's just a matter of spending more time.

This chapter has been completed!
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