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Chapter 1278 It’s okay (addition 1)

 December 28th, the fourth year of Jianji year, just a few days before the Chinese New Year.

On this day, it was windy and snowy, and Shao Shude personally took Yin Saddle to the outside of Dingzhou City.

He is here to work in the army.

After more than a year of expedition, the soldiers have worked very hard and must be comforted. After all, even General Tu has returned. As the last Forbidden Army team still fighting abroad, the Longxiang Army can indeed be said to be tenacious and endure the war - the Henan soldiers are good


Shao Shude climbed to the top of Beiguan City and looked at Dingzhou in the distance.

When people in Dingzhou City saw Shao Shude's umbrella, they were very excited. After a while, thousands of people rushed out of the city and shouted challenges.

"Haha!" Shao Shude smiled happily. He stretched out his hand and said, "I didn't expect that when I got to the camp, the thieves would go out of the city to fight."

Ge Congzhou also laughed: "Your Majesty, the thieves are really brave. I would like to send Ye Li Kecheng, the envoy of the right wing of Long Xiang's army, to lead his troops to fight to defeat the thieves."

"That's all, let my Yin'an Zhierlang meet with them for a while." Shao Shude said: "Chu Shenping!"

"The end is here!"

"You bring three commanders to the battle, don't let me down." Shao Shude ordered.

"General, I obey." Chu Shenping descended from the city and ordered his troops.

Yin'anzhi has a command of one thousand people. Currently, there are four commanders and about 4,400 people.

Shao Shude stood on the top of the city and waited quietly. Xia Luqi was guarding him and did not go out to fight.

Shao Shude can probably understand what the Rebel Army is thinking.

There was no hope at all, so we just stayed in the city and lived day by day. And this kind of law-abiding has a cruel fact that everyone knows but no one will say: everyone will die!

No one will mention this fact at first. But as time goes by, for various reasons, the city will become more and more desperate, and finally there will be an internal explosion, and the city will be destroyed and the army will be annihilated.

Now seeing Shao Shude coming, everyone has a glimmer of hope: Is it possible to defeat the Xia army through field battles, so that the Shao thieves will be afraid and retreat, and then the besieging army will collapse?

This kind of thing is not impossible!

Therefore, there was a magical scene where gamblers hoped to get their money back: the enemy troops that had been defending for several months left the city.

"Dong dong dong..." A series of drums sounded outside the city.

The Yin'anzhi warriors, led by the commander Chu Shenping, formed an array in the heavy snow.

They are all covered in fine war armor and are armed with rifles, long axes, swords, heavy swords, iron laos and other weapons. The standards are not uniform, but they are murderous and have high morale.

The drumming pauses.

"Hulala!" Yin Anzhi took the lead, and Shan Tinggui, the general, rushed to the front with 500 people.

Shao Shude watched carefully and saw that in the almost charming wind and snow, the troops of both sides quickly approached and then collided fiercely.

"Go to your mother!" Shan Tinggui relied on his cold-forged armor to protect him well and did not defend at all. He swept his long Ke ax down, causing the spear thrust from the opposite side to stagger.

"Okay!" Shao Shude high-fived and praised.

What type of people do you like most in the military? People with infinite strength!

When two armies are facing each other, the lines of troops are close to each other, and both sides are stabbing each other with long weapons, if there is a person with infinite strength, holding a heavy long-handled blunt weapon, and sweeps towards the opposite side, he will definitely do wonders with his strength.

This kind of trick used by warriors is familiar to everyone: sweep across thousands of armies.

With such a sweep of Shan Tinggui's Changke ax, the steps of the people standing in front of him became a little scattered, and their center of gravity was also very unstable.

Li Xiaoxi roared, and with a few people holding iron laos, iron maces, and heavy swords, they rushed forward and ran headlong into the crowd.

When a blunt object hits a person, it makes an unusually "pleasant" sound.

When a heavy sword hits a person, even if he is protected by armor, the feeling is not pleasant. Some people's legs weaken and they fall down.

Tie Lao called on the person's face and pulled hard, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the screams were earth-shattering.

Li Xiaoxi and the other seven or eight people were like chisels, wedged hard into the enemy's formation, making the hole bigger and bigger and more chaotic.

Dozens of people followed them, shouting and shouting, showing great courage.

Almost in an instant, the volunteer army was on the verge of collapse.

Shao Shude slapped his palm on the wall brick and said with a smile: "You guys have defeated the enemy."

Ge Congzhou was also a little impressed and said: "This is a really powerful soldier!"

Yin Anzhi is indeed an elite division, well-equipped and extremely brave. It was as good as the hall back then, or even stronger.

While the two were talking, the rebel army was in chaos, and noises were everywhere. Some were still advancing, some had retreated, and some stopped, confused and confused as to what was going on.

Here is the secret to winning with fewer hits and more in array field battles.

The contact area is only so large. As long as you are brave enough and fierce enough, you can focus on a certain point and rush and strike. It is possible to destroy the enemy's formation in one fell swoop before most of the enemy's troops can react - after all, with more people, it is possible to defeat them.

When setting up the formation, the left does not hear the right, the right does not hear the left, the front does not know the back, and the back does not know the front.

Chu Shenping remained calm and ordered the troops to beat drums.

The whole army of 3,000 people pressed forward, which was the last straw for the already shaken rebel army.

Yuan Xingqin wielded a Mo Dao and chopped down the last few thieves who dared to resist.

Zhong Yanyou and Chu Shenfan, who were new to Yin'anzhi, were not new brothers in the battlefield. They stabbed each other with spears and killed people without calculation.

At that time, the Yin'anzhi warriors roared and killed, and chased them all the way to the north gate of Dingzhou, only to rein in the troops and return.

In this battle, nearly 3,000 people were beheaded, and the victory was clean and heart-wrenching.

After beating the thieves, the silver saddle was slowly gathered at the foot of Beiguan City.

The commander, Chu Shenping, led his soldiers to face the city and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

If there are three like this, the sound will shake the whole world.

"Long live my emperor, long live the emperor!" The officers and soldiers of Longxiang Army were affected by this and shouted in unison.

"Long live my emperor!" The voice reached Xiguan City, and more than 20,000 officers and soldiers of the Crane Control Army also shouted together.

"Long live my emperor!" A native of Hubei Province, the newly transferred Silver Spear Army, the newly formed Yizhou Prefecture Army...

Shao Shude glanced at the north, east and west of Dingzhou City. Wherever he looked, there were soldiers cheering enthusiastically.

Who dares to rebel?

As long as I am still alive in the world, all careerists should give up!

Ge Congzhou, Zhu Zhen, Wang Qianyu, He Delun, Yan Bao, Ye Li Kecheng and other generals stood with solemn expressions and respect.

They can see where the soldiers' hearts are.

To put it bluntly, even if someone uses half-coaxing and half-cheating methods to pull up a team to cause chaos, and the saint rides his horse and stops in front of the formation, the soldiers will probably defect before the battle.

It is clear who is the emperor of the warriors!

"Step up to persuade us to surrender!" Shao Shude ordered: "In the counties and towns in Dingzhou that have not yet surrendered, use the banners and drums of the bandits and their heads to persuade them to surrender. There must be no mistake."

"As ordered." Everyone, from the general to the junior high school, responded in unison.


Shao Shude stayed in Dingzhou for two days, distributed rewards to the troops, and then met with some military schools and soldiers to comfort them with warm words.

Meeting soldiers was something he had been doing for many years.

In today's world, when generals want to rebel, soldiers may not listen. When soldiers want to rebel, generals may not be able to stop them.

Did Lu Wenjin really want to kill Li Cunju? He was not forced by the soldiers, and he did not want to resist at first.

He Delun was forced to do nothing by the soldiers and cried to Li Cunxu before killing the hanging soldiers.

Did Li Siyuan really want to rebel? The real situation was that he was coerced by the soldiers and half-pushed.

Shao Shude meets and talks with soldiers all year round. But even after more than 20 years, the number of interviews is limited. Is this useful?

Of course it is useful.

He wants to establish some "legends" in the army so that the soldiers can spread them by word of mouth and increase their prestige.

For example, the incident of being "forced" to reward Liu Sanhu's beautiful concubine, as a popular "legend", is still widely circulated today.

For example, the matter of arranging veterans to serve as post generals, lieutenants, township assistants or even township chiefs in local areas, so that "life is endlessly joyful" has always been a matter of heated discussion among everyone.

To put it bluntly, this is a means of "buying hot searches" to increase his exposure among soldiers, and it is mostly a positive image.

He has been carefully maintaining this image and does not want it to be damaged.

If it was damaged, it might be okay. The sergeants had a difficult life and were full of resentment. Didn't Li Cunxu continue to live freely for two years? Until a soldier lost all his money playing cards and rebelled in anger. The atmosphere just happened to be heightened, and he responded immediately.

At that time, it was the general who stopped the rebellion, but he was killed by the soldiers...

If you think you can just win over the generals and you can sit back and relax, then you really have no idea how you will die. In fact, in most cases, the generals are also victims.

Shao Sheng's current image is very positive, and he maintains it very well. He has adequate rewards and punishments, and has a good reputation. Even when he is on an expedition, his soldiers are rotated, and almost half of the world's resources are provided to them first. There is really nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Shao Shude mobilized soldiers from the Longxiang Army, Konghe Army, and Silver Spear Army to talk with him. What he learned about the situation made him feel at ease. So after giving out the Zhengdan reward, he left with peace of mind.

Before leaving, he received news that Wuji, Xingyi, Shenze and other counties in the southernmost part of Dingzhou, close to Chengde, had all surrendered. Anxi was completely isolated - a visit would not be in vain. Already.

This year, Youzhou has almost digested it, and even the layout outside the pass has been spread out bit by bit. Only the more than 10,000 miscellaneous soldiers in Yiding Town are left in the city. After repeated defeats by the Chengde reinforcements, it was difficult for the Jin army to break through the defense line. Under such circumstances, it is only a matter of time before the rebel army is destroyed.

Before nightfall on New Year's Eve, Shao Shude, escorted by the Yin'anzhi warriors, ran wildly back to Linshuo Palace with one person and three horses.

When the war horses were approaching the Jiaotai Palace, Yulu, who was the first to go out to see her aunt, Xiao Chonggun and her daughter saw a scene they would never forget: Shao Shude, covered in snow, sat on the horse and looked at them with bright eyes, as if A sculpture.

"Your Majesty." When Yu Lu saw his aunt, Xiao Chonggun hurried up and swept away the snow for him.

"We set out last night, traveling more than 400 miles in one day and night, with snow falling all over the sky, just to come back and celebrate the New Year." Shao Shude put his arms around the mother and daughter and said with a smile.

"This..." Yu Lu was also shocked when he saw his aunt, and sighed: "Your Majesty has such an achievement, perseverance, perseverance, courage, and intelligence are all indispensable. From today on, I know that the world has its own husband."

Shao Shude was satisfied with the physical and mental surrender of such a female aristocrat in the power arena.

A new year and a new journey.

(End of this volume)

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