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Chapter 1285 Shaping (Additional Update 2)

 After leaving Dezhou, we drove straight to Cangzhou, and then went north to Youzhou, a total journey of about 800 miles. According to the current traveling speed, we will reach Beiping Prefecture in about mid-April.

Thief Shao still has one month of free time.

On the day of the Cold Food Festival, he read the military newspaper: after a long siege, Dingzhou was at the end of its rope. Soldiers kept descending from the city and fleeing to surrender.

This was not only because the soldiers and horses from all walks of life were attacking endlessly, but also because the sergeants in the city realized that no one might come to save them, completely extinguishing the last trace of luck in their hearts.

Outside of Dingzhou, there is another very important news: According to "rumor", Li Keyong fell ill. The reason is probably that people continued to surrender one after another, many of whom were his adopted sons whom he once trusted very much, and he felt unhappy.

I felt depressed in my chest and fell ill all of a sudden.

After Shao Shude learned about it, the expression on his face was comparable to that of Huck when he heard that the former Prime Minister was dead.

He did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked the people in Tingwangsi to inquire at all costs to get the real information.

At the same time, she was very sad, so she called Xiao Wanniang to enter the Jiaotai Palace to perform a dance.

The fifteenth mother performed a dance for Shao Sheng at the Changchun Festival and became famous in one fell swoop. She originally thought she would be able to perform in the palace more often, but to her surprise, the saint seemed to have forgotten her existence and there was no movement at all.

Until today, she was preparing to return to Luoyang, and she was naturally overjoyed when she finally got the call.

After arriving at Jiaotai Hall, what surprised her was that the Khitan girl named Xiao Chonggun was also there.

One is fourteen and the other is thirteen, they are of the same age, and they dislike each other, and there is quite a hint of something different between them.

Shao Shude was lying lazily on the bed. Chu's and Yu Lu's two aunts, one on the left and one on the right, brought him tea and snacks.

Aunt Yu Lujian was six or seven months pregnant, with a big belly, which was a bit laborious.

In order to save Zhang Hui, Chu had an accident and expanded her belly. Now her belly is slightly bulging, and she has given birth to life.

"The court attire worn by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty..." Shao Shude looked at the attires of the two women and was a little surprised by their unanimous choice.

Xiao Wuniang is dressed in bright red, with a short top, wide sleeves, a high waist, and a belt made of colored satin tightly tied into a floor-length skirt, which makes her look somewhat elegant.

Xiao Zhonggun is wearing a green undershirt, with gauze and snow-skinned skin, and her chest is half exposed. She is small and cute. But Shao Shude feels that she is not good at choosing clothes. The two little buns are not much bigger than last year. What is there to show?

"Your Majesty!" The two girls stood in the hall and saluted together.

"Take off!" Shao Shude said suddenly.

The two women were stunned and hesitated.

"Take off!" Shao Shude repeated.

The two girls didn't dare to neglect, so they took off their clothes, pursed their red lips slightly, and their pretty faces turned red.

Shao Shude didn't shout to stop, and the two of them didn't dare to stop until they couldn't take off any more, and they were frozen there with no where to put their hands.

Several female historians brought two sets of clothes. At Shao Shude's signal, the two girls changed into them.

The fifteenth mother and Xiao Chonggun were greatly surprised when they looked at the two dresses, one purple and one white. Especially the big skirt with bustles, it subverted their cognition.

Fortunately, since the Tang Dynasty, the people of the Central Plains have been very receptive to foreign culture and items. Hu clothing, Hu food, Hu dance, Hu Qin, etc. have been slowly integrated into their own culture and further developed. It has become the unique culture of its own nation.

Although these two sets of long skirts are weird in style, women in the Tang Dynasty often wear men's clothes. Are Xia women just coquettish?

With the help of the female historian, the two quickly changed their clothes.

Shao Shude got up from the bed, walked down, and slowly admired it.

In fact, the style difference is quite big.

The women's clothing in the court of Daxia was inherited from the former Tang Dynasty. The style of women's clothing in the Tang Dynasty has its own unique cultural background and aesthetic consciousness.

For example, a major feature of women's clothing in the Tang court was that it was free and elegant, which was related to the strong Taoist culture at that time.

During the Tang Dynasty, the influence of Taoism was really great. This can be seen from the names given by many people. Don’t have too many with the word “immortal”.

In addition, there is the aesthetic rooted in traditional Confucianism: abstraction, freehand brushwork, loose clothing, free hanging, and emphasis on artistic conception and charm - not only clothing, painting, and calligraphy are also very particular about this.

To put it simply: free and easy, elegant, freehand, with fluttering clothes and flying skirts. It pays attention to the beauty of artistic conception and rhythm, giving people plenty of room for imagination.

But the two dresses that Shao Shude wore actually have a very strong realistic style.

The overall skirt is very slim, highlighting the figure and focusing on body shaping. Especially the long skirt with bustles, which looks like a blooming peony flower and is extremely gorgeous.

The space between the Tang suit and the human body is very wide, and the skirt waist is very high, covering the figure. When dancing, it produces rhythmic and dynamic changes with the human body - abstract style.

The space between this costume and the human body is strictly defined, and the waist is very thin, pursuing the ultimate natural figure - a realistic style.

There is no doubt that the spiritual core of a person in a period will affect all aspects of his culture.

If you advocate worldliness and elegance, then you will get an ecstatic style.

If you advocate worldliness and realism, then you will get a sexy and natural style.

Just like the New Dynasty Yale, which is still being compiled, it is best to set the tone of what is the spiritual core of Daxia. These things may seem redundant, but in fact they have been subtly influencing the pursuit of people of a period.

"Wipe off the makeup." Shao Shude walked up to Fifteen Niang and said: "I know that in the Tang Dynasty, makeup was considered beautiful when it was weird, but I can't stand it anymore. I will be more natural in the future."

Xiao Wanniang quickly stretched out her hand to wipe it.

"The hair ornaments can be simpler." Shao Shude walked to Xiao Chonggun again, looked at the hairpin inlaid with amber, pearls, and orbs, and said: "The new dynasty of Great Xia is not extravagant. Even in the palace, these are too much. Some."

After saying that, he returned to the bed and said, "Jump."

The two women were in a daze.

Especially Xiao Wanniang, she has her own artistic understanding. When she puts on this slim-fitting skirt, the dance styles she learned before will no longer match her and it will be awkward to dance.

"It doesn't matter, follow your own understanding. Even if you make up a dance, it's fine." Shao Shude encouraged.

Xiao Chonggan was not good at art. Shao Shude saw her blushing and waved her aside and continued to look at Fifteen Niang.

The fifteenth mother hesitated for a while, and then she actually wrote and directed a Hu Xuan dance that she modified on the spot.

Shao Shude's eyes lit up and he praised: "I know how to choose!"

Hu Xuan Dance was introduced from the Western Regions and became popular in both the government and the public during the Tianbao period. It can be seen that the people in the Central Plains were very accepting and tolerant of foreign cultures at that time.

We appreciate good and beautiful things, learn them, use them for our own purposes, innovate and carry them forward.

They don’t have too many sectarian views. Even if it’s something from a small country in the Western Region, as long as it’s really beautiful and beautiful, they know how to appreciate it, love it, not despise it, and don’t have too much arrogance.

Fifteen Niang's dance moves were a little jerky and inconsistent at first, but as she gradually adapted, she became more and more confident, as if she blended in with the purple dress she was wearing.

Left spin, right spin, kicking, kicking, jumping...

Spin and jump again, it is really "turning left and right without getting tired, endless twists and turns".

When Hu Xuannu danced in Chang'an, she wore a Tang suit, but in their hometown, they must have worn a narrow-sleeved Hu suit.

In the early Tang Dynasty, the palace costumes of the former Tang Dynasty were actually narrow-sleeved and close-fitting, which may be a legacy of the Northern Dynasties. However, in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, they transitioned to fat and loose clothes. I have to lament the huge changes.

The upper body of the Fifteenth Mother is a tight-fitting, form-fitting single undergarment, short sleeves, sweetheart neckline, and the lower body is a long skirt with bustles, decorated with peony patterns. When spinning, kicking, and jumping, her graceful figure is fully displayed, which is very suitable for An old man like Shao Shude - the taste of old audiences.

Especially the long skirt made of whalebone, it is simply stunning when it rotates, like a huge peony flower.

The only thing missing is hard-soled dance shoes, and the sound when kicking on the ground is not clear and loud enough. As a result, a good two-dimensional audio-visual feast has become only sight and no listening, which is a bit regretful.

At the end of the dance, Fifteen Niang made a series of spins and floated down in front of Shao Shude.

Shao Shude was also very cooperative and put his arms into his arms.

The fifteenth mother was half lying in his arms, her forehead was sweating slightly, her chest was rising and falling violently, the tight and slim neckline could hardly restrain her, and the bright moon was about to come out of her twin peaks.

"Your Majesty..." The fifteenth mother suddenly flashed her big eyes.

"She is a beauty with great intelligence. The Xiao family has taken the trouble." Shao Shude said with a half-smile.

Are they sugar-coated cannonballs? The sugar-coated can be eaten. Whoever likes the cannonballs wants to eat them. After being in a position of power for so many years, how can I not understand the little thoughts and actions of the people below?

"Sit next to me." Shao Shude pointed to the chair in front of him and said.

"Yes." Fifteenth Mother stood up lightly.

"Chonggun is also sitting," Shao Shude said again.

After saying that, he closed his eyes and thought for a while.

In fact, he hopes that people in this era will be more pragmatic, more realistic, and more natural.

Abstract beauty, artistic conception beauty, and freehand beauty are important, but they cannot be neglected in everything.

Aren’t paintings that focus on realism quite beautiful? They have their own strengths as freehand landscape paintings.

Realistic, natural, and sexy palace attire, as well as large, elegant, and free and easy clothing, each has its own beauty.

What is the spiritual core of the Xia Dynasty?

Shao Shude dare not say what he can shape, but he hopes that people will be more open, tolerant, enterprising, pragmatic and natural.

Less mysterious and mysterious talk, more realistic and pragmatic attitude close to nature, which is good for the development of the country.

The more lively music of the New Dynasty, the realistic paintings that are close to nature, the palace costumes that show the beauty of the human body, the down-to-earth development of industry and agriculture, the inclusive cultural attitude, and the aggressive hunger are what he wants - at least To try - to shape something.

Some things can be subtle.

His perseverance and perseverance for more than 20 years, as well as his love for getting to the bottom of things and focusing on details, have influenced many people.

He cannot change the times by himself, but he may be able to leave his mark on the times. Not only in material and military aspects, but also in spiritual and cultural aspects.

This nation still has a long way to go, with no end in sight.

At this time, he used all his strength to deflect it slightly in a slight direction. There may not be any change in a short period of time, but in the dimension of hundreds or thousands of years, this nation may have walked on another path.

This can happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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