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Chapter 1291 Test and Mission

 The war in Chengde is clouded, Jinyang is gloomy, but Peiping is full of joy and laughter.

this is the truth.

Just imagine, if the Guanxi Military and Political Group founded by Shao Shude is still nestled in Guanbei, relying on natural barriers such as the Yellow River, Hengshan and the desert, struggling to resist attacks from all sides, Lingzhou will not have any active efforts. the breath.

But everything is different after all.

The Kansai Military and Political Group has already absorbed a large number of Henan officials and generals, and is now beginning to absorb some of Hebei's "advanced elements." The entire group is getting bigger and bigger, and its prospects are getting better and better. The joys and sorrows between people are originally It just doesn't connect.

The marriage between Shao Siwu, King of Zhao in the Great Xia Dynasty, and Yueniang, the daughter of Zhang Huaishen, was the "hot news" in Beiping Prefecture in June.

The grandness of the scene and the large number of guests were eye-opening.

At the same time, there are rumors that Princess Shao Li of the United States will be promoted to the new Jinshi Zhao Feng in August, and happy events are happening one after another.

Under a lot of focus, at the end of June, Yu Lujiangu gave birth to a daughter in a low-key manner, but not many people paid attention to it.

Aunt Yu Lu was extremely disappointed when she saw her, but Shao Shude was very happy. After several sons in succession, he finally had a daughter.

Xiao Chonggun's mood has also improved a lot inexplicably. She now mainly practices dancing and painting with Xiao Wanniang. Only occasionally, she will practice playing flute and flute with the saint.

Shao Shude liked the two of them to play together, one playing the flute horizontally and the other playing the flute vertically. It was the ultimate enjoyment.

After holding the eldest son's wedding, Shao Shude returned to Jintai Palace, checked out the military reports of his eldest son Shao Chengjie in Shu one by one, and reviewed them carefully - one year after the siege, Li Maozhen and his family set themselves on fire, and Chengdu was defeated.

King Shao Chengjie of Qin left Chang'an in August of the first year of Tianyou's reign at the end of the Tang Dynasty. He spent two years conquering all the rebellious states in Shannan West Road one by one. At this stage, the battle was quite satisfactory. Some of the states in Shannan West Road surrendered, while others failed. The overall strength is relatively scattered, so most of them are sieges and sieges. They can be wiped out in two years, and the efficiency is very good.

Unfortunately, Li Kuangwei was still not found. The five thousand Youzhou soldiers he brought were found everywhere, even the main officers and generals in the rebel cities. After being captured, they were tortured repeatedly and learned that Li Kuangwei was separated from them. , where he ended up unknown. Some people also say that Li Kuangwei was assassinated by Zhuge Zhongfang and his body was thrown into the wilderness.

Shao Shude thought of Zhuge Zhongfang again. Sometimes, he admired this guy's thinking.

Zhuge Shuang had a half-teacher relationship with Shao Shude. Later, he sent Jiang Dewen, secretary of Jieduzhang, to Linzhou to propose marriage to Shao Shude.

Before getting married, Zhuge Shuang received the marriage certificate, was given a wedding room, and attended the wedding as an elder.

Zhuge Shuang held a lot of favors for both the emperor and the empress. With such a strong background, Zhuge Zhongfang played it like this. It can only be said that the nature of a warrior is like this. He dared to assassinate Li Kuangwei and recruit his five thousand soldiers. Look, Zhuge Zhongfang, who is honest on the surface, is secretly ambitious.

But he has no chance, so he can only lie dormant from now on.

From Zhuge Zhongfang, we can also deduce how many people are dormant due to the situation in the Daxia court today.

Of course Shao Shude is not overly worried.

He did not believe that in other dynasties in ancient times, all the generals and ministers were loyal when the country was founded. That was just a performance recorded in history books. Who knows what he was thinking in his heart.

But when it comes to deeds, regardless of the heart, everything depends on performance. This is what a mature politician does.

After the Shannan West Road was cleared and the armies were rested, there was a two-year fierce battle in the Longjian and Dongchuan towns. During this period, there were dozens of large and small battles, with both sides winning or losing, but the three main battles were all won and eliminated.

Li Maozhen's main force of more than 20,000 men and more than 40,000 miscellaneous troops entered the outskirts of Chengdu.

Next came the siege of Chengdu and the offensive and defensive battle of Qiongnan, which once again wiped out 20,000 Maozhen soldiers, more than 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers, and killed Maozhen's son Li Jikan.

It took five years to capture the five towns of Shannan West Road, Longjian, Jiannan Dongchuan, Jiannan Xichuan, and Qiongnan, and killed more than 100,000 thieves.

Shao Shude is basically satisfied with this result.

Children born in this era, if they want to inherit the throne, they cannot do without military merit and bravery, otherwise they will end up like Emperor Min of the later Tang Dynasty.

After the review was completed, he summoned Lu Siye, the secretary-in-charge, and ordered: "According to the Secretary-General's decree, Gao Renhou, the Duke of Fengtian County, can be conferred as the Duke of Ba. Please calculate the specific amount of food and entitlement."

"Your Majesty, the affairs of Shuzhong were discussed in the Political Affairs Hall yesterday. According to the calculation by the Ministry of Civil Affairs Examiner, 4,700 households should be sealed." Lu Siye replied.

There were only three hundred households to go before he would be the king of the county. Shao Shude could bear it, so he nodded in agreement and said, "That's it."

At present, in the new dynasty, apart from princes and princesses, the most powerful person is the prince of Qinghe County, who has accumulated 5,600 households.

Next is the Prince of Le'an County, with 5,000 households. He has no chance to make meritorious deeds and no chance to be punished. This food seal will not change.

Next, there are 4,700 households belonging to Gao Renhou, Duke of Ba, and 4,300 households belonging to Li Tangbin, Duke of Lu. Lu Huaizhong, Duke of Wei, and Ge Cong, Duke of Ji, have only 4,000 households in Zhoudu. As for the posthumous princes of the previous generation, they are not included.

In fact, these heroes still have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, it depends on whether Shao Shude wants to give it or not.

"The three armies of Jin Dao, Hei Jin and Fei Xiong have been out for more than two years. Let's all come back and rest." Shao Shude said: "The defense areas of each army should be re-divided. The Jin Dao Army will move to Dengzhou and the Black Jin Army will move to Hua.

Prefecture, the Feixiong Army moved to Ruzhou."

These three armies, which have followed the eldest son to fight five years ago, will be withdrawn and reorganized, and their locations will also be changed.

Even father and son have no mercy at all when it comes to military power.

The eldest son has already established prestige in these three armies, and may have promoted and appointed private individuals. To this extent, Shao Shude can still tolerate it, even what he originally hoped. But this does not mean that he will not rectify it.

, this is the instinct of political creatures.

Who are you loyal to? The saint or the King of Qin? This needs to be clarified.

Before I die, you can't make a wrong step. Otherwise, Shao Shude won't mind cleaning them thoroughly - he doesn't want to see this step, and Cheng Jie shouldn't want to see it either, right?

"Tiaoyi joined the army and entered Shu. The King of Qin continued to stay in Shuzhong for one year. I heard that there were more than 100,000 troops. Now it is time to eliminate the weak and keep the strong, so I will also draft an edict on this." Shao Shude ordered again.

After the Golden Knife Army and other troops withdrew, Qin King Shao Chengjie still had more than 100,000 soldiers and horses under his account. Most of them were the troops he slowly raised while searching for money and food in the west of Shannan Road and Shu. Among them, the first ones who followed him were directly counted.

Thousands of sergeants have been integrated into various ministries and serve as the backbone of officers.

In fact, this can be regarded as a disguised form of starting from scratch, but the expansion speed is a bit faster. How Shao Chengjie will stabilize the digestion and clean up and eliminate this army is the focus of Shao Shude's observation.

If you want to be an emperor, dealing with warriors is a necessary skill. If you can't pass this level, then Shao Shude will have to think of an alternative plan.

"There is one more thing." Shao Shude was about to leave when he added, "Instruct my son to pick up some light and valuable things and send them to Luoyang."

After that, he left.

Lu Siye wrote silently, without any unnecessary words, and would not say it to anyone. This is his way of being an official and the way he handles things, and it is also the direct reason for his rapid rise to prominence.


On the tenth day of the seventh month, Jieyu Zhong gave birth to a daughter in Jiaotai Palace. Shao Shude was overjoyed and named her "Hui Wan".

Among so many daughters, only three have been properly named by him so far.

The first one is the daughter born to imperial concubine Zhao Yu in April of the third year of Dashun (892), named "Caiwei".

The second is the daughter born to Chongyuan Zhang Hui in the first month of the sixth year of Qianning (899), named "Jialuan".

The third one is "Huiwan", the daughter of Jieyu Zhongjiao.

The other daughters all have one-letter names, so I just pick whatever comes to my mind and don't get too distracted.

Shao Shude's preference can be clearly seen from the naming.

After a rough count, he now has 29 biological children, which is not bad.

Compared with Cao Mengde, there are still 2 fewer, but the ratio of sons to daughters of Brother Mengde is more than 4:1. The disparity is too great, and the real number may be more than 31.

Compared to Li Shimin, there are still 6. He died too early and there was nothing we could do.

Compared with Zhu Yuanzhang, he is still 15 years behind. I don’t know if he can catch up in this life. However, considering that Zhu Yuanzhang gave birth to more than ten sons after he was fifty, Shao Shude felt that he could now wield an epee and ride a fierce horse.

If you can draw a strong bow, you still have a lot of potential to tap.

The Shaw family still needs him to carry it forward.

It was also on this day that he received top-secret news from Jinyang: Li Keyong was seriously ill and was bedridden. All affairs of the shogunate, unless they were urgent, were generally left to Li Xiji, Feng Dao, Li Luoluo and Li Sizhao.

People differentiate.

Finally got some solid news!

Shao Shude was shocked and immediately summoned the main officials of the Political Hall and the Privy Council for discussion.

"Your Majesty, it is not easy to publicize this matter, and it is not appropriate to take it seriously." Chen Cheng said: "It is best to send a close and important minister to Jinyang to visit. In normal times, there may be something wrong, but at this time, it is definitely not serious. hinder."

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention.

Chen Shilang is a very mysterious person. Sometimes he protects himself wisely, and sometimes he speaks boldly.

Selfish? Selfless? None of them.

A person who is completely selfish and wise in protecting himself will not be valued by the saints. But if he is too selfless and offends too many people, he may not end well.

Shilang Chen is so contradictory that many people can't understand him.

"What Chen Qing said makes sense." Shao Shude thought for a while and then said slowly: "Who can go?"

Chen Cheng was silent for a moment and said, "I would like to go to Jinyang in person."

"No!" Shao Shude came to his senses. How could he allow his ministers to recommend this matter? He could only make the decision arbitrarily.

"Li Qing of Honglu Temple is unwell. Let Pei Guan handle this matter. Choose more high-quality medicinal materials and the gift must not be too thin." Shao Shude made a decision and said.

Pei Guan is currently the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple. He has served as the supervisor of various camps for many times. He is very courageous and has rich experience. It is indeed a good idea to send him as an envoy.

Li Hang is not young anymore. When he was young, he would travel through wind and rain, traveling in various places. In the chaos of war, it was common for him to eat and sleep in the open, and sometimes he would even get injured. Now that he is in his forties or fifties, Suffering from various illnesses, he is no longer fit to go on missions.

If Pei Guan can successfully complete the task, he will take over from Li Hang in the future to reward his efforts.

"Otherwise, let Wang Yu and his wife follow them back to Jinyang." Shao Shude finally gave the order.

This chapter has been completed!
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