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Chapter 1305 Games and Rewards

Shao Shude walked into the newly built Qiyan Pavilion. The concubines, palace officials, and female historians all covered their mouths and smiled.

Shao Shude looked at it.

Zhang Hui, Zhu, Shi, Liu and more than ten people are all there, located in the innermost part.

Five people, the Chu family, the Xie family, the Su family, the Qi family, and the Rong family, stood on the left side of the hall.

Queen Shuxian's He family, Pei family, Chen family, and several unidentified Li families stood on the right side of the hall.

Behind the doors on his left and right, there were still five people, including Yulu Jiangu, Xiao Chonggun, mother and daughter of Astrid family.

Half my life’s savings are here, which is great!

Oh, by the way, the New Year is here, and the palace officials and female historians rarely have a holiday, so they can gather together.

Speaking of which, Shao Sheng is still a very stingy person. He is like the wealthy man who created a generation in Wenzhou in the early years. He kept women and had to get them to work in the company - he went to work and had his own job.

The women captured by Shao Sheng, except for those who became concubines, were all working as palace servants. The better ones became palace officials (officials), the worse ones became female officials (officials), and the worst ones were ordinary palace maids.

"I guess Huan Huan is here..." Shao Shude's eyes flickered and he glanced back and forth.

The orioles and swallows, all wearing close-fitting palace skirts, are graceful and charming, smiling and chattering.

Some people pretended to be suspicious and hid their hands in a panic.

Some people pretended to be calm and put their hands in front of themselves openly.

Some people deliberately kept their fists closed, as if they were holding something in their palms.

Several people put their fists together and shook them back and forth.

Shao Shude smiled and said nothing, walking around the hall, pretending not to know.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on Queen He. Queen He shyly avoided her.

"The ring is in Shu Niang's hand." Shao Shude walked straight to the girl beside Queen He and grabbed her hand.

The girl had no choice but to spread it out, and it turned out that the ring was hidden.

The so-called 彄huan refers to a tool worn by archers on their thumbs to hook strings. It has been around for a long time.

"Qi Ji used a hundred alchemy rings as a ring, which illuminated the finger bones. She cursed it and gave four rings each to her servants, such as jade and shining light." - Qi Ji is Liu Bang's concubine.

Rumor has it that the play of hiding hooks originated in the Han Dynasty. Mrs. Gou Yi used fists when she was young. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty showed her hands when she entered the palace, she got a hook. Later generations performed the play of hiding hooks.

The game of hiding the hook has evolved over hundreds of years. It doesn’t matter what is hidden, but the game of guessing whose hand the thing is hidden is enduring.

Tibetan lottery was popular in the Tang Dynasty, and Tibetan lot was popular in the Song Dynasty, and then - well, the popularity of this game seemed to have suddenly dropped, but it was still very popular at this time.

"The hook moves the palm and the flow is undercurrent, the hand takes advantage of the void and then releases it tightly", "Showing traces can be suspicious, revealing a suspicious state", "It is doubtful that the empty fist can be taken, the hand holds the treasure but does not pick it", through these poems, we can get a glimpse The enthusiasm of the people when playing this game.

"The officials..." Seeing that Shao Shude successfully guessed the location of the ring, all the girls lamented.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, and carried the sixteen-year-old girl into his arms with a princess hug, and sat on the throne, his face not red and not out of breath.

Queen He looked at the saint and her daughter worriedly, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them sitting down.

"Don't sigh, you will be rewarded." Shao Shude smiled and clapped his hands.

A stream of small yellow doors came in, holding a large amount of cloth in their hands.

When Yu Lu saw her, she took a piece of woolen cloth, held it firmly in her hands, and said in surprise: "Guan's house, are there peonies on it?"

"Of course." Shao Shude said with a smile: "The country has gone further and further on the road of wool spinning. After going deep into the folk, there will always be people with ingenuity and craftsmanship, thinking about making more tricks so that they can be sold.

High price. This kind of patterned woolen cloth first appeared in Luoyang last year. The price was more than twice as expensive and it was sold out within a few days. Since then, I don’t know how many people are thinking about how to weave flowers."

In fact, Shao Shude is right. Felt cloth has been out for many years, and its roots in the North are getting deeper and deeper. Especially when the climate is slowly getting colder, the demand is increasing year by year, and it has gradually become a huge market that cannot be ignored.

.And because it is relatively cheap compared to silk, the market is expanding very rapidly. Not only the people in the entire Kansai region, but also in the old Henan Province have become accustomed to this kind of textile. Now even the people in Hebei, Hedong, Hubei and other places are increasingly accepting this kind of textile to keep warm and keep out the cold.

- In fact, it can be worn in spring and autumn, as long as the weave is thinner.

With the explosive growth of private sheep ownership, wool production has increased rapidly, and the price of woolen cloth has slowly dropped, becoming more and more popular. One day, woolen cloth will become a popular commodity in the North and even the Jianghuai River Basin.

As the market grows, people will naturally use their brains, and new styles of felt will surely continue to emerge.

The evolution of silk products is there, and wool is no exception.

And this jacquard machine is obviously qualified to win the award.

In the third year of Qianning (896), the winner of the first "Xia King Award" was Wang Yong, who wrote a theoretical book on the bloodlines of humans, livestock, and vegetation. He received a bounty of 3,600 yuan and was later promoted to Henan Yin.

In the fourth year of Qianning (897), the second "Xia Wang Award" was awarded to Cui, a Pizhou peasant woman, because she was the first to come up with a wool spinning machine.

Although the machine was crude and not very efficient, there was no doubt that it was groundbreaking. After the report was reported to the local government, Shao Shude ordered an award. Cui received 3,600 yuan and was granted the title of Lord of Xinping County. Her husband was promoted to Li Zheng and her second son entered the state.

In the army, as soon as he entered the county government, he became a subordinate official.

In the fifth year of Qianning (898), the third "Xia King Award" was awarded to Master Mani, so he wrote a textbook for the Imperial College called "Geometry", received 3,600 yuan, and was awarded the rank of a middle-level official.

In the sixth year of Qianning (899), no one received the reward.

In the first year of Tianyou (900), the fourth "Xia King Award" was awarded to Tuoba, a peasant woman in Xiazhou, because she bred "Wuyan sheep" and dedicated it to Tuoba Sijing, who then dedicated it to the court, so she received 3,600 yuan.

Min, he attacked the Duke of Shuofang County, and his husband was promoted to Li Zheng, and all the disciples arranged their work.

In the first year of Jianji (901), the fifth "Xiawang Award" was awarded to Ma Wanpeng, a member of the Shipbuilding Department of the Ministry of Industry, for his presiding over the construction of the "Haijiao". The reward was 3,600 yuan, and he was awarded another reward.

Jue Linyou County, a man with a food seal of 300 households.

In the second year of Jianji (902), there was a bye and no one received the reward.

In the third year of Jianji (903), Wei Shiyilang, the military supervisor, proposed that Ruzhou coal contained "stone flow yellow", so it was easy to break when used to refine swords. He also suggested that some iron ore also contained "stone sulfur"

.However, neither of his statements can be effectively proven. The evidence of "yellow smoke" is not sufficient, although many craftsmen agree with his statement.

Shao Shude felt that rules were just rules. If he could not prove his theory, he would not be rewarded, so he had a bye this year. However, he personally rewarded him with a thousand dollars as encouragement and asked him to continue his research and find ways to prove his theory.

Science is rigorous. If a theory is proposed, it must be proven. The attitude of seeking truth from facts is what Shao Shude has always emphasized. He also uses this rigorous attitude to subtly improve people's logical thinking ability.

In the fourth year of Jianji (904), the sixth "Xia King Award" awarded this year was awarded to Li Mo, the chief registrar of Lushun County, Andong Prefecture.

When he was studying the construction department of the Imperial College, he guided the craftsmen who built Ziwei City to creatively use knowledge of geometry and mechanics to build many arches and arc-shaped structures. He also participated in the construction of the Luoyang sewer arch and the Tianjin Bridge arch structure, and accurately calculated the

The required amount of masonry saves a lot of unnecessary expenses.

For these many achievements, he was rewarded 3,600 yuan and promoted to the command command of the Andong Prefecture.

This year's (905) award will be awarded next year - that is, the seventh "Xia Wang Award" - and if nothing else happens, it will be the Henan peasant woman Liu who obtained the wool jacquard loom by improving the silk loom.

Although silk has been able to weave patterns for a long time, if you improve it and weave wool patterns, it may seem that there is not much progress, but new things are new things, and Shao Shude is willing to award awards without being stingy at all.

By the way, the awarding organization has become the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After all, this award has been in existence for almost ten years and has always been funded by Shao Shude personally. It is just the right time to transfer it to the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The eighth "Xiawang Award" is actually coming soon. People from Sinong Temple should win the award because they have bred an "Iron Horse" with greater pulling power.

Shao Shude worked hard for ten years, did not hesitate to reward generously, and guided carefully, and the fruits he bore were very gratifying.

If "On Bloodline" written by Wang Yong and "Geometry" compiled by Master Mani are still likely to be reduced to "miscellaneous studies" that eat dust in the corner, wool looms, wool jacquards, Wuyan sheep, iron

Things like Lima will exist on this land forever.

This is something that Shao Shude pursues that will not disappear. Because it is vital and closely related to the lives of ordinary people, it will definitely be widely used, even introduce new ones, and continue to make progress in the future.

Shao Shude is not sure whether the profession of architects who are proficient in geometry and superficial mechanics will be suppressed or even disappear, but he is cautiously optimistic. Because under his guidance, the technology may not advance much, but it will really save money and labor.

Save materials.

Shao Shude is not sure about the ship. He is really afraid of being criticized by future generations. The technological progress of these ships will disappear like a flash in the pan - there is no market demand and more people will not be involved. Technical regression is not

Impossible, even commonplace.

He is still working hard and racking his brains to let more people benefit from the benefits of the "marine industry".

Yes, you have to create a market first, and then create an industry through the market. The market and the industry promote each other, form positive feedback, self-improvement, and self-expansion. This is the most ideal and most vital thing.

Wool is a typical positive example.

The market demand has always existed, but no one has satisfied it in the past, so people stuffed reeds into cloth and sewed it to keep warm. The emergence of wool is a dimensionality reduction blow, which is more in line with the overall cooling environment, so it has gained an exciting

Amazing development.

Of course, Shao Shude's efforts to stabilize order, improve people's living standards, and create more consumer groups are also important reasons for the rapid expansion of the market.

The woolen cloth market is already unbreakable and indestructible, because it is nested with the production of grain, meat, leather, dairy products and even grassland salt (soda ash), forming a chain and promoting each other. The production and living habits of the people of Daxia have

Has been permanently changed by him.

The marine industry is relatively fragile and not solid at all. It was entirely supported by Shao Shude's manpower.

People don't have to wear sweaters to keep out the cold, but they really don't need to eat salted fish. In other words, salted fish can be replaced, so what should we do? What Shao Shude can think of is to bring more marine-related products into people's lives. One can be replaced by salted fish.

Replacement, what if there are ten or a hundred? Maybe it will be difficult to replace.

Woolen cloths of various colors were quickly distributed.

The warblers and swallows put it under the desk, admired it carefully, and couldn't put it down.

Some of the fabrics here are actually not just wool, but silk and wool blends. At this time, you have to admire the weavers who came up with these patterns. And this is of course a good thing. Enriching product lines is the only way to expand and stabilize the market.


"There are actually deer patterns, so beautiful!"

"The officials are really scholarly people."

"Your Majesty has become a Buddha for thousands of families."

"This wool is so soft. Is it the wool of Wuyan sheep or Huluo sheep?"

"The official family should be regarded as the first sage in ancient times."

Shao Shude didn't respond much to the ministers' compliments, and sometimes even scolded them for not praising their virtues.

But in the face of women's flattery, his resistance is not so strong. Especially the wives who have been snatched back. When they look at him with reverence and admiration, Shao Shude's thinking ability will decrease exponentially.

He knows this flaw of his, but he can't change it, and he doesn't want to change it.

"Although wool is soft, there are things softer than wool, such as cashmere and... I love petting the most." Shao Shude stood up with a smile, hugged Shu Niang and walked to the back hall. Queen He hesitated for a moment, and saw the saint signaling with her eyes.

, and followed him.

This chapter has been completed!
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