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Chapter 1326 Preparation

 To launch a war, the first thing is to do all the preparatory work, including but not limited to ideological mobilization, personnel appointments and removals, logistics supplies, intelligence reconnaissance, diplomatic preparations, etc.

The most important of these is, of course, logistical supply.

Guangshen's million-strong army fell on this.

What Shao Shude is thinking about now is who will provide the money and food needed to conquer the Khitans.

The new land in Hedong is given over to year after year, and even the rats in the warehouse are starving to death. They must not be able to support it.

Hebei has experienced frequent civil wars in the past two or three years, and many places have also exempted themselves from taxes. Coupled with the unrest caused by forced immigration, the people have a lot of resentment towards the court, and it is not appropriate to "pain" them for the time being. Maybe I can support part of it, but I really can't


After thinking about it, I can only think of the five roads within Guan Nei, Guan Bei, Zhili, Henan and Huaihai as taking on the important task.

It happened that Han Jian, the governor of Zhili Province, came to Beiping Mansion to report on his duties, so Shao Shude asked about the situation.

"Your Majesty, Zhili Province currently has 15 prefectures, 99 counties, more than 680,000 households, and more than 3.54 million people." Han Jianxun reported: "There are many places to spend money this year..."

"Stay here!" Shao Shude has a headache. Why do you act like an iron rooster when asking about your household registration and taxes?

He can understand that all localities want to retain tax revenue as much as possible, reduce government subsidies, and use it for local development. This is in line with human nature and is understandable.

But understanding is understanding. When it comes time to ask for money, Shao Shude will never be soft. If you defeat these monsters and monsters as soon as possible, you won't have to suffer. A tax-sharing reform has not been implemented so far because the unification war has not yet ended.

"It has been ten years since Zhili Road has been stable. I have tried every means to immigrate here. People from Guanxi, Guanbei, Helong and even Weibo have helped the old and young, settled down, and reclaimed wasteland. I have also brought you so many livestock.

, the number is so large that I can’t even count it.” Shao Shude looked at Han Jian’s big head and wanted to hit it twice with a brush, and said: “Why do you push me here and there when I ask you for money?”

"Your Majesty, please calm down." After all, Han Jian is not one of those intellectuals who dares to fight you to the end. He was a little flustered when Shao Shude asked him this question, and he continued to say: "This year there are two major expenses for Fangchengpi and first-class national highways. Tang

Various canals also need to be dredged, and ponds need to be built in some places to store water. Xiangzhou will also receive a group of immigrants from Hebei..."

"Okay, okay." Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "The Huaihai Road has already moved northward with grain and grass for the Universiade, and you are not too touched? Go back quickly and prepare money and grain. I don't want more, one million grains and beans, that's fine.

It will be given in two installments. People are also required, at least one hundred thousand Tu Tuan. There are so many people in Henan Prefecture, so don’t be afraid. If anyone dares to gibberish, I will kill him, so you can feel free to conscript him boldly."

Han Jian responded with concern.

Henan Prefecture currently has a population of nearly 780,000, especially Luoyang and Henan counties. They are densely populated and have very complex backgrounds. Many of them are the sons of high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen. It is not impossible to send them to the battlefield, but you must bear the consequences.


If the saint had not mentioned that last sentence, Han Jian would have recruited as many troops as possible in other counties of Henan Prefecture, and less troops in Henan and Luoyang counties. Even more ruthlessly, he would have put the task on Meng, Huai, Zheng, Ru, and Deng.

Waiting states.

But the saint's words obviously meant something, so it would be difficult to handle, so we had to bite the bullet. Thinking on the bright side, taking the blame for the saint is not necessarily a bad thing.

After Han Jian left, Shao Shude continued to check various household registrations, money and food situations.

The Zhili Province is only part of the entire logistics supply source. Next, he will continue to summon officials from various provinces and states to listen to their opinions.


On the sixth day of October, Shao Shude summoned Hongluqing Li Hang and his son in Qinzheng Hall.

The second hall of Qinzheng and Rende was completed in the first half of this year.

After it was completed and decorated, the whole landscape was reorganized. The original small lake was transformed into a large wetland, surrounded by Jintai, Jiaotai, Wenshan, Baohua, Qinzheng, Rende halls, and Linbo.

Pavilion, Xiri Tower and other buildings.

Because there were too many people building the palace, Shao Shude also ordered the construction of the Yannian and Longxing Halls in the northwest of Linshuo Palace, and the Changqiu Courtyard in the northeast. This courtyard is a royal garden-style building and will serve as Shao Shude's dormitory after completion.


This is a huge project, which may involve demolishing and rebuilding part of the city wall. But now there are too many slaves, and most of the cost has been offset by you. If you don't use it, it will be in vain. When the world is really at peace, building the palace city will be another matter.

One costs a lot.

Before Li Hang entered the palace, he looked at the vast palace.

It has been almost three years since the saint came to Peiping.

Within three years, more and more officials gathered here. Linshuo Palace was built in the south, southwest, and west directions of the old Youzhou City, and it gradually became the new political center of Daxia.

Yesterday he was chatting with friends, and someone mentioned that many new officials married and had children locally. From now on, everyone will have to buy a mansion in Luoyang, Peiping, and Chang'an. Even if they don't use it on a daily basis, they can rent it out.

It is better than having to find temporary accommodation in a hurry when the emperor is on tour.

Li Hang also smiled bitterly when he heard that. During his stay in Peiping, he had a son, a grandson, and two granddaughters. Almost all the family moved here. The mansion in Peiping was also bought from a Sogdian Hu merchant and renovated.

The furniture is beautifully arranged.

However, someone brought the proposal to the class master at the court meeting yesterday, but the saint did not agree, but promised to return to Luoyang after conquering the Khitan—and perhaps the Bohai Sea.

This incident made it seem like we were back in the Northern Dynasty era. The emperor was running around and working on the move, making it difficult to stay quietly in one place.

"Li Qing looks good." Shao Shude, surrounded by the palace people, came out from the back of the palace. When he saw Li Hang, Li Shouxin and his son, he smiled.

Li Hang did suffer from a serious illness before. Shao Shude personally sent an imperial doctor to diagnose and treat him. After a long period of treatment, he seems to be recovering now.

"This old bone can still serve your Majesty for a few more years." Li Hang said with a smile: "I heard that the crucian carp in Meituo Lake is extremely delicious, and I would like to go to the capital to have a taste."

"Winter is about to enter the Bohai Sea. How can I bear to let you suffer this cold pain." Shao Shude shook his head and said, "Let your elder brother handle this matter."

"I obey." Li Shouxin immediately agreed without waiting for his father's reply.

Li Hang glared at him, his expression showing both anger and relief.

"Haha, the matter is settled like this." Shao Shude smiled and said: "However, the internal situation in Bohai is complicated. Li Dalang, you have to work hard to avoid self-defeating."

The Bohai Kingdom was bullied miserably by the Khitans. And it was foreseeable that if the Khitan Khan Yuanjian died of illness and Abaoji was selected, then in order to increase his prestige, the best way would be to attack the Bohai Sea. Because of this, Daxia won over

It became possible to attack Khitan in a pincer attack on the Bohai Sea.

But there are also a large number of capitulationists suffering from rickets inside Bohai.

These people were very afraid of the Khitan, and even if they were slapped on the left side, they would stick out the right side of their cheeks and be slapped again.

These people will definitely try their best to dissuade King Bohai from sending troops and sit back and watch while the two sides fight. If the Khitan is defeated, Bohai can still take the opportunity to regain the previously lost land, Dingkou, cattle and sheep, and even a small expansion is not impossible.


Anyway, they have accepted Da Xia's canonization, can Master Wang still beat them? At worst, be more respectful, say more nice things, give more gifts, make Emperor Xia happy, and the Bohai Kingdom Zuo can continue.

It is difficult to say who has the upper hand, the war faction or the capitulation faction. In fact, this balance of strength has been changing dynamically. This year they were robbed by the Khitans again, and currently the war faction has the upper hand temporarily.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill my mission." Li Shouxin replied.

"Okay, I'll just wait for the good news." Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Li Hang and said, "Li Qing may be going to Jiangxi."

"I obey the decree." Li Hang said: "I will definitely help Zhong Kuangshi stabilize the situation and prevent Yang Wu from annexing the eight states in Jiangxi."

"If you have the chance, get to know more Jiangxi heroes and nobles." Shao Shude said again.

"I'll spare you the trouble," Li Hang responded.

The meaning of the saint is obvious. After Zhong Chuan's death, Zhong Kuangshi had little prestige and might not be able to control the situation. But Zhong Kuangfan had a reputation for bravery. Maybe he could win some warriors to join him and turn the tables.

Therefore, Li Hang's main task is to use the power of the imperial court to suppress various small thoughts within Jiangxi and help Zhong Kuangshi stabilize his position. In this process, he must also make friends with Jiangxi generals as much as possible to prepare for the imperial court's future march into Jiangxi.

Good foundation.

Li Hang is a veteran of the world and understands this very well.

"Just stay stable in the south. The focus should still be on the north." Shao Shude finally said: "Pinglu and Baoning 2nd Army should also keep an eye on it. If there is any news, report it immediately."


"When you go to Junzhou, there are still some people who are thinking about you. In a year or two, I'm afraid they will be gone." Shao Shude felt a little tired after reading the military report, and patted Yulu Jiangu and said.

In May, Queen Zhe Fang Ai gave birth to a daughter. In September, Yulu Jiangu gave birth to a son. This year's harvest was not big, only one son and one daughter.

"Your Majesty, the Bodhisattva slave is not as prestigious as I am. She cannot control Baiwang City. When the king arrives, I am sure that people will open the city and capture the Bodhisattva slave." Talking about the woman who robbed her fiefdom.

, Yu Lu felt old-fashioned when she saw her aunt.

"What's the use of catching her?" Shao Shude sneered.

"Your Majesty, her buttocks are very big." Aunt Yu Lu chuckled.

"Oh?" Shao Shude's eyes lit up, his fatigue disappeared, and he said: "Then I want to catch him and compare with you to see who is bigger."

After saying that, he pinched Yu Lu Jiangu and said: "Han Zhigu has been used by me. Han Yanhui and Han Lin are now firmly established. Xiao Dilu's identity is too sensitive, but he has to rely on Erhan for protection. Liu Rengong

He also wrote several suicide notes to me, and expressed his intention to return to the country. I am well aware of the inside story of Khitan. After May next year, you can follow me on my eastward tour."

Yu Lu was greatly surprised when he saw his aunt and said: "Your Majesty, I will definitely make great achievements."

"I want you to do something stupid!" Shao Shude scolded.

With so much force on her hands, Yu Lujiangu cried out in pain and begged for mercy, almost to the point of being crushed.

"You are a female slave, and your ambition is greater than that of a man." Shao Shude sneered: "If you continue like this..."

"I don't dare anymore." Yu Lu Jiangu took Shao Shude's hand and begged.

"Take good care of your children. Don't worry about what you shouldn't worry about. Chonggun is much nicer than you. Go away, I still want to read the military report." Shao Shude waved his hand.

"Yes." Yu Lu saw her aunt quietly stepping back.

When I arrived at the entrance of the side hall, I saw Xiao Chonggun painting, gritting his teeth and spitting lightly.

The saint said that she was very ambitious, but this daughter was not an economical person either. It was so painful that she could grit her teeth and remain silent. She was so scheming that she even felt threatened.

A sudden cold wind ruffled the autumn pond in front of the temple.

Aunt Yulu stopped when she saw the yellow leaves falling from the trees. She reached out to take one and put it in the palm of her hand.

The leaves are half green and half yellow.

Not knowing which nerve was touched, she sighed quietly. Khitan, just like this fallen leaf, was about to wither in the wind.

This chapter has been completed!
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