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Chapter 1332 Strategy question

 Another year has arrived.

This is already the fourth Spring Festival spent in Beijing, and Baiguan has been working in Peking for two full years.

In the past two years, Beiping Mansion has changed a lot.

The city wall on the west side was extensively rebuilt, and Linshuo Palace was built.

There are many new mansions in the city in more than 20 squares. The male owners of the mansions are mostly ministers and generals who come with them. They are generally older and speak with foreign accents, but the female owners are mostly young and beautiful women.

Speaking in Hebei Mandarin, some even brought children as young as six or seven years old, which was also a strange sight.

In Youdu and the countryside of Ji Er County, the number of farmers speaking with foreign accents has also increased significantly. After more contact with them, you will know that they mainly come from several places: Jingzhao Prefecture, Huazhou, Tongzhou, Lingzhou, Xiazhou,

Suizhou, Yinzhou, etc., I heard that a group of people from Songzhou and Bianzhou will come this year. The population structure of Beiping Prefecture has been permanently changed, especially among the locals - whether they are Han or Tibetan Hu - some southern people.

In the case of moving to Hubei Road.

The Khitan plundering incidents that had troubled the people of Youzhou for many years have completely disappeared. This may be a positive change brought about by the new dynasty.

Starting from Li Keju, Li Quanzhong, Li Kuangwei, Li Kuangchou, Gao Siji and even during the Jin Dynasty, Youzhou soldiers and horses were deeply involved in the war in the Central Plains. The border defense was extremely empty. Many forts were withdrawn, making the Khitan horse bandits more and more active.

From hundreds of riders at the beginning, it gradually turned into thousands and more than ten thousand riders. They robbed and ran away, and ran away and came back again, which made the people of Youzhou miserable. In the most difficult time, they could not even go to Yanshan to collect firewood.

It became a dangerous thing, and the whole town strongly demanded that the troops be withdrawn and no longer participate in the war in the Central Plains, but their calls went unanswered.

Daxia did not try to restore the frontier fortress system of the original Youzhou Town. Their actions were very direct. They rebuilt the Andong Prefecture, sent immigrants to Guanxi and Hebei, resettled the government soldiers, and established a force in southern Liaoning that could march north at any time.

armed forces.

The recovery of Shanhou and Yingzhou greatly improved the security situation in Youzhou. The Khitan tribe was expelled far away and could no longer reach the counties of Youzhou. The people were happy from then on.

Another positive change is that the market is booming.

As one of the three capitals of Great Xia, when the emperor was stationed here, various materials were transported to Youzhou through the Yongji Canal, and people of all kinds gathered in Youzhou. Even Hu merchants from outside the region were attracted here - they used to go to Hexi

The corridor enters Guanzhong, then enters Luoyang, now directly crosses the grassland, and then goes south to Youzhou.

They brought a wealth of foreign products, some of which looked very rare. If they were resold to Henan or even Jianghuai, they could make a lot of money. And silk from other places could be resold to Hu merchants through local businessmen, and they could make a lot of money.

One stroke.

The commercial benefits brought by the trade center cannot be overestimated.

There are also more opportunities for local warriors in Youzhou who are interested in gaining wealth.

The saint liked to go hunting and often stayed in private houses - this "people" was obviously extraordinary.

When he met a young man with extraordinary bravery, he would take the martial arts test himself. If he fell in love with him, he would naturally be recruited by Yin Anzhi. This saint's personal army has just expanded to 5,000 people, and the future is very promising.

All in all, the people of Youzhou have a complicated view of the New Dynasty. They are angry at the huge destruction they have brought, but also happy for the positive changes they have brought. As time goes by, people who have a negative attitude towards the New Dynasty will

There are fewer and fewer people, and there are more and more people who hold a positive attitude. There is no doubt about it.

The world is changing little by little. Although the speed of this change is still very slow, the trend is very firm and irreversible.


In the first month of the seventh year of Jianji, Shao Shude spent all his time recuperating unless necessary.

He tries his best to deal with official affairs during the day, and generally does not review memorials at night. If he is really busy, he only selects important and trivial matters and leaves them to the prime ministers. In his opinion, a large part of the memorials sent by officials from various places are "junk mail"

"It's a complete waste of time.

At night, I usually go to bed at the beginning of the day, hugging Chu's or Zhang Hui's soft and delicate body, and sleep dreamlessly until dawn. Then I get up to practice martial arts for a while, take a bath, and feel very energetic all day long.

He was preparing for the conquest of Khitan. He was recuperating his body and recharging his energy. Once he went to Khitan or even the Bohai Kingdom, he might not have such a regular life.

On February 20th, Shao Shude summoned his eldest son Shao Chengjie in Jintai Hall.

"After February, Erlang will set off for Andong Mansion. After a little preparation, we can start." Shao Shude took the tea from Zhong and said.

"Sir, I can go in February." Shao Chengjie replied.

"You have only been married for two months and you are in a hurry to go east? Why, you are not satisfied with your bride?" Shao Shude said.

Mr. Zhong squeezed his hand very covertly, Shao Shude smiled and said: "No, we won't leave until March."

"Okay." Shao Chengjie reluctantly agreed.

"Don't be unhappy." Shao Shude said: "Your martial arts are good. You have black swords, golden swords, and flying bears. The soldiers in the army are full of praise for you. I am very pleased. With this ability, you can stand in troubled times."

. But you still have to learn how to employ people. I don’t expect you to be able to understand the affairs of agriculture, engineering, and medicine, but you must learn to discover and appoint talents. If you can learn this, I can trust you to hand over the country.

Here you go."

He is quite satisfied with his eldest son now.

The most worrying issue of Huangpao Jia Shen's usurping the throne seems to be reducing the risk now. This is his biggest worry, and he is naturally very happy to see the possibility of solving it.

If the eldest son is proficient in civil affairs and can govern the country, then of course it is good. If not, then he must be assigned a few capable prime ministers. If he can make good use of these prime ministers, he can spend time with martial artists every day

, it’s not a big deal.

"I understand." Shao Chengjie replied.

"Gao Renhou came to report that he led his army to the south and collected tribute from the Zangzhou barbarians, and envoys from the Zangzhou tribes came to Beijing to pay tribute. You have been in Jiannan for several years, what do you think of this?" Shao Shude opened a memorial on the case.

, asked after looking at it.

The Zangzhou Man is actually a general term with a vast territory and a very complex interior. It is not a nation at all. The Tang Dynasty did not bother to distinguish them and unified the title of the Zangzhouman.

The reason why he was able to contact the Zangzhou barbarians was that Gao Renhou had led his army eastward to attack the Wutai Army's territory, which was the former Qianzhong Town.

When Shao Chengjie defeated Li Maozhen, the number of troops increased to more than 100,000. However, these troops were either temporary strong men with weak combat power, or they were surrendered troops. In fact, most of the surrendered troops were also temporarily recruited by Tu Tuan Township.


Of course these soldiers must be demobilized on a large scale.

Starting from the second half of the fifth year of Jianji to the middle of the sixth year of Jianji, for a whole year, a total of more than 50,000 young people from Shu were dismissed and ordered to return home and resume their fields.

Some of the remaining 70,000 to 80,000 people served as state armies, and the remaining 40,000 elite troops were organized into the victory army. In October last year, Gao Renhou left 10,000 people to guard Chengdu Prefecture, and led an army of 30,000 people.

Shao Zhiyan, Shao Zhiwei, Shao Zhixing and other generals advanced eastward from the old territory of Suizhou Town (leading Sui, He, Chang, Chongqing and Luzhou), but Fuzhou (governing Fuling) surrendered half-pushed.

In November, he set out from Fuzhou and traveled southeast along the Fuling River. He defeated a section of the Wutai Army in Wulong County and captured and killed more than 4,000 people. Then he pursued the victory and traveled to Xinning County, Qianzhou, where he fought several battles with the Wutai Army again.

There were small defeats, but in the end they won a great victory. They captured and beheaded five thousand people, and killed more than ten thousand barbarians from various tribes who came to help Wang Jianzhao, all the way to the western suburbs of Pengshui County, Lisuo, Qianzhou.

At this time, the Jingnan army also moved south from Kui Gorge, winning consecutive battles all the way, and arrived in the north of Qianzhou City.

At the end of that month, the soldiers of Wu Zhendu, who were mainly Cai people, killed Wang Jianzhao and Kaicheng surrendered.

At this point, Qianzhou was pacified.

Master Wang is so brave that he naturally frightens people near and far.

Gao Renhou's memorial mentioned that, except for the two prefectures of Guizhou and Fujian, most of the twelve prefectures under the rule of Wu Taijun were waiting and watching, either sending envoys to contact them or secretly communicating with each other. He requested the imperial court to pardon the governors of various prefectures to reassure him.


Shao Shude approved.

The governors of Shi, Xi, Si, Chen and other prefectures may be Wang Jianzhao's generals or local tycoons. If they are not determined to resist desperately, the court can just issue a new appointment letter.

The military strength in central Guizhou is weak. These Zhengzhous are places that have been developed to a certain extent during the pre-Tang Dynasty. The local people either immigrated to the Tang Dynasty or were naturalized barbarians. Retaining a little more vitality will be beneficial to future rule.

Now that the letter of appointment has been sent to all counties in central Guizhou by five-hundred-mile express messenger, Gao Renhou also led 20,000 people to go south to show off his military power.

The southern part of Qianzhong Town is almost the old land of the ancient Zangda Kingdom, with many tribes.

Gao Renhou dispatched envoys to various Jisu prefectures.

According to him, by the end of the first year, some nearby tribal leaders had come to surrender with gifts, but the envoy sent to Chongzhou was killed, and he was preparing to lead an army to conquer.

Chongzhou is located in the Yuqing County area of ​​​​later generations. It was originally Zhengzhou. In the third year of Tianbao, it was demoted to Jisuzhou. Being able to allow the Tang Dynasty to depose Zhengzhou shows that the local tribe has a certain strength. If peace is achieved this time, Shao Shude decided to

It was merged into Feizhou and no longer controlled.

"Sir, those who are willing to come will be rewarded with some gifts and given to the officials. Those who are unwilling to come will be beaten until they submit." Shao Chengjie said: "The former Tang Dynasty's strategy of dealing with arrogant vassals and rebelling against vassals can be used today.


How did the Tang court deal with the rebellious feudal towns? Naturally, they provoked the feudal towns to fight against the feudal clans.

The vassal town that pretended to resist the imperial court was besieged by neighboring towns and lost its territory. Even if the vassal town that sent troops had their own agendas and the conquest failed to achieve full success, the rebellious vassal town itself was also afraid, and the imperial court would submit if it was given another step.

Okay. Everyone is in peace and living their own lives.

Those barbarian tribes can actually be regarded as a different kind of vassal town. For thousands of years, there can be no conflicts between tribes. At this time, if there are officials who are familiar with barbarian affairs as staff, they can use their strength to fight without seeking a complete settlement.

But it is not difficult to achieve nominal surrender.

Of course, just as the vassal towns in the former Tang Dynasty were submissive for a period of time and then rebelled, the Barbarian tribe cannot be submissive forever. But in fact, it doesn't matter. Some things cannot be expected to be settled once and for all. If something goes wrong, just analyze and solve it in detail.

"Not bad." Shao Shude nodded in approval.

The son's answer was the same as last time. Beat him until he obeys. If he obeys, give him sweet dates and give them to the official. This is the correct strategy, but he still needs to examine the details. Sometimes, the details are the most important.

Test a person's level.

"In the early Tang Dynasty, some rebels against the vassal were defeated by Taoist soldiers, but the imperial court pardoned their crimes. Do you know why?" Shao Shude asked.

"I'm afraid that after Nifan's demise, the territory will be divided up." Shao Chengjie said with a smile: "Shunfan can become Nifan, and Nifan can also become Shunfan. Those vassal towns that conquered Nifan often defected in the face of battle.

What a good bird. Tang Ting should have learned the lessons of Ziqing Town in Lianzhou for more than ten years, and will not let the second Ziqing Town appear in the world."

During the mid-Tang Dynasty, Ziqing Town once connected more than ten states and was the most powerful vassal in the world. But before that, they were not actually rebels against the vassal. They were very submissive at one time, sending troops to fight for the imperial court, and actively paying tribute. But after they became stronger,

, the ambition also expanded, and finally it was besieged and destroyed by the towns, and the territory was divided into three towns, namely the Tianping Army, Taining Army, and Pinglu Army.

"You have this understanding, I am relieved." Shao Shude stood up, walked to Erlang, and said: "The experience you accumulated in Shu may not be suitable for the North. The enemies you defeated in Shu are far from the same.

The enemy in the north is strong, so don’t be arrogant or arrogant, do you understand?"

"I understand." Shao Chengjie saluted.

"I've been spending a lot of time with my mother and bride recently. I'm going east in March. I have great expectations for you, so don't mess up." Shao Shude waved his hand and said, "Stay back."

This chapter has been completed!
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