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Chapter 1335 The ancient garrison has no city and no house anymore

At the end of March in the seventh year of Jianji (907), Wansheng Huangtou Army left Beiping Prefecture and headed for Yingzhou with a large amount of grain and grass supplies.

They had already gone there once last year. Three thousand people escorted 200,000 grains and beans and stationed them in Liucheng County.

This time the scale was even greater than in the past. More than 10,000 carriages, donkey carts, mule carts, ox carts and other vehicles left Beijing, carrying a full 400,000 hu of grain, and the Youzhou treasury was almost empty.

The Wansheng Huangtou Army currently has nearly 13,000 people, including 10,000 infantry and more than 2,000 cavalry. Old Wansheng Huangtou has merged with the Huangjia Army in front of the hall brought by Shi Junli.

The imperial court ordered Shi Jun to be appointed as the military envoy, and Li Congke, the military envoy of Lao Wansheng Huangtou Army, as the deputy envoy.

This arrangement naturally made Li Congke very dissatisfied, but he did not dare to vent his anger on the court, so he had no choice but to pour his anger on Shi Junli.

This army has internal discord and serious problems. It is difficult to say whether the court's arrangement was intentional, but it is more likely that it is to limit Li Siyuan's influence. After all, he is already a Tiancheng military envoy with a crowd of 18,000.

And the larger army is more elite.

On the first day of April, Shao Shude held the Shuowang Dynasty Meeting in the Jintai Hall of Linshuo Palace, and all the officials of the ninth rank and above in Beijing participated.

At the court meeting, the conquest of Khitan was officially announced and an edict was issued.

"The Eight-Part System of the Khitan Edict"——

"I use Su He and Pi Ji to bring peace to the world. I have no desire to favor the four seas and harmonize all nations. I use Guangzheng and Shuo to communicate with each other to bring order to human relations... Recently, Yeluyi killed King Khan and stole the throne."

How can we protect the feelings of treachery and evil? In a country where there is a father and a king, neither will be tolerated."

"The eight chieftains have not begun to hide, but they only listen to deception. The sins of one man and one man will destroy the happy alliance between the two countries. Let the dogs and sheep peek at my pavilion. You can't protect the heart of the beast..."

"King Xuan preached martial arts and chased the wolves in Taiyuan; Emperor Han sent out troops to march the Xiongnu across the vast sea... Today, I carry the yellow ax and personally point the spirit flag, stationed at Helong, have been roaming from spring to winter, looking for soldiers in armor, and fighting decisively in the west

Lou. I hope to succeed in breaking the bamboo and kill the bandits who broke the glue."

This was followed by another letter titled "Tasking for Yelv Yi Zhi", detailing the appointment of commanders of all armies and horses - in fact, they had been appointed in advance, and this edict only made them public.

After the court meeting, Shao Shude was not going to delay any longer, and issued an order in Jintai Palace: Empress Zhe will supervise the country, and she will oversee the affairs of the country. She will serve as ministers Xiao Yu and Zhao Guangfeng, as well as Pei Shu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance, and Pei Zhi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

Supervisor Lu Siye was in charge of government affairs, while the ministers in the southern and northern yamen handled military affairs.

Chen Cheng, the minister of Zhongshu, Zhang Xuanyan, the minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Du Xiao, the minister of the Ministry of War, Yang She, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Hu Zhen, Li Tangbin, the deputy privy envoys of Nanya, Zhang Guibian and Wang Yao, the deputy privy envoys of Beiya, Zhang Yun, the young supervisor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

, Zhao Wang Shao Siwu, Yan Wang Shao Mingyi, Prince Consort Li Cunxu and other officials and relatives accompanied him and went to Yingzhou together.

At noon, after having lunch with his family, Shao Shude headed for Yingzhou under the escort of Yin'anzhi and Tianxiong troops.

The queen took the left-behind officials several miles out of the city to see them off.

Shao Shu took the queen's hand and said with a low smile: "My wife will stay for a few months. She will go east for her husband and bring you back some boxes of pearls."

Zhe Fangmei covered her mouth with a smile and carefully arranged Shao Shude's military uniform.

As a queen, what does she want? But her husband's words still made her heart happy.

"Military and state affairs must not be trivial." Zhe Fang Ai said: "My husband has such a natural posture that he can grasp the economy in the palm of his hand and hide the armor and horses in his chest. Khitan ugly men are definitely no match for them. Fight as you should and fight as you should.

You can fight as long as you want, there is no need to worry about the court, I will take care of it carefully, waiting for your husband's triumphant return."

"Okay, okay!" Shao Shude sighed: "I have a good wife, and I can defeat an army of 100,000."


As the army marched eastward, it still took the traditional Lulong Road.

On the fourth night of April, Shao Shude stayed in Jizhou.

Xiao Die, the governor, held the household registration book and went to Guanyi in person to report all the affairs of the state one by one.

Shao Shude skimmed over various numbers. He was most concerned about the dishonesty of the Tibetan people who had been reorganized into households and whether they could accept a new life. He was greatly relieved to learn that the situation was actively improving with the help of Xinong students.

It rained lightly on the fifth day of the lunar month, so we continued eastbound.

Shao Shude carefully observed the rural scenery on both sides of the post road.

Some people who were obviously from Fanhu family were working clumsily in the fields. They were not very patient and always had to take a break while they were working. When they saw soldiers passing by on the roadside, they even stopped what they were doing and looked around in concentration.


Looking at that look, it seems that he is not willing to do farm work, but would rather fight as a soldier in battle.

Shao Shude chuckled, they were still in the labor pains. By the second generation, they would be almost the same as the Han people.

On April 15th, the Liucheng army stayed overnight, and Chen Su, the governor of Pingzhou, came to see him.

The situation was similar to what Xiao Die reported. The twelve counties of Ji and Ping had a total population of more than 100,000, and more than half of them were registered as Fanhu households. Shao Shude specifically asked what the difficulties were. After learning that there was a serious shortage of cattle, he was confused for a while.


Although the number of livestock in Daxia is huge, most of them are beef cattle and dairy cattle. Farm cattle are also being bred and trained in large quantities, but the supply is still in short supply, and most of them are sent to Zhili, Henan, Huaihai, and various provinces in Hubei. Hebei's priority is not high enough.

, ranked behind.

But Chen Su's complaints were not without effect. Shao Shude called his servant Zhao Guangfeng on the spot and ordered him to solve the problem - in fact, he reduced the share of other places and allocated part to Hebei to rent it to the people at low prices.

Before setting off on the 16th, an envoy from Jinyang came to report that Li Xiji, the governor of Hedong Road, had passed away.

Shao Shude was silent.

In fact, this is expected. Since Li Keyong's funeral, Li Xiji's health has been deteriorating. Shao Shude sent famous doctors from the palace to Jinyang to diagnose, treat and nurse Li Xiji back to health. But the masterful hands of the imperial doctors

, in the end, it only allowed Li Xiji to live for about half a year, and he eventually died of illness.

This is life, there is nothing we can do about it.

Shao Shude ordered his secretary Lang Cuiqi to draft an imperial edict and sent it to Zhongshu: Wang Tuan, the governor of Xingzhou, was appointed as the governor of Hedong Road, Feng Dao, the governor of Liao Dynasty, was appointed as the governor of Xingzhou, and Guo Chongtao, the former Zhaoyi shogunate, was appointed as the governor of Luzhou.

After leaving Li Xiji, two more young people from Hedong were promoted. After the death of his sworn brother, Shao Shude did not fall out, and still "loved and cared" for everyone in Hedong.

On April 22, Shao Shude arrived at Linyu Pass.

The day before, he had driven to Jieshi Mountain to view the sea.

Well, after holding it in for a long time, he didn't leave any poems, but he still had a lot of emotions.

Mengde, the conditions when you conquered Wuhuan were much worse than mine. You had no choice but to take risks and take detours, and you had no baggage. Your soldiers were tired and hungry, and there were few armored men. If you lose this battle, history may change.


After paying homage to the ancients, we stayed in Yingzhou on the night of the 23rd and came to An (Suizhong) County.

At this time, news came from Jiangxi: Baoning's army was plundering Jiangzhou, and Li Hang could not control it.

It is said that this unit arrived in Qizhou in July. It was a scorching summer, so there was not much action.

The Pinglu Army, which marched south from Xuzhou, deployed to the front line of the Huai River in July to intimidate the Huai Army. In early August, Gao Silun led 3,000 people to cross the river and cut off the pontoon bridge for the Huai people. The whole army was terrified. The Huai people took advantage of the situation to attack fiercely, and Gao Silun was defeated.

Gao Siji and Li Cunxiao built a new pontoon bridge upstream and rescued Gao Silun back to the north bank.

Although the battle was defeated, the main force of the Pinglu army was still very oppressive. Li Chengnai, the governor of Yangwu and Chuzhou, did not dare to neglect and called for troops one after another, effectively containing the enemy's strength.

In December, the Huai army besieged Hongzhou for several months, but could not defeat it after a long battle. They were shocked to hear that Gu Quanwu had sent troops from western Zhejiang and won consecutive battles, so he had to retreat.

The Baoning Army, which had been waiting for a long time, seized the opportunity and sent more than 3,000 elite soldiers to sneak across the river and follow the Huai people's rear army in pursuit.

The Huai people were about to withdraw their troops, but they had no intention of fighting, and they were defeated. Even Jiangzhou did not dare to defend it, and they abandoned their remaining troops and withdrew to Xuanshe Town in one go.

The Baoning army persisted and invaded Chizhou, plundered and returned.

Zhong Kuangfan, the governor of Jiangzhou, abandoned the city and fled. He was captured by the Baoning Army. After questioning the whereabouts of his monk's wealth, he cut him into two pieces.

In the first month of the seventh year of Jianji, Baoning's army celebrated the New Year in Jiangzhou. Li Hang also came specially from Hongzhou to reward the army with the goods he knocked from Zhong Kuangshi. Baoning's army smiled happily and stationed here.

Zhong Kuangshi asked for Jiangzhou, but to no avail.

This was what happened originally, but in early April, the Baoning Army used the excuse that there was no reward during the Cold Food Festival, and ignored the general's dissuasion to plunder the counties in Jiangzhou.

Li Hang was very angry and reported it to him.

Shao Shude read it carefully from beginning to end twice, thinking that this is the true nature of the Jin Army!

Before, he was suppressing him in Hedong, and these people still knew how to behave with their tails between their legs. But now they feel that the emperor is far away, and everyone has returned to their old ways, right?

An order was issued on the spot: Li Cunxian and Li Sigong were ordered to strictly enforce military discipline and arrest and kill the sergeants who initiated the plundering - the list had been reported by Li Hang after an inspection.

This purpose is actually somewhat painless.

Since the hard times, the sergeants have committed riots and looting, and it is actually difficult for the officers to stop them. They can only let them enjoy themselves first, and then settle the scores later. Shao Shude's purpose is also to settle the scores later. Generally speaking, the Baoning Army has been looted at this time, so you can hunt down some unlucky ghosts.

It won't cause too much backlash.

In addition, he also wanted to see whether Li Cunxian, Li Sigou, Li Chengyue, Yuan Jianfeng and others had lost control of this army.

I hope they didn't. The Jin army as a whole was more obedient and unruly than the Hebei feudal towns, and they would not kill generals on the spot to rebel.

After handling this matter, Shao Shude continued to march northeast. Along the winding Lulong Road, passing through Bailang County, he drove towards Liucheng.

The scenery along the way is very different from that in Linyu Pass. You can see damaged houses, temples, city walls, abandoned farmland, orchards, and canals everywhere.

Every time the Hu-Han conflict changes hands, the local way of life will undergo tremendous changes.

But it doesn't matter if you are defeated on the battlefield. Sometimes the far-reaching impact of man-made disasters is really difficult to describe - Sima Yi massacred Liaodong, and the disaster lasted for thousands of years.

Throughout the hundreds of years of the Northern Dynasties, Liaodong never recovered. With the influx of barbarians in large numbers, the level of civilization in Liaodong declined significantly.

In the Tang Dynasty, Yingzhou was established and the old mountains and rivers were slowly cleaned up, but the Fanhu tribe had already become a climate. After the Anshi Rebellion, it completely regressed and returned to a state of ignorance.

What a pity!

On the tenth day of May, Shao Shude arrived in Lisuo Liucheng County, Yingzhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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