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Chapter 1337 Defeat each one

 The head-down military-state system was the beginning of the Khitan people's toddler steps, and it was also the basis for their gradual improvement in economic strength.

The nobles built cities and vigorously developed agriculture and handicrafts by settling Bohai and Han slaves. This was the right path.

Yelu Shilu was the first to do this, which shows that he is indeed a talent. Babu Yuyue was not in vain, and his vision was much better than Abaoji.

If his son Hua Ge hadn't killed his father Shi Lu out of fear that his toy with Hua Gu would be exposed, God knows what direction the Khitan would have taken.

The rise of a hero requires the right circumstances.

When Shilu was young, the Khitan was still very weak. When the Khitan became stronger, he was old again and was killed by his son. He could only help him.

Of course Abaoji also has good knowledge.

He already liked Han culture, and when he saw his uncle Shi Lu first building the Yue King's City, he immediately promoted it vigorously. However, he did not have the current situation. In just a few years, the Khitan's accumulation was far from enough, and he was attacked by the Central Plains army.

Here it comes - Shao Shude has always shown no mercy to those who have proven themselves in history.

After conquering Baiwang City, Shao Chengjie crossed the river to report to his father.

"My son is so strong!" Shao Shude said with a smile: "If we defeat all the eight Khitan tribes in the army and let them return to nomadism, what do we have to fear?"

The nomadic tribes lacked food, medicine, iron, and daily necessities. They lacked everything and were extremely weak. If they wanted to become stronger, they had only one chance: to encounter a declining agricultural regime, which would then use force.

When it is weak, Wen Tian plays with martial arts, and then defeats it in one fell swoop with a small and broad approach, and then snowballs into development.

Jin destroyed Liao, Mongolia destroyed Jin, this is the situation.

But if the agricultural regime has not weakened, even if you achieve your best, you will be doomed.

Tubo itself has a certain agricultural foundation, and has acquired various technologies from Central Asia and South Asia. Its own system is also quite good. It is similar to Aguda's Meng Anmooke and Genghis Khan's ten thousand household system, but this combination of farming and nomadic

The regime was unlucky. It encountered the Tang Dynasty before the An-Shi Rebellion and suffered successive defeats during the Xuanzong period. The trend of defeat was very obvious.

If the Khitan was just a nomadic regime, what threat would it pose to Shao Shude's elite soldiers?

To put it bluntly, you don’t even have as many horses as I do.

The Tang Dynasty at its peak raised 700,000 horses, and the Liao Kingdom at its peak raised more than a million horses. What if it was the Khitan in its infancy?

There are more than ten officials and pastoral officials in Daxia, including Heyang, Guangcheng, Guozhou, Shayuan, Yinchuan, Yongqing, Heishui, Jiedan, Dongshi, Xishi, Nanshi, Loufan, etc. The eight Khitan tribes will come.

Compare, who has more horses?

"Sir, Baiwang City captured more than 40,000 men and women, most of whom were Bohai people. How should we deal with them?" Shao Chengjie asked: "I went north from Yingkou and captured Khitan and Xi along the way. There were more than 10,000 Bohai people and 130,000 cattle and sheep.

, and there is nowhere to settle it now.”

"How many military troops are there in Anton Mansion?" Shao Shude asked.

"It should...should be one hundred thousand." Shao Chengjie was a little unsure.

"Hmph!" Shao Shude snorted coldly and said: "I tell you, there are more than 73,000 people. Don't focus on the military. There are some things you should understand. Dalang knows better than you.

Much more."

"I'll teach you." Shao Chengjie bowed his head and replied.

"These more than 50,000 people are handed over to Du Guangyi." Shao Shude said: "Andong Mansion has 17,000 soldiers. How many people are there who have no land and no troops? After this battle, you can order

Check it out. This is a task given to you by your father, don’t just know how to kill."

The government soldiers were actually a low-cost solution launched to solve the problem of a large number of professional warriors. The imperial court gave a five-year transition period. Because the German soldiers had a better attitude and were willing to accept being government soldiers, they were the first to start dividing the land and branching out.

Qu, the five-year transition period for this group of people just ended last year (the sixth year of Jianji).

The Longwu Army was relatively resistant at first, and only a small number of people were willing to join the Gui De Army as soldiers. Later, some people figured it out, and every year there were people who were willing to become soldiers one after another, so the overall expiration time was relatively long.

Well, there are still many people in the transitional period. About half of them are receiving military pay from the imperial court and being distributed to the land.

The transitional period of the Qingyi Army ended even later. Most of them were called Fu soldiers, but they were actually recruiting soldiers and were still waiting in line to be allocated territories.

"Sir, will these newly conquered places also belong to Anton Mansion?" Shao Chengjie asked.

"My grandpa plans to build a new state, called Shenzhou." Shao Shude said, "Let's do this. Anton Prefecture has not divided the local government troops. Those who can be placed locally will be placed in Andong Prefecture. If there are not enough, they will be sent to Andong Prefecture.

Go to Shenzhou."

According to his plan, Anton Prefecture will be limited to the Liaodong Peninsula in the future, and further north, new prefectures and counties will have to be established.

As the source of threats to the Central Plains dynasty, the northwest has become increasingly ineffective. In the future, it will be the northeast that must be controlled.

"You're clear." Shao Chengjie responded, "If there's nothing else to do, I'll cross the river right now and urge the troops to fight."

"Go." Shao Shude waved his hand and watched his son cross the river eastward.

The main force of Khitan is not in this area.

Although the Liaohe River Basin is a good place to build a military state, due to inertia or other factors, the center of gravity is still in the north.


In fact, Muye Mountain cannot be called a mountain at all. At best, it is just a small soil bag in the grassland desert. It is located about ten miles northeast of Shuangliao City in later generations, near the confluence of Xinkai River and Laoha River.

In the Song Dynasty, Su Che went on an envoy to the Liao Kingdom and wrote a poem about Muye Mountain, calling it "This mountain is also a sandy mountain".

But the Khitan people regard this as a sacred mountain because there are too many contents related to this sandbag in their ancient legends.

Aboshi is also full of feelings for Konoha Mountain.

Because four months ago, he held a ceremony here to worship heaven and ascend the throne, becoming the new Great Khan of the Eight Tribes of Khitan.

At that time, all the nobles from all walks of life, whether they liked it or not, bowed to him, which made him feel extremely proud out of thin air.

Four months later, the nobles once again gathered in Konoha Mountain. This time, the expressions on their faces were very solemn, and one could even see fear.

The situation has become very clear. Xia Guo sent out troops in three directions to attack Khitan directly.

According to the information currently available, Xia Lord Shao Shude has arrived in Yingzhou in person, and the governor's army is marching north.

On its left and right wings, there are also soldiers and horses.

Among them, the left wing was commanded by their old acquaintance Liang Hanyong, the commander of the Rouzhou camp, and the number of soldiers was said to be 200,000.

In early May, Chu Te's tribe sent people to conduct close reconnaissance and found that the Xia people were grazing cattle and sheep on the grasslands to the west. While grazing, they were heading eastward. When they were about to make a tentative attack, the Xia army's cavalry suddenly appeared. Chu

The special troops retreated, but the Xia people did not pursue them.

This journey is not a virtual army, but a real army. Even if there are not 200,000, there are probably 100,000.

Chu Te's department is still making inquiries, trying to figure out how many people they have.

There was a group of soldiers on Shao Shude's right wing, who were also old acquaintances of theirs, soldiers and horses from Andong Mansion. They were said to be one hundred thousand strong and marched north along the Daliao River.

Diela Liubuxi sent people to conduct a tentative attack, but after suffering a certain amount of casualties, there was still nothing they could do.

They had a lot of luggage and food on board, and they had strong bows and powerful crossbows, so they really had nowhere to attack.

There were also people walking on foot and horse on both sides of the Liao River, with vehicles as a barrier outside and elite soldiers inside. During the attack, the thieves were calm and calm, which reminded people of Liu Wei who marched straight into Liaoyang.

Along the way, Baiwang City, the military state under Bodhisattva Nu's head, has been captured. All the soldiers guarding the city were wiped out, and no one escaped. It can be seen that its combat effectiveness is still very strong, and its strength is also quite large, which should be around 50,000.

The main force of the Shao thieves has also moved north, aiming directly at their old government office. There seemed to be more soldiers along this route than on the left and right wings, because during the march, banners were overwhelming and the sound of drums could be heard more than ten miles away. Moreover,

, they have a lot of cavalry, they drive away the rangers from a distance and don't let anyone get close, so it is difficult to estimate their correct strength.

The general who commanded the army was called Zang Dubao, a little-known man, but he actually brought "an army of five hundred thousand", which shows that he was not an ordinary person.

In addition, just a few days ago, reports came from the direction of Miaojie Prefecture that there were Bohai soldiers spying on them. They sent people further to investigate the enemy territory, and actually saw the Bohai army marching overwhelmingly. There were about 30,000 to 40,000 people, with mostly infantry and only cavalry.

Four to five thousand.

After trying to capture a few prisoners, he learned that Bohai King Da Weiying was ill and sent his brother Da Shuxian to lead the army westward to attack Khitan. It is said that he was bewitched by the Xia people and plundered all the elite soldiers in the country, intending to complete his victory in one battle.


In the Changxia Palace of the Xia people, in the direction of Ruzhou, some Qingqi also broke into the country, burning, killing and looting everywhere. It is difficult to say whether they followed the main army behind them.

The situation is like this, everyone knows it, and everyone's scalp is numb.

How many troops did Shao Thief send this time? It's more than 300,000, right? Is he crazy? Yang Guang led an army of one million to conquer Goguryeo and destroyed his own country. You sent an army of 300,000.

, once it fails, the Xia Dynasty, which was founded only a few years ago, will surely fall apart.

Do you have any sense in doing this? Is it worth it?

It’s crazy!

"Abaoji, you are a big sweat, you make up your mind." Shi Lu didn't close his eyes last night. He was restless and wanted to say something many times, but finally gave up.

Abaoji glanced at his uncle, nodded, and said, "Don't panic, everyone. Yesterday, Sala looked for a green cow and a white horse to ask for advice. After listening for a long time, he already made up his mind."

"Abaoji, just say it, we will listen to you."

"Now that things have come to this, it's time to unite. It's up to you, Abaoji, or you may die."

"Looking at the Xia people like this, it is impossible to ask for peace. After sending out so many soldiers and horses, we have to get something back. I'm afraid we can't afford it."

"The Xia thief has penetrated deeply. It's not certain who will win and who will lose. What are you afraid of? Just kill him."

"Yes! Fight with them!"

Abaoji glanced at everyone quietly, and his voice gradually subsided.

"I feel relieved if you all have this fighting spirit." Abaoji said: "Sa La only has one sentence: defeat them one by one! Dividing and attacking together is an important strategy of the Han people, but not everyone can do this strategy.

Have fun. Now we are facing four enemies. Some of them are strong, some are weak, some are fast, some are slow, some are brave, and some are timid..."

At this point, Abaoji waved his right hand down and said: "It's time to defeat them one by one. Now listen to my order, men, women, and children in the eight troops, don't hesitate. Those who have evacuated, don't look back. Those who haven't evacuated yet, hurry to the north tower.

. The men and horses continue to be collected. One man from three households is not enough. Now, at this time of life and death, three households should provide two men. They should prepare their own food, horses, and equipment, and listen to my orders. Depending on how many ways he comes, I will only go one way.

.We can win this battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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