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Chapter 68 Caught

 The cavalry troops were dispatched again, not to the West Tower or the North Tower, but to attack the passing Khitan soldiers.

After Yikun Prefecture was captured, they had a foothold, while the Khitans lost a stable supply point, although the city's grain depots had basically been emptied.

Yelu Huolu, the commander of the Khitan West Road, did not dare to wander west of the Daxing'an Mountains anymore, so he could only order his troops to disperse and retreat, and ran back to Shandong.

But when they ran away, their losses were no longer as small as when they harassed each other's pastures before.

The Feilong Army, the Golden Sword Army, and the Iron Cavalry Army took advantage of the situation to pursue them, beheading more than 3,000 people, and unexpectedly seized more than 100,000 livestock, and rushed to Yikun Prefecture together.

The Bohai prisoners were busy again.

They cut wood from the mountains, built several huge fences, penned some cattle and sheep, and cut grass to raise them - this was the food stored by the warriors. Other livestock were taken out to graze by the Xia people.

The entire situation reversed almost overnight, and to put it bluntly, we still cannot defeat it.

If there was real hard power, wouldn't it be nice if everyone faced each other face to face and decided the winner? Yelu Huelu did not dare to do this, which shows that he was already timid in his heart.

On June 13th, outsiders in Yikun Prefecture shouted "horse neigh".

Liang Hanyong, the commander of the Rouzhou camp, pulled almost all the horses that could be collected. At noon that day, Liu Zijing, the deputy commander of the cavalry army, led two thousand combat troops and two thousand auxiliary troops eastward. Looking at the posture, he almost went straight to

Go to Yaonan Khan City - this city is located at the confluence of Tuhuzhen River and Huang River. It was once the core of the Yaonan clan.

Their movement could not be hidden from anyone, and Yelu Helu quickly got the news.

Enemia, Wuli Zhen, Nirara and others gathered and looked at him silently.

Huo Lu felt a little ashamed and said, "I am too timid to fight a decisive battle with the Xia people. As a result, I am in such an embarrassing situation today. I really shouldn't have done so."

"Actually, it's nothing." The enemy said, "You don't have to blame yourself too much, Huolu. After all, we decided on the strategy together. Let's not forget about the Xia people's cavalry army. The Feilong and Jindao armies are well-organized. We are not without them either.

If I rush through, Abaoji will still be there and I can’t rush through. What can I do?”

Wuli Zhen stepped forward, patted Huolu, and said: "Huolu, in fact, you can resist the Xia people for twenty days, which is already very good. For twenty days, it would be better to conquer Ugu, Shiwei, and Tatar."

, it has been penetrated long ago. What I am worried about now is that if you want to have a decisive battle with the Xia people, the Xia people may not be willing."

Huo Lu was a little unhappy.

He said that he was timid and admitted his mistakes, so that everyone could take the initiative to share the blame and each bear part of the responsibility. In the end, the enemy's words were okay, Wu Li Zhen, what are you doing? Why are the words you said so offensive?

Nirara saw Huolu's displeasure and immediately said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. The Xia people are marching eastward to attack Yaonan City. What should we do? There are still many cattle and sheep over there that have not had time to move away.

Woolen cloth."

When it came to business, Huolu came to his senses and heard him say: "There is no other way but to fight them to the death."

The enemy was a little hesitant and asked: "What method of attack?"

"Don't confront the Xia people head-on." Hue Lu emphasized again: "shooting in circles. The Xia people spend most of their time on horses and big guns. Head-on melee combat is their advantage, while mounted archery is our advantage.

Surround them and shoot them with arrows. This is not the Central Plains. It is full of houses, rivers, forests, and farmland. It is inconvenient to run. This is the grassland. You can go in circles as much as you want. Surround them and grind slowly."

What Huolu said is true.

In the Central Plains, the Khitan cavalry could not defeat the Xia army's cavalry, but this was not necessarily the case on the grasslands.

Well, maybe the cavalry army and the silver spear army also use bows and arrows, but at least their advantage in melee combat can be offset. If they encounter the Xia people's bulky military cavalry, it will not be a problem. Those people have already

They are no different from infantry. They have adapted to the battlefield environment of the Central Plains for a long time. They have no room to perform on the grasslands. This is the only chance for the Khitan cavalry to win.

"Use our advantages of agility and flexibility to try to annihilate them." Huelu said with finality: "Let's set out and find a place to ambush. Since you dare to march away from the army, let's give them a good look this time."

What Huo Lu said made Di La and others regain their confidence.

Yes, since the Han Dynasty, mounted archery has been the advantage of the prairie cavalry. The Central Plains cavalry was built for the local battlefield environment and has been completely specialized. They still have a chance.

After the discussion, several people returned to their respective groups and rolled eastward with their troops.


Li Shaorong left Yikun Prefecture at night and headed north with three thousand soldiers and three thousand auxiliary soldiers.

After he left, Xue Li, the deputy envoy of the Feilong Army, followed quietly with 5,000 mounted infantry, more than 10,000 horses, and seven days of rations.

Above the grassland, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, vast and far away.

In the past, Li Shaorong would have made an appointment with a few friends to go hunting together, taste the hospitality of the grassland, and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

But he doesn't feel like that now.

I just want to be successful, I just want to make money, I just want to get promoted and get rich.

On the afternoon of the 14th, the entire army crossed the Aozhi River. One hundred auxiliary soldiers were left behind, along with some horses to graze here, while the rest took a short rest and traveled all night.

On the 15th, we arrived at the West Tower, which was completely empty and desolate. A hundred people remained behind, taking their horses that were no longer good enough to graze and rest.

Someone proposed to visit Yuewang City, but Li Shaorong rejected it directly, and the whole army continued to move north.

There must be someone in Yuewang City, which has been confirmed by Han Yanhui. But those slave soldiers from Bohai, Wugu, and Shiwei cannot arouse his interest at all - you are not even worth asking me to kill.

On the night of the 16th, under the dim moonlight, thousands of riders waded across the river and arrived at the east bank of Haoshui River - Haoshui River, which is Tenggel Gol.

It was at this time that the first batch of grazing horses was finished, and the auxiliary soldiers followed them, and the rhythm was just right.

Seeing that the strength and power of the troops were greatly reduced, Li Shaorong ordered a rest for half the night.

As for himself, he didn't know what was going on, but he was so energetic that he even found two fast horses and went out to survey the terrain himself. When he came back, he even killed a Khitan scout with a flying spear, and everyone was impressed.

Who said that only grassland people can endure the harsh environment and hard life? Is there a possibility that the money is not enough?

Li Shaorong is in high spirits now and is willing to work no matter how hard or tired he is, because he has seen a bright future.

On the morning of the 17th, after eating vinegar biscuits and food, they followed the old rules and left a hundred people to graze, while the rest mounted their horses and headed north at lightning speed.

At noon on the 18th, we were very close to the legendary North Tower. Li Shaorong became increasingly excited, but he held it back well and ordered to find a hidden valley to rest while waiting for the auxiliary soldiers to arrive with their empty horses.

come over.

During this period, they also received news from the courier that the Feilong Army had been left behind by them for more than three hundred miles, which shows how eager Li Shaorong was to make progress.

This time, many horses were ruined by running to death. It would really be unjustifiable if they missed the mark.

"Have you seen any Khitan people?" Li Shaorong picked out the suspicious white bugs on the meat and threw it away. Then he stuffed the remaining meat into his mouth and chewed it. By the way, he asked the scouts who had just returned if they had heard anything.

what news.

"There are more of them as you go north, and they are all grazing," the scout replied.

Li Shaorong smiled and said: "Years ago, local businessmen in Lingzhou had a unique business, which was to run pastures to fatten up the herdsmen of the five tribes of Yinshan who came to sell cattle. After traveling long distances, people are almost dead from exhaustion, how can livestock

Don’t want to lose weight? The Khitans won’t be able to leave for a while, haha.”

The scout also laughed.

He had taken a peek at the Khitan people grazing. Although they looked a little wary, that was all. It was best to have cattle and sheep. If there were no cattle and sheep, they would have to eat "broth".

Li Shaorong threw him a piece of dried meat.

The scout stretched out his hand to take it, without even looking at the meat worm that was half exposed, he stuffed the whole thing into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it whole.

The wind blew gently.

The entire camp was filled with rustling sounds of chewing. Eating, drinking, taking a nap, and recovering one's strength as quickly as possible were the instincts of a man on the battlefield, and no one needed any instructions.

This is the professionalism of a professional martial artist. Unfortunately, I don’t know how long this professionalism can last. Is it for one generation, two generations or several generations?

Perhaps decades later, someone will sigh, can I return this experienced, hard-working, and brave legion...

An hour later, Li Shaorong, who was leaning against a big tree and taking a nap, stood up gently.

The warriors sitting all over the place opened their eyes almost at the same moment and silently checked their equipment.

No one gave orders, everyone followed their respective officers, dressed neatly, got on their horses, and there was a silent understanding everywhere.

"Let's go!" Li Shaorong waved his hand and jogged out first.

The floating clouds covered the scorching sun.

On the banks of the Muddy River, the shepherdess happily picked wild flowers.

The young man holding a birch bow had a serious face and loudly said that he wanted to have a life-or-death showdown with the Xia people. After speaking, he stole a glance at the young girl who was looking at them with her chin in her hands.

Children were running around, playing and playing with each other.

The old man leaned against the big tree and quietly recalled his past life.

Farther away, under the yellow clouds and green grass, white sheep are looming.

"Bah!" A fish jumped out of the muddy river and quickly disappeared.

"Crash!" Countless horse hooves stepped into the muddy river, causing large splashes of water.

The jogging turned into a fast run, and the knights wading through the water had sinister smiles on their faces.

There were continuous sounds of piercing the sky, and the pasture that was peaceful and peaceful just now suddenly turned into a Shura hell.

The boy who fell down opened his eyes wide and fell into the river. After a few blood splashes appeared, he disappeared like a swimming fish.

The old man picked up the spear on the ground, his face full of anger and fear.

The war horse passed by him, and the saber caused a huge wound. His aging body was vulnerable to a blow and was almost broken in two.

The shepherdess drew out her small horned bow and tried to fight back, but a long spear came through the air and directly picked her up.

The children ran around crying and were knocked away by the dense war horses.

The earth is trembling, and the cavalry is charging.

This chapter has been completed!
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