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Chapter 72: Way of Death

 On June 22, the seventh year of Jianji (907), the court meeting in Helong Palace had just ended.

Officials from the Sixth Department of Shangshu and the Privy Council of the North and South unanimously agreed to establish Shenzhou.

Even before the battle was over, planning for post-war construction had already begun. The people in the Daxia court really did not take the Khitan seriously - the situation on the battlefield also proved this. The main force of 100,000 people in the middle was advancing steadily.

, so far no one can stop them.

After the court meeting, Shao Shude continued to review the memorial.

Gao Renhou sent a battle report from central Guizhou: Chongzhou had been conquered, and the Zangzhou tribe killed the Zhao chief, beheaded more than 4,000 people, and captured 30,000.

Shao Shude took a closer look and saw that the Shengjie army led by Lao Gao had lost a lot of strength. Is it so difficult to defeat the Zangke Man? Or are the Shu soldiers not brave enough?

After thinking about it for a while, he asked someone to bring it over and fill it with the relevant records of the two states.

Although central Guizhou is a vassal town with a vast territory, its level of development is very low. It is dominated by Qianzhou, with a registered household population of only more than 20,000. It has developed for more than 200 years since the beginning of Wude in the Tang Dynasty, during which there have been advances and retreats -

-For example, during the Kaiyuan and Tianbao years, two Zhengzhous were abolished and demoted to Jisuzhou. But overall, progress was very great. There were more than ten Zhengzhous in the whole province, with a population of nearly 200,000 households, mostly concentrated in the northern region.

Of course, within these dozen or so Zhengzhous, there are still a large number of barbarian tribes in a state of de facto separatist rule. Their relationship with the imperial court is actually similar to that of those vassal towns back then, and they are generally "peaceful".

On the one hand, they envied Tang Ting's power and wealth and were willing to submit. On the other hand, they did not want Tang Ting to interfere in their internal affairs and disturb their autonomy.

There are Jisi areas within Zhengzhou, not to mention the large area of ​​Jisizhou in Wuyangyang in the south of Central Guizhou Road.

The Central Plains' expansion into central Guizhou began in the Tang Dynasty, and the result was the Zhengzhous in the north with a population of 200,000 registered households.

As for Chongzhou, there is a hereditary local official named Zhao.

"In the third year of Zhenguan (629), the Chongzhou barbarians paid tribute" - this Chongzhou barbarian was called the Zoke tribe.

"In the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan (737), the great chief Zhao Jundao came to court and offered gifts."

During the Zhenyuan period of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Jundao sent envoys to the court five times - Shao Shude read this and sighed that Zhao Jundao lived a long life, because the last time he sent an envoy to the court was in the 18th year of Zhenyuan (802), this man could not be in the Spring and Autumn Period.


After Dezong, the frequency of entering the imperial court gradually decreased, but this time it actually reversed.

What I haven't said yet is that since peace has been achieved, the Zhengzhou system of the Tianbao period should be restored.

With a stroke of his pen, Shao Shude ordered the establishment of Chenshui (now north of Jiangkou County, Tongren, Guizhou), Pingman (now Shiqian County, Tongren, Guizhou), Sinan (east of Shaojiaqiao Town, south of Sinan County, Tongren, Guizhou), Dongting (now Guizhou)

Zhenyuan, Cengong, Qiandongnan Autonomous Prefecture), Dongling (now northeast of Shibing County, Qiandongnan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou), Shaoming (now Jiuzhou Town, Huangping County, Guizhou Qiandongnan Autonomous Prefecture), Zangke (now east of Yuqing County, Zunyi City, Guizhou)

) seven counties.

These seven counties were originally planned to be merged into Feizhou, but Gao Renhou's attack was a bit fierce, and even the Xixie barbarians who had "win 30,000 soldiers" in the early Tang Dynasty were crippled, so he established a new Zhouzhou and pacified the barbarian counties.


He also appointed Wei King Shao Mianren as the governor of Zangzhou and the commander of the state army. He recruited five thousand troops from Henan, Guanxi and Hebei and took office in Pingman County.

He also gave the name Shao Zhien to another leader of the Chongzhou Man, Zhang, and made him the governor of Zangzhou.

The leaders of the barbarians who have come to court have been received by Queen Zheshi. Now they can be given official status and gifts, and each of his sons will be left to serve as a palace guard.

Suddenly, dozens more governor positions were released.

However, these governors did not receive salaries from the imperial court, and their official positions were hereditary to their families.

For example, in the tenth year of Kaiyuan of the former Tang Dynasty (722), Xie Yuanqi, the great chief of the Western Xie Barbarians, died, and his grandson (Xie) Jiayi was appointed to take over his official title. In the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan (737), the Zhao family rose and Zhao Jundao usurped Xie.

The position of the surname was granted to the Duke of Yelang County, and "Xixie Man" was renamed "Xizhao Man" from then on.

Also, "At the beginning of Emperor Gaozong's reign, Yanzhou rebelled. Xie Wansui, the governor of Zizhou, and Xie Faxing, the governor of Chongzhou, were attacked by Li Mengchang, the governor of Qianzhou. Long live Faxing went into the cave to comfort him and was killed."

These hereditary governors, governors, and the like are not all rebels. In fact, most of them are relatively stable. If someone rebels, others will send troops to attack them on the orders of the imperial court. When the imperial court conquers Nanzhao, they will also send troops and food to accompany them.

A levy is actually equivalent to a vassal town.

Sometimes, the leaders of the barbarians would also go to the mainland to serve as officials. For example, Xie Wansui became the governor of Zizhou, just like the officials from the feudal towns who entered the court.

"Your Majesty, the King of Wei is the governor of Zangzhou. Do you need to reconsider it?" Chen Cheng sat opposite Shao Shude and asked softly.

The King of Wei started from the county secretary position and worked his way up, so he was familiar with the people's conditions. Now he was appointed as the general of Pinghai Navy. He had just returned from Silla and was appointed as the governor of Zhangzhou. There was no big problem with his qualifications, but would it be too big?

Are you treating the prince too harshly?

According to the description in the military newspaper, the battle at Chuping in Zhangzhou was not easy. There will be unrest in the local area for a long time to come, there is no doubt about it.

If something happens to the prince there, the court will have to raise an army to conquer it for the sake of face. Is it worth it?

Shao Shude did not answer after hearing this, but asked: "Did Ping Haijun's ship leave Silla and go north?"

"Already heading north, there are two ships in total." Chen Cheng had no choice but to reply.

The two sea-delivered ships left Penglai Town Pier in April and sailed eastward to dock in Silla.

Well, the first thing is to do business and empty the cargo hold. In addition to purchasing supplies and hiring guides, the remaining money is to give rewards to the sailors. So everyone is excited - the reward has been given by Shao Mianren.

The ship was taken back to Huaihai Road and handed over to the sailors' families.

After the two ships left Silla, they followed the southeasterly wind and slowly headed north along the Silla coastline. It is unknown what the final outcome will be.

Another thing related to navigation is that there has been no news about the Pinghai Navy ship that Master Huikong was on for a long time.

They set out from Haizhou, a traditional ship, heading east to Japan. More than half a year has passed, and there is no news at all, which makes people wonder if they encountered a shipwreck.

"Zhenzhou is not like a dragon's pond or a tiger's den." Shao Shude said: "If something happens to my son, he will not be saved."

After that, he shook his head and went to the harem.

Chen Cheng sighed softly.

Sometimes the saint is very merciful, and sometimes he is extremely cruel. He has given birth to so many princes, and it seems that none of them want to enjoy wealth and status in peace, and they are all driven by him to do this and do that.


Shao Shude went to the back hall, and Yu Lu saw his aunt, and Xiao Chonggun came forward to greet him.

Aunt Yulu's belly gradually swelled again. This was the third child she was pregnant with.

Shao Shude was a little regretful, why didn't Xiao Chonggun get pregnant? Is it because she was too young?

Behind the mother and daughter stood a timid woman: the Bodhisattva slave.

This girl was captured in Baiwang County. It has been a month since she was brought here, and Shao Shude has not touched her yet.

"You woman, I've brought you here for several months, but you haven't been able to help me at all." Shao Shude patted Yu Lujiangu and said, "You can't appease the Khitan tribe, and your hips are not as big as those of the Bodhisattva slaves, so what use are you?


"Your Majesty..." Yu Lu saw that her aunt was a little embarrassed and angry.

"Oh, it's my fault. I didn't control it and made you pregnant again." Shao Shude sighed: "After some time, you can go north with me."

"Yes." Yu Lu saw her aunt caressing her belly and responded.

"Bodhisattva slave, come here." Shao Shude waved.

The Bodhisattva slave's eyes were full of complexity, and he reluctantly walked over.

"Wait a minute." Shao Shude said angrily, grabbing the woman and making her kneel on the ground with her back to him.

The Bodhisattva slave was forced to kneel down. She felt a chill in her buttocks and her skirt had been taken off. Then there were several hard slaps, which were extremely rippling.

"Did you know that your sister Yue Liduo has been captured?" Shao Shude asked proudly.

The Bodhisattva slave suddenly raised his head and looked at Shao Shude in disbelief.

"I just received a military report that the North Tower was occupied by iron cavalry. The Feilong Army attacked and captured the Khitan. There are more than 100,000 Uighur men, women, and children, and Yue Liduo is among them." Shao Shude said.

The Bodhisattva slave's face turned pale.

Although a prairie woman is said to be a slave girl and a fertility machine for the victor after being captured, she is still a Uighur or a Khitan after all, and she still has a love for the tribe.

What's more, Abaoji was very kind to her. After his son Yelu Laogu died fighting for him, he still remembered his old friendship and gave Baiwang City to her as his subordinate military state.

"Abaoji..." the Bodhisattva slave muttered.

"Huh? Are you still thinking about Abaoji?" Shao Shude said in surprise.

The Bodhisattva didn't answer, maybe he didn't bother to explain.

"You woman!" Shao Shude laughed loudly: "Why don't I just kill your son? I'll just pay you. How many do you want?"

Bodhisattva slave, don’t look away.

"If Abaoji doesn't know what's going on, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape this time." Shao Shude waved his hand, making Xiao Chonggan dance, and then said: "Actually, I want to meet him."

He is really interested in this kind of people who rise up in history at the right time.

Abaoji is a man who is committed to Chineseization, which is in sharp contrast to his wife.

Moreover, Abaoji did not engage in any discriminatory policies such as shaving his hair and changing clothes.

This may be related to his experience. From the second year of Liao Shence (921) to the first year of Tianzan (922), his one hundred thousand elite cavalry were defeated miserably in the Battle of Wangdu. Countless carefully selected and experienced Khitan men were defeated.

The Jin soldiers were driven into the sand river, trampling on each other, and countless people died of cold, starvation and drowning.

Of the 100,000 people who returned, less than 20,000 were lost. A large number of the founding soldiers were destroyed in this way. This is directly related to the military tradition and inheritance of the Liao Kingdom. Generally speaking, if the founding soldiers suffered heavy losses, the martial arts of the dynasty would deteriorate at a faster rate.


And this kind of failure didn't happen just once.

After learning from the painful experience, Abaoji formulated the basic national policies of "governing the Khitan under the national system and treating the Han people under the Han system", "respecting Confucius and Confucianism" and "integrating the Han and Qidan".

The treatment is all based on pay.

Abaoji went south three times and returned with great defeats, allowing the Han people in Liao to gain equal status.

After Yelu Deguang entered the Central Plains, he lost his mind and allowed the Khitan soldiers to burn, kill and loot. This aroused the anger of the people in Henan and drove him out of the Central Plains.

The Hu people know very well whether you have the value of united front.

"If we can capture Abaoji alive on the battlefield..." Shao Shude stood up and put his hands behind his back.

Khitan noblewoman Xiao Chonggun danced beside him like a butterfly in a flower, flattering him and inviting favors.

Yu Lu, the eight great shamans, stood aside with her big belly.

Below him, the Lord of Junzhou City, Bodhisattva Nu, knelt on the ground like a bitch.

"I will give him a pot of poisonous wine." Shao Shude said: "Some people still have to die with dignity."

The Bodhisattva slave trembled subconsciously and the waves rippled.

This chapter has been completed!
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