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Chapter 84 Liaodong Road

 Thousands of horses galloped on the field, which was very lively. "Whoosh!" Shao Shude shot an arrow.

The gray hare kicked its legs and fell to the ground dead.

The falcon chirped, grabbed another rabbit, and landed with fluttering wings. The sergeants and chiefs rushed over quickly, picked up the prey, and presented it in front of Shao Shude's horse.

"This arrow is too poisonous to be used with force." Shao Shude looked at the hare in Zhong Yanyou's hand, shook his head, and said, "Warriors, you should hone your skills. There is no need to use black-headed arrows."

The faces of the Blackwater Mohe chiefs who were originally in high spirits fell.

Barbarians are so straightforward and don't know how to hide their emotions. If you like something, you just like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Although not everyone is like this, it is indeed a common trend.

The use of poisonous aconite arrows is a specialty of the Blackwater Mohe and the Bohai people. It is often used when killing people and hunting. At this time, when Shao Shude said it, his face could not help but look slightly annoyed.

"Wan Yanxiu, are you dissatisfied?" Shao Shude laughed, got off the horse and asked.

Wan Yanxiu opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and said, "Even if you don't use poisonous arrows, no one can beat me." "Yuan Xingqin." Shao Shude said with a smile.

"The end is here!"

"Compare with him." Shao Shude said, "Whoever wins, my bow will belong to him." After saying that, he asked Chu Shenping to get a walking bow, took it and shook it.

The famous products made by the young master were naturally extraordinary. Yuan Xingqin saw that there was nothing wrong with them, and Wanyanxiu's eyes lit up and he was eager to try. So he started shooting deer seeds.

The two of them each took a walking bow worth one stone and seven buckets, put on iron armor, and shot a straw man sixty steps away with a limit of eight arrows. "Whoosh! Whoosh!" The warrior who rolled out of the battlefield shot an arrow quickly.


When Wan Yanxiu was taking aim, Yuan Xingqin had already shot two arrows, both of which hit the mark.

Wan Yanxiu took a deep breath and shot slowly without being disturbed. Three arrows were fired in a row, and all of them hit the mark without missing the target.

Shao Shude rubbed the stubble on his chin and whispered: "The five parts of Blackwater are located in a bitter cold land. They have a violent temperament. They have traditionally made a living by raising pigs, fishing, hunting, and gathering. Their archery skills are indeed good. We will destroy the Bohai Sea in the future.

After that, what do you think should be done with the thirty-year-old Blackwater Mohe?"

"Your Majesty, maybe you can move them to different places and divide and rule them." Chen Cheng said: "There are also a large number of Blackwater Mohe tribes in the Bohai Sea. Their number is more than the five Blackwater tribes in the north combined. In fact, these people have never been seen in the Bohai Kingdom.

Having truly ruled, if Your Majesty wants to register a household, I'm afraid you will have to put in a lot of effort."

In short, the northern half of the territory of the Bohai Kingdom, including their trip to Beijing, was not given away for free, but was snatched from the hands of Heishui Mohe by several generations of people who continued to "explore the north".

The process of "Northern Strategy" was of course cruel. It was a history of blood and tears of Heishui Mohe. Many tribes had no choice but to surrender to the Bohai Sea. After more than a hundred years, some were absorbed and digested and integrated into the main body of Sumo Mohe, becoming "Bohai people".

”, but most of them still maintain their traditional living conditions, have not been assimilated, and have frequent turmoil.

In order to prevent them from colluding with the five Blackwater tribes who traveled far to the north, the Bohai Kingdom repeatedly relocated these tribes in the country. Nowadays, they are mostly distributed in various prefectures in the east and north of the country, and they live relatively scattered.

After Shao Shude learned about it, he complained about Bohai Country's ability to assimilate. It has been a country for more than 200 years, and even the close relatives of Mohe in the heartland have not assimilated. The Heishui Mohe north of Zhushui, the descendants of Goguryeo, and the original Liaodong Peninsula

The Goguryeo people were also not assimilated.

But then again, the eldest brother did not laugh at the second brother, and Tang Ting did not do a good job in this regard. The Goguryeo people who moved to Huainan basically assimilated and integrated into the Han people.

The Turks and Sogdians in Guanzhong and Luoyang were barely assimilated.

However, the descendants of the Turks in Huaixi, the nine surnames of Zhaowu, maintained their herding and hunting status until the Anshi Rebellion, which is outrageous. Let alone Youzhou, there are many tribal shady households.

Obviously, the Tang Dynasty did a better job of assimilation than Bohai, but it was not good enough. It was more like they were worried about the rebellion of the Hu people in the frontier fortress, so they moved to the heart of the Central Plains, thinking that everything would be fine.

However, the supporting work after the relocation has not been able to keep up, such as solving the living problems for the Hu immigrants.

difficulties, encourage them to change their past life and production patterns, learn Chinese culture, etc. If these tasks are done less, the effect will naturally be poor.

Originally, even if the Tang court did not do these tasks, as long as it lasted long enough, these barbarians would eventually be assimilated little by little under the influence of influence. The problem was that the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and the central government lost control of the local governments, making things complicated.

"The Heishui Mohe in the Bohai Sea are trying to find a way to organize households and integrate the people." Shao Shude said: "The five Heishui tribes are mainly Huairou Jisi. They can trade with them, but they are not allowed to go south."

Are you kidding me? Several generations of monarchs in the Bohai Sea finally conquered the north, expanded the land thousands of miles, and drove the Blackwater Mohe to the Heilongjiang and Songhua River basins. Are they going to invite them back?

The Liao Kingdom once made this mistake. It moved a large number of Jurchens to the warmer and richer Liaodong and Western Liaoning, which gave them more abundant resources to multiply their population. It is simply incredible.

"Your Majesty is wise." Chen Cheng said with cupped hands. While the two were talking, the competition was over.

Yuan Xingqin and Wan Yanxiu both hit seven out of eight arrows, but Yuan Xingqin shot faster and took less than half the time - in a battle formation, there is not much time for you to aim, and you often raise your head.

Shooting by hand relies on feeling and muscle memory. This is a skill that soldiers are good at. It is normal for Yuan Xingqin to shoot quickly.

"The two of you are indistinguishable, so I'm in a dilemma." Shao Shude deliberately said thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty, both warriors hit seven out of eight arrows, why not reward them both?" Chen Cheng understood what Shao Shude meant and suggested. "Forget it, since Chen Shilang said so, let's reward them both." Shao Shude gestured with his eyes.

, Chu Shenping brought another bow.

In fact, there were also a few pieces of cloth woven from tussah silk, a specialty of the Bohai Sea, which I also appreciated.

"Liu Rengong's family, the Lu family, the Li family are good, I'm jealous, I'm taking advantage of you, I'll go down and pick one each." Shao Shude patted the shoulders of the two of them again, and said with regret.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." Yuan Xingqin bowed and saluted.

He has no shortage of women, property, and weapons. What he cares about is the impression in the minds of saints, which is the greatest guarantee for his future.

Wan Yanxiu didn't understand the rules of the Central Plains very well, so he stood blankly for a while. After being reminded by others, he suddenly understood. He knelt down on the spot, kowtowed, and said: "I heard that Your Majesty is so generous. I didn't believe it at first, but I believe it now. Thank you."

Your Majesty’s reward.”

Shao Shude laughed, helped him up with his own hands, and said: "The thirty surnames of Heishui came to pay tribute many times during the Tang Dynasty, but were later blocked by the Bohai Sea. Now that Daxia has been established, the thirty surnames of Heishui are also my subjects.

I love warriors the most, and the warriors of Black Water are willing to be the instigators and come to see me. As long as they are really capable, rich, official, and beautiful, they can have as much as they want."

"Your Majesty's heart is much stronger than that of the Lord of Bohai." Wan Yanxiu said sincerely. Everyone laughed.

Although this barbarian is already a general of the Luoyan Army, he is so reckless that he compares the saint with the Bohai clan. Isn't it ridiculous!

Shao Shude didn't mind at all and said: "If I don't have this self-confidence and this mind, how can I serve as many warriors? How can I be the emperor? What if I can be the supreme khan? Han people, Dangxiang people, Tubo people

, Qiang people, Uighurs, Sogdians, Shatuo people, Khitan people, Mohe people, and Goguryeo people, all are my sons. I will reward you for your merits and punish you for your mistakes. I will not favor any party and discriminate against any other. Wan Yan

If the commander can achieve great achievements, he can also come to Han to serve as an official, and he will be rich and have no worries."

Wan Yanxiu recalled the expense of Han officials and generals he saw along the way. Even during the expedition, when everything was kept simple, he still envied him endlessly.

Today, if you just show off your archery skills, you will be rewarded with a good bow, wealth, and beauties. Isn't this better than raising pigs in your hometown?

Wanyanxiu's family has more than a thousand pigs, and they are a well-known wealthy family. But compared to the rich people in the Central Plains, what do these things mean? It is really a colorful world. There is no way to rob it. If you don't have the ability, you might as well

Fight for the Supreme Khan in exchange for wealth.

Thinking of this event, Wan Yanxiu knelt down again, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have more than ten relatives and friends in my hometown. There are people with infinite manpower who have never lost a fight, who can hold the flag for Your Majesty. Your Majesty, please believe me, he is the only one

A person can carry it, no need to hold a flag, and he can carry it all day without getting tired. Some people are poor and go hunting bears in the mountains. They go up with a wooden spear and are extremely brave. Some people are excellent in archery.

"I have never failed to shoot jackals, tigers, and leopards. Some people are good at hunting in the mountains, in dense woods, and walking on the ground is as good as the ground."

"Let them come." Shao Shude said, "Are you afraid that I won't be able to reward you?" Wanyanxiu was overjoyed and thanked him.

The nobles of the Wuyan clan next to him saw the jealousy and stepped forward one after another, asking for a test. Xia Ruqi stepped forward without any expression, with the sword half unsheathed.

Shao Shude held his hand and stepped forward, saying: "It doesn't matter. I just like these warriors with true temperament."

He walked up to the Blackwater Mohe chief and warrior and said, "They are all simple people. I trust you. I hunted a lot of rabbits and deer today. I will drink and eat meat later."

When the chiefs heard this, they burst into laughter and gathered around Shao Shude, feeling proud. Some even danced.

Chu Shenping left Shao Shude's side, walked to Xia Luqi, and said: "The sage said, 'Ren Gong's concubine Luo Shi, I feel pity for her, so I reward Xia Luqi."

Xia Luqi smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." Naturally, there was a bonfire feast in the evening.

When the wine was full, Shao Shude also came out and danced a dance. It is the custom of the Tang Dynasty people to dance sometimes when they are happy.

After drinking wine during the Social Day Festival, even the prime minister would sometimes dance with the people.

How should I put this? It's a bit Hu Feng. Unlike the emperors and officials of other dynasties who showed more majesty and order, they seemed to pursue true temperament. It's normal for a period of time to have its own customs.

That night, messengers brought back good news from the east: Wang Yanzhang conquered Hezhou, Shao Chengjie went to Changling Mansion, and the Pinghai Navy went north from the Yalu River to Wugu City. People and horses from various ministries gathered one after another to sweep the boundaries of Xijing on the Bohai Sea.

Also on this night, the north wind was blowing hard, the clouds were thick, and it looked like a storm was about to come. General Winter was about to show off his power.

Shao Shude did not intend to stay here for a long time. Some of the nobles from Heishui Mohe who were invited to meet him returned north to their homes overnight.

In the next few months, they will work hard to connect with each other and win more tribes to support them. In the spring of next year, they will go south in a big way, cooperate with the Xia army to attack the Bohai Sea, and wipe out in one fell swoop the enemy that has oppressed them for more than a hundred years.

In the old territory of the Goryeo Kingdom north of the Xishui River, envoys also came from all over the world, expressing their willingness to submit to the imperial court. Shao Shude accepted their submission and gave gifts but did not allow anything else.

He knew very well what these people were thinking, and they just wanted to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of the Bohai Kingdom's weakening and even destruction to break free from the shackles and become independent again.

They are proud. For hundreds of years, neither Tang Ting nor Bohai have tried to get them to surrender sincerely. Even if they surrender superficially, the grassroots level still needs to be controlled by them.

Shao Shude had no interest in this so-called surrender.

Next year he will go to Pyongyang for a visit. Let’s not talk about the other places occupied by Silla, at least the thirty counties and counties of the Goryeo Dynasty north of the Daedong River, he cannot give them away.

The people of Silla took advantage of troubles in the Central Plains and marched northward step by step, just like stealing a chicken, occupying one point after another, and finally succeeded in pushing the national border to the Yalu River. It's just disgusting!

On August 30, Shao Shude went south from Fuyu Prefecture to Shenzhou, and at the same time issued a message of virtue: Set up Liaodong Road, temporarily govern Shen and Xianzhengzhou, and consecrate the saint, support the saint, protect the saint, welcome the saint, loyal to the saint, and protect the saint.

Li Sheng Qi Ji Suizhou.

In addition, Shao Chengjie, King of Qin, was appointed as the governor of Liaodong Road, the commander of the state military capital, and the commander of Liaodong camp capital. Zhang Quanyi, the governor of Shenzhou, was appointed as the transit envoy of Liaodong Road, responsible for civil affairs.

Zhong Jingxian, the governor of Yingzhou, was appointed as the scholar and administrator of Taoism in Liaodong, and was responsible for education. He ordered Shatuo's three tribes, 200,000 people, to march eastward to Beiping Prefecture to await the Holy Orders.

This chapter has been completed!
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