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Chapter 86 Orbit

On the dilapidated post road, soldiers from battalion after battalion packed their bags and embarked on their return journey. Before leaving, there were many more carriages.

Although Bohai is poor, it is much richer than Khitan. Liu Rengong has been in charge of Fuyu Prefecture for many years. Although he has broken the bones and sucked out the marrow, leaving the people with little oil and water, the wealth will not run away. It is just transferred from one place to another. For example, Liu Rengong family and the soldiers under him.

A lot of goods were also obtained from various Khitan tribes. Except for livestock, most of the other goods came from the Bohai Sea. What a big injustice!

The first to retreat was the Flying Bear Army.

This year they did all the back and forth. They wasted horse power, wasted energy, and wasted emotions. In the end, they didn't fight the battle, and the army supply department was very critical of it.

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why armored cavalry were eliminated.

From the formation of the army with armored cavalry as the core in the Later Han Dynasty, to its heyday during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, to the withered appearance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties with only a few thousand cavalry per country. In the Sui Dynasty, there were only 5,000 armored cavalry in the country. Compared with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they were basically eliminated. .

However, if the saint is willing to support everyone, there is nothing to say. Just treat it as raising three thousand uncles.

The cavalry army also went south from the north to Shenzhou, where they were inspected by the saints, and then returned to the pass through Yingzhou. After the New Year, they will go to Shazhou to replace the Dingnan Army.

In May, Gaochang Uighurs raided Gua and Shazhou, and the Dingnan Army was forced to transfer westward to garrison. Later, the Longyou Qiang rebelled, and the Silver Spear Army was also transferred.

The Jindao and Feilong armies have also left Beijing on the Bohai Sea and are on their way south.

Shao Shude was still very concerned about these troops with whom he had little contact. He must meet and have a sense of his presence. Otherwise, the big-headed soldiers would only remember his son and not the emperor. What does this sound like?

He wanted to pass the throne to his second son, but this did not mean that the second son's prestige could surpass him. If Erlang really did not know the general situation, then he would rather risk the death of the second son of the dynasty than kill his second son. Every trace of affection will remain.

Tianxiong Army and Yin Anzhi are still staying in Shenzhou for the time being.

On the Liao River, the fleet is still seizing the time to transport grain and supplies. Shenzhou, followed by the logistics base of the entire Liaodong Road, all kinds of supplies are stored here and then distributed to various places.

The wives who accompanied the army were even mobilized to dig and build dozens of large and small underground storage rooms. When winter came, they could cut ice on the river and transform it into an underground ice cellar to store salted fish shipped from the south. , locally caught prey, beef and mutton - things like ice cellars. In the former Tang Dynasty, for example, the imperial court had its own ice cellars, and each prefecture had "fu cellars" and "state cellars". If ordinary people had the financial resources, they could also build and store them themselves. food.

"I'm leaving." During the Double Ninth Festival in the seventh year of Jianji's reign, Shao Shude gently stretched out his hands to catch the fine snowflakes falling from the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of troops retreated one after another. The Luoyan Army and the Tiancheng Army were the last armed forces left in Liaodong by Daxia to defend the new territory of Liaodong Road. Some of the slaves who arrived early also assumed certain military defense functions, but they were not the main force. .

On the other side of Yalu Prefecture, Shao Chengjie refused to retreat. He had just led thousands of people to march northward and defeated the enemy outside Huanzhou City, beheading more than two thousand people. When the navy was waiting for peace, they led Wei Bo and Wei Bo along the Yalu River.

After the ship arrived at Huanzhou City in Yalu Prefecture, they joined forces to attack it and captured it on the fifth day of September.

At present, the Ministry is still staying in Huanzhou, dividing its troops and plundering various counties. From the perspective of military management, it is more difficult to restrain the military discipline of the government soldiers who have no military pay and prepare their own armor and horses, and it is difficult not to plunder.

Shao Shude has already issued an order to Erlang to stop. That's it for this year, and we will fight again next year.

The most important task now is to stock up on supplies and determine the number and location of the remaining troops. As far as Changling Prefecture and Yalu Prefecture are concerned, they can only be soldiers and horses from Andong Prefecture. They are either government soldiers or local men.

There can't be many people, almost ten thousand people, occupy the transportation nodes, and then just be honest.

Changling Prefecture and Suzhou were also merged into one prefecture, Rixia Prefecture, Linghuifa (formerly known as Huiba, now Huifa Town, Huinan County, Tonghua City, Jilin Province), Sumi (now Huadian City, Jilin City, Jilin Province)

Town), Hailong (now Shancheng Town, Meihekou City, Tonghua City, Jilin), Taishan (now north of Yongji County, Jilin City, Jilin), and four counties, governing Sumi.

The three prefectures and fifteen counties of Shen, Xian, and Xia are the three prefectures of Liaodong Province that have just been sorted out. They are also one of the main achievements this year. Sparsely populated, fertile land, and rich products are its important features. Next year, the government troops will be gradually settled.

,On Tracks.

From a military perspective, the seven Jisi prefectures established on the Khitan's homeland are also very important. They are currently under military control and will be sorted out next year for further development.

The end of the war does not mean that everything will be fine. This kind of aftermath work is more important in a sense, otherwise it will be almost in vain and has no meaning.

Shao Shude has always felt that he was lucky. Because of the special nature of the feudal system, the order was avoided to the greatest extent and the population was preserved. Therefore, the population of his new dynasty was higher than that of the early Han, later Han, middle Jin (Western Jin), and Tang Dynasties.

There are more, and much more, which allows him to do a lot of things freely. The army was the most elite when the country was founded, but the civilian population was often empty. It was really hurtful to have only military force but no national strength. "

"Your Majesty, it's snowing, it's time to go back to camp." Xiao Chongsheng brought a leather coat and put it on Shao Shude and said.

At the entrance of the camp, Yue Liduo also took a leather coat. Seeing Xiao Chongsheng's quick arrival, he felt embarrassed to come closer and put the leather coat down directly. Then he pretended that he had never gotten up and continued to do the needlework at hand.

"Make more leather coats, and I will reward a batch of them in the first month." Shao Shude's voice gradually came from outside.

Yue Liduo's heart moved. In ancient times, when fighting on the front line, the emperor would sometimes ask the concubines in the harem to make military uniforms and send them to the front. In fact, it may not have much effect, but it is a gesture to show that the emperor values ​​the lives of the soldiers.

Inspire them to fight bravely.

Thinking of this section, Yue Liduo sewed more carefully.

"It's freezing weather and it's time to go." Shao Shude walked into the account, sat cross-legged on the blanket, and suddenly asked: "Yue Liduo, have you ever estimated how many leathers Liaodong Road can provide in a year?"

"There are always tens of thousands of them," Yue Liduo replied.

"Well, that's a lot of money." Shao Shude turned his eyes around and suddenly saw the leather coat on the tiger-skin chair. He laughed, stood up and hugged Yue Liduo into his arms.

Yue Liduo blushed, unbuttoned her chest, and let Shao Shude warm his hands.

Yelvzhigu, who was also sewing leather clothes in the tent, lowered his head almost to the table and did not dare to look.

"Let me report from the bottom of the jurisdiction. Abaoji is very active. The Ugu tribe is almost completely controlled by him. Next year he is likely to go south in a big way. Then we will see if there is a chance to catch him. If he is really caught, do you think I should do it?

Kill him?" Shao Shude asked.

Yue Liduo didn't answer.

"Say." Shao Shude pressed harder and asked.

Yue Liduo's hands were already in a mess, and she couldn't aim at the seam of her clothes at all, and her breathing was a little disordered. After a long time, she said: "Abaoji is a hero, maybe... he can be killed."

"Yes, I like your true nature." Bu Shude said with a proud smile.

He just likes to show off in front of women, even more actively than in front of the prime minister. This is an old habit.

In fact, it doesn't matter which way Yue Liduo answers. If she intercedes for Abaoji, Shao Shude will praise her for being "compassionate and righteous." If she suggests killing Abaoji, Shao Shude will praise her for being "true-hearted." In short, they are all compliments.

Of course, Shao Shude also understood the character of this woman. She was very cold and completely political. She considered everything based on interests and could give up anything if necessary, including her biological children and even one of her own hands.

However, within the framework of Daxia he created, this is what happened to Yue Liduo. No matter how much grass grows in her heart, there is no room for her to express herself. The only thing she can do is to be used as a basin by Shao Shude.


On September 15th, after the snow stopped for a few days, it began to fall again.

In fact, it is not very big, but it heralds the end of late autumn and the coming of early winter. At the post station outside Ximi County of Husheng Prefecture, Zhang Quanyi and his party of dozens of people dismounted and took a break. If you look carefully, they are all generals from Guanbei.

This time, he also went to Liaodong to take up the post. Zhang Quanyi was appointed as the transshipment envoy of Liaodong Road and was promoted to the fourth rank.

Zhang Quan'en was appointed as the prison judge of Liaodong Province from the fifth rank. Jiang Xuanhui

He was appointed Sima of Xiazhou, rising from the sixth rank.

Jin Chongwen, the former captain of Dingyuan County in Lingzhou, was appointed as the commander of Xiazhou Hui, from the seventh rank. Yue Yemou, the former small school of the *** town, was appointed as the captain of Xianzhou Fuyu, from the ninth rank.

Most of the rest are officials from the northern states, students of Confucian classics, and brave commanders from the countryside. They all have the opportunity to become officials this time. The saint has really kept his promise, and everyone with him is rich and noble.

Zhang Quanyi originally planned to meet the saint. Although the edict required him to take office as soon as possible, there was no requirement to meet him. But people always want to make progress. He is only fifty-six years old this year, not old at all. If he could meet the saint

, and then begged Chu Jieyu to help say a few good words, maybe he could become the governor in the future, or even become the prime minister of the central government.

However, after hearing that Chu Jieyu was still in Beiping Mansion, he gave up the idea. What a pity, what a great opportunity.

Husheng Prefecture only governs one county, namely Ximi County, formerly Miyun County of Khitan, so named because its original people came from Ximiyun garrison behind Youzhou Mountain.

It is common for this kind of Jimo land to only govern one county, or not to govern any county. For example, the territory of the Zhenwu Army was originally a Jimo Protectorate, with one county in Jinhe under its jurisdiction.

The main population of Ximi County in Husheng Prefecture is Xi and Bohai people, who make a living by farming. At this time, the millet harvest has been completed, and the people have been recruited again to build city walls in the snow.

There are rumors in the state that the Lord Protector of the Holy Land will come here next year to establish a vassal state. The houses in the city need to be renovated and the city walls need to be expanded. No carelessness. What? Who do you think the Lord Protector of the Holy Land is? Of course it is the eighth prince Shao Duanfeng.

Everyone in Husheng Prefecture is very curious about this new county king. I heard that he will only be twelve years old next year. Can he really manage such a large place? Of course, some people are happy about this.

For a young man who doesn't understand anything, it's best to go against the grain and force the whole state to rebel. If you can kill this person, you should be able to give Shao a heavy blow.

Zhang Quanyi didn't know what they were thinking and didn't want to care.

The Seven Saints Prefecture is theoretically under the jurisdiction of Liaodong Road. In fact, the transfer envoy's office will not interfere too much in its internal affairs. At most, it will send some officials to collect taxes. The Seven Saints Prefecture is mainly managed by the Bei Yamen Court until the prince becomes a feudal lord.

, and then handed it over to the county prince’s government for management.

"Brother, the road has been very busy these days. Messengers are coming and going, and officials and warriors can be seen everywhere. Liaodong Road is a great place, and the saint is really interested in it." Zhang Quan'en said after returning from the stables.

"The saint has been in Beijing for the past few years, so of course he attaches great importance to Liaodong." Zhang Quanyi warmed the wine with his own hands and said, "Who else did you see?" "They are all Kansai generals, and one of them is Zhe Conggu of the Zhe family.

." Zhang Quan'en said.

Zhang Quanyi was shocked and said: "Zhe was a general of the Wei Sheng Army from ancient times, why are you here?"

"I don't know." Zhang Quanen said: "I saw it when I was behind the mountain. I guess I have gone to Liaodong by now."

"Is it possible that Mr. Zhe is ill? Are you planning to take care of your funeral arrangements in advance?" Zhang Quanyi thought for a moment and said, "Weisheng's army will probably go north. It seems that the Zhe family's army will be handed over to King Qin."

"Whatever." Zhang Quan'en said, "In today's world, opportunities are becoming less and less. We have no shortage of wealth and honor, as long as we are good officials."

"I'm very pleased that you can think so." Zhang Quanyi said: "After taking office, the first priority is to stock up on food, grass and livestock. There are still big battles to be fought in the new year, so this matter is the most important."

After finishing speaking, I looked at the wilderness outside the inn. The wind was getting stronger and the snow was getting heavier and heavier.

In the wind and snow, the sound of horse hooves never stops. The Great Xia court is using its extremely powerful national power to gradually leave its mark on this hot land.

The track that was knocked askew by history seems to be slowly returning to the right position.


This chapter has been completed!
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