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Chapter 2 Bonus Two

Volume 1: Looking at each other, there is a lot of blood, and there is no respect for the dead. Chapter 2: Bonus 2. Outside Xiangyang City, boats are like forests, and business travelers are like crucian carp.

Unknowingly, this place has become a prosperous city in the south of Zhili Road and an important financial and taxation center. Xiangyang has two distribution terminals, Dadi Wharf in the west of the city and Xianshan Wharf in the south of the city.

Zhao Kuangming and Yao Jie were sitting in a restaurant near the embankment. They climbed up and looked far away, overlooking the entire river. Under the shining lights, merchants were transshipping goods overnight.

Woolen cloth from Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Shengzhou and even Lanzhou was traded ship after ship. Some of the larger transactions involved merchants who didn't even have time to inspect the goods. They only took a cursory look before delivering the goods.

After that, he hurriedly loaded up the goods and left.

Winter is about to begin in the Jianghan area, and the demand for woolen cloth is increasing day by day. The sooner you ship the goods, the sooner you can make money.

Yao Jie shook the wine bowl and said with emotion. Zhao Kuangming's eyes still stayed on the river.

Boats of all sizes were lined up neatly, as far as the eye could see. Even in the far distance, there were still dots of lights moving on the river, rushing to the dock to unload their cargo.

There is a market near the pier. In other words, the pier is inside the market and is surrounded by simple wooden fences. There are many doors on the fence, and carriages come in and out, with a constant flow.

The mayor of Fangshi had a big belly and was pointing. The city commander followed closely behind him, nodding and bowing.

The tax policemen, armed with knives and bows, maintained order in the surrounding area. At the same time, they kept a close eye on the merchants who were trading, and checked the transaction certificates of both parties from time to time. The imperial court had this system. When trading in the market, there must be a purchase and sale document, and the top of the document must be

Paste a stamp to complete the transaction.

Zhao Kuangming looked back and smiled.

The history of the tax police is indeed relatively early, it was established almost twenty years ago. At that time, it was an independent establishment, but now it is mostly dispersed to various cities and towns.

Large-scale transactions must be completed within the city, and the goods will be confiscated for violations. The chief executive of the city has several assistants. The tax police in charge of the city maintain order and patrol to detect illegal transactions. Sometimes they

People will be sent out quickly to inspect everywhere to see if anyone is trading privately outside the market to avoid the loss of tax dollars.

It should be said that the commercial taxes in Daxia are relatively clear. There are taxes at the border and over-taxes at domestic checkpoints - over-taxes are sometimes abolished and sometimes levied, depending on the financial situation.

When you arrive in a city, there are taxes such as residence tax, street money, and stamp duty.

There is no arbitrary tax collection or arbitrary apportionment, but the investigation is stricter. Once taxes are evaded, the punishment is quite severe. Therefore, it is best for merchants not to trade privately. It is good if the goods are not detected, but the goods will be confiscated if they are found.


Moreover, there is a clearing house in the city to help you reconcile and write off accounts, so you don't need to transport a large amount of copper coins and silk over long distances, and then have to argue with others for a long time because of the quality of the copper coins and the quality of the silk.

You don’t have to worry about being robbed on the road. Imagine that when you use a carriage to transport thousands of copper coins through Huaixi, do you really think that the dozen or so guards under you can handle the warm greetings? It’s better to be honest and take them with you.

Isn't it good to go to the market to buy goods with silver dollar bills?

Yao Jie said.

Zhao Kuangming asked.

Yao Jie replied.

Zhao Kuangming still knew about this thing, but he didn't know its value, so he asked: Yao Jie said.

Zhao Kuangming asked again.

Yao Jie was also half-empty. After being stunned for a long time, he could only say: It is different from silver. Eighteen baht of silver, copper and a silver dollar are not the same thing. "

Zhao Kuangming asked.

"Silver is silver before it is minted into silver dollars. After it is minted into silver dollars, it is no longer silver.

, but... money." Yao Jie thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out, so he could only say:

Zhao Kuangming seems to have realized something.

He was a little emotional and murmured to himself.

Yao Jie continued:

Zhao Kuangming was even more emotional when he heard this.

In fact, there are not many silver coins on the market at all. Maybe big merchants will keep dozens or hundreds of coins in their homes, but it is really rare to see silver coins in circulation. But it is such a money that can be said to exist

, has gradually become popular all over the country, so much so that people who do big business like to use this kind of thing to keep accounts and trade.

Silver dollar bills in the market can be used to give gifts. Those who give gifts dare to give them, and those who receive gifts dare to accept them. They all recognize its value, which already speaks volumes. Shao Shude spent more than twenty years to make the world accept such a gift.

Concept, huge profits.

Zhao Kuangming sighed:

Yao Jie also sighed, picked up the jug, poured wine for Zhao Kuangming, and asked:

Upon hearing this, Zhao Kuangming was happy and said: Yao Jie said.

Zhao Kuangming became even happier and said: Yao Jie also laughed.

Zhao Kuangming said:

Yao Jie said:

Zhao Kuangming said:

Yao Jie nodded lightly.

When the sage personally conquered the Khitan, there were rumors in Henan, Hebei, Shannan and other places that the imperial army penetrated into the barren land and transported grain and grass for hundreds of miles, which was very expensive. However, the entire Khitan people were soldiers, and they were light and fast, so they adopted the method of luring the enemy deep into the land.

After planning, it is easy for Daxia Wufu's army to fail and the whole army to be destroyed.

The rumors spread like wildfire, and there were quite a few people who believed them. Especially those who were willing to believe them were secretly happy and full of expectations.

The final result disappointed them. When Lubu's swift knights galloped to various states, some cheered, some responded indifferently, and some beat their chests and feet. The scene was really wonderful.

Of course, even at this time, there were still people who didn't believe it. It was said that the army at the front had been defeated, and the saint was riding alone to escape. It was not until a large number of Khitan prisoners were taken to Beijing and Tokyo that they reluctantly admitted that the north

The last hurdle has been cleared.

Zhao Kuangming still remembers his brother's face at that time.

There was both regret and regret, relief, and a bit of self-deprecating smile. For the first time in so many years, he knew that human expressions could be so complex.

It was also from that time that the elder brother seemed to have figured it out. He no longer rushed to find a position for himself as a military governor, but urged himself to join the court as an official. The court also responded positively, and Beiya Privy Council accepted the offer.

The post of Zhi was vacant and waiting for him. This time he went north to take up the post.

As for Jingnan Town, my brother seems to have nothing to do with it.

Confidence continues to operate. Xiangnan cannot eliminate the brothers Lei Yanwei and Lei Yangong who are supported by Ma Yin.

To the west, the town of central Guizhou was captured by the imperial court. Gao Renhou sent his troops south to show his military power in various Jisi prefectures. All the barbarian chiefs were afraid and sent envoys to pay tribute to show their respect.

To the east, there is Eyue, home of the Zhe family.

To the north is Zhili Road, the heart of the imperial court.

There is no direction for expansion, and the strength does not support him to do so. After all, Jiangling was severely harmed by Qin Zongquan back then, and it can be said that it is completely destitute.

The two brothers talked for a long night, talking about Huainan, Jiangxi and Hunan from the Eight Tribes of Khitan and the Bohai Kingdom. In the end, they thought it would be better to sell it to the court while Jingnan was still more valuable.

The price is definitely different between selling on one's own initiative and being forced to sell at the enemy's gate.

Therefore, Zhao Kuangming's entry into Beijing this time was not just as simple as serving as an official in the Beiya Privy Council. In fact, he also assumed the important task of bargaining with the imperial court.

My brother has seven states of territory in his hands. The county prince doesn't want to give it up. It's unlikely. The prince can still fight for it. If this doesn't work, the county prince is the worst, and he has to arrange a title for Zhao Kuangming.


The Zhao family has always been a brother-in-law family, enjoying the blessings and sharing the hardships together. The elder brother is a county magistrate, and the younger brother has to be a county marquis no matter what. Only a county magistrate or something is decent.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Jingnan, and their livelihoods must also be arranged. They have been with the Zhao family for so many years, and they cannot end up with nothing. This is not appropriate.

Of course, the imperial court will definitely worry about these things. After all, if the warriors are angered and corrupt Jingnan, the imperial court will lose.

Zhao Kuangming drank the last sip of wine, stood up and said:

This chapter has been completed!
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