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Chapter 7 Night at the Station

 Zhao Kuangming and Yao Jie stayed at Zhang Weng's house for two days before leaving.

I was full after eating the mutton. To be honest, the pepper-marinated mutton tastes really good. The food of this restaurant has a strong Guanbei style.

Pancakes, boiled meat, butter, vegetables and cheese - the last one is cold salad, which sounds a bit like dark cuisine, but historically the Xixia people used butter and cheese to mix vegetables and eat them raw, and also mashed fruits to make jam. The tricks are still there

A lot of.

After leaving Xingtang, we continued eastward, passed through Guizhou, marched out to Duxing, passed Changping County, and arrived all the way to Beiping Prefecture. It was already November 18th.

There were many emotions on the road, and the most prominent impression was that there were so many people speaking with a Kansai accent!

Yao Jie once said something that "breaks the secret of heaven": Shen, Rou, Shuo, Yun, Wei, and Guizhou have many immigrants from Guanbei, while the four places of Beipingfu, Jizhou, Pingzhou, and Zhuozhou have been settled since Li Keyong's time.

After years of fighting, the Xia army came and fought endlessly, and then the household reorganization rebellion broke out. A large number of people were either killed or injured, or moved out. They were replaced by a large number of immigrants from the states in Guan Nei Dao and Guan North Dao.

Just connect a line on the map and you will know that Yinshan, Daibei, and Youzhou overlook Guanzhong, Hedong, and Hebei from a high position. The aboriginal people in these places have been replaced in large numbers. The saint has created a core territory.


"I have even thought about what to do if someone rebels." Zhao Kuangming said with a smile: "If Hebei rebels, the mighty army will go south from You, Zhuo, Ping, Ji, Gui and other prefectures, and the imperial army will go north along the Yongji Canal, or there will be

If the navy makes landfall from east to west of Liaoning, it’s a waste of time.”

"There are many thorns in Hebei Province. This year the Saint is going on the Northern Expedition. There are still two imperial troops and 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers from Hedong who are left behind in Hebei. If no one is left behind, the people in Hebei dare to cut off the Yongji Canal and let hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line eat dirt.

." Yao Jie also smiled.

Yinshan, the grassland north of Yanshan, seems to be very stable now.

They were either the slaves directly under the saint, or the tribes supported by the saint. The latter had a very close relationship with the imperial court, and their honor and favor never faded. I heard that the fourth prince Shao Guancheng was about to return to Beiping from Haizhou to marry the Sanquan inspector, Zangcai.

The youngest daughter of Dangxiang patriarch Wang He is the princess.

Yes, it was the King of Qi who had already adopted the Wu family of the Tu tribe as his son in Haizhou. After all, he could not avoid the fate of being used as a marriage tool by his father. Tianhuang nobles should have this awareness.

The legitimate daughter of the Qibi family in Rouzhou had already agreed to marry the sixth prince Shao Mingyi as his wife.

Coupled with Princess Heyang who was married to the Dangxiang Yeli clan, the saint really spared no effort to win over the Tibetan tribe.

"People in Hebei are also afraid of being killed." Zhao Kuangming said: "In the past, Weibo's household registration was three million, but now it is only two million. Although not all were killed by this dynasty, no matter how hard the bones are, they have been beaten for so long.

It’s also hard to support it.”

"Indeed." Yao Jie said, "I was chatting with people outside just now. After the news of Wang Shi's defeat of the Khitan came back, the people of Hebei were also very excited. In another twenty or thirty years, when this generation gets older, the atmosphere will be different.

Something will change."

"I heard that there is a saying in the Luoyang Martial Arts Hall, which is called "exchanging time for space." The trick used by the sages to use Hebei people seems to be to exchange time for space." Zhao Kuangming smiled and said: "Let's go into the house."

It was getting late today, so they stayed at the inn and entered the city after dawn. The inn was crowded and noisy like a vegetable market.

Zhao Kuangming took a closer look and saw that there were actually many barbarian chiefs in central Guizhou, and they were gambling.

"Torches and groups of people lined up to see the saint. Some people lost all their money before leaving and had to borrow money to go home."

"I brought some tattered gifts here, but the gifts from the Ministry of Rites were only brocades and silverware, but in the end I still lost all my money." "Most people can't speak Mandarin. Those who can speak Mandarin are also Han Chinese, and somehow they became local officials."

"To be honest, it is better to be a local official than to be a military envoy. The court will deal with the military governor, but it may not necessarily deal with the local officials." "The court is too lazy to take care of the miasma."

There were also a few officials in the post station who were on official business. Zhao Kuangming sat with them and chatted, and by the way, he complained about the various barbarian chiefs.

"Isn't it a good thing to be in Dading, Guizhou?" Zhao Kuangming raised his glass and gestured to people, saying: "Besides, those places, with high mountains and forests, have more plagues. If I go there, I'm afraid I won't die.

It’s such a land. Compared to the miasma, I would rather endure the bitter cold of the Bohai Sea, at least it’s not that easy to die.”

Everyone's heart is filled with sadness.

If one day the royal army goes south and occupies many vassal towns in the south, a large number of officials will definitely be sent south. This is not a good thing!

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the king of Le'an County demoted so many officials to the fifth administration. How many are still alive today? They got sick for no reason, and they didn't know what happened until they died. In comparison, the officials who went to serve in bitter cold places

, most of them are still alive and kicking.

To be honest, if I had to choose between Bohai and Wuguan, I would definitely choose to be an official in Bohai rather than go to Wuguan. My life would be at stake. "Here comes the food." The post general came out in person and brought up a large pot of steaming fish stew.


The fish is a large yellow croaker, stewed with sauerkraut, and the aroma is fragrant. "Finally here!"

"Been waiting for a long time!"

"This is the first time I have eaten the thing that the saint loved when he was young." "To give gifts now, I can't give them without getting a few sea fish."

"My child heard from somewhere that eating sea fish will strengthen his body and his archery skills will improve his powers. He insists on buying it." "My adults also wanted to eat two after hearing the story of the saint's death."

The officials were laughing and joking, moving their chopsticks like flying. After a while, only the skeletons of the two large yellow croakers were left. Zhao Kuangming was stunned, swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva, and hurriedly took out a chopstick of pickled cabbage to try.

Well, after a while, the sauerkraut also bottomed out.

Zhao Kuangming took a breath and said: "In the past, when the saints got fish, they gave more to their ministers and guards. How come they are now available in the inn?"

"Of all the warriors in Daxia, they are the only ones willing to work in the fields."

"This fish is good, but it's a pity that it doesn't have kelp. If cooked with kelp, it will taste even more delicious."

"Have you ever tasted kombu? Only officials of the fifth rank and above are rewarded. You, a ninth-rank official, where did you get the kombu?"

"It is no longer called kelp now. The saint gave it the name 'goose palm'. This year, Changxia Trading Company did sell a batch, but it was quickly sold out. Everyone wanted to try it, and only the crimson masters had to give it to kelp."

What does it feel like?"

"I heard that Zhigu ordered Zhao Feng to plant goosefoot on the seaside, but all the wood placed in the sea rotted and it couldn't be planted." "Zhao Feng? Is that the consort?"

"It's him. He looks like he's not very educated."

"You are just jealous of others!"

Everyone drank and drank, and the atmosphere was lively.

Zhao Kuangming liked the atmosphere very much and made toasts frequently. And he had a really good capacity for drinking. Shuo Fangsheng drank a few glasses of it, and he was completely fine, with clear eyes.

"I said..." One person put down the steamed cake in his hand and said, "The saint just gave another one, called 'kelp'. I heard it looks similar to kelp, and it was caught from the Bohai Sea off the coast of Tokyo."

This news is quite new, and most of the people here don’t know about it.

Zhao Kuangming was also a little surprised and asked: "Bohai Tokyo is Longyuan Mansion, right? How do I remember that Wang Shi has not conquered this place yet?"

"It was not conquered." The man said: "Last year, the Pyongyang Navy sent two ships, starting from Chisanpo in Deungju, passing through Silla and Baekje, and then heading north all the way. They spent several months exploring carefully.

Finally I found the kelp. On my way back, I encountered a violent storm and had to hide in the Bohai Port. I was seized by others. Later, I was released and docked at Zhigu Port a month ago."

Zhao Kuangming had seen the map of Bohai and Silla in the Privy Council. He deduced silently in his mind and found that the Pyongyang Navy was actually sailing along the offshore sea. To be more precise, it was circling the land of Silla, Baekje, Goryeo, and Bohai. But they wanted to

To find kelp, you really can only go along the coast.

"You've been sailing for more than half a year just to find sea food and bring it back to raise? Is this thing so strange?" Zhao Kuangming was a little unbelievable. "Maybe it's delicious."

"Don't mention it, goosefoot is indeed fresh. I always feel that there is something in this dish that enhances the flavor. If kelp also has this effect, it is not unworthy of looking for it. Qin Shihuang also sent people to find the immortal

As for medicine, compared with this, these things made by saints are nothing!"

"I think the Ping navy may have gone to explore the route. If Goryeo or Baekje are willing to use the route, the fleet

Departing from its port and landing in Tokyo on the Bohai Sea, it frightened them to death."

"Haha, why go to all the trouble? Just hit him." Zhao Kuangming picked up the wine glass and drank with others again.

"In the yamen, Ping Haijun is probably not a pathfinder." Yao Jie said in a low voice: "I have observed for a long time and found that the saint is very concerned about maritime affairs. When I was in Luoyang, I heard someone from Zhen Haijun entering the memorial hall mention that Yuhang

The prince Qian Liu sent many sailors to Haizhou to teach him maritime experience. Maybe one day, the saint will send a fleet south."

"We haven't figured out what's going on inland yet, so why are we staring at the sea all day long?" Zhao Kuangming was a little confused.

Just like this time, what is the value of sending a ship north along the east coast of Goryeo? Even if you get ashore, you will encounter some savages at most, and you will be given gold and silver treasures? Is it worth it in such a remote and cold place with no pepper?

"Just practicing my skills." Yao Jie said: "In the future, we may have to go south to Annan to transport goods, but we don't have enough sailors."

"Going south..." Zhao Kuangming held a wine glass in his hand and said, "Those charismatic commanders in the south are running out of good days. When the saints attacked Youzhou, they would use land and water to advance simultaneously, or they might repeat their old tricks."

"I think the saint wants to do business." Yao Jie said with a smile: "In the future, if we get the south, many things may be shipped back to the north to save money." "That's right." Zhao Kuangming nodded and said, "Here, let's If you two have a drink, you will become ministers of the same palace from now on."

"You're welcome, Yameni." Yao Jie raised the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp. Zhao Kuangming also drank it all.

His face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he was still looking around with eyes full of energy.

There were officials speaking with accents from various places, barbarian chiefs dressed in colorful costumes, and I heard that there were envoys from Silla and Baekje at the inn. Well, it seemed to mean that all nations were coming to Korea.

This chapter has been completed!
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