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Chapter 12 Before the Expedition Part 2

 There are actually many things going on in February.

First, the two daughters got married.

Shao Liu, the princess of Xinmi, came out of Yuquanzhuang Ao.

Shao Liu is Zhang Quanyi, the daughter of the Chu family, and Zhuang Ao is the youngest son of Zhuang Langshen, the leader of the Zhuang Lang tribe. He has just taken over his late father's position and served as the inspection envoy of Yuan Yuquan.

This tribe has a large population, close to 100,000, and can pull out 20,000 to 30,000 troops. It is the largest force in the northwest of Yinshan and Hexi.

In order to marry back the princess, Zhuang Ao sacrificed a thousand horses, five thousand camels, thirty thousand cattle, and two hundred thousand sheep, which consumed a lot of family wealth. However, this kind of political marriage was beneficial to both Zhuang Lang and the court, so

It is imperative.

The court also helped Zhuang Ao solve his problems by joining the court as officials for several of his brothers. In fact, it not only helped him solve his troubles, but also acted as a check and balance.

Princess Shao Yan of Linqiong came out of Kedun City to surrender to Hunchanghe.

Shao Yan is the daughter of Zhu Quanzhong and Zhang Hui, and Hun Changhe is the son of Hun Shi, the inspector of Kedun City.

The Hunbu are relatively weak and have been plundered by the Tatars several times. Now they have less than 40,000 people, so they can only draw thousands of horses. A betrothal gift or something is enough. Shao Shude is not short of this kind of wealth. But only

One thing is that Hun Changhe will inherit the position of patrol envoy of Kedun City in the future.

Some people may ask, what if Hun Changhe dies before he succeeds to the throne, or dies before he has any heirs after succeeding to the throne? The ready-made operation of the Tang court is there. The princess can just marry again. Anyway, it must be a tribe.

But it doesn't matter who is the inspector, and it doesn't matter how many people you have married to. This is the meaning of political marriage.

The wedding of the fourth son of the emperor, King Shao Guancheng of Qi, was also completed in February.

The tribe of the Cangcai Wang family has more than 100,000 people. The three brothers Wang Chong, Wang He and Wang Bei sent their sister to Beijing together and presented them with a large sum of money, including more than 300,000 cattle, sheep and miscellaneous animals, which can be called a dowry since the Tang Dynasty.

The richest one ever, it was more than what Xu Jingzong, the prime minister of the former Tang Dynasty, received when he married his daughter to a barbarian.

In return, Shao Shude gave the Sanquan tribe 10,000 yuan of money, 100,000 pieces of silk, 1,000 pieces of gold and silver, as well as some tea and porcelain.

This wedding caused a sensation in the entire Beiping Mansion. Not only the people gathered to watch, but even the officials and nobles who had not returned to other places also talked about it. It was regarded as a landmark event.

There were rumors in Beijing that Qi Bizhang, the Privy Councilor who was recuperating at home due to illness, was furious and sent his eldest son back to the Rouzhou grassland to count his belongings and not lose to a junior like Wang He.

Shao Shude was stunned to receive a high-priced dowry instead of paying a high-priced betrothal gift.

Regarding this evil trend of comparing each other, he just rebuked a few words weakly, and then shut up.

Careful people took stock of the royal family's children, and then focused their attention on Princess Shao Caiwei of Jiangling.

I heard that this is the saint's favorite daughter. She is seventeen years old this year. If she marries her, she will have a successful career. As for the princess who may be arrogant and arrogant, it doesn't matter! She just wants to be a mother. What can she do?

After holding his son's wedding, Shao Shude studied the "world situation" in Jiaotai Hall. Anyway, when Xie went in to report, he often saw the saint slumped on the back of the Bodhisattva slave, reaching forward with his hands, unconsciously kneading and gasping for air.

She was a little worried, wouldn't the opportunity for Khitan's victory lie with these two women?

Abaoji was unable to defeat the imperial army, so he sent his wife and sister-in-law thousands of miles away... to murder the saint!

Fortunately, the saint was "rescued" quickly because Yue Liduo was pregnant.

So the saint really began to seriously study national affairs, summoning the prime minister Zhongshu, the six ministers, the generals of the Imperial Army and even officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to discuss the details of sending troops.

Apart from this, continue to seize the time to deal with matters in the country.

The matter of dedicating land in Jingnan Town and withdrawing from the feudal vassal is in progress.

Zhu Shuzong, the Privy Envoy of Nanya, and Hu Zhen, the Deputy Privy Envoy, went south hand in hand to appease the people and recruit soldiers.

The seven states of Jing and Kui under the jurisdiction of Jingnan Town (today's Jingzhou, Yichang, Enshi, Changde and the eastern part of Chongqing) were unified under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province.

Zhao Kuangning, the military governor of Jingnan, attacked Duke Shouchun of Jue County, granted 3,000 households, and was appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. This position was temporary. Zhao Kuangning temporarily stayed in Jingnan, led the army to conquer the Lei brothers in Langzhou, and continued to serve as a member of the imperial court.

Build merit.

Kuang Ming, Kuang Ning's younger brother, did not have many meritorious achievements, but for his brother's sake, he was given the title of Prince of Huangpi County and granted a title of 500 households.

It is already very good for the Zhao brothers to receive this kind of treatment. If it were not for the fact that they took the initiative to surrender their land and set an example for the southern vassals, they would not have been able to obtain these two titles.

Another thing happened, Du Rangneng, Minister of the Ministry of War, passed away.

Shao Shude ordered Wang Pu, the Minister of War, to take over his position and leave the court for one day.

The Du Genneng family made a lot of contributions to him.

Du Xiao and Du Guangyi, one at the center and the other at the local level, worked conscientiously.

When Du family is in the harem, the etiquette of Qizhuang and Shushen are well behaved.

The most important thing is that they have brought you a large number of capable local management talents at critical moments, and they have also helped you beautify a lot in terms of public opinion - with a good reputation, it will naturally be easier to recruit talents and stabilize the place.

Shao Shude's hard work for more than 20 years is certainly the most important factor in why Guanxi is so stable, but the strong support of Jingzhao Du Family also plays an important role.

A person must be conscientious, and Shao Shude still appreciates others' sentiments.

After all this, there isn't much left to do.

He began to cultivate his moral character and hang out with warriors.


"Conquering the Bohai Sea is only one of the goals of sending troops this time." In the Wangjing Imperial Palace, the Supervisor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ye Lijingchen, convened a meeting.

"I will accompany the driver, and most of you will also accompany the driver." Nori Nobuomi continued: "I will tell you the preparations that should be made in advance. If you don't understand anything, you can add it."

"First, Xu Shu ordered that the Penglai Town shipyard has delivered the ship. You should quickly take the people to receive it and purchase all kinds of materials. The five hundred people coming from the Pinghai Navy will all be under your command. No later than mid-March, your troops will

Then we set sail and left the harbor, with four ships, and took the old road northward."

"Follow your order," Xu Xiong, former Vice Admiral of the Navy and now Commander of the Shipping Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, responded.

Four maritime express ships have been built and are about to be received. According to the governor's wishes, they are just purchasing supplies and then heading north along the east coast of Goryeo. This is still an expedition, rather than letting them go ashore to fight. This is

Very good.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they really want to fight. It's just that the Ping Navy is not a traditional warrior. They were established not many years ago. Except for some members of Liang Jun's Yellow River Navy, most of them are fishermen. Peace is the most important thing in everything, so why fight?

What about life and death?

Not to mention anything else, last year we caught more than one million catties of fish, how much did we sell them for?

The most expensive thing in the country is pork. Here in Beidu, it only costs a few cents per kilogram, and it is often sold out.

There are (sage) people currently promoting marine fish, and the price is at a very high level. A pound can cost more than 30 yuan. Last year, 200,000 pounds were sold, and all were sold out. The total income was more than 7,000 yuan.

Each of the Pinghai soldiers received half a penny.

To be honest, everyone was very enthusiastic. They all said that in order to transfer supplies last year, they did not have time to catch fish and missed many opportunities. This year they will try to catch more than 2 million jins.

It would be really nice if the saints no longer assigned them military missions. They would all go out to catch as much fish as they could sell.

This is income in addition to military rewards. Isn’t it much better than fighting in the war? Fishermen are born to love fishing.

"Second, Zhou Yuhou, you will select 500 young men who are capable of guns and sticks from the five imperial villages of Bianzhou Shahai, Fuyuanchi, Muze, Dezhou Wudi, and Wangjing in Peiping, issue them with weapons, and escort the grain and grass northward.

.After arriving in Shenzhou, the grain, grass and army supplies were delivered to the Yamen, and then they were drilled and trained on the spot, waiting for orders."

"Yes." Yuhousi Yuhou Zhou Zhiyu responded.

There are several Yuhous in the Yuhousi now, but there is no Duyuhou yet. The setting up of the governor is clearly to let everyone compete, and finally a Duyuhou will be selected.

Right now, it seems like he's in the lead.

Zhou Zhiyu thought this was normal. The young men in the three imperial villages in Bianzhou almost cried because of his training, but their various military skills improved rapidly and their obedience was very good.

Zhou Zhiyu felt that if he was given another five years, the strength of these young men would be comparable to that of the state soldiers - their combat effectiveness would definitely not be as good as that of the Imperial Army, because they would eventually have to farm and herd cattle, and were not professional warriors.

This time he brought five hundred people with him, but he couldn't figure out why. It shouldn't be that they were going to fight, but could it be that they were going to carry goods? It was possible.

He is not a very curious person, and he is too lazy to ask. Since the superintendent has given such an order, he can just carry it out.

"Third, Director Li ordered that the Weaving Office select twenty craftsmen and fifty apprentices to accompany the army." Ye Li Jingchen continued.

"As ordered." Li Zan, the weaving orderer, responded.

Li Zan was the son of General Li Zhong of the Forbidden Army. He graduated from the Imperial Academy and was born as a Yin official. After working in Taipu Temple for two years, he worked in the Shaofu for one year, and then he was appointed as the Weaving Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was promoted to the seventh rank.

There are still a few noble sons like Li Zan in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The overall level is acceptable. After all, they have experienced a complete education since childhood, and their mental outlook has not yet deteriorated, so they are still capable of doing their jobs.

Li Zan actually knows something.

The reason why I brought the craftsman apprentice there was just for the fur business. But, is the Bohai Kingdom already sentenced to death before it is conquered? Wouldn't it be disappointing if the army cannot attack for a long time and has no choice but to retreat?

But like his grandfather Li Yanling, he is not very proficient in battle formations. If the saint is so confident, he can't go wrong. Just be prepared.

"Fourth, the Camp and Field Department..."

The meeting lasted all day and ended.

After the meeting, Nori Susukaomi asked someone to pat his waist and rub his shoulders.

As we get older, our bodies can no longer bear it.

That old guy, Fu Zang Qingxiang, has been dead for several years. I always thought he was an eyesore in the past, but I miss him more and more in the past few years.

In order to conquer the Bohai Kingdom, the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually wanted to go to war, all the elite soldiers and generals were mobilized, and even he himself had to accompany him. What on earth did the saint want to do?

Yes, even he doesn't know exactly what kind of medicine is sold in the sage's gourd.

The day before yesterday, I went to the palace to meet the saint, and met my daughter Ling Ji by the way. According to her daughter, the saint once stayed overnight at her place and mentioned that he wanted to place a martial artist in the "Bohai Trading Company", but he didn't say much, and she didn't know.

What does this mean?

Bohai Trading Company? Where did this come from? Nori Kesuke thought about it for two whole days and couldn't figure it out.

Takeo is willing to work in a trading company? Is it possible? Which trading company can afford it?

If you can't figure it out, don't think too much. The answer will eventually be revealed, just wait and see.

This chapter has been completed!
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