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Chapter 19 North and South advance

 Fu Cunshen rode forward and looked at Dongmu Mountain City carefully.

In the first year of Long Live Tongtian (696), Khitan Li Jinzhong rebelled with great force. Wu Zhou was defeated repeatedly in battles and was devastated. The leader of Mohe, Da Zuorong, begged Sibiyu and his subordinates to flee eastward to protect themselves and consolidate themselves.

To put it simply, after Khitan Li Jinzhong and Sun Wanrong were forced to rebel, they were so powerful that even the Tang army could not deal with them, let alone small tribes like Mohe. They scurried everywhere for fear of suffering disaster.

After Li Jinzhong's death, Li Kaigu led the remaining troops to surrender. Wu Zetian tried to restore order in Liaodong, so he sent Kaigu to lead troops to conquer Mohe.

Li Kaigu first defeated and begged Sibiyu, and then went to Tianmen Ridge to force Zuorong. Zuorong joined forces with Goryeo, but the Mohe people resisted Kaigu. The Tang army was defeated, and Kaigu escaped and returned. The Khitans under his tent, and the Xi people again

The Turks surrendered.

As soon as the Khitan surrendered, the Tang Dynasty was separated from the Mohe. Da Zuorong got a chance to breathe, so he built the city of Dongmu Mountain. The Mohe people and the rest of Goryeo returned a little later. Then he sent envoys to the Turks to connect with each other.

Stand firm.

In various senses, Dongmoushan City and Aodong City are the places of prosperity for the Bohai people.

Now someone is knocking on the door! More than two hundred years later, Dongmushan City has once again been besieged by the Central Plains Dynasty army and is in danger.

The guard Wen Feng, who was born in the Bohai family, was in panic all day long. He led his troops out of the city several times, but was defeated and lost more than 3,000 people. Now he did not dare to come out. He only looked longingly at Aodong City, which was thirty miles away to the east.

Expect them to send troops to rescue.

Fu Cunchen was not in a hurry at all.

He first sent soldiers from Andong Prefecture and Shenzhou Prefecture, as well as Qingsi and Datong soldiers who had not yet divided the territory, to build siege equipment and harass the city day and night. He also sent a section of the Tielin Army eastward to set up an ambush in the mountains.

, waiting for reinforcements from the Aodong defenders.

Encirclement and reinforcements, annihilating the last remaining army of the Bohai Kingdom that dares to fight in the field, and then going to Beijing will become a toothless tiger that can be manipulated at will.

"Commander, the thieves can't hold on. I think the terrain of this city is steep and difficult to attack. It's better to leave the soldiers to defend at the foot of the mountain and the main force to go north." Zheng Yong, the capital of Tielin Army, came over and suggested:

"The bandit soldiers are actually very weak. We only need to leave two thousand elite soldiers lying in the mountains and forests to prevent those who come down from the mountain from coming back."

After hearing this, Fu Cun did not answer immediately. Instead, he rode on his horse and continued to observe.

It was his first time coordinating the entire battle, and he was still very excited.

A battle to destroy the country, this is the opportunity that every military commander dreams of.

Although Dongmu Mountain City and Aodong City are strong, if casualties are not taken into account, it may not be impossible to capture them if they send troops to attack violently. But if he wants to fight beautifully and leave others speechless, he needs to use some brains.


"It's just like you said, setting up an ambush to lure the enemy." After thinking for a long time, Fu Cunshen made a decision: "Send another thousand soldiers to the surrounding villages to collect grain, grass, cattle and sheep, make the noise louder, and let the mountains

The thief saw it.”

"As ordered." Zheng Yong understood and immediately agreed.

There is actually a reason why the imperial army was not sent, but the imperial troops were used to collect grain.

The government soldiers do not have military pay. They prepare their own armor, horses, equipment, and rations before arriving at the military camp. They are then organized into a team and go out to fight. Because of this, superiors generally do not restrict their military discipline too much. From the middle and late period of the Later Wei Dynasty, the government soldiers were established

Since then, plunder and capture in war have been used to inspire them to fight bravely.

To put it bluntly, the government soldiers are self-sufficient and do not take a penny from the court. Therefore, there are many banditry activities in the war, and the superiors turn a blind eye. The main reason is that the military discipline is so poor, but it is very capable of fighting.

Regardless of the physical fitness, various martial arts skills, and even the equipment and equipment of the soldiers, they are far superior to those of ordinary troops.

To put it bluntly, their ability to fight depends on their personal ability.

"You should keep an eye on it." Fu Cunxen warned again: "Conscription of government soldiers for two consecutive years has consumed a lot of money on their family. I'm worried that someone might do something frivolous, so you can send donations, but don't hurt anyone. Go ahead.


"Okay." Zheng Yong saluted and left.

The place where they are located is, strictly speaking, the junction between Shangjing and Shuzhou.

Further north, there is Huzhou under the jurisdiction of Longquan Prefecture - named after the Huhan Sea (today's Jingbo Lake).

After passing Huzhou and heading north, you will find Longzhou, also known as Longquan Mansion, or Bohai Sea Capital.

In this section of Huzhou, the mountains are steep, the rivers are turbulent, and the roads are difficult to navigate. It is actually not easy to fight. If possible, the enemy must be deceived. Otherwise, it will be quite troublesome to huddle in the city.

After Zheng Yong left, Fu Cunshen took another look to the east. Will the bandits in Aodong City take the bait?


"Retaliation when there is a grudge, revenge when there is a grudge!"


"They have oppressed us for two hundred years, give them some color!"

When Fu Cunshen led his main force to fight with the thieves at the junction of Huzhou and Shuzhou, four thousand vanguards of the Luoyan Army were already riding fast horses. They were at Duyu Houqiu Zengxiang, led by Duyouyi's envoy Shulu Porun.

Next, they advanced furiously, defeating the harassment and obstruction of some bandit cavalry along the way, and reached the western border of Bozhou.

Bozhou is one of the three prefectures under the jurisdiction of Longquan Prefecture. The prefecture is located in the ancient city of Nanchengzi Village, Hualin Town, Mudanjiang City, on the east bank of the river.

Xu Shi's main force has been transferred to the vicinity of Shangjing (the ruins of Pingyuan City in Bohai Town, Ning'an City). The troops in Bozhou are sparse, and most of them are temporarily recruited, and their combat effectiveness is uneven.

"Kill the thief!" Porun, wearing the treasured armor given by his new brother-in-law, shouted.

Even though he lost consecutive battles against the Xia army, just like Hui Sunzi, he was still very confident in defeating the rotten fish and shrimps of the Bohai Kingdom.

Well, I used to win many battles with my old brother-in-law Abaoji, but now I am even more brave as a general under my new brother-in-law.

As he spoke, the Blackwater Mohe soldiers in the team dismounted one after another, took out various infantry weapons, and rushed forward without hesitation.

"Fuck!" Shulu Porun yelled angrily: "You can't charge on horseback? You are mounted infantry, right? I hate mounted infantry the most, and... I love mounted infantry the most."

"Mei Lu, let's go?" The tribe's confidants were eager to give it a try and suggested one after another.

"Don't call me Mei Lu, I am the commander of the Luoyan Army." Shulu Porun coughed, then looked solemn and asked: "Qiu Yuhou, Chong?"

"Charge!" Qiu Zengxiang pulled out an iron mace and said decisively.

There is no need to explain too much about the tactics. After the two thousand Uighur cavalry were formed, they used their best trick, detouring back to the flank of the Bohai people, riding bows and firing vigorously, and they were disappointed like rain.

On the front, two thousand Blackwater Mohe soldiers charged and beat fiercely, without caring about their own lives, as if they would die with you, and the Bohai people retreated step by step, causing unspeakable suffering.

They were very surprised. When did Blackwater Mohe become so brave? Even though Bohai was weakened and could no longer control the five Blackwater troops, their psychological advantage was still there, and they always felt that these savages should not be so capable of fighting.

But when it comes to war, sometimes what you fight for is your morale.

Heishui Mohe has been incorporated into the Luoyan Army. They have been trained and reorganized according to the methods of the Central Plains. Their organization has been greatly enhanced. They have also received a lot of sophisticated armor and equipment. They can also eat well and receive rewards. Naturally, their combat effectiveness is incomparable.


Bohai's front formation was directly dented, and the rear formation was hesitant, not knowing whether to push forward or run away. At this moment, the Uighur cavalry outflanked them from both wings, sending an overwhelming barrage of arrows.

In just one move, their morale was completely cleared.

The Bohai people were defeated on the spot and tried to retreat to the camp at the rear. The Uighur cavalry drew out their iron bones, sabers, and maces and pursued them. They broke through the enemy's obstruction and rushed into the camp gate, shouting and shouting, showing their courage.


Upon seeing this, the soldiers of Heishui Mohe in the front were more morale-increased. They marched in noisily, chasing the Bohai people's butts and killing them, laughing so happily that it was difficult to attach any importance to it.

"Don't let them burn the boat!" Qiu Zengxiang, who rushed into the camp, saw with sharp eyes the Bohai people piling firewood at the dock and others cutting the cables of the ferry. He was so anxious that he fired arrows and killed two people.

More than a hundred cavalry roared in, smashing the Bohai people's heads with iron bones, and finally saved the dock and ferry.

"Follow me across the river!" Seeing that many Bohai people had already fled to the other side of the river on ferries, Qiu Zengxiang got off his horse and hurriedly jumped into the cabin.

Porun rushed in second.

The soldiers hurriedly untied the cables and marveled at the same time: How could Porunmeilu be so brave?

The incident of being captured alive by the cavalry army Li Shaorong is still vivid in his mind. How long has it been before he is so violent? Is he really brave enough to fight, or are the Bohai people weak and easy to fight?

The cable was quickly untied, and one sergeant after another rushed into the cabin.

"Row a boat!" Qiu Zengxiang stood on the bow of the boat, holding a walking bow and shooting left and right.

The Huhan River was still calm, and Qiu Zengxiang was indeed somewhat accurate. His arrow missed and flew through the air. The thieves who were rowing desperately to escape in front fell down in response to the string, and screams continued.

Behind them, one ferry after another entered the middle of the river. Everyone was in high spirits and yelling.

"Peng!" The ferry hit the soft mud bank.

Qiu Zengxiang jumped down, took the iron mace, and led the people straight up, chasing the Bohai people's butts all the way.

"Peng! Peng!" More and more ferries docked, and some people brought horses over.

Qiu Zengxiang found a horse, turned over, counted the people around him, there were probably dozens of riders, and said: "Many of the thieves were trapped on the left bank. Bozhou is empty. Let me charge and occupy the bird city."

"Occupy the Bird City!" The Uighur knight controlled the horse nimbly, followed behind him, and rushed eastward.

Bozhou City is not far from the river bank, only a few miles away, and can be reached in a short time. And the main force of the Bozhou bandits was indeed concentrated on the west bank, and they were almost wiped out in one fell swoop.

Obviously, the tactics used to defend the enemy from outside the country are not effective, and now they have to pay the price.

Dozens of cavalry chased the thieves' butts and rushed all the way to the outside of the city.

The west gate of Bozhou was opened wide, and hundreds of soldiers rushed out in a chaotic manner, trying to respond to their defeated troops.

Judging from their attire, most of them were without armor and had a variety of equipment. When marching, the team was very scattered, crooked and shapeless.

Haha, it is indeed a familiar Bohai soldier. Moreover, it seems to be much worse than a few years ago.

Qiu Zengxiang changed into riding a bow again.

Following the old rules, the dozens of knights spread out slightly, arrows flew out, and more than ten of the bandit soldiers lay down in an instant.

The rest of the crowd roared, the people in front stopped, and the people behind were still rushing forward, forming a chaotic mess.

Qiu Zengxiang roared loudly, put on his mace, and led more than 60 cavalrymen to rush towards the enemy soldiers from the flanks, directly cutting them off.

The Bohai people were completely in chaos.

They were farmers to begin with, and they were temporarily recruited, so they had a lot of fighting power. At this time, they were charged by the Uighur cavalry, and their organization was completely disrupted.

Qiu Zengxiang went on a killing spree, killing seven or eight people in a row. When the front was clear, he suddenly came back to his senses and shouted: "Follow me!"

After that, he rushed directly into the city gate.

Porun gritted his teeth and followed closely.

Dozens of horsemen slowly got rid of the Bohai rebels, turned their horses' heads, and followed one after another.

On the east bank of the Huhan River, hundreds of Luoyan soldiers who had hurriedly landed also caught up.

Panting heavily, they threw away their long soldiers and held short blades. They first killed the oncoming Bohai rebels. After they dispersed, they rushed directly into the city without pursuing them.

More and more soldiers will cross the river.

They quickly formed a team on the river bank, and after each group was completed, a group rushed out. The ferry returned to the other side of the river to pick up people again.

"The traitor flag has been cut down!" Suddenly, someone pointed at the top of Bozhou City and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked up and saw a green flag being taken down and thrown outside the city.

The flag fluttered and quickly fell to the ground.

"Wonderful victory!" Cheers rang out from both sides of the Huhan River.

Bozhou, the northernmost part of Longquan Prefecture, was captured by the Luoyan Army before it could hold out for even a day.

Now that they are attacking from two sides, facing each other from the north and the south, Longquan Mansion is already in the bag.

This chapter has been completed!
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