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Chapter 23 Tragedy comes

 Fine raindrops fell down, making each step slippery.

The neat formation became a little loose, but it didn't matter. A highly skilled troops sometimes didn't need a strict formation.

The Bohai people on the opposite side stood very densely and were moving slowly, but from time to time someone fell down. It was not because of the bows and arrows shot from the opposite side, but because of the stiffness of their muscles due to high emotional stress and falling down.

The person who fell couldn't get up for a while, and people from behind came one after another. They were also very nervous and didn't pay attention to their feet at all. Or if they did, they couldn't avoid it for various reasons, so they fell to the ground with a crash.

Repeat this.

This looks very ridiculous, as if a solid iron egg was fired from the muzzle, bounced a few times on the grass, and plowed a bloody path in the Bohai people's formation.

The formations of both sides are getting closer and closer.

The six thousand elite soldiers led by Tielin and Tiande were in a very relaxed mood.

The Bohai people swallowed their saliva and were very nervous.

The armor on Xia Jun's body is very old, with repair marks everywhere, and there are faint dark red blood stains, which can never be wiped clean. However, the overall maintenance is in place, and the protective ability is not bad.

The armor and stomach of the Bohai people are bright and spotless, but if you look closely, you can see that there are a lot of rust spots. It seems that it is not suitable if it is not worn and maintained regularly.

Xia Jun held the heavy sword, his long-slender hands were strong and slightly relaxed. They knew how to distribute their physical strength very well, and it was not time to explode yet.

The Bohai man's body was stiff, and his knuckles holding the weapon had turned white, and he could not break it open. His eyes were fixed on the front, and his nerves were so tense that he could not even hear the officer's command.

At a distance of three hundred steps, Xia Jun only stopped twice, and soon the team was completed and continued to move forward.

The Bohai people stopped as many as six times, and the whole team was in chaos. It even took the officers to beat and scold them to wake up the terrified sergeants.

The rain continued to fall, and the two sides were close to within twenty steps. In such weather, no one used their bows and crossbows, and they fought hand-to-hand to decide the outcome, which was fair and just.

The drumbeat that had been ringing stopped.

Sergeant Xia stopped almost at the same time. Everyone's expression became serious. After finishing the team formation, they silently adjusted their spirit and body to the most comfortable state.

The sharp sword has been unsheathed, and the long sword is pointing forward. The tall and strong body is full of explosive power, which can be 100% activated at any time to rush towards the enemy.

The Bohai people also stopped, but not completely.

Some people are like zombies, turning a deaf ear to the flags and golden drums, and continue to stumble forward.

Some people braked suddenly and stopped, but their feet slipped and they fell to the ground.

Some people stopped and shouted anxiously, almost covering up the officer's command.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Liu Qian Xia Bing roared three times.

The Bohai soldiers were frightened, and some even wanted to turn around and run away.

Then, in their frightened eyes, the black crow's Xia soldiers pressed forward.

The rain suddenly became heavy, and the soybean-like raindrops hit the leaves of the beetles, making a crackling sound.

This small battle cannot stop the murderous warriors. They are not even afraid of the rain of arrows, but are they afraid of the rain from heaven? The "zombie" directly turned into a log.

Xia Bing rushed in front of them, brandishing his heavy sword. One, two, and three logs fell in a row without causing any obstruction.

The noise suddenly started.

The survival instinct released a lot of adrenaline. The Bohai soldiers' bodies were no longer stiff. They raised their weapons and threw them away.

The rout broke out in an instant.

Bohai officers desperately blocked the fleeing crowd.

The left and right Mengben troops, the left and right Shence troops, the left and right Bear Guards, the left and right Black Guards, the south and left guards, and the north and south guards were all here, but they collapsed at the first touch.

Yes, they know, the Ten Guards of the Imperial Guard

Most of them are new recruits who have been in the army for less than a year. The veterans have even died more than once, but they still have great expectations.

This is the capital camp! Even the new recruits are recruited from the upper capital and are from good families. They have no determination to sacrifice their lives and serve the country loyally and bravely. They are not even as good as the local army!

No one can understand their despair and desolate mood. The brown wave is coming, and Xia Bing uses his skillful killing skills to harvest human lives easily and comfortably.

Even in this one-sided massacre, they were not sloppy at all, their movements were concise and quick, and they did not waste any extra energy. They tried to kill the enemy in the most effective way, and then got rid of the lifeless corpse and let them fall in the mud.


The wave was unstoppable, and the Bohai Imperial Army fled.

On the temporary high-rise building on the west side of the Huhan Sea, Fu Cunshen was very surprised.

He knew that the Bohai people were bullied miserably by the Khitan in the past, and the army was annihilated by the organized forces, resulting in heavy losses. But didn't they recruit new soldiers? Why couldn't they withstand even one encounter?

In the Battle of Wukang Town, Shi Pu came out in full force, and 70,000 soldiers and horses were defeated by Liang Jun, and the main force was annihilated. However, in the following years, he actively recruited new soldiers and fought repeatedly with Liang Jun, and the main force was annihilated two or three times.

They continued to recruit new soldiers and persisted for several years. During this period, they went north several times to rescue Zhu Xuan and the Zhu Jin brothers. The final defeat was due to successive years of floods, the people fled, and the army had no food. It was impossible to persist.

Are the recruits’ fighting will so poor? Their martial arts skills so poor?

It was really eye-opening for him that the common people had no fighting capacity and were so disarmed.

Of course, Fu Cunshen had never heard of the famous words of later generation Yelv Deguang before his defeat: "I don't know how difficult it is for Chinese people to do this!"

His father, Yelu Abaoji, had never made such an evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the Bohai people.

In fact, this was the norm for ordinary people in most dynasties in history. The group of unruly people in the late Tang Dynasty who fought against the sky, the earth, and the air were actually a special exception.

"There is no need to run in columns, but as a team, pursue freely." Fu Cunshen decisively modified the order.

"Yes." The messenger immediately went to deliver the order.

Free pursuit is really looking down on people. Because you are chasing in a formation, you obviously can't catch up quickly, so you can only let people escape.

But after many wars have been fought, the generals all have a principle: at most

Chase for three hundred steps, then stop and regroup. Otherwise, you may suffer a big loss.

These are lessons learned from the blood and tears of our predecessors - the enemy is defeated, but it may not be completely defeated. He may still be able to regroup and fight you again. Don't get carried away.

There were no problems in the immediate pursuit.

Fu Cunshen looked at the tall building for a long time and felt relieved. He even had time to ask his neighbors: "What is the saint doing?"

"I heard they are trying to encourage farmers to grow mulberry trees."

"Still researching mountain wild products, mushroom stew every day."

"I heard that his old man took agricultural students across the mountains to hunt." "What hunting? Stop talking nonsense. That's recording the beasts in the mountains, which will be useful in the future."

"I also went fishing in the river. I heard that some rare fish in the Central Plains were renamed."

"That's enough!" Fu Cunshen stopped the argument among his men and said, "Sages do big things. Marching and fighting are rough jobs. I am enough for you."

"Yes, the saint has been fighting for thirty years. Darling, I was just born thirty years ago."

"I also grew up listening to stories about saints' conquests."

"Haha! I am from Wulan County, Huizhou. If there were no saints, I would be braiding my hair and covering my face."

"You can't do it. I met a saint in the martial arts hall and learned a few tricks."

"Look at how cool you are, when will you pay back the two cents you owe me?"

"Send victory news to the saint." Seeing that the Bohai army was defeated and Huzhou was no longer willing to defend it, Fu Cunchen went downstairs and prepared to personally supervise the army to enter the city, and then rush to Beijing on the Bohai Sea.


After the news of the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Huhan Sea was transmitted back to Shangjing, the monarchs and ministers of the Bohai Sea were in chaos.

First, rumors spread that someone was going to release Dashuxian and make him the new king, and then open the city to ask for surrender.

The leader of the Bohai Kingdom, Dachengzhuan, was so panicked that he personally led the Tianmen army loyal to him to the palace and killed Dashuxian.

Seeing Uncle Wang calmly dying, the irritability in Dazhen's chest increased instead of decreasing.

Later, news came out that Wu Zhidu had been released from prison and fled outside the city. Dazhuan rushed to Tianlao again and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wu Zhidu sitting inside properly.

Wu Zhidu was also very calm, even too calm.

He looked at the head in Dazhen's hand, a sad look appeared on his face, and sighed: "Your Majesty has fallen into a trap."

Dazhen was stunned and subconsciously asked: "What does Wu Xiang mean?"

"King Dongping has fought for the imperial court all his life. Although he won less and lost more, he was still loyal and never had the slightest objection. His majesty punished him for being innocent, fearing to lose the hearts of the people." Wu Zhidu sighed and said.

His meaning is very obvious. Although Shuxian did not fight well in the war, his prestige in the army is not low. He also has many good connections in the local area and is even popular among the clan. If you kill him, everyone will

What would the generals in Fuzhou think?

To be honest, they would not be disloyal because of this, but the loss of a charismatic clan member is not a good thing no matter how you look at it.

The Xia army is coming in force, and Bohai has been defeated repeatedly. Once there is discord and Wang Jing is exposed, someone has to organize the rebels to continue resisting, right? It would be better for you to directly help them eliminate a potential rebel leader.

Da Shuxian's face turned pale when he heard this, and then he became furious and rebuked: "The old thief is talking nonsense! How could I - how could I be wrong? Da Shuxian's slave had already been recruited. He had contacted the Xia people's envoys.

He also sent gifts out of the city without reporting them to the court."

Wu Zhidu shook his head and sighed, saying: "Bohai is a small Tibetan country. It is certainly wrong to contact the envoys of the superior kingdom privately, but really, what is it like? Does your Majesty really think that King Dongping has no chance to escape? He wanted to leave, but he didn't.

If people can stop you, you can even open the city gate at night. Your Majesty really did something wrong."

"Bang!" Dazhuan kicked Wuzhengdu over.

Wu Zhidu rolled in the haystack, his body arching up in pain.

"You old guy, have you ever come into contact with the Xia people? Are you going to surrender too?" Dazhen asked with a ferocious look on his face.

Wu Zhidu didn't answer, he just kept coughing.

"Old thing!" Da Benzhan kicked him hard a few more times before he calmed down. Wu Zhidu coughed a few more times, looking at the top of the cell, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Hmph!" Dacheng walked out of the cell and said, "Watch this thief and don't let him escape."

"Your Majesty, Wu Guangzan, son of Wu Jingdu, is serving as an official in the Xia Kingdom," Shen Zongtai, the general of the Tianmen Army, said in a low voice.

Dazhuan hesitated for a long time, a ferocious air surged into his face, and after gnashing his teeth, he nodded lightly and strode away.

Shen Zongtai waved his hand, and the sergeants rushed forward, helped Wu Zhengdu up, and strangled his neck with a bowstring.

Wu Zhidu struggled desperately, feces and urine flowed out, and after a long time, he finally made no sound.

"Go and ransack the house!" Shen Zongtai said with a ferocious smile. The sergeants' eyes lit up and they were very excited.

When Dazhen built the Tianlao and saw the panicked crowd on the street, all his fierceness and courage melted away on the spot like ice under the scorching sun.

His face turned endlessly pale again.

In the battle of Huhanhai, all the 20,000 newly recruited imperial troops were defeated, and few of them came back. Now there are only 10,000 Tianmen troops in Beijing, which is not enough to defend the city, let alone defeat the Xia thieves.

How to resolve the current crisis? I really don’t have a clue.

Perhaps Pei Zhuan was right when he said that he should hunt for Dongping Mansion in the north?

But news also came from the north that Bozhou had been defeated, and the Xia soldiers continued to advance southward, taking out several villages in succession. The remaining soldiers of Bozhou and Longzhou could not resist, and they were about to approach the city. It was too dangerous to go north.

Or go to the Bin Mansion and then escape to Japan by boat? This is also very dangerous. Besides, he ran away without even guarding the capital. How could he have the face to be a king? What would the officers and generals in various places who are still resisting think?

Dazhen was hesitant and didn't know what to do.

That's good.

In sorrow, he quickly returned to the palace. When Queen Gao saw that he was still holding a head in his hand, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

The emperor subconsciously threw the head away. When he saw that it was not far away, he stepped forward and kicked it into the flower bed. Then he stumbled forward, hugged the queen and cried bitterly.

This chapter has been completed!
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