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Chapter 32 Dance together

 "There are hundreds of millions of fish coming from overseas, and there are crab heads in the square mouth of the upstream river. There are still red marks on the belly. It was said that Gu Dong entered the imperial boat." Shao Shude wrote a poem with a splash of ink.

Secretary Lang, Cui Shui, the champion of the Great Xia Dynasty, was a little surprised. This poem had never been heard before, and it described salmon. It was almost impossible to be written by a literati from the Central Plains. Could it be written by a saint? Or by a person from the Bohai Sea?

As far as the poem itself is concerned, it is quite neat and neat, and it uses local colloquialisms.

For example, the local Bohai people who speak Chinese call salmon "Fangkou Tortoise". "Gudong" is the transliteration of "Guoduo".

Just as the Mohe people call salmon "when it comes" (Dawuimaha), they call salmon jumping out of the water "guoduo". The poem also tells a legend, that is, why is there a red mark on the belly of the salmon?

According to the legend of the Mohe people, during the Eastern Expedition of the Tang Dynasty, too many salmon came and jumped directly onto the royal boat. The Tang Dynasty was displeased and ordered the soldiers to drive them into the black water (Heilongjiang) with wooden sticks, so the belly of the salmon was

There are still purple marks left on it.

There is another legend about the Tang Dynasty's Eastern Expedition.

It is said that when the king of Tang came to the Black Water, it was the white dew season and he was besieged by the enemy. There were no reinforcements outside and no food and grass inside. Some ministers suggested that they ask God to borrow fish to save the hungry king. Soon, there was a fish.

The black dragon brought the salmon to the black water. After the men and horses ate the salmon, their strength doubled and they won a great victory. Horses don't eat fish, but this is a fish from the sky...

When the monarchs and ministers of Daxia first heard about these legends, they thought they were a bit nonsense.

Who is this "King of Tang"? When did he go to Blackwater? Obviously, this is a fabrication. It's just that the local savages have a low cultural level and firmly believe it.

However, this also shows from the side that the "King of Tang" has a profound influence on both sides of Heilongjiang. In order to deal with the Bohai people, Heishui Mohe worked hard to send envoys to pay tribute until the Tang Dezong was completely conquered at the end of Zhenyuan.

Now that the Bohai people are weak and their country is subjugated, they can no longer hold back and want to get rid of the rule of the Bohai people.

Shao Shude has a premonition that from now on, there will be a legend of "King of Xia" on both sides of the Blackwater - even if there isn't one, I have to create one for you.

In the past few days, some clan leaders have been arriving one after another, most of them from the local area or nearby. Shao Shude held a banquet near the mouth of the Tuomen River to entertain them and enhance their relationship.

"You have been busy all year, how can you possibly have enough to eat?" Shao Shude sat on the tiger-skin chair, watching the soldiers and the palace people busy at work. The black pigs were slaughtered on the spot, and the screams were earth-shattering.

The big iron pot was set up, the hot water was gushing, kombu and pork were rising from time to time, and the aroma was fragrant.

This time I used real kelp, not fake kelp like goose paws - kelp is not native to China, but the Sea of ​​Japan is its homeland.

The fish can be made into raw meat, fried, grilled, or boiled in a variety of ways.

There were also some hunted rabbits and deer, and grazing cattle and sheep, all in all it was very abundant.

But the leaders of the various clans who came to see the saint stared at the steamed cakes and Hu cakes that were coming out of the basket. Obviously, food was more attractive to them than fish and meat.

"Your Majesty, you can still have enough to eat in a good year."

"If there are very few prey, or if there are not enough fish, you won't be able to eat enough."

The clan leaders said a lot, which was basically in line with Shao Shude's expectations.

In fact, life is not stable enough whether it is fishing, hunting or herding. For example, is the salmon hunt really stable? What if there are suddenly fewer fish migrating to the Tuomen River in a certain year?

Don’t think it’s impossible. Fish are also animals and can get sick and suffer natural disasters.

Later generations of Norwegians artificially raised salmon in the sea. A big problem was that the growth density of the fish increased, and diseases spread more easily, so they had to use antibiotics in large quantities. Later, the antibiotics were not very effective, and seawater pollution intensified, so they had to go elsewhere.

Local artificial breeding - there are large fragmented island groups in southern Chile, which are convenient for hanging nets, and the sea water is relatively cold, suitable for salmon growth. There are also strong local ocean currents, which wash away the excrement and pollutants produced by intensive artificial breeding, maintaining

Sea water cleansing.

Agricultural planting is unstable, but generally speaking, it is more stable than grazing, while grazing

Compared with fishing and hunting, gathering is more stable. Which one is better or worse needless to say.

"You have also seen that a boat sets up a net for fishing, and each net can range from dozens to hundreds of fish. How does it compare with you?" Shao Shude asked again. "Your Majesty, can you sell us some fishing gear?"

"Selling fishing gear alone won't help, so what if we catch more fish? There are only so many days in the fishing season every year." "Yes, you can't live a good life just by fishing, you still have to think of a way."

"Hold on!" Shao Shude smiled and said, "I have a way."

Having said this, he stood up, pointed to the sea to the east, and said: "Actually, this sea area does not freeze for a long time in winter. Not far to the south, there is a frost-free port. Every year, the fishing season starts as early as July.

, as late as September, during this period. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will need a large number of people to slaughter, clean, pickle, dry and ship the fish after catching them. How about you come to help and provide food on a daily basis? If you don’t want to eat fish

, you can also bring the fish you catch in exchange for food. Not only fish, rabbits, wild boars, deer, etc., but anything can be used in exchange for food. It doesn’t even need to be limited to fish, skins, gold nuggets, medicinal materials, and wild products.


Even the population can—Shao ​​Shude did not say this.

The essence is still trade. Processing seafood requires a lot of seasonal labor, and this time conflicts with the time of food harvest. Local people may not be able to come to work, so it is best to use these tribal populations.

The salmon fishing season starts and ends at different times, mainly due to the different environment and climate of each river. But it doesn’t matter, it’s September at the latest. It takes a month to process it, and the port is not frozen in October.

It happened to be northwest wind again, so the fleet could carry it away in one wave.

When the fleet arrives in Denglai, Hebei and even Jianghuai, the earliest batch should be in October, and the latest in November or December, which is considered to be the late autumn and midwinter seasons in the Central Plains, just in time for the Changchun Festival sales season.

When the southeast wind blows next year, the fleet can carry various goods to the port and sell them to the local people. If you have enough sailing experience, you can also choose not to wait for the monsoon and try to monopolize the market.

In this trade process, money was actually made twice. The first time was selling goods from Liaodong to the Central Plains.

The second time, we sold daily necessities and production tools from the Central Plains to Liaodong.

Profitable from start to finish!

Shao Shude once deduced that in the beginning, it mainly depended on price. For example, a salmon weighing ten pounds now sells for 300 yuan. This is completely artificially hyped. Things are rare and expensive, and most of the buyers are rich people.

But as a large amount of marine fish is shipped back and floods the market, the price cannot be maintained and may be reduced to 30 yuan or even an unbelievable 3 yuan. This is all possible.

Historically, the price trend of spices has been like this. At the beginning, it was comparable to gold. Later, as various East India companies continued to develop Southeast Asia, the production of spices increased sharply, and the price dropped all the way. Finally, it became very affordable and even cheap.

But it doesn't matter, the total profit has increased significantly at this time, because the sales volume has increased.

Marine fish are mainly air-dried and salted fish, which can be stored for a long time. The transportation season is in late autumn and mid-winter, so the possibility of spoilage is greatly reduced, which creates good conditions for large-scale sales.

Don’t think that sea trade can only develop with high-value items.

How did Amsterdam come about? It started as a logistics center. British wool, Italian cheese, wine, Portuguese mutton, salt, fish from the North Sea, whale products, cattle from Jutland, soda ash from the German region, handicrafts,

French wheat, etc., are collected and distributed here.

After the logistics center took shape, it slowly turned into a wholesale center. After the wholesale center developed for a period of time, the Dutch, who had accumulated initial capital by fishing in the early days, began to provide financial services, and it slowly turned into a financial center.

The most profitable thing is never luxury goods, but bulk daily necessities. Of course, the premise of all this requires the support of a developed shipping industry. But everything is gradual, and the early Dutch were not so awesome. At that time, the distribution center was even in the cloth

Rouge, Antwerp.

Shao Shude glanced at the clan leaders who were thinking hard, and sighed secretly: If I weren't afraid that you would rebel, you would be guilty.

Are we here to introduce you to jobs and improve your living standards? It is the bravery of your descendants in history that has brought you the value of united front.

He didn't bother to talk to people who had no united front value. He would rather sleep with a woman in his arms than waste any time. "Well, it's a serious matter, so there's no need to rush to reply to me now." Shao Shude smiled and said, "First of all.

Drinking wine and eating meat." Everyone looked happy. Who doesn't like drinking wine and eating meat?

Shao Shude looked at them with a smile and picked up a bag of pearls.

This pearl is born in the body of an old freshwater clam. The pearl is silvery and comes in white, yellow-white, light yellow, gray-black and other colors, and there are even colorful ones.

In previous years, a small amount flowed into the Central Plains and were called "Northern Pearls". The large North Pearls can each reach half an inch and weigh up to two taels. In every aspect, they are better than the "Southern Pearls" contributed by the five tubes, but they are not yet famous.

It is large and trade is intermittent, which is rare in the Central Plains.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, this pearl was called "East Pearl" and its reputation gradually increased. In the Qing Dynasty, it became even more brilliant and swept the luxury goods market.

He plans to ban private collection of this kind of stuff, and include it in the scope of Liaodong Road's specialty commodities, just like furs and marine fish.

With these three things, it is enough for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to do a good job. At that time, it will be a matter of course to recruit people to join the Bohai Trading Company and establish the Bohai Trading Company. Yes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will eventually withdraw from the monopoly market, and the Bohai Trading Company will obtain a monopoly business license for a period of thirty years.


More than thirty years have been enough for the face of Liaodong to undergo profound changes.

If Bohai Trading Company wants to renew its license by then, it will have to fight with the civil servants, and the court will also get a piece of the pie.

It doesn't matter if the license cannot be renewed. After more than 30 years, their channels have been very stable and they still have great advantages. They just need to compete with the upstarts who will rise later.

If you don’t want to face brutal competition, then find a way to open up a new land by yourself. In order to protect the interests of the pioneers, there is still a monopoly period of thirty years or even longer, it all depends on your choice.

The camp was half drunk, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. Some people jumped directly into the field and started dancing.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, became interested, and ended up dancing a Hu Xuan dance to bring the atmosphere to a climax. This is what life should be like.

You fished, hunted, gathered herbs, and worked in the workshop, and made money. I sold you food, daily necessities, and tools at reasonable prices, and I also made money.

Trade sometimes cannot directly increase productivity, but it can rationally allocate resources so that those involved can benefit and improve their lives. When life improves, is it better for everyone to dance together than to fight and kill?

This chapter has been completed!
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