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Chapter 33: With ease

 The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs quickly became busy.

Many nearby tribes also sent people to help. Shao Shude kept his promise and provided food on a daily basis - the food was naturally paid for by Longyuan Mansion.

When he stood on a high place, overlooking a busy construction site, he couldn't help but sigh: If there were never wars here and there was peace everywhere, how much wealth would be created?

Well, Shao Shude, who continued to use troops for thirty years and destroyed countless feudal towns, was actually a pacifist.

Riverside docks, processing plants, ground warehouses, underground ice cellars, offices, staff dormitories, canteens and toilets were planned out, and stacks of drawings were drawn.

Mathematics students hired by the Ministry of Internal Affairs track the entire fishing process, estimate production, and determine the amount of personnel and materials. The construction engineers personally design the fish to ensure the lowest cost for the same quality.

Engineering students only available at the state level have begun to ponder the production process: Is it as good to dig ponds to cure ham on a large scale like Lingzhou does, or is it better to use the traditional wooden barrel curing process?

Shao Shude found that he was getting more and more comfortable doing this kind of thing. The seeds he had sown in the early years were now bearing fruit one by one and he began to provide help. These students were his "tools", tools for painting on the paper of Jiangshan.

perfectly worked!

On August 19, Shao Shude left Tuomen River Estuary and returned to Yanzhou to inspect the shipyard.

If Bohai Country has any valuable assets besides cities and fields, they are probably the shipbuilding workshops in Tokyo and Nanjing.

In addition to the workshops, there are also a large number of sailors and businessmen who are proficient in navigation. In fact, these are also assets, and they are quite valuable.

Ma Wanpeng from the Shipyard Department came at the end of July. After wandering around the workshop for two decades, he gave a brief report: Longhepu Shipyard has more than 200 officials, craftsmen and apprentices, and they are relatively experienced.

Very useful.

In addition, there are three ships under construction in the shipyard and are about to be completed. "Are these three ships belonging to the Bohai Mission?" Shao Shude asked.

"Exactly." Ma Wanpeng replied: "Next spring at the latest, they will send a mission of 400 people to Japan." "They are really embarrassing!" Shao Shude sneered: "A warm face but a cold face to Japan.

Butt, are you interesting?" Ma Wanpeng also laughed: "The Japanese always pretend to be pretentious. They win face but lose face."

Bohai people are not always on equal footing in their interactions with Japan, and they are indeed very relaxed and don't care about these "little details."

In the thirty-fourth year of King Wen's reign (771), the Bohai Qingshou doctor Yiwanfu led 325 people to visit Japan. The Japanese side believed that King Bohai's statement was too rude and did not respect the Emperor of Japan enough, so they scolded him and returned his credentials and tokens.

Yiwanfu "wept again at the base" and revised his statement on the spot and apologized. Japan was satisfied and gave back a large amount of Japanese local silk - mainly Minoshi.

In the thirty-sixth year of Daxing Dynasty (773), the Bohai State envoy Wufuxu visited Japan. The Japanese side said that "the letter he sent was in violation of the rules and rude" and "not summoned the court" and ordered him to "return to his hometown." Also considering

"Coming a long way across the sea, you need to be considerate." He gave them some property, money and food and let them go home.

In the 39th year of Daxing (776), Shidu Mongolia visited Japan to congratulate Emperor Mitsuhito on his enthronement. They did not land according to the prescribed route and were reprimanded by the Japanese side. However, because they were congratulating the emperor on his enthronement, for the sake of sincerity, they held

The nose allows them to land.

In the years that followed, Bohai often sent missions to Japan. The Japanese called them "Muhuas who entered the DPRK." They repeatedly criticized Bohai's credentials for not being respectful enough, for not having a high enough status, and for landing on the wrong route, etc. But basically every time

They all gave a lot of gifts in return. The people of Bohai did not care about face, so they got a lot of money and gained a lot.

During the 200 years of the Bohai Sea, there was an official mission once every six years on average, and the private business groups had more and more of their navigation skills, which was probably honed in this way.

"Are Bohai products popular in Japan?" Shao Shude asked.

"Fur and medicinal materials are still very popular. There are also Shubin horses, which are very popular with the Japanese. However, the Bohai people are very cunning and rarely sell mares. Even stallions have to be castrated." Ma Wanpeng said.

"Bohai is a villain in vain." Shao Shude shook his head and said, "The Japanese don't breed horses at all.


After speaking, he added: "We must try our best to maintain the trade relations with Japan and Silla, increase the trade volume appropriately, collect as much silver as possible, and see how much we can squeeze out of Japan."

"Your Majesty, I am only responsible for building ships." Ma Wanpeng muttered.

"Haha." Shao Shude patted his shoulder and said, "That's right, I will arrange this."

Japan's trade with China is generally in deficit, and it needs to export precious metals to balance it. Shao Shude wants to squeeze their potential and see how much silver they can get.

If Japan loses a lot of silver and causes a tightening of money in the market, they will find ways to find silver or close trade. Shao Shude wants to give it a try and see what choice they will make. If it is the former, that would be great


After inspecting the shipyard, he left Yeonju and returned to Gyeongju palace to handle government affairs.

The people of Bohai named the old place of Huiqi as Longyuan Prefecture, led the four states of Qing, Yan, Mu, and He, and governed Qingzhou.

In other words, Tokyo is actually the "land of dragon prosperity" of the Goguryeo people. The Bohai people set it as Tokyo, which has a profound meaning. It may have the purpose of suppressing and integrating the descendants of Goguryeo - of course, it is only one of the purposes, and it is a bigger purpose.

The purpose is still for maritime trade with Japan and Silla.

The scale of Tokyo City is not large, with a circumference of less than six miles. There is a moat outside the city and a palace inside the city.

From the ground point of view, the city of Tokyo is located on a plain, surrounded by distant mountains. The Tuomen River flows several miles west of the city, and the Hunchun River flows more than ten miles east of the city, and merges into Tuomen in the south of Tokyo.


There are three palaces in the Tokyo Palace, and the largest one is the one entering the city. Just like the palace in Shangjing, the name of the palace is "Tai Chi". Shao Shude was sitting in it at this time, reviewing the memorials - most of the prime ministers handled it themselves, but there were still some that needed him to finalize.


After Li Siyuan led the Tiancheng Army to Raozhou, he fought with the Wei brothers in succession and repeatedly defeated the rebel army.

At the end of July, the Battle of Yushui was fought hard by Wei Quanxi. Wei Zichang and his two men scurried away, beheading nearly 10,000 people and capturing more than 80,000 people. Wei Quanxi and his soldiers fled back to Fuzhou in embarrassment. When the Xia army approached the city, they had no choice but to leave.


Wei Zaichang escaped alone and fled to Jiangdong. It is said that he was taken in by Qian Liu. In mid-August, the army conquered the empty Xinzhou.

After this battle, Li Siyuan became famous in Jiangxi and was powerful in all directions. Peng Gan, the governor of Jizhou, was so frightened that he secretly linked up with Ma Gu in order to protect himself.

Lu Guangchou, the governor of Qianzhou, went on strike with Liu Yan of Chaozhou, renovated the city, and accumulated troops. Liu Yan ignored the past grievances and sent 3,000 Chaozhou soldiers to assist in the battle. Peng Yanzhang, the governor of Yuanzhou, was a close confidant of Zhong Kuangshi, and sent envoys to Hongzhou one after another to inquire.

How to respond.

Zhong Kuangshi now also found that although Yang Wu's attack was repelled, it attracted a bigger tiger, which was a real headache. He actually wanted to surrender.

The Lord of Xia is kind and kind. Now that things have come to this, as an envoy of Jiedushi, he surrendered the land of two states without losing his status as a distinguished guest.

Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan were so fierce. Especially the latter, who defeated Xinzhou and Fuzhou's 90,000 coalition troops with 10,000 Jin troops. Are they still human?

After Shao Shude read it, he ordered Li Siyuan to move to Fuzhou and serve as Fuzhou's defense envoy, waiting for an opportunity to attack Ji and Qianzhou. He also ordered Zhou Dewei to go south from Jiangzhou to put pressure on Zhong Kuangshi and cooperate with Tingwang Si's work to persuade him to surrender.

In fact, he was more pleased that Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan had withstood the test than winning the battle.

Jiangxi has not been at war for many years. In the past thirty years, it has received a large number of immigrants from Henan and Huainan, and its household registration has increased significantly. After taking over, the imperial court will also have an additional tax source.

Very good, very good!

If he plays well in the south, he will be more comfortable in the northeast.


It’s the end of August, and the harvest season is ushering in the Bohai prefectures.

The people who had just escaped from the war didn't care about anything and started harvesting rice, wheat, and millet. When Wanyanxiu and others arrived at Longyuan Mansion, they saw such a lively scene.

"It's such a fertile land." The Mohe man looked at everything in front of him greedily, and he almost couldn't suppress the impulse in his heart. To be honest, who would want to fish and hunt when there is a way to farm?


The Bohai people are so hateful that they have been driven all the way to both sides of the Blackwater. It is difficult to raise pigs, let alone farm. "The Lord Xia asked us to withdraw our troops, but did not give us any benefits. How can this be done?"

"I didn't have any ideas at first, but along the way, I was dazzled by the beautiful places like Shangjing, Zhongjing, and Tokyo. I have to give it to us no matter what, right?"

"That Shatuo man is the most hateful. He beheaded my nephew in Tieli Mansion, saying that he was causing trouble. Bah! The Bohai people's rebellion we made is nothing to do with the Xia people!" "Shatuo Shi Jiantang, I have long disliked him.

You fight like a bitch, first sending the old and the weak as bait, and then launching an ambush. I hate this kind of people the most, and I don’t even fight well in any war."

"The Shatuo people can pull out tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. They are so powerful after all. Why do they listen to the Lord Xia? If I have 50,000 elite soldiers, I dare to go to Luoyang."

A group of people were making a lot of noise, which made Wanyanxiu feel dizzy.

Lord Xia asked him to go back and summon the leaders of various ministries to visit Longyuan Mansion. He rushed back to Dongping Mansion that day, only to find that the Xia soldiers arrived faster than him. Shatuo people were everywhere. They quickly put down the rebellion in Tieli Mansion, and then the soldiers

Sent to Dongping and massacred them.

When the Bohai people saw them, it was as if they were seeing their biological fathers. They opened the city gates one after another, provided supplies, and even recruited young men to join them in suppressing the rebellious tribes in the area.

The Xia people seemed to be a little cautious, and their main target was the rebellious tribes that had moved in. But when they got ready to kill, they couldn't help but attack them, and they even attacked the "friendly forces" Blackwater Five, causing a certain amount of casualties.

After being provoked like this, the tribes of Heishui fled upon hearing the news and gathered in the Beihai (Meituo Lake) area, intending to unite to fight against the Xia people and seek an explanation. When Wan Yanxiu arrived in Xizhou, Anyuan Prefecture, he was honestly a little disgraced.

, was criticized by many people.

They felt that Wan Yanxiu had become an official in the Xia Kingdom and looked down upon his old brother, creating a estrangement. Some people were more direct, thinking that he had betrayed his old brother and wanted to kill him.

Even many people in his own clan don't understand.

If he hadn't still retained some prestige in the past, he would really have returned in vain this time - to put it bluntly, among the thirty surnames in Blackwater, only a dozen of them sent envoys to go south with him to see what Lord Xia had to say.

The situation is a bit serious! Wan Yanxiu wiped the sweat from his forehead and saw that the horse was almost rested, so he prepared to call everyone to continue on their way. "Look! Who is that person?" Someone pointed at the oncoming person on the post road.

A group of people asked in surprise.

Wanyanxiu looked around for a moment, only to see thousands of men, women, and children stumbling on the road with their hands tied. Judging from their appearance and attire, they were from inward-migrating tribes.

Things are about to get worse! Wanyan Xiu felt bad in his heart.

Sure enough, the envoys who came with him gradually began to breathe heavily. Anyone who saw his own people being treated like this would be outraged.

"Whoosh!" An arrow landed a few steps in front of them, and its feathers trembled endlessly.

"Don't act rashly, or we'll arrest you both." Ichiki ran from afar and warned in a thick Kansai accent.

Wan Yanxiu stopped the rest of the group from commotion, stepped forward alone, and said, "I am the deputy general of the Luoyan Army. May I ask this brother, where are you taking so many people?"

"Army of Luoyan? Uighurs?" The knight said in surprise: "It doesn't look like that!"

The predecessor of the Luoyan Army was the Shushan Army. Later, it was incorporated into a large number of cooked and raw Tibetan people recruited by the Bohai Kingdom, and even some Khitan and Xi people. However, in general, they were mostly Uighurs from the Shulu tribe. They were said to be Uighurs, but they

Having been married to the Khitan Diela tribe for generations, it is difficult to say whether they are Uighurs or Khitans.

"They made a rebellion in Longyuan Mansion and were defeated by Yin Anzhi. As a saint, the prisoners and their families will be sent to Shenzhou and demoted to the tribe." The knight gave Wan Yanxiu a wary look, unsure whether he was

Whether he is a Mohe or a Uighur, I am not sure whether he will help these people.

"How many people were arrested in total?" Wanyanxiu asked.

"There are still ten or twenty thousand." The knight said, "Those who did not participate in the rebellion are still common people." As he said that, he took a few steps back and gestured covertly to his comrades in the distance. Very quickly.

, two hundred infantrymen caught up from behind, holding rifles and bows, watching them from a distance.

"Don't act rashly!"

Wan Yanxiu emphasized it again in Mohe dialect, and then led everyone away from the avenue. The escort team passed slowly.

Every Xia Bing who passed by subconsciously glanced at them.

Wan Yanxiu looked at them as calmly as possible, and at the same time explained in native dialect: "They are all imperial soldiers who kill without blinking an eye. The Bohai Kingdom has allowed them to perish, so don't mess around."

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, someone couldn't help but said: "A few decades ago, Bohai soldiers could still watch, but now they can't. Defeating Bohai means nothing!"

Not surprisingly, his words were supported by many people.

Wan Yanxiu sighed and said: "You will regret it. We have been fighting in the Central Plains for 150 years. I am afraid it is even more powerful than the Tang army back then. Do you think the Tang army is stronger?"

"How about Tang Jun, I've never seen him."

"How many years has it been? The bones and scum of the Tang Army back then are gone, how can the living be frightened by the dead?" Wan Yanxiu frowned and stopped talking.

This chapter has been completed!
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