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Chapter 41: Satisfied

 The scale of Linshuo Palace is already considerable.

As early as the sixth year of Jianji's founding, the six halls of Jintai, Jiaotai, Wenshan, Baohua, Qinzheng and Rende had been completed, as well as ancillary buildings such as Linbo Pavilion and Xiri Tower, and one or two more had been built.

The lake attraction comes out.

The first phase of construction of Linshuo Palace is completed.

In the seventh year of Jianji's reign, the Yannian and Longxing Halls were built in the northwest of Linshuo Palace, and the Changqiu Courtyard was built in the northeast. This courtyard is a royal garden-style building with Changle Hall inside, which serves as Shao Shude's sleeping hall.

In the eighth year of Jianji's founding, three more halls - Fengxian, Taiping, and Yishou - were built in the north, plus Cuiwei Garden. It is expected to be completed before the end of next year, when the second phase of Linshuo Palace construction will be completed.

The men who built the palace and city left one after another, and came one after another. Now it is the people who are "suffering one after another". Yes, the people of Hebei have "graduated", and after all the hardships, they have gained happiness.

A part of the Yiwu army surrendered and took their children south to Annan to serve as Jinghai navy troops and help the court stabilize the situation in southern Xinjiang. Of course, they could choose not to go and continue to build the palace city. After going south, they could also do it halfway.

If you choose to cause chaos, you will not get any reward, and you will be wanted by the whole world. Your family will suffer along with you, and you will be homeless and in hiding. There will be no good end.

So, they actually have no choice.

Some of the Chengdejiang people also took their families north to Liaodong and were dispersed to various prefectures, living in the houses of Bohai people and cultivating their land.

Do they have a choice? Not really.

The winning rate of rebellion in Liaodong is too low, after all, the saint is still in Longquan Mansion. After a year or two of settling down, if life can go on, the thought of rebellion in the heart will be greatly weakened.

Man is a very scary creature, and he never knows where his lower limit is. He thought he could not accept the life in a bitter cold land, but looking at his parents, wives and children, and then looking at the Forbidden Army warriors everywhere, and the destruction of the Bohai Kingdom

With the news, I could only sigh deeply and continue chopping firewood to prepare for the winter.

On this day, Zhong Kuangshi, Wei Quan, Peng Yanzhang and the others found a place in Linshuo Palace to sit across from each other and drink tea.

After Zhong Kuangshi entered the court, he got an errand: Linshuo Palace repaired the palace system and installed the envoy. He studied a lot, and his father also trained him as a civil servant, so naturally he couldn't control the martial arts and lost his position. But he

He did know a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, and was especially good at craftsmanship. He even worked as a carpenter in his spare time, so he was appointed as the envoy to build the palace and city. In fact, he didn't have to take care of it at all. He was just an official to make a transition.

Then transferred to other yamen.

Peng Yanzhang also surrendered on his own initiative. After entering the court, he waited for a while and found out that there was a vacancy for the governor of Shuozhou, so he was about to take up the post.

After the defeat of Wei Quanxi, when the army came to the city, he surrendered directly without resisting, avoiding unnecessary casualties. Therefore, he was pardoned and was given an official position as a supervisor in the military capital.

"Zhou Rites": Shan Yu and Lin Heng were in charge of cutting down trees. They had their officials in all dynasties, and the dynasties took their righteousness and placed them side by side.

The Jundu Supervisor is a subordinate organization of the General Supervisor. It is located in Changping County. It has one supervisor, one deputy supervisor, one prime minister, one recorder, and four supervisors. "They are responsible for the harvesting of timber, and they are responsible for distinguishing their names and items."

All the tools and materials required for construction must be obtained at the right time and used with restraint.”

The entire yamen is composed of low-level bureaucrats, and the supervisors are only from the ninth rank. Now they exclusively serve Linshuo Palace and provide the wood needed for its construction.

Zhong Kuangshi and Wei Quanxi often met each other because their business scopes overlapped. They were both from Jiangxi Province. There may have been all kinds of sordidness in the past, but now they are not worth mentioning, and their relationship has become closer.

Peng Yanzhang was still waiting to be sued and had nothing to do, so he often came over to join in the fun. "Peng Gan was arrested." Zhong Kuangshi's first words made Peng Yanzhang sigh repeatedly.

Peng Gan was the governor of Jizhou and refused to submit to the imperial court, so he surrendered to Ma Yin. Zhou Dewei's army entered Jizhou and won three battles and three victories, killing more than 10,000 people. Ma Yin sent Qin Yanhui to lead an army to rescue, but was defeated by Zhou Dewei at the foot of Luling City. Yan Hui fled alone, but Zhou Dewei chased and killed him.

Seeing this situation, everyone in Jizhou was heartbroken. Peng Gan's son tied up his father and asked him to surrender. A farce of father and son killing each other was staged - of course, it might have been staged, who knows.

"Shubao, if he wanted to join the court, he would be a capable minister, but he is here." Peng Yanzhang sighed.


Peng Gan is his younger brother, and the relationship is a little distant, but they are family after all. It is a pity. "Peng Gan has been assassinating Jizhou for thirty years, right? He must be reluctant to part with those pots and jars." Zhong Kuangshi said with a smile.

He was still a little resentful towards Peng Gan.

I think back then, when Chao entered Jiangxi, there was chaos everywhere. Powerful powers from all over the country raised armies and separatist forces, including Peng Gan. Zhong Kuangshi's father, Zhong Chuan, occupied Hongzhou and served as the governor of the Zhennan Army. When Wei Quanshi, Peng Gan Gan and others were not convinced and kept thinking about replacing him.

Until Zhong Kuangshi succeeded to the throne, Peng Gan even showed his seniority, which made him very unhappy. In comparison, Peng Yanzhang was much closer and more obedient, so he took him to surrender this time, and his official position was not It has not been reduced, and it is not even a bit better than Wei Quanxi, the supervisor who was lower than the ninth grade.

"As soon as Jizhou comes, the whole of Jiangxi becomes the king's territory." Wei Quanxiao said with a complicated expression: "The momentum of Daxia is incredible. In the next two years, I am afraid it will sweep across the entire south and unify the world."

"The princes in the south, except for Yang Wo and Liu Yin, probably have no intention of resisting." Peng Yanzhang also said: "Actually, the saint's attack on the Bohai Kingdom this time is even more shocking. Haidong Shengguo, hey, back then Empress Wu was There's nothing you can do about it."

"How hard does it take for Empress Wu to even defeat the Khitans, let alone Bohai?" Wei Quan said sarcastically, "Now that things have happened, I regret it very much. If I had submitted to Xinzhou together, I would probably be able to wear a purple robe now."

Zhong Kuangshi glanced at him and felt secretly happy. I asked you, an old guy, to fight against me. Are you going to suffer now? Haha, that's very satisfying.

However, he still had basic facial expression management, saying: "Li Siyuan, Zhou Dewei pacified the entire Jiangxi, Gao Renhou killed all the enemies in central Guizhou, and the barbarians were all convinced. I don't know whether they will attack Ma Yin or Yang Wo next. However, they should all be It would be easy, unless there is chaos in the country."

Peng Yanzhang and Wei Quanxi glanced at each other and then moved away.

In the past, they hoped for civil strife in Daxia, but now they really don't want it. Times have changed, so it is true. However, after a series of great victories and everyone is convinced, can chaos really happen?


"Are these people from Bohai?"

"She looks no different from us Xia people."

"Why is there no difference? He has a thick beard, a high nose and deep eyes. There is a huge difference.

"Is there a possibility that the captured Bohai Navy Colonel is a Sogdian?"


"They do look similar. He doesn't open his mouth, so I thought he was from the Tang Dynasty."

In Changxia Trading Company, Tuoba Sijing heard that there were captives entering the city. He immediately put down the account book in his hand, walked out of the inner room, and went to the gate to watch. People in the mall also stopped picking goods and crowded toward the door.

The saint has been in Peiping for several years. Nowadays, in addition to people from Guanxi, there are also people from Henan, Hebei, Hedong and even Jiangnan who live in this city.

As a top shopping place, Changxia Trading Company can provide a variety of special products that are difficult to see on the market. It is definitely a place frequented by outsiders. They are the ones standing at the door watching at this moment.

The Bohai prisoners who were taken to Beiping Prefecture generally had some status. In addition to the royal family members, there were also some so-called "main war faction" officials and aristocratic families, such as the Lie family of Nanjing, the Li family of Xijing, the Kang family of Tokyo, and the Shangjing family.

Da family, Gao family, Shen family, etc.

They had gone through a long journey, and although they had not suffered much abuse or humiliation along the way, it was definitely not a good life. Now they were exhausted and disheveled. In addition, they had arrived in a strange enemy capital and were about to receive an unknown fate. Therefore, they were all frightened and sad.


Even some women and children were crying.

This is the fate of slaves who have subjugated their country, and everyone present has become enlightened.

When the saints attacked the vassal towns in Henan and Hebei, although their methods were not very gentle, they definitely treated them as their own. If not, they would have suffered the fate of the Bohai people this year and the fate of the Khitan people last year.

Some merchants and scholars from Hebei shook their heads and walked away with a sigh. The Chinese New Year will be in more than a month, and they will have something to talk about after they go back. There are young people in the family who have a lot of complaints against the court. They were too lazy to care about them in the past.

If they talk nonsense again, they have to be slapped


Some warriors I knew in the village fled when the army was defeated. The imperial court had clearly issued a decree to pardon their sins and let them live their lives in peace, but they still looked unconvinced. If you meet them, you can have a good talk with them. Some

It’s time to let go of your obsession, there’s no chance.

Luzhou farewell driver Guo Chongtao, who came to Peiping on business, was among the crowd, thoughtfully.

It has been almost eight years since the founding of the Xia Dynasty. In these eight years, one victory after another has developed like a snowball. More and more manpower and material resources can be mobilized, and more and more talented and outstanding people are serving the court. Correspondingly,

The advantage facing opponents is getting bigger and bigger, which is completely a virtuous cycle.

This cycle is difficult to break. Unless there is an epic defeat, or there is a perverse master, but it is obviously impossible.

Moreover, Jinshang never gave in to the warriors from the beginning and deprived him of his power very cleanly. He risked his own prestige and future on this. As long as he does not die, the court will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Of course, if he dies, the world will be interesting, and it is inevitable to fall apart. However, there is no hope in the short term. Today, I can shoot a strong bow, ride a strong horse, play with a chaste woman, and can even conquer a chariot myself.

, many people have been tortured to death by him, what can you do?

Just be honest! He let out a long breath.

The development of the Hedong Group seems to be going well. Except for the descendants of the Queen of Jin who were deliberately hidden, those who surrendered are either generals or prefectures and counties, which is generally good.

Saints probably also need their group to rise, right? The Kansai Group is too dazzling, and the Henan Group is scattered and unable to compete. The Hebei Group has just emerged, and is far from being in status. Saints are shrewd,

He takes the Kansai Group as his foundation, but he cannot rely absolutely on the Kansai Group. The beauty of it can only be understood but cannot be explained.

Shao Sheng, I'm convinced. From now on, I will work actively and wait for opportunities slowly.

Guo Chongtao left soon.

Before going out, he saw several scholars with Jingxiang and Shu accents talking about it. He secretly laughed.

After the Anshi Rebellion, we haven't seen this kind of grand scene for more than 150 years. Looking at them, they seem to be inspired to compose a poem. If they come up with a good poem, it will spread throughout the world and let more people know about the saint.

The great achievements of the people will be even more incredible. The knowledgeable people from the southern towns will go north one after another, and the warriors will be affected by this, and their resistance will be much weaker.

This is probably how the world returns to its heart.


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