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Chapter 45 Father, Son and Choice

 If you say when is the best time to travel on the roads in Liaodong, it must be winter and spring.

The road was frozen solid. The swampy land that had been impassable in the past was now accessible. Apart from the cold, there were really no difficulties.

But sometimes the cold is just too hard to overcome.

The common people really lacked warm clothing, and all the methods they tried proved to be ineffective. It was not until the arrival of sweaters that the embarrassing situation was alleviated a little.

Some people may say that there are limitations to the warmth of sweaters. For example, it is not protected from wind and snow. Once it gets wet, it will be extremely uncomfortable. A serious illness from the cold is minor, and freezing to death is normal. From this, it can also be seen that warriors are

Real "animals", even when the wind is freezing and the snow is white, they still keep fighting and fighting.

But for ordinary people's daily life, sweaters are indeed enough. For messengers who are away all year round, there may be some shortages, so fur coats are needed.

Lu Yan, Fan Wenda, and Lu Henian were all wearing sheep fur. Except for the pain in their faces and ears, everything was fine. On the day of the Spring Society Festival, they arrived in Liucheng County, Yingzhou.

Yingzhou belongs to Hebei Road, and Andong Prefecture belongs to Huaihai Road. These two key prefectures were divided by the Central Plains. Liaodong Road must be very distressed. Because the west of Liaohe River has developed for a long time and is adjacent to Youzhou, which has always been a wealthy area outside the Pass.

Land, and the peninsula where Andong Mansion is located was developed by the imperial court with a lot of manpower and material resources. Now it has improved and entered a period of stable development. If it can be given to Liaodong Road, it can help them solve many problems.

But this is impossible. The imperial court will not blatantly destroy the principle of dividing political divisions based on the system of mountains and rivers. What's more, people are also more inclined to the Central Plains in culture - Lu Yan saw the people of Liucheng outside the city at the Spring Festival.


After settling down at the inn, Lu Yan hurried to the west of the city to visit his son.

Lu Qi, the former "substitute teacher" of Confucian classics in Liucheng County, has become a full-time assistant teacher of Confucian classics in the county, assisting the doctor in teaching about forty students. "The big man's demeanor has become more calm." Lu Yan happily took his son's hand and

Walking outside my house.

Lu Qi said: "Everyone is forced to come out. When I was thirteen years old, I taught students for the first time. I was so nervous that my mouth was dry and I was stumbling over the lecture. Fortunately, the students were not interested in studying and didn't care."

Lu Yan laughed after hearing this.

Yingzhou is a veritable large county. There are more than 26,600 households and more than 127,000 people in the six counties under its jurisdiction. In addition to Bohai, Mohe, Sogdian, Khitan, Xi, and Goguryeo, there are also a large number of people from Guanneri and Guanbei.

People who moved from Henan and Hebei provinces.

In such a place where all ethnic groups live together and the people's sentiments are complicated, if it is a troubled time, there will definitely be all kinds of careerists and executioners. But now is the early years of the dynasty, and the state army in Yingzhou is over-allocated with 5,000 people with actual combat experience.

, the state general Li Siben was quite capable and wiped out all the bandits. The head of the bandit leader was hung on both sides of the post road and on the city wall to warn the people of the city.

In addition, he also dealt heavy blows to tribal chiefs who were unwilling to establish household registration, and showed no mercy. The chiefs were extremely reluctant, and some raised their own troops to resist, but were beaten to death.

Some people took their tribes and hid in Liaoze. However, with the deepening of the development of various counties, it became more and more difficult for the Tibetan people to hide. In the end, they were all found. They honestly led their tribes to conquer the Khitan to atone for their sins. After atonement

Afterwards, household registration will continue, and eventually Yingzhou will become a traditional Zhongyuan prefecture and county. There is no doubt about this.

"Master Zhong went to Liaodong to study politics. Without his guidance, will there be any problems in his studies?" Lu Yan put away his smile and asked his son seriously: "Have you ever thought about going to Longquan Mansion to concentrate on your studies and ask for advice from time to time?

How can I get a good reputation in the future?"

Strictly speaking, my sixteen-year-old son has already entered the officialdom, even though he is only a very low-level assistant county economics teacher. Seeing that there is a shortage of people everywhere in Liaodong, it is not a problem for him to work hard and become a doctor of county economics at a young age. But in the end he did not

Fame limits future development.

"Actually, I've thought about it." Lu Qi sighed and said, "But educating Yingzhou Fanhu is a matter assigned by the cultivator. I was entrusted by others and the cultivator didn't say anything, so I can't take the initiative to resign."

When Zhong Jingxian was the governor of Yingzhou, he did let his students take turns to go to various counties to educate the Tibetan people and teach them Chinese style. But now Zhong Jingxian has gone to Longquan Prefecture to work as an academic administrator, and some students

Either find a way to follow him to Longquan Mansion, or resign and go home to study. Very few persisted.

Lu Qi is still staying in Liucheng County, teaching a group of students who don't look like they can become talents. This is an honest person. "You are honest!" Lu Yan said with a wry smile: "What should I do with my studies?"

"After teaching, I study hard." Lu Qi replied. Lu Yan felt a little at ease.

In fact, in this world, there are only a few people who can concentrate on studying. Most people are always tired of mundane things and distracted by various distractions. My son is relatively good, and giving lectures is also a review process. His half student Yelu

Quanzhong, how difficult it is to study while plowing the fields.

"Can Yingzhou be educated like this?" Lu Yan asked again.

"As long as you persevere, there will always be results. If it doesn't work in one year, do it in two years. If it doesn't work in two years, do it in five years. If it doesn't work in five years, do it in ten years. Twenty years..." Lu Qi said: "After the household registration is completed and the people are all settled,

Most of the Tibetan people changed their surnames to Han surnames, and people from the Central Plains immigrated and mixed with each other. If the court spends great efforts to rectify it, sooner or later it will change."

"So confident?" Lu Yan asked.

"There are veterans of the Forbidden Army in the state army. I have talked with them." Lu Qi said: "Actually, the states in Guanbei Province were also like this at first. The wind was blazing and the smell was everywhere. But the saint persisted in teaching for thirty years and finally achieved results. Hebei

, Many officials in Liaodong came from Kansai Confucian classics, and some of them even had Dangxiang, Tubo, and Uighur ancestors. But look at their current conversation, they are elegant and easy-going, and they are loyal and upright in their dealings. They are already Chinese people."

"Dalang has this kind of insight, which makes him feel ashamed as a father." Lu Yan sighed: "It's good that you have your own ideas, and it's not easy for me to say anything as a father. Maybe it's better to do this. The sage asked

Mr. Zeng has a profound intention to study politics in Liaodong Province. Studying politics is probably not the end of his official career. Since you are under his disciples, you should work hard to realize his ambitions. It will also be good for yourself."

"My son is being taught." Lu Qi responded.

Lu Yan looked around, pointed at the vast snowfield, and asked, "Have all these lands been reclaimed?"

"The year before last, it was the military camp of Wansheng Huangtou Army, and it was opened the year before that." Lu Qi said: "Many Cao people and Song people came here, and they are good at farming. In the seven years of Jianji, the harvest was six to seven tons per mu.

"In eight years, the harvest per mu has increased to one bushel, or three or four bushels of dendrobium per mu. Everyone in the village said that if there are no disasters this year, it will not be a problem to harvest one and a half bushels of dendrobium per mu."

"What a fertile land!" Lu Yan sighed: "In this way, the state government can breathe a sigh of relief and no longer need to subsidize immigrants. By the tenth year of Jianji, the government treasury may have a slight surplus."

In fact, the development time of Yingzhou is not short.

There was a certain foundation in the Khitan era. Yelu Abaoji really built it as a money and grain base and moved many Bohai people there. The local area itself also had a large number of soldiers and civilians who fled from Hebei. Since Li Cunxiao regained Yingzhou, the imperial court also invested

With a large amount of resources, large-scale development has entered its fifth year. If it continues to develop, Yingzhou will become the second largest city outside Guanzhou, second only to Andong Prefecture—well, maybe third, because Jinglongquan Prefecture on the Bohai Sea is obviously better than these two

There will be prosperity everywhere.

"How are the children of the Lu family doing in Yingzhou?" Lu Yan asked again.

The Lu family is mainly located in Youzhou and Cangjing. Since last year, some descendants of distant ancestors with poor families have immigrated to Yingzhou. Although the relationship is slightly distant, after all, it is the family, and Lu Yan still cares about it. What's more,

With the son here, it is always good to maintain the relationship and have the clansmen taking care of him.

"Everyone in Liucheng County has settled down." Lu Qi said: "The imperial court will establish Tuhe County (today's northeast of Beipiao City) next year, which will be the seventh county in Yingzhou. I heard that there will be a lot of land, so some people go

I’ve settled down there. I haven’t been there yet. I don’t know the situation and I feel ashamed.”

"It's no problem." Lu Yan said: "The Khitan has been pacified, the Seven Sacred Prefectures are the northern domain of Yingzhou, and Tuhe County is considered to be inland, so there is no serious problem." "That's right." Lu Qi nodded.

In fact, is it really stable? Not necessarily. There was a rebellion in the Seven Holy States last year, and it was suppressed. The Khitan Great Khan Yeluyi is still there. If he is not eliminated, the Seven Holy States will not be truly stable. They will die.

It would be better to protect the holy prefecture of the feudal lord and protect the saints.

However, he also knew that this was not something that could be accomplished overnight. As long as the saints were around, all the storms would calm down, and the Seven Saints States would eventually become the true vassals of the country.

Yes, Lu Qi is against Sheng

People have extremely strong confidence, which may also be their inner expectations.


After parting ways with their son, Lu Yan, Fan Wenda, and Lu Henian continued their journey.

They crossed the frozen Liao River eastward, and after ten days of trekking, they arrived at Shenyang County, Lisuo, Shenzhou, and stayed at the inn south of the city.

The sound of wild horse hooves echoes in the suburbs of Shenzhou.

The military officers who settled in Shenyang may have been "contaminated" by the Khitan people's habits. They wore furs, rode horses, and held horned bows. They chased wild deer, yellow sheep, and roe deer in a large-scale hunting activity.

"People in Guanbei like to hunt in winter, but I didn't expect people in Liaodong to do the same." Fan Wenda looked at the lively scene of thousands of horses galloping and felt excited, because it was rare to see such activities in the Central Plains, and it reminded him of his long-lost hometown.

Lu Henian watched calmly, occasionally chatting with the palace guards.

The palace guards are either veterans of the imperial army, sons of distinguished nobles, or hostages of the Tibetan kingdom. They are strong slaves. They are no strangers to hunting and love it very much.

"When soldiers disperse, they serve the people; when they gather, they form an army. During the year, only the winter leisure time can be concentrated for training." A palace guard said.

"There must be a lot of people who returned to the German army in Anton Mansion and Shenzhou, right? They were fighting for food in the rice cooker with us, and it seems that their killing skills haven't deteriorated yet."

"Whether you practice in the winter, you can't practice in the spring, right? Not to mention missing the farming season, you can do a lot of things in the spring when the flowers are blooming! Only when you can endure hardships can you be a master. It's time to be cold and freezing. practice."

"The great power of China and North Korea has an unfathomable foundation. Even the local warriors are so elite.


"Haha, Ba Yegu, this is not a Tutuan countryman. Look over there, yes, those armors under the tree, a Tutuan countryman will never be able to save them in his lifetime."

"Well, if I can't stand out, I'll ask myself to be a soldier. At least I'll be at ease."

"Your ancestors are still here, and your official career is going smoothly. What are you worried about? Even if you are a soldier, you can also become a school captain, captain, or something like that."

When the palace guards were on duty in Ouchi, the rules were strict and they were not allowed to talk too much. This time when they were out of the capital, they could talk happily, and they happened to see a familiar military scene, so they were very excited to talk.

Lu Henian stood on the snowy field and watched silently.

When he was in Zhongshu Province, as the official historian, he came into contact with a lot of archival materials.

There are seven counties in Shenzhou, with a population of 30,000 to 40,000 people. Most of them are concentrated in Baiwang County, which is the military state where the Khitan noble Bodhisattva Man once headed. After the imperial court regained control of this place and formally established a state and county, they reorganized it and moved it. Part of the Han people were eliminated, and now there are more than 13,400 households in Shenzhou, and more than 65,000 people are registered households.

In addition, there are more than 15,000 households and more than 70,000 people in Bohai, Mohe, Khitan, Xi, and Han tribes, most of whom are captives. In fact, Shenzhou cannot support itself in terms of money and food.

During the Sage's Northern Expedition to the Bohai Sea, most of the materials needed for the 100,000-strong army depended on looting. Why did he not pay attention to the "image of the king"? In fact, it is very simple. Try to save money and food as much as possible for the newly established states and counties such as Shenzhou.

Of course, the conditions in Shenzhou are also very good. The Ping Navy and the civilian ships mobilized can travel upstream from the Daliao River, and the transshipment costs are extremely low. Therefore, a large amount of military supplies are stored, of which grain is the largest item.

The seven counties in Shenzhou are now completely dependent on the imperial court for their support, and they will not be able to stop breastfeeding this year and next.

The government soldiers in Shenzhou are actually still recruiting soldiers with military rewards. The army quota is 12,000, but there are actually more than 11,200. The land is enough, but the number of troops is far from enough.

They may be able to keep the harvest they get from hunting, such as hides and tendons, but the meat must be turned over. After all, this will be the imperial court's responsibility for them, and they have to eat every day, which is a huge expense.

However, from another perspective, the imperial court was right to spare no expense in developing Liaodong. The greater the initial investment, the greater and faster the harvest will be in the future.

Everyone underestimated the potential of this land and the determination of the saint.

After this meeting with the saint, you may be able to get an official status. My uncle suggested being a county magistrate in Liaodong Province. This is a mature and prudent suggestion. Being an official in other places will not attract the attention of the saint as easily as in Liaodong.


But where to choose?

The development of the states in Liaodong Province is definitely not synchronous. From the current point of view, Longquan Prefecture is the richest, has the most registered residences, and is the most comfortable to be an official. In fact, the five capitals of the Bohai Sea are pretty good, and they are all quite comfortable.

Outside of the old Bohai Sea, Shenzhou is developing the fastest, and will even surpass Longquan Prefecture in the future. The reason is also very simple. It can communicate with the Central Plains through the Daliao River and the Liao Sea. The transportation is very convenient, and it can get more food from the imperial court. "Milk".

But as an official in such a place, if you make achievements, others will say it is natural, and if you fail to do so, you will be criticized. Instead of doing this, it is better to choose another place, such as M, Meng, Yi, Li and other states.

There is still time, so you can slowly weigh and choose slowly on the way.


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