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Chapter 60 Ascending

On the Double Ninth Festival, Shao Shude took his wife, concubines and children out for a trip.

I don’t know which dynasty started, but the number of times the emperor went out of the palace became less and less. At least in the Tang Dynasty, the emperor took his concubines on horseback riding outings, and even went out of the palace at night to fish and hunt foxes. It was common practice in the Xia Dynasty. It was similar in the Xia Dynasty.

The more violent a dynasty is, the more frequently and farther the emperor travels. The more prosperous a dynasty is in literature, the more disciplined the emperor is.

Individual differences cannot be ruled out, but the overall trend is indeed the same. Hu Feng in the Great Xia Dynasty, not surprisingly, will definitely surpass the Tang Dynasty.

Shao Shude has not expressed his name to this day. There were so many emperors in the former Tang Dynasty, only Li Yuan and Li Zhi recorded his name.

Not long ago, the historian who wrote "Jin Shang Shi Lu" asked if he wanted to choose a pseudonym, and said that Song Shilang was qualified to choose a pseudonym for the saint, but Shao Shude refused.

It's not necessary, because in this society, even the literati and officials rarely address each other by nicknames when they meet, and they are not used at all. When the Holy Emperor goes on tour, people near and far hear about it.

When passing through Youdu Township, Shao Shude ordered to stop and rest. At the same time, he took Empress Zhe, Guifei Zhao, the Feng sisters, the Mu Zang family, the Yeli family and other concubines into a village.

The hobby of exploring villages has really penetrated into his bones, and he doesn’t miss it even when he takes his family out for fun.

Youdu Township is a township affiliated to Youdu County and is roughly located in the area of ​​Yuquan Road in Shijingshan District, Beijing. In 1985, the "Epitaph of Mrs. Ji Gong's Zhang" was unearthed, saying that she died in Lu County and was buried in "Youdu Township, Youdu County, West of Jicheng

Shicao Plains", there is still Shicao Village near the cemetery, and the name of the village has not changed after more than a thousand years.

Shao Shude entered Shicao Village.

The concubines looked at each other helplessly and smiled. After becoming emperor, visiting people's homes was probably their only hobby. Shicao Village is still there, but most of the people have changed.

After many years of war in Youzhou, this village originally had only more than 70 households. After the war, there were only less than 50 households left. After Daxia occupied it, another 20 households were sent to Hubei Province under various names, and to Liaodong.

Ten households were reorganized and the population dropped sharply.

Why do we say "once"? Because the saint moved fifty families of people from Lingzhou in Guanbei Province and settled here. In other words, Shicao Village at this time was already a place where Lingxia immigrants accounted for the majority.

Zooming in to the entire Youzhou Town, this "core building" movement has been continuing, and the number of immigrants from Kansai has increased significantly. Sooner or later, more than half of them will be included. Perhaps this is an important reason why the situation in Youzhou and even Hebei has never been completely stable.

Shao Shude stood at the entrance of the village, listening to the local accent. When he was young, he just felt friendly, but now that he is old, he is a little more moved. Under the guidance of the county magistrate, township head, township assistant, Li Zheng, and Cun Zheng,

He went directly into a common people's house.

The palace officials briefly cleaned the courtyard, then moved the tables and everyone sat down in different seats.

"Is this 麨ho?" Shao Shude grabbed a handful of fragrant powdered food, stuffed a little into his mouth, and said happily. "Exactly." Everyone said with smiling faces.

Shao Shude was very happy.

I haven’t tasted this kind of food for a long time since I left Guanbei. It’s actually just rice. The wheat is fried and ground into powder, and the taste is just like that. When conditions are difficult, it can be carried as military dry food, but generally speaking, everyone prefers it. It is indeed rare to see delicious and hot cakes - there may be many in Dangxiang people, and there are also many in Khitan and Jurchen lands.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice dumplings, Shao Shude became more and more interested.

Queen Zhe took a wine flask and poured him half a bowl of wine.

A man who is decisive in killing also has a fragile side. Zhe Fangmei still remembers that the saint would occasionally sit around after returning to the palace, with a melancholy and reminiscing expression on his face. So she personally cooked some Kansai side dishes for him, and everyone was so charming All of a sudden the saint was thrown out of the sky.

They have been married for almost thirty years. Who can understand the saint better than her? Zhao Yu may also understand it very well, but she is not a real wife after all, so it is not easy to compare. "The taste of the wine is very good, this is it." Shao Shude picked up the wine. He took two sips from the wine bowl and sighed.

This wine is made from grains ground into flour and mixed with herbs. The flavor spreads out during the brewing process, and its characteristics are very obvious. He may not like to drink it much. But when he drank it now, a different kind of taste came to his mind.

When I was young, I had a low status and was very poor. In the army, I often

Everyone was very happy when they were given wine and meat. At that time, this kind of difficult wine was simply delicious and the memory is very fond.

Yes, what he drank was not wine, but the reminiscence of the past and the memory of youth. After drinking, Shao Shude got up and walked around the yard.

The mutton is cooking in the kitchen, and the aroma is fragrant.

Shao Shude opened the lid of the pot. In addition to the meat, he also saw common wild vegetable seasonings such as green onions, wild leeks, cistanche sprouts, rehmannia leaves, and Dengxiang grass, which are common in Guanbei.

He knew that today's "surprise visit" was arranged by people below, but he was still very happy.

People from Guanbei poured into Youzhou in large numbers. His policies have been implemented, and the people below are not lazy. The eating habits brought from Guanbei are proof.

Vegetables such as carrots, radish, coriander, mustard, eggplant, chickpeas, gourds, bitter herbs, spinach and other vegetables are planted in the courtyard. Each vegetable has a small The plot of land is very delicately tended, and most of them are common varieties in northern Guanbei.

"Very good, I'm very happy." Shao Shude said, "I only have one question today, how many people in Youdu County are from Guanxi?"

"Your Majesty, there are more than 12,600 households and more than 62,000 people in the twelve townships of Youdu County. 30% are from the north of Guanhai, 30% are from inside the Guanhai, 30% are natives of Youzhou, and 10% are the old tribes of Youzhou. All of them have been registered as households." The magistrate of Youdu County replied.

"Okay." Shao Shude was happy.

There were originally nine counties in Youzhou. When he took over, there were only just over 200,000 yuan on the books. After cleaning up the household registration, there were tens of thousands more, and then they immigrated to Hubei. The household registration chaos lasted for a year. A lot of people were lost, but a large number of illegal households were also added, so the overall gains outweighed the losses.

There are now more than 85,200 households and more than 435,800 people in Beiping Prefecture, which has exceeded the number before Li Keyong attacked Youzhou, but the population structure has undergone tremendous changes.

Two-way immigration will still continue.

In the more than a year since he left Beijing, some people in Youzhou still rebelled, whether because of a broken brain or something. First, the peasants who were reorganized into households rebelled, and then the Han people in Youzhou followed. As a result, they were naturally suppressed by the Forbidden Army.


Naturally, Shao Shude would not tolerate them, and directly ordered that all the families of these people, totaling more than 17,000 households, be sent to central Guizhou for cultivation. And the vacancies they left behind were sent to Hexi and Guanbei for immigration.

Youzhou’s status is very important.

None of the three capitals of the Xia Dynasty were established in vain and had no effect. Especially the Xijing Chang'an and the Beijing Peiping, functionally involved the two major parts of the empire.


After leaving Shicao Village, Shengjia arrived at the mountains to the west in the evening.

At that time, the sunset was brilliant and the solitary birds were circling. Shao Shude held the hands of Zhe Fangmiao and Zhao Yu and stood on the edge of the cliff to enjoy the grand scenery of Peiping in autumn.

"Your Majesty, are you going to go on an expedition after returning this time?" Zhe Fang Ai was a little dissatisfied with the saint holding their hands, but thinking of Zhao Yu's body, her heart softened and she let it go.

"The towns in the south have my own General Pingnan, and I don't plan to go there." Shao Shude said. He was silent.

She doesn't plan to go to the south, but what about the Western Regions? The group of Tibetan monks has already arrived, and she has personally summoned them. They are currently living in Yunju Temple. The saint will summon the monks again in the next two days, and his ambition is clear.

Zhao Yu subconsciously grasped Shao Shude's right hand.

"This time I met Ba Lang. He is smart and smart." Shao Shude turned to Zhao Yu and said: "He is also very strong, just like me back then. I was accompanied by a group of half-grown men who were all descendants of the Khitan chieftains, leading them to practice martial arts and learn poetry and calligraphy.

, military strategy, decent."

"His Majesty was accompanied by a group of brothers." Zhao Yu's voice was choked with sobs when he heard the news about his son.

"Yes, there are brothers who have been with me from the beginning, and brothers who joined me halfway." Shao Shude sighed: "I dreamed about Wang Yu last night. He asked me, have you made a future? Are you still afraid now?"

Having said this, Shao Shude shook his head and said: "I said it has been nine years since the founding of Daxia, and I am not as scared as before. My ax has also carved out the prototype of a peaceful and prosperous era."

Fragrant mist,

Zhao Yu listened with rapt attention.

"Wang Yu left happily. Before leaving, he said that he hoped that the gold would be intact." Shao Shude grasped the hands of the two of them and sighed. "The gold would be perfect..." The two of them chewed the meaning of this sentence silently.

The palace officials brought a felt blanket and spread it on the floor, and Shao Shu pulled the two of them to sit down together.

"There are things I must do." He held the two of them in his arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and said, "Fathers from Kansai, I must go and have a look. See how they are doing, and ask them if they have any questions.

What is the difficulty? If you don’t ask clearly, there will always be a block in your heart and you will find it difficult to feel at ease.”

"The old land of Helong that we conquered, more than twenty years later, what is it like now? I only believe in the things mentioned in the memorials of hundreds of officials. You have to see them with your own eyes to know. Get on your horse and pick whatever you want.

In one place, the people below can’t make arrangements in advance, so it’s easier to see the real thing.”

"Anxi, the old place of Beiting, was an important town in the Tang Dynasty. I can still run around now, how can I not bear to see it with my own eyes? Otherwise, I will be filled with regrets when I am old and sick in bed one day."

"Before I leave, I will clear up all the hidden dangers. The prestige accumulated over the years will prevent anyone from causing trouble. The more victories they win, the less they dare to expose their ambitions. However, they still have to trouble the good wife."

Zhe Fang Ai sighed sadly. She was fine, but Yu Niang was like this...

"Your Majesty, please take me on a tour to the west." Zhao Yu suddenly begged, "I want to visit the ancestral home in Qinzhou."

Shao Shude nodded first, then shook his head, obviously hesitant, and finally said: "It's still early for the Western Tour, let's talk about it later." The palace officials brought more cakes and chrysanthemum wine.

Shao Shude poured a bowl for himself, half a bowl for Zhe Fangxiao, and poured the bottom of a bowl for Zhao Yu. Then he raised it up and looked at the lights of thousands of families in the city of Beiping.

With books and swords, young people fighting hard, middle-aged people running around and living for decades, I am fortunate to have brought peace to the Central Plains and transformed the extinct territory into spring splendor. Before I was entrusted to the sand, I still have you by my side. I am very fortunate."

After saying that, drink it all in one gulp.

As the fragrance faded away, Zhao Yu drank it all in one gulp.

"Life has its end..." Shao Shude finally sighed: "Whoever comes first and who comes last will eventually meet at Luhun Mountain."



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