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Chapter 70 Working overtime!

 In the Tang Dynasty scientific examination, in addition to the Jinshi subjects, there were actually many other subjects.

But if the current situation is like this, many subjects have been cancelled, because there is no one to take them.

"For the Ming Law Department, there are ten posts on the laws and regulations, twenty explanations of the laws and regulations, and ten strategies for the test." In the Jintai Hall, after a tea break, Chen Cheng continued: "However, there are only a few candidates, and only two scholars are awarded in three years.

Your Majesty, do you want to terminate this Keye?"

The Ming Law Department is an examination for law students. The test is "Da Xia Lv", plus two books "Jian Ji Li".

"Daxia Code" is an all-encompassing law, inherited from the Tang Code. The Tang Code was actually modified from the Sui Code, and the Sui Dynasty... Anyway, everyone copied it, and it can be used if it is modified by the previous dynasty.


"Jianji Li" is a book of laws and regulations that is a supplement to "Daxia Law" and took six years to compile. After the law was completed, the examination of Ming law was resumed in the seventh year of Jianji, and it has been three years now.

If you look carefully, this book has the shadow of "The Kaiyuan Rites of the Tang Dynasty".

Ancient rituals are based on "Yi Li", "Zhou Rites", and "Book of Rites". During the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Five Rites (auspicious, inauspicious, Jia, Bing, and Jun) were also developed, and the etiquette system became increasingly perfect.

In the Sui Dynasty, there was also the "Kaihuang Rites", and in the Tang Dynasty there were the "Zhenguan Rites", "Xianqing Rites" and "Kaiyuan Rites". There were improvements in each generation, especially the "Kaiyuan Rites" which had the greatest changes.

In the fourteenth year of Kaiyuan, Wang Yue(yn), a member of Tongshishe, wrote: "Please rewrite the Book of Rites, cut out the old text, and compile it based on current events."

This means that what is written in the "Book of Rites" is no longer in line with today's social atmosphere, values, production relations and productivity levels, and needs to be changed.

This suggestion was opposed by Prime Minister Zhang Shuo, who believed that "the canons that have not been published in the past dynasties may be difficult to change now that they have passed away for a long time."

Zhang Shuo believes that it has been too long since the era of the "Book of Rites", and the world has changed beyond recognition. If it needs to be changed, I am afraid that the entire book will have to be changed, so it is better to throw away the "Book of Rites".

He suggested making changes based on "Zhenguan Li" and "Xianqing Li". These two books had already undergone certain changes compared with "Book of Rites". If they were changed again, society would be more acceptable.

Therefore, what was finally decided was this "compromise" approach. However, "Kaiyuan Rites" is still the culmination of the Zhou Rites, which generally adapted to the productivity level of the Tang Dynasty and made realistic decisions about a person's social behavior.

The norms are relatively loose overall. It’s time to play, dance, and do business.

Examinations for students of the Ming Dynasty Law School, which involve rituals and laws, are also based on the "Kaiyuan Rites", no matter what the "Book of Rites" is no longer adapted to the development of the times.

In fact, this is normal. Laws and rituals should keep pace with the times and adapt to the productivity of the new era. The "Book of Rites" has been a thousand years ago. What's the point of still holding on to this book?

The people of the Tang Dynasty were still very imaginative. The Book of Rites could be compiled in the Han Dynasty and serve the society at that time. Can't I compile a new book to serve the society at that time?

"The law subject cannot be abolished, nor can it be lowered in difficulty," Shao Shude said. There are a total of 40 questions, 10 of which are based on tacit writing and filling in the blanks to reveal legal provisions.

The meaning of the 20 laws and regulations is actually to let you explain your understanding of the provisions of the laws and regulations, which is a bit like a judicial interpretation.

There are 10 policy arguments, this one is about asking questions, such as whether you think the legal provisions are unreasonable or whether they need improvement. Sometimes there are even application questions asking you to apply the legal provisions to decide the case.

"I obey your order," Chen Cheng responded.

"The subject of law is very important. I may have to compile some new subdivided laws in the future." Shao Shude said: "It is better to pass the examination in this subject. What if I get two scholars in three years? By the way, where are these two people now?"

"One is for the censor's desk to record things, and the other is for supervising the censor." Chen Cheng replied. "That's enough." Shao Shude nodded.

Whether they are recording affairs or supervising the censor, they are all minor officials of the eighth or ninth grade, but their power is not small. The censor station itself is a supervisory agency.

The recorder was engaged in clerical work at Yushitai.

There are ten supervisory censors, who "are in charge of supervising hundreds of officials, patrolling counties and counties, inspecting prisons and maintaining court rituals." Each has his or her own business, but the power remains the same.

Relatively large.

After this, the monarch and his ministers discussed the Three Histories again.

The three histories are "Historical Records", "Hanshu" and "Dongguan Hanji".

Due to various reasons, "Dongguan Hanji" was largely lost and was not suitable as a teaching material, so it was replaced by "Book of the Later Han Dynasty". In other words, the current examination questions for the three histories all come from "Historical Records", "Book of Han Dynasty" and "Book of the Later Han Dynasty".


At the meeting of Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, because a large number of history books were completed, such as the "Book of Jin", the history books of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, etc., it was suggested to be included in the examination scope. However, some people raised objections, thinking that "most of the authors, since the Wei Dynasty, have had many effects on the "Three Histories".

The Jin Dynasty has come, and I like to study the Five Classics."

In other words, people who write history are no longer good at writing history and are no longer the top scholars in society. Those later history books, with a few exceptions, are "simple and easy to read" and are not as high as the Three Histories.

People in the Tang Dynasty believed that among the Three Histories, "Dongguan Hanji" before its loss was the highest. After its loss, this book dropped out of the ranking of the Three Histories. At this time, "Hanshu" had the highest achievement, followed by "Houhanshu" and "Historical Records"

》The worst level.

But Shao Shude felt that historical records should be faithfully recorded. Literary level was certainly necessary, but it was not the key point. A large number of historical books were completed in the Tang Dynasty, but they were not included in the examination, which was a pity.

"The three history subjects examination, "Book of Jin", "Book of Song", history books of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, "Book of Sui", etc. are all included in the examination. "Book of Tang" has not been compiled yet, so it will not be tested for the time being." Shao Shude said: "Three Hundred Roads

The meaning remains the same, but five additional points of policy have been added."

There are three hundred questions in the Three History Subject Examination, which is an astonishing number. They are all about Mo Yi, that is, your understanding of this period of history. You need to expand on it. The test is actually about historical book annotations and the like.

Shao Shude also likes to write annotations when reading history books, but he is embarrassed to take out what he has written. After all, it is a family story, and there are many vernaculars. After a while, the talented ladies in the palace can polish it up and publish a book. But it will be included in the exam.

forget it.

Although he believes that his understanding of history is higher than others, after all, it is a family opinion. Seriously, are you really so confident? Moreover, this behavior itself is inappropriate. It is tantamount to forcibly instilling his thoughts into others and killing other thoughts.

,not good.

Candidates in the three history subjects can theoretically serve as local officials, but they usually work in history museums. However, institutions such as history museums and Hongwen museums also train history students themselves, and they do not rely solely on the imperial examination. There are many selection channels.

After talking about the three history subjects, there is also the Mingshu subject and so on.

"Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, there have only been very few candidates for the Mingfu Science and Technology Examination." Zhao Guangfeng said, "Only one person has passed the Mingfu Science and Technology Examination in March of the ninth year of Jianji." Shao Shude sighed.

In fact, the Mathematical Examination is mainly composed of social candidates, that is, "wild" mathematicians. Most of them are passed down from family or master-disciple, and the teaching materials are somewhat outdated, because today's Mathematical Examination has added a lot of geometry content, and they do not know how to do it.

It is understandable to do so.

The book "Geometry" once won a prize from the King of Xia, and it is also published publicly. Doctors in mathematics are taught in all states, and the textbooks are not difficult to find. Those who are interested in mathematics and dare to take the imperial examination generally have enough money at home.

, those who have money and leisure, buying books is not a problem for them, maybe the main reason is the lack of information?

In addition, the level of mathematics students at the state level is also a bit poor. Perhaps the so-called PhDs themselves are not very good at mathematics, and the students they teach are even less good.

The overall level is poor, which resulted in only one person being recorded last year, and only ten being recorded in the past three years. Fortunately, Sandu Imperial College is here.

Just like the History Museum and Hongwen Museum opened their own classes to train history students, the Sandu Imperial College also trained its own mathematics students. Today, the main source of mathematics students in Daxia is these government-run schools.

The sources of students in the Imperial College are mainly the children of distinguished nobles and the admission quota obtained by Yinyi.

For example, if someone has made great military exploits, beheaded generals and captured flags, conquered the city first, defeated the enemy, etc., a more powerful military exploit can help his children become officials, they can even get admission to the Imperial Academy, and they can become a minor after graduation.

Official and petty official.

Although Yin Guan is not as good as the imperial examination official, if you are outstanding, you can become a high official or even prime minister. This is a preferential policy for warriors, encouraging them to fight bravely against the enemy and make their wives Yinzi.

The sources of officials are diversified and they do not all rely on imperial examinations. This is a custom made since the Sui Dynasty.

Shao Shude believed this deeply. He should avoid monopoly in anything he did, and he had no intention of changing it.

At present, the officials in Daxia are similar to those in the former Tang Dynasty. They have imperial examinations, Yin officials, Confucian classics, Guozijian, and direct education. The sources are quite diverse.

After the reform of the imperial examination, the imperial examination gave opportunities to the lower class scholars. Yinguan gave opportunities to the warriors who worked hard on the battlefield.

The official school won over the distinguished families, and also partially won over the warriors.

The objects of direct teaching are more complicated. They may be warriors who have performed meritorious service on the battlefield, or they may be well-known scholars who failed to pass the exam, or they may also be wooed by Tibetan chieftains, etc. In fact, they are all needed for united front.

The whole question-and-answer session lasted until the evening. Jinshi, Mingfa, Mingjing, Mingsuan, Three Histories, Construction, Medicine, Military Examination and other subjects were discussed even by the township tribute Jinshi and Bingong Jinshi, setting the tone of the reform.

Of course, as the well-deserved star and the most dazzling existence among all subjects, the Jinshi subject is still the most concerned by people. Once it is launched, it will surely cause countless waves among scholars.


After Shao Shude finished his dinner, he got the news from Pugu Chengen, so he came to Chengen Hall. The Queen was also there, and after giving him a blank look, she left directly.

Shao Shude smiled, walked to Gao who was in a daze, and gently hugged him.

Mrs. Gao hurriedly broke away as if she had encountered something terrible. "Slow down, don't hurt the child." Shao Shude said hurriedly.

These words seemed to have magic power, and Gao's movements suddenly became gentle.

Shao Shude held her in his arms again. Gao trembled and stopped struggling.

"It's only been four times that Rou Niang is pregnant..." Shao Shude gently hugged the beauty and said in her ear: "Since you are already pregnant, you don't have to go to Ye Ting. You can stay with me.


Mrs. Gao shed tears again because she was about to be completely occupied.

Shao Shude patted her back and said, "Your father, your brother, and your younger brother will all have good fortune in the future. Our children will also be rich and prosperous for the rest of their lives." Gao's tears stopped for a moment. Now that the matter has come to this, what can she do?


The saint actually gave her an incredible promise, which was considered conscientious. But she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart. Scenes of past love appeared in front of her eyes. His Majesty picked wild flowers by the Huhan Sea and put them on her head with his own hands...

··But she had a child with another man. Thinking of this, Mrs. Gao couldn't stop crying.

Shao Shude's hands were not idle either. After a while, the jacket was untied.

Gao shed tears while refusing, but not very hard, and his attitude was not very firm.

"Before your pregnancy shows up, you can still go to see the doctor, but you have to be careful." Shao Shude almost bit Gao's earlobe as he spoke. Gao's whole body was shaking and his face was flushed, and he didn't know why.

"You'll have to wait for the birth with peace of mind later." Shao Shude added: "After the baby is born, I will give you a palace official position. When nothing happens, you can go see your husband accompanied by the middle official and the guards. I know you guys

Very loving..."

Gao's trembling became even worse. Her hands were holding Shao Shude's back, and her eyes were full of tears, but the meaning was hard to understand.

Shao Shude knew what he was doing and kept going. When the hem of the skirt was pulled down, Gao even slightly raised his buttocks to make it easier to take it off.

That's it! Shao Shude's heart was full of achievements. Apart from the boring work, he could also watch how the little white rabbit degenerated step by step and relax. After a long time, he stood up refreshed and bathed and changed clothes under the service of the palace maid.

Then we returned to Jintai Hall.

Work overtime today to process the memorial sent from Central Guizhou!

Although he was repeatedly diagnosed and treated by the imperial doctor, Gao Renhou was still seriously ill and unable to see anything. Shao Shude had ordered Shao Mianren, the governor of Zangzhou, to temporarily lead more than 20,000 Czech troops and take control of the overall situation in southern Guizhou.

During Gao Renhou's illness, he mentioned that the king of Dachanghe, Zheng Maisi, had died of illness. His temple name was Shengzu, and his posthumous title was Emperor Shengming Wenwuwei Dehuan. His son Zheng Renmin succeeded to the throne, and the next year (910) was designated as the first year of the First Yuan Dynasty.


Zheng Maisi died and Zheng Renmin succeeded to the throne. This was nothing. However, Gao Renhou reminded that during Zheng Maisi's reign, there were many dissatisfactions in the country because of his position and the killing of 862 members of the Meng family of the Nanzhao royal family in Wuhua.


He was able to stabilize the situation only with the support of Gao Zan, the leader of the Gao clan, a descendant of the Jiulong tribe in Xi'erhe.

Speaking of the Gao family, it is also a powerful sect with a long history in Nanzhao.

During the Xiantong period of Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty, Nanzhao invaded Jinghaijun and occupied Jiaozhou. Gao Pian gathered an army to defeat Nanzhao and regain the lost territory of Annan. But this war was not just as simple as victory or defeat. In fact, it had a far-reaching impact.

In the Battle of Jiaozhi, "The (Duan) chieftain was killed and moved, (Fan) Jian was better, (Zhao) Nuomei was 30,000 levels above his head, and An Nanping was at peace."

They also captured Nanzhao generals Zhang Quan, Li Xilong and more than 10,000 people.

When Gao Pian moved to Xichuan, Nanzhao invaded the territory, defeated it again, and captured more than fifty chiefs.

The leader of Nanzhao, Meng Shilong, suffered from repeated defeats and suffered from anger and died of gangrene. He was nicknamed "Emperor Jingzhuang". After his son Meng Longshun succeeded to the throne, the scale of the war decreased and finally subsided.

However, the fifteen-year war has left Nanzhao exhausted and the people resentful.

Famous ministers and generals during the Mengshilong period such as Duan Qiqian, Fan Jianxie, Zhao Nuomei, Zhang Quan, Li Xilong, etc. all died and surrendered. During the Menglong and Shun period, Gao Pian went to the imperial court again and suggested beheading them.

The captured Nanzhao famous ministers Zhao Longmei, Yang Qifeng and others were killed, and the imperial court approved them.

As a result, the ministers of Nanzhao Zhuguo were almost wiped out, leaving the lucky minister Zheng Maisi, the eunuch Yang Deng and others to seize power. The only remaining important ministers, such as Gao Zan, also cooperated with Zheng Maisi.

But Zheng Maisi did something wrong after all. He killed more than 800 members of the Meng clan, even the infants, which made Nanzhao a little angry. Gao Renhou believed that Zheng Renmin probably sent troops to attack Xia in order to establish his prestige.

Jiannan, Qianzhong, and Wuguan will all face war.

Shao Shude asked people to get the information and read it carefully. He found that there were many tribes in Li and Ya in Jiannan Province that were controlled by Da Changhe Kingdom.

After thinking for a while, he issued an order: "The left wing of the Victory Army stationed in central Guizhou will return to Xichuan to rest and recuperate, while the right wing of the Victory Army will enter central Guizhou. King Mianren of Wei will be the envoy to camp in Zangzhou, and King Mingyi of Yan will be the camp in Chengdu.

Recruit envoys, purge all armies and barbarian tribes, and take up their posts immediately."

After approving this article, I looked at the five-pipe battlefield again and found that the progress was relatively smooth.

If Dachanghe Kingdom sends troops, it will usually be in the four directions of Jiannan, Qianzhong, Lingnan West Road, and Jinghaihai.

After thinking about it, he ordered Chu Shenyi, the governor of the Jinghai Navy, to send people to inspect the key mountains and rivers, repair the camps where they needed to be repaired, appease the Tibetan tribes where they needed to be appeased, and recruit the strong men when they needed to be recruited.

Lingnan West Road, like the story of Jing Haijun, prepare for winter well.

Of course, he also emphasized that the top priority was to defeat Liu Yin as soon as possible.



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