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Chapter 77 Only I can represent Jingjiang Army

 "It's now time, I still have time to think about the show."

"Although I came back from a big raid, I still feel defeated. "You keep winning in small battles, but if you win, you lose, damn it!"

"Lu Shizhou is actually quite good. He can win battles and is better than many people." "Guangzhou is gone. What are you going to do?"

"It's just a day's work. Now that we have wine and meat to eat and women to play with, why do we think so much?"

"It's true. If Shao's bandit army goes south, the more people there are, the faster they will get sick, which will also give them a taste of the disease." The military academies were chatting in low voices as they entered Duyuhousi, and their mood was not affected by the current situation.

.This is the Jingjiang Army. Their life has been relatively easy these years.

Their combat effectiveness is relatively good in the fifth division. After all, the new regime is at a time when its vitality is rising in all aspects, and it is relatively united. Therefore, in the battle with Liu Yin, Shao Desheng, and Ye Guanglue, they did not lose at all, and even

Constantly conquering cities and territories.

It means that the pressure from the north is too great, and Changsha cannot provide much support, otherwise these companies would have been taken care of long ago.

Duyu Housi is an important place in the military government. Before the generals enter, they leave their soldiers outside and take off their weapons and hand them to the guard sergeant to collect them when they come out.

This is a military rule and has always been the case, and no one thought there was anything wrong. After a while, more than twenty people entered the central hall.

"What's going on? You can't even see anyone?"

"Where's Lu Dutou? He summoned us but didn't show up. What's the point?"

"Is it overdue? I'll kill you as ordered." Someone murmured with a smile, obviously not taking his boss seriously. "Haha!" Others also laughed.

"I say, there is something wrong." A mature and prudent person asked doubtfully: "Why did you gather the generals just after you came back and you didn't show up?" As soon as these words came out, some people were shocked and confused.

"Where is the government office? Where is the government office?"

"Although Lu Shizhou is the commander of Mabudu, he can't just overstep his authority, right? Where is the yamen?" "No, Lu Shizhou wants to rebel!"

As soon as the word "anti" was spoken, rustling footsteps and the crisp sound of beetle leaves clashing came from the courtyard.

Everyone was an old soldier. When they heard this, they felt something was wrong. They turned around immediately, only to see more than a hundred sergeants holding long spears and powerful bows with murderous intent. "Master Lu Zhou has really rebelled!" someone exclaimed.

There was a heartbreaking sound of the bow string tightening. "Find a place to hide."

"Fight them!"

"Hurry up and call someone, you idiot!"

"Shoot!" the officer leading the team ordered.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The arrow left the bowstring and flew into the central hall with a roar. Screams sounded one after another.

This group of military academies had no equipment at hand and no armor. At this time, they were just like tigers with their teeth pulled out, without the slightest threat. Under the volley of arrows, more than ten of them lay down on the spot, and the rest looked for places to hide.


Some were hiding behind pillars, some were hiding under tables, some were holding chairs in front of themselves, and some were even tearing down window lattice and trying to escape through the window...

"Kill!" The officer waved his hand and led the team into the central hall. "Puff! Puff!" The spear pierced the flesh.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The archers are still looking for targets to shoot. There are many people on one side, wearing armor and armed with weapons, and they cooperate with each other tacitly.

There were only seven or eight people on one side, without armor or weapons, and they looked panicked. The battle was without any suspense, and it ended quickly.

The soldiers came forward with swords and axes, and cut off the heads one by one. And outside the gate of Duyu Housi, the sound of killing suddenly sounded.

Hundreds of people rushed over and killed dozens of generals and soldiers gathered here.


"Everyone!" Lu Shizhou jumped onto a baggage carriage, stepped on the grain bags, cleared his throat and said. The drums sounded one after another, which was the signal to gather troops.

The sergeants who had just returned to camp were gathered together inexplicably, and they didn't know what happened. However, they all had military qualities, so they didn't ask any questions and quickly lined up on the court.

"Liu Yin has been defeated and the city of Guangzhou has fallen. What do you think about this matter?

You must already know." The drum beat stopped for a while, and Lu Shizhou glanced at everyone and said. In fact, this news cannot be concealed, nor can it be concealed.

From the moment they retreated from Rongzhou City, there were rumors in the army. With such a good situation to retreat, either something happened in Guizhou, or Guangzhou suffered a huge defeat and Liu Yin was finished.

After returning, the news became more and more suspenseful, and everyone was half-believed and worried. Now that Lu Dutou admitted it in public, there was no doubt.

There was a sudden buzz in the stadium, and some people started whispering and whispering to each other.

"The Xia people have covered most of the world. Since last year, they have conquered eight states in Jiangxi and made forced landings in five states in Fujian. Now Liu Yin has been defeated again, and the Qing navy has lost its entire territory." Lu Shizhou said: "I don't want to listen to you, Jingjiang

The army has been surrounded on three sides. Next, the Ningyuan Army, the Qing Navy, the Jing Navy, the Lingnan West Road, the Weiwu Army and even the Jin people will rush over at any time. Do you think it is possible to resist it if Gui Gui is in charge of this place?"

The whispers slowly died away.

Lu Shizhou revealed the bloody facts mercilessly, leaving people at a loss as to what to do. Yes, they only had a total of more than 10,000 troops, could they really withstand the encirclement and suppression of several towns?

"There's no need to count on Changsha." Lu Shizhou shouted loudly: "The Xia people are pressing in from three directions, namely central Guizhou, Jiangxi, and Eyue. They are so powerful that Changsha will not send a single soldier to assist Guizhou."

Lu Shizhou's words actually contained elements of deception. But what he said was reasonable and well-founded. It was very similar to the same thing. The sergeants had no way of distinguishing and could only believe it with suspicion - even more so.

There was silence.

No one spoke at all now. Everyone held their breath and looked at Lu Shizhou.

Lu Shizhou secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, the biggest crisis has been resolved. If the sergeants still had hope and nostalgia for the horse butt, someone would have made a noise and gathered a crowd just now and rushed over to kill him. But there was nothing.

, which explains everything.

"You all have families and careers, a high house above, and children below. If you neglect your useful life and wander around in the ravines, not only will your death be meaningless, but your family will also be in trouble. Why bother? Why bother?" Lu Shizhou said:

"Besides, there are still barbarians in the countryside. If you die, who will scare them? Who will protect our homeland? Who will we rely on? Are there reinforcements from Changsha?"

The south wind blew, and the military flag whistled.

Five thousand soldiers lined up on the court, their faces full of sadness and uneasiness.

"To be honest, I, Mr. Lu, don't want to fight." Lu Shizhou sighed and said: "The emperor destroyed dozens of vassal towns in the Great Xia Dynasty, and now there are only three or two left who are still resisting the king. It is really unwise.

.Is it okay to fight against the world with just one corner?"

After Lu Shizhou said this, he stared at it carefully

Someone kept passing his words down, and there was another commotion in the queue.

Lu Shizhou swallowed twice, his heart almost in his throat. If someone stood up at this time and clamored to kill him, he would have no choice but to run away.

Fortunately, no! The commotion quickly subsided.

The south wind blew, and Lu Shizhou felt a chill on his body, and he actually broke out into a thin layer of sweat.

It is not easy to be a general these days! The number of generals who die at the hands of their own people is probably not much less than those who die by foreign enemies.

"Now that the matter has come to this, I will speak frankly." Seeing that the queue had regained its calm, Lu Shizhou raised his voice and said, "I want the city to surrender anyway and submit to the imperial court. I will send another envoy to persuade the states to surrender. If you are willing to surrender anyway,

You can go back to your own camp and wait for orders. If you don't want to, you can go home and I won't stop you. The decision is all in one thought."

After saying that, Lu Shizhou closed his mouth and looked at the scene quietly. His words were passed down one after another, and the sergeants had different reactions. Some called friends and greeted each other back to the military camp.

Some people stood dumbly, hesitating. But after seeing many people returning to the camp, they were at a loss and followed the crowd and slowly returned to the military camp.

Only a few people took off their military uniforms and brought their equipment, walked up to Lu Shizhou, bowed, and left the city. Lu Shizhou returned the salute frequently.

This was a peaceful "breakup", and he had to thank these people for their "grace not to kill"


At the same time, he felt happy that he had captured all the high-ranking generals from Hunan, and the five cadres in the city had been peacefully dealt with. Guizhou City, the capital of the Jingjiang Army, was already his.

The next step is to go out of the city to persuade another army to surrender, and then send envoys to various states and counties to persuade them to submit. The more states and counties that surrender, the greater his contribution. This is a very clear thing.


Ma Xizhen received the news on the morning of February 18th.

Last night, he sang with a group of literati and got very drunk. If his entourage hadn't woken him up, he might have slept until noon. However, after learning that Lu Shizhou had rebelled, he was frightened.

"This..." Ma Xizhen patted his head hard to drive away the splitting headache, and asked, "Is the news true?" "It's absolutely true." The follower said hurriedly: "It has spread throughout the city and outside.


Ma Xizhen sat back on the bed and stared blankly at the ground.

"Yameni, you must not hesitate at this time." The entourage said: "Master Lu was born as a general in Zhou Dynasty and lacks prestige. He may not be able to control the overall situation by launching an attack. Yameni should send people to various villages, gather his troops and fight back to Guangxi

State, or there is still the possibility of recapturing the city."

Ma Xizhen's eyes narrowed.

This is to persuade him to return to the city with two thousand troops. The reason is also very straightforward. Lu Shizhou rebelled. Do the sergeants listen to him? Even if they listen to him now, will they still listen to the official Jiedushi once he returns?


Ma Xizhen shook his head and said, "It's too late. The traitor Lu Shizhou must have ordered all his troops and horses to come this way. The men are scattered in various villages and enjoying themselves. How can we gather them together in a short time."

The entourage was shocked, which is true. But -

Is it really good to not even try it? "Are the official seals there?" Ma Xizhen asked suddenly.

The attendant was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "They are all here."

"Call everyone up and check the equipment and water." Ma Xizhen stood up suddenly. The entourage was refreshed: Yanei has made up his mind to go back and compete with Lu Shizhou for Guizhou!

"Go to Guangzhou!" Ma Xizhen said: "I am the military envoy. The banners and seals are all here. Only I can represent the Jingjiang Army and submit to the imperial court. A traitor like Lu Shizhou is nothing!"

The attendant was about to lead the horse when he heard the words and staggered, and then sighed heavily. The descendants of the Ma family don't care about the Ma family's inheritance. I'm so worried!

The Jingjiang Army is finally finished.

Hunan Ma's family won't be able to dance for much longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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