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Chapter 79: Going north by boat

 On the tenth day of March in the tenth year of Jianji, it rained continuously.

Several merchant ships slowly left the dock and sailed down the river towards the sea.

Persian ship is the most common name for these large merchant ships. In addition, there are also names such as Nanhai ship, Xiyu ship, Nanman ship, Kunlun ship, Shizi ship, Brahman ship - it can be seen from the name

, not all of them are big food merchant ships, at least not all the people on board are.

Their destination is Haizhou, a large northern port, a emerging port city in the core hinterland of Daxia.

If the four major trading ports in the former Tang Dynasty were Annan, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, and Yangzhou, the main trading ports in Daxia were Haizhou and Dengzhou.

In addition to these two places, there are also secondary ports such as Mizhou, Qingzhou, and Zhigu.

Of course, with the increasing expansion of the country's territory, the port resources in the old places of the Bohai Sea have also been utilized, and now Guangzhou and other places have been added, and the maritime industry has ushered in a new round of expansion opportunities.

Liu Yin stood on the deck, looking disappointedly at the city of Guangzhou that was getting further away.

His family moved from Shangcai, Henan to Fujian, and then to Haijun, Qing Dynasty. It has been two generations since then.

The city of Guangzhou is a pearl forgotten by northerners.

Everyone thought this was a wild land, but only Liu Yin knew that he had found a treasure.

This is a city with a strong commercial atmosphere. There are a large number of Tibetans living there, and the street system has replaced the lane system to facilitate businessmen and craftsmen.

As for this situation, as far as he knows, among the northern metropolises, only Luoyang and Bianzhou have some shops opening in the shops, which undermines the night ban business. The overall situation is still in the transition from the lane system to the street system.

Guangzhou pioneered the trend and was already so far ahead of the north that they even called us Nanman!

Unfortunately, all this has nothing to do with him.

His whole family was waiting for sin, so they took a boat to the north, landed in Haizhou, and then went to Luoyang by land to meet their unknown fate.

"Kill me!" Liu Yin beat the side of the ship hard, tears streaming down his cheeks. Dozens of warriors returning north with him looked at him with disdain and laughed.

They were all meritorious soldiers from Fujian, Annan, Lingnan West Road, and Ningyuan Army. There were two hundred people in total, divided into four ships, and headed to Luoyang, the Eastern Capital, to meet the Saint—yes, the Saint was about to leave the Northern Capital and return to the Eastern Capital.

Their mood is happy.

Is it as simple as just meeting the saint when entering Beijing? No one would think so. The south is the south and the north is the north. They are different.

The northern warriors may be very strong, as can be seen from the Jin army's massacre in Jiangxi. But it is also true that they cannot adapt to the hot and humid climate in the south.

Also camped in one place, they are more likely to be struck down by disease.

Maybe it would take some time to get used to it. After all, people in many places in the south originally immigrated from the north. But these northern warriors obviously don't want to do this. They just want to go home quickly and leave this place.

A "miasma place" that made them feel very uncomfortable.

In addition, everyone doesn’t think they are that weak.

The horses are galloping, the arrows are like locusts, the armor is as thick as a forest, and it is as thick as a mountain. These are the advantages of the Northern Army.

Walking through mountains and forests, climbing vines and cliffs, climbing mountains like flying, being agile and agile are the characteristics of Nanbing.

The barbarians who live in the humid jungles of Wuguanshiwan Mountain, and even the evil-minded Dachowa Kingdom, also need southern soldiers who are familiar with the geography and adapted to the climate to deter them.

Then, the South will need one or two forbidden troops. This is determined by the objective situation and is not subject to anyone's will.

Pei Shaoqing, the supervisor of the army, has been handed over, and all the troops in the south will be reorganized.

The Fujian Weiwu Army, Rong Guan Ningyuan Army, Lingnan West Road Zhenbing Army, An Nanjing Navy, Gui Guan Jingjiang Army, Guang Guan Qing Navy, totaling nearly 50,000 people, the weak will be eliminated and the strong will be reorganized into the Forbidden Army.

If they are weak, they may be demobilized or stationed in various states to become state and county soldiers.

As for what will happen in the future and where they will settle down, no one knows and no one cares. They only know that it is not easy to finally get the royal food after fighting for so long.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Some people are happy and happy when they are promoted and rewarded, while some people have their families destroyed and their wives and daughters cannot be saved.

This is reality, it happens every day.


After the four South China Sea ships sailed into the sea, they quickly adjusted their course.

The sailors skillfully controlled the ship and sailed north along the coastline. They encountered bad weather on the way, but survived without any danger.

On March 20, they docked at Quanzhou Port, loading and unloading cargo and replenishing water.

The sea breeze blew gently, and gulls landed on the mast, calling for friends and chirping.

The big food sailor cursed fiercely in an unknown language, and then ordered the Kunlun slave to carefully scrub the bird droppings on the deck.

Quanzhou is almost a smaller version of Guangzhou.

Wang Shenjun and Wang Yanbin, father and son, have been in business for more than ten years. They are determined to make progress, vigorously support maritime trade, and have achieved gratifying development.

If this momentum is maintained, it may be possible to surpass Guangzhou one day.

Of course, Liu Yin thought it was unlikely.

His mood had improved so much that he was able to observe the situation on the shore.

There are so many mountains near Quanzhou, one after another, even if there are plains, they are nothing compared to Guangzhou, and even Chaozhou cannot compare.

People in Guangzhou have cultivated silkworm species that are adapted to the climate in Lingnan, but what about people in Fujian?

There are countless shops and workshops near Guangzhou, which can produce all kinds of strange products. What about the people of Fujian?

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Guangzhou, and there are more than 100,000 Buddhists alone. What about Fujian?

However, it seems that there are more and more Tibetan tourists in Quanzhou, and there are also Hu temples with very obvious characteristics.

Humph! Brothers Wang Shenzhi and Wang Shengui are indeed ambitious.

I remember that at the beginning, they lied to me and wanted to be friends with Qin and Jin. Now it seems that they kept making small moves secretly and worked so hard to recruit Hu merchants to shake the status of Guangzhou.

If Wang Shen hadn't known that there were only five states, and the mountains were rugged, and there was a lack of food and clothing, he would have probably expanded abroad. The Cai thieves have always been like this and cannot be trusted.

A lot of small wooden boats came to the port. The dark-skinned fishermen were selling their catch, but no one paid attention. People at sea almost vomited after eating fish. Do you want to sell it?

However, they have another product that is eye-catching.

The fishermen's wives and daughters put down their work and started posing, which made the sailors salivate. Soon someone agreed on the price and got off the boat.

"Alas, life is not easy for the people." Liu Yin sighed. Liu Tai walked over and looked at his elder brother, quite speechless. The people under your rule are not much better!

Besides, isn't it common for people to sell their wives and daughters in pawns? No one would think there is anything wrong with this to supplement their family income and meet the expenses of the whole family. Only by filling your stomach can you talk about propriety, justice and integrity.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yin looked back and asked.

"My brother just came back from the shore. I just made some inquiries. Someone said that Qian Liu surrendered and invited himself to join the court." Liu Tai said.

"Qian Liu?" Liu Yin paused and said, "Qian Liu has also been reduced." "I don't know whether it is true or not." Liu Tai said.

"It's probably not fake." Liu Yin shook his head and said, "I have seen through Qian Liu for a long time. He is the kind of person who is a little ambitious but has no courage to risk it. In the past, it was not rumored that Qian Liu prepared a dragon robe.

When he was called a lonely Taoist and a widower in Hangzhou, did he also make up a reign title? It was groundless, and it may not be without reason. However, he could only go so far. He deceived himself and others, and after a while, he did not dare to publicly declare himself emperor.


Liu Tai chuckled upon hearing this.

"Actually, Wang Shenzhi is also this kind of person." Liu Yin sneered: "But he is less courageous than Qian Liu. If the Central Plains is in chaos and has no time to pay attention to him, he will close the door and become a closed-door emperor, but still

To the outside world, he proclaims himself a vassal. Now that the Central Plains has been unified, the world is at peace, and there are hundreds of thousands of tiger and wolf troops, he doesn't dare to do it anymore, he is just a coward."

Liu Tai did not answer the call.

Are there really any warriors who are timid? Maybe, but Wang Shenzhi is not necessarily sure

Timid. The real reason may be that the strength of Fujian Wuzhou is seriously insufficient. If he had the capital to make money, he might have gone too far. How can there be a good person like Thief Cai?

"Brother, we are going to Luoyang." Liu Tai hesitated for a moment and whispered. "Alas." Liu Yin sighed again and said, "Don't think too much. We have donated so much money, but it can't be useless at all, right?"

"That's right." Liu Tai sighed and said.


The fleet stayed in Quanzhou for some time, mainly waiting for a batch of cargo.

In addition, the goods they sell must also wait for payment - also in the form of goods.

On the 25th, the four ships left the port one after another. Under the strong southeast wind, they cut through the waves and arrived in Mingzhou in only eight days.

Thank God, the ship did not sink midway. Liu Yin received permission and took his family down to the shore to move around near the dock.

The further north you go, the more different the scenery becomes.

Mingzhou looks quite similar to the Central Plains from various angles such as urban and rural areas.

Liu Yin was not a rough man. He knew that in the 280 years before the Tang Dynasty, if there was any place in the south that had the best development before the difficulties, it must be Huainan. After the difficulties, people from Huainan and Henan moved south in large numbers, taking over the east and west sides of the Yangtze River.

It was heavily developed.

Yes, the large-scale development of Jiangdong and Jiangxi is undoubtedly the result of the former Tang Dynasty.

Especially after the hard times, the imperial court could not receive much money in the north - needless to say, the vassal towns that did not deal with the imperial court, and the vassal towns that obeyed the imperial court also had to raise a large number of warriors to guard against the disobedient vassal towns, and there was no spare power to support the imperial court, so then

We can only run Jiangnan smoothly.

The former Tang court continuously dispatched capable ministers and officials to vassal towns in eastern Zhejiang, western Zhejiang, and Jiangxi, and also organized immigration—the Tibetan prisoners captured in Hehuang were even exiled to Wuyue in batches.

After 150 years, the results have been very good.

Liu Yin and Liu Tai brothers were wandering on the dock, followed by a civil servant and several warriors, who were also looking around.

"Qian Liu dedicated such a piece of fertile land that has not been affected by war, I'm afraid it will become prosperous." Liu Tai looked at the rows of shops, liquor stores and wine shops near the pier.

Home, exclaimed.

Although it doesn't look as good as Guangzhou, it's not far behind. Even a wealthy place like Mingzhou has the heart to give it away. Qian Liu is really

"Both Zhejiang and Zhejiang have not experienced much war. Only Qiu Fu and Dong Chang caused trouble and trade flourished. After being included in Xia Tu, Luoyang will receive a large amount of finance and tax." Liu Yin sighed.

Xia Ting's financial shortcomings were severely made up for.

From now on, the north will raise hundreds of thousands of soldiers to fight foreign wars. The south of the Yangtze River will not need to raise soldiers, but will pay taxes exclusively. If there are no problems with this model, it will be really difficult to shake the foundation of the Daxia court.

This is actually the pattern after the Anshi Rebellion.

Xuanwu Town raised 100,000 troops, Hedong Town raised 60,000 troops, Tianping Army raised 30,000 troops, and Taining Army raised 30,000 troops.

A vassal town in the south of the Yangtze River only had a few thousand soldiers, or even one or two thousand, which saved a lot of expenses and sent them all to the court.

The model explored during the 150 years of separatist feudal rule was put to good use by Shao Shude, which in turn put an end to various separatist forces and stabilized the unified world.

For the first time, Liu Yin felt that this new imperial court might have hundreds of years of luck.

The world has really changed.

This chapter has been completed!
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