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Chapter 8 Tibetan soldiers

 Jicheng Carriage Shop built one hundred and eighty-eight four-wheeled carriages, and all of them were sent to Luoyang in accordance with the order.

Of course, it was not running empty, but it was transporting tens of thousands of stones of meat and fish that had been marinated so hard that they could be used as armor.

After passing the preparatory period, Lingbao Automobile Workshop was officially put into production.

The four-wheeled carriage will come in handy during the Western Expedition - if the road conditions are not particularly bad.

Shao Shude took the time to look at the carriages outside the city and asked the drivers about their experience of using them. After learning that the failure rate was not high, he felt relieved a little.

Jicheng Car Workshop's production capacity continues to expand. They have recently recruited a large number of former black car Shiwei tribesmen from various grassland tribes, and after some training, they put them into production.

King Xi, the Sanquan Wang family and other tribes were a little unhappy because the black chariot Shiwei had been defeated. Except for those who jumped from the west to the north, the rest were either in the Xianyou Palace or in their hands. They wanted to swallow them up.

It can be imagined that it is very heartbreaking to spit out the fat.

But Feng Heng, who stayed behind in Beijing, was a ruthless character. He used chicken feathers as arrows - well, he really had a sword - and forced people to leave. The compensation he gave was just some food and cloth, which was not a lot.

Speaking of which, the Supreme Khan is the most particular.

Next year, after Lingbao Car Workshop is put into stable production, Guanzhong will build a new car workshop, namely Baoji Car Workshop, to make use of local forest resources and manufacture four-wheel carriages at full capacity.

Strong production capacity has always been the traditional advantage of the Central Plains dynasty, and it is natural that it should be fully utilized.

After the inspection, Shao Shude returned to Shangyang Palace to manage affairs. In September and October, he mostly handled matters related to the Western Expedition.

In the past two months, except for the queen who occasionally stayed at Lichun Hall, most of the people accompanying Shao Shude were the daughters of the Xiao family, the Du family, and the Wei family.

They were overjoyed that they finally rescued the saint. They tried their best and used all kinds of talents, including poetry, tea ceremony, piano playing, dancing, etc., to make the wild women who could only shake their butts pale in comparison.

Shao Shude was also happy.

If you are used to eating greasy meals, try this combination of meat and vegetables, and the exquisite dishes are also good.

At the beginning of November, news came from the north: the three tribes of Yuanyuquan, Keduncheng and Nuozhenshui went north and fought with the Tatars for half a year, with each other winning or losing.

Shao Shude was a little annoyed when he saw it. Are they really desperate, or are they cheating? Or both?

After calming down, Shao Shude felt that he should not doubt others unreasonably. He tended to think that although these three films were not desperate, they still tried hard and were not deliberately perfunctory.

At the same time, I am also reflecting on the fact that as I get older, I tend to doubt others. It is not a good thing to curb this emotion.

The wise and mighty monarch in his prime of life turned into the lord of Xiongchai in his later years. The changes in his central path are actually quite interesting if we study them carefully.

Shao Shude is fighting against this emotion and looking at things from an objective standpoint as much as possible.

"This year, the days go by so fast." Shao Shude put down his brush and sighed.

Inadvertently, the eleventh year of Jianji will pass.

Since the middle of last year, he has not gone out and has been staying in Luoyang.

The country is generally peaceful.

Hunan was conquered and the chaos in the Five Administrations was generally settled.

There were occasional minor disturbances in central Guizhou, but they were put down by King Mianren of Wei. Just a few days ago, Sanlang went to Shangshu and mentioned that the first batch of 3,000 households of Hebei people sent to Zhangzhou at the end of the ninth year of Jianji had initially established a foothold. This year's

The grain harvest has stabilized. In view of the local situation, please send a second batch of 2,000 Hebei soldiers and their families to the counties of Zhangzhou to build villages and settle down, and to reclaim wasteland and cultivate land.

Shao Shude approved and ordered two thousand Chengde to be selected from the Linshuo palace servants, Cangjing and Yiding prisoners, and their families to be sent to central Guizhou.

As for the people of Weibo, they have calmed down a little. This place is like a sore, with rebellions happening constantly. Shao Shude can't even remember how many times he suppressed them.

What is gratifying is that their rebellion has never been successful, and the frequency and intensity have continued to decrease. One day, these idiots will know that it is useless to rebel again, and they will accept their fate.

Saburo Takehito's level is actually pretty good.

Shao Shude did not completely deny him because of one failure. In fact, he led Shu soldiers and barbarians in central Guizhou to fight. The only time he was embarrassed was Yao Yanzhang. At other times, he was quite satisfactory and considered qualified.

Shao Shude has asked him to also lead the Bozhou pacification envoy, focusing on controlling Zang, sowing barbarians in the two states, and stabilizing central and southern Guizhou for the imperial court.

Apart from the South, the North has ushered in a rare period of recuperation and recuperation.

In addition to transferring some grain and grass, most areas in Henan are improving agriculture, dredging ditches, and building ponds.

Hebei even no longer suffered the pain of being transferred. There was a rebellion in the old territory of Bohai State, but it was destroyed. The last 5,000 people of the Qing Sai Army were placed in Muzhou and became government soldiers.

Anton Prefecture is the first area to complete the comprehensive resettlement of government soldiers. There are more than 10,000 government soldiers in the whole government, and nearly 30,000 households are all in place.

Shenzhou and Xianzhou are expected to be the second batch of completed prefectures and counties.

But for now, it seems that there is still a big gap in the tribe, and it is no longer enough to just demote the rebellious Hu people to the tribe. This year, the court shipped more than 6,000 households of Jiangxi surrendered people and their families, and thousands more will be sent next year.

The people in Hebei are responsible for this, and they are basically rebels.

Shao Shude had such a serious desire for the tribe that he even wanted to start a new war and artificially create a group of slaves. He ordered his third son Mianren to take charge of broadcasting and control the tribes of the two states. Perhaps it was out of some indescribable evil in his heart.

Private thoughts.

There are so many troops surrendering in the south, including more than 40,000 troops from Shu alone, and 50,000 troops from Qinghai, Ningyuan, and Guangjie. If Qian Liu's tens of thousands of troops are included, it is really a headache.

Fortunately, there have been no wars in the south for many years. The accumulation of wealth has given Shao Shude a strong urge to "train troops". That is, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the troops still had fighting capacity, he repaired the various tribes and barbarians to free up space.

The land was moved by people from Guanxi and Hebei to cultivate it.

Of course, if he does this, he will probably not leave a good reputation in the history books. The title of tyrant is getting closer to him, and he still has to find a way to control the scale.

These are his trivial and unpretentious "work from home" life.

Shao Sheng, who was staying in Luoyang, kept asking people from all walks of life to surrender, and the tribes of barbarians complained that they couldn't bear it. Even the people of Hebei were deeply resentful.

I would rather have five acres of land in Hebei than ten acres of land in the south! I just don’t want to immigrate.

What? Shao Sheng's "Immigration Working Group" came with strong bows and crossbows? Damn it, can you give me twenty acres of land?

Major national events are made up of these little things bit by bit.

Today's Daxia is like a pressure cooker, all controlled by his lid. He is walking on thin ice, as if he were walking on thin ice.


On November 13, Shao Shude, accompanied by his guards and concubines, moved to Shendu Garden again, and at the same time issued the "Inspection Letter to the Western Capital":

"I have inherited the mandate of Heaven, established the emperor's plan, mixed the four seas, and patrolled for five years... I have accumulated famous dynasty capitals, old places in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with many people, magnificent mountains and rivers... Although the land is higher than the three capitals, the people

I don’t know about Chengyu…”

"But the people of the Western Capital City are sincere, and the imperial edicts have arrived. They think that my chariots and emperors have arrived temporarily, and the common people are always well-off inside and outside. How refreshing and convenient are the words to express their feelings... Now take the eighteenth day of the first lunar month of the twelfth year,

When patrolling the Western Capital, he will be accompanied by internal and external officials, horses and infantry soldiers, etc., and he must not disturb people or trample crops."

"In the play! The great one who lives in the domain is the king of the world. He performs the tour with great ceremony. Huanhan is suitable for Qingze. The human relationship is harmonious. The emperor's path is bright. He will be a loyal minister and will always praise the fortune of Longping.

.China and foreign countries are so far away, it is appropriate to reflect my heart."

At this point, the date for the tour to Chang'an has been determined: after the Lantern Festival in the twelfth year of Jianji.

The Western Expedition to Chang'an does not represent the Western Expedition, it is just another change of the imperial political center between the three capitals.

The royal letter also made it very clear. The latest generation of Kansai people "people do not know Yu Chengyu" and do not know the emperor. In other words, they do not feel the majesty of the emperor.

Reminiscent of the fact that in the 1950s after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were still a large number of people who did not know that they were "Chinese". The ancient ritual of "Five Years of Law Hunting" is very necessary. Otherwise, how can we "see all over the world"


As for the constant praise of the people of the Western capital, "all looking forward to happiness", that is all just talk.

Ordinary people are people who live a daily life and are very busy all year round. How can they persuade the emperor to visit their hometown every day? Not to mention that they may "trampling on the seedlings", even if the court will "accept money and materials from the seedlings"

, "According to the acreage and eliminating the release", exempting them from part of the tax to compensate for the loss, overall it is still very troublesome.

In addition to some of the palace guards and all of Yin Anzhi, the accompanying army also includes the sudden generals, Yi Cong, Fei Xiong and other troops, as well as some newly arrived Tibetan people. The ones standing in the Shendu Garden at the moment are——

There are more than a thousand Jurchens from Jizhou such as Baolu and others, plus thousands of troops from the Mohe tribe in Minzhou, Jizhou, Yizhou, Shuizhou and other bitter cold places.

The Bohai people did not forget to send troops. They gathered a total of a thousand people, most of whom were from aristocratic families and "those with talent" who were children of wealthy families.

The tribes of Shiwei, which sent envoys to pay tribute the year before last, sent more than a thousand cavalry. They did not do anything perfunctory, and the overall level was acceptable.

The seven sage prefectures in the grassland mobilized their troops, and each selected Khitan, Xi, Bohai, and Han'er, who were three hundred strong and strong, and gathered 2,000 people.

The wealthy Goguryeo family in Lezhou sent thousands of troops.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also sent 1,600 to 700 debt slaves.

The total number of Tibetan soldiers from all ethnic groups is about 9,100, mainly strong and brave men. Shao Shude also selected 900 older Forbidden Army veterans for Xia Luqi, making up 10,000 people to train as army companions.

Drive westward.

These are actually the results of the Eastern Expeditions in previous years, and now they have been partially realized.

To attack the Western Region, the Forbidden Army does not need to dispatch many people.

The journey is long, and it costs a lot to eat horse chews. The soldiers for this battle are expensive but not expensive. The six inspection envoy tribes, the palace servants, and the Liaodong Tibetan soldiers gathered tens of thousands of elites, plus the imperial army, horse infantry, and tens of thousands of people.

The Longfan tribe will allocate some more elites, which is almost enough.

Is it possible to defeat the barbarians just to give them a title so that they can be satisfied without causing trouble?

No, that's because you don't really rule them, so you don't have the ability to make them bleed and die. Only by truly bringing the Hu people under your own rule and becoming a member of this country can you make them convinced and send troops to fight.

Shao Shude has always been amazed by Li Shimin's ability to bring people from the Indus River to attack Goguryeo, and also admired him for allowing the Goguryeo people to go to Congling to fight. Tang Taizong was truly a "common leader" recognized by various tribes and countries.

The Tibetan chief is not a fool, he can tell whether you treat them as your own subjects.

If you get fooled once or twice, if you do it too often, people will stop playing with you.

The problem has never been resolved. The land of the Tibetan people has never recognized the Central Plains. The Central Plains has never legal claims to them, and the people themselves do not recognize it.

If you don't admit it, then there will be a confrontation, and the end will be that the defense line shrinks to the Great Wall. To be more extreme, you will have no idea about the name of the tribe outside the Great Wall, its strength, nomadic land, and the leader's name.

It sounds unbelievable, but it really happened. If you don’t believe it, ask the various “rabbits” outside the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty. Do they know what is going on on the grassland? It was really a black eye, thirty miles away from the Great Wall.

None of the tribes knew the specific situation, so they could only rely on knowledgeable officials to go to the wholesale market outside Beijing to find people to inquire about, and then scribble down the hearsay information and submit it as a document that could affect national policy.

What a departure!

As for the diffusion of technology, it is even more nonsense. People can obtain technology from India, Central Asia, Persia, Arabia, the Bohai Sea, Korea, and Japan. Historically, the Tibetan armor style and craftsmanship have obvious traces of Indian and Central Asian technology.

, completely different from the Tang Dynasty, and the quality is quite good - the Tubo people went down to India to plunder every day.

The official system and writing of the Turks and Uighurs have nothing to do with the Central Plains, but they are inseparable from Central Asia.

Civilizations in different regions developed independently, and it was difficult to widen the generation gap in the classical era.

Technical blockade is too arrogant, and the effect is not as good as trade blockade - Bohai State is inherited from Goguryeo. It can be seen from the magnificent palace of Longquan Mansion that this is a highly civilized country. The Jurchen and Khitan tribes are completely

You can obtain technology sources nearby, or you can go to North Korea a little further away. There is no need to obtain them from the Central Plains.

"Let the troops begin to drill." Shao Shude sat down, looked at the sergeants in formation, and ordered.



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