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Chapter 19 New divisions, new positions

On the first day of the sixth lunar month in the twelfth year of Jianji, after the Great Court Meeting, Chu Shenyi, Yao Zi, Zhang Shensi, and Wei Dingli met the saint alone, and then received the flag, official seal, and a group of entourage, and went south to Lingnan to take office.

Chu Shenyi was appointed as the governor of Lingxi Road, and Yao Zi was appointed as the governor of Lingdong Road. The latter two were respectively the tug general and the general of the army. Because of their old age, they were sent out to serve as commanders of both Lingxi and Lingdong roads.

Use their wealth of experience to suppress local areas.

Of course, they can't do it alone.

The imperial court also recruited a group of veterans over the age of forty who volunteered to go south from the Second Army to serve as grassroots military officers. Shaanzhou Academy and Yunzhou Academy also selected a group of recruits who were willing to go south, totaling several hundred

The people marched southward to Yongzhou and Guangzhou, declaring the imperial court's sovereignty over the five lands.

The six prefectures of Run, Su, Chang, Hang, Hu, and Mu under the jurisdiction of the Zhenhai Navy (governing Run Prefecture), and the seven prefectures of Yue, Ming, Wu, Qu, Chu, Tai, and Wen under the jurisdiction of the former Zhejiang Eastern Observer Envoy

(governing Yuezhou), merged into Jiangdong Road. This road has a total of thirteen states and governs Hangzhou.

The three prefectures of Xuan, She, and Chi under the jurisdiction of the Xuanshe Jiedushi were placed under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Road. This road governed eleven prefectures and governed Hongzhou.

Henan Province originally governed eighteen prefectures, but now Guangzhou and Shouzhou are divided into Huainan Province.

Huainan Road governs Yang, Chu, Hao, Chu, He, Lu, Shu, Shou, Guang Jiuzhou, and governs Yangzhou.

Although the place is small, its population has slowly recovered in recent years and its economic strength has been increasing day by day. It is the most developed area in the south. Many officials do not compete for official positions in Jiangdong, Jiangxi, and Huguang, but they go to Huainan with great effort. This can be seen from this.

Hubei Province originally had seven prefectures, but later it was divided into Jing, Lang (Lang and Li prefectures and six counties were merged into Lang Prefecture) and Xia, which belonged to Jingnan Town, and were divided into four prefectures, making a total of eleven prefectures.

Because Hunan is too small, with only seven states, and the populations of Hunan and Hubei are too small, one is less than one million, and the other is more than one million, so they simply merged them and established Huguang Road to govern the territory of eighteen states.

The population of one state is equivalent to the population of one state such as Weizhou and Songzhou in the Central Plains. The eighteen states of Huguang sound good, but in fact they are just that. The economy, population, transportation, and cultural undertakings are far behind, so that the states are far behind.

The average grade of county officials is one level lower than that of the Central Plains - upper, middle, lower states, upper, middle and lower counties, the number of official positions and grades are obviously different.

After such operations, the south includes Huainan, Jiangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Lingdong, Lingxi, Huguang, Qianzhong, and Jiannan. The north includes Zhili, Henan, Huaihai, Hedong, Hebei, Liaodong, and Guannei.

, Guanbei, Longyou, Hexi ten roads.

There are a total of 19 in the country.

After completing these trivial tasks of administrative divisions, all that is left is to fill in the officials.

Every old official must pass the assessment of the Department of Civil Service, and everyone passes the test - except those who need to unite the front.

Kansai and Henan economics students have received a large number of opportunities to be awarded official posts.

Everyone understands that this is the last big opportunity in the early days of the dynasty. There is no such shop after passing this village, so they no longer pick and choose, and take advantage of the opportunity, even if it is to work as an official in the hot and humid south.


Everyone knows that the country will eventually develop the south in the future. Go ahead, occupy a favorable position first, and take advantage of the good opportunity of less competition to develop a strong and powerful place. After it is developed in the future, the fruits will be theirs.

Picked first.

Of course, they deserve this too.

Do you think it is easy to develop hot and humid areas? Don't look at the development of Run, Su, Chang, Hu, Hang and other states in the south of the Yangtze River, but it cost a huge price.

Mosquitoes breed in swamps, and there may also be various poisons. When you go to develop, the first thing you do is clean up the swamp and cut down all kinds of shrubs, weeds, and reeds that grow quickly. No losses are lost in the process? Maybe it's fine today.

I will fall ill tomorrow, and I don’t know what disease I have.

Even if you spend your life to get through this stage, the next step will not be easy. There are so many swamps, you have to sort them out, fill them up as farmland, dredge them out of rivers, build reservoirs, and use them as post roads, residences, markets...

If God is not kind to you, if there is a flood, all your efforts will be in vain.

In short, the development of Jiangnan and Jiangxi was forged by the flesh and blood of generations of ancestors. The prosperous cities, water canals extending in all directions, vast blue lakes and endless rice fields you see now did not exist many years ago.


At that time, there were not even many post roads, and you had to take a boat to get out.

Now called Jiangnan Water Town, it used to be swamp sludge.

The place I developed at a huge cost must naturally benefit from it, otherwise wouldn’t it be in vain?

The imperial court also acquiesced to these, and even allowed large families to live together. Just like Yang Zhe and his family of several hundred people went to Xianzhou, there were also large families from the north going south——

Zhou Ze, the former magistrate of the Zhenzhou shogunate, took his family and more than a thousand villagers who were attached to them and went south to settle in Qianzhou (today's Ganzhou), Jiangxi Province, where they opened up wasteland and cultivated and studied family heirlooms.

The nephew of Luo Hongxin, the former military governor of Weibo, also took more than 500 members of the Wang family south to Langzhou to clean up the ruins destroyed by the war, clean up the abandoned farmland, and take root in Wuling County.

Li Sizhao, who had just been appointed as the deputy envoy of the Golden Sword Army, and more than 200 members of his branch family went south to Tingzhou, Fujian Province. While serving as local county officials, they competed with the Changting Dongman for land.

This is how the Chinese ancestors developed.

You can call it assimilation or colonization, but the vast South was indeed created bit by bit in this process of family migration.

The entire process lasted for two thousand years, and was passed down from generation to generation, making it an epic undertaking.


On the tenth day of June, Shao Shude met with a group of Huainan demoted officials headed by Xu Wen and Zhang Hao in Xiyuan, Chang'an.

"Xu, I am very surprised by Zhang Erqing's decisive action." Shao Shude played with a stiff bow, glanced at the densely packed crowd, and said.

Xu Wen was shocked.

He is a little worried about gains and losses now because he thinks too much. With such a personality, there is no other way.

What would a saint think of two hundred people doing such a big thing?

It seems to be nothing, because since the Tang Dynasty, old military governors have left or died, new military governors have remained untenable, and there have been many cases of being overthrown by hundreds of sergeants.

But there seem to be a lot of problems. After all, that era has passed, and it’s really a bit irritating to still do this now. Don’t you think about it, how many years has this kind of thing not happened?

What's more, the situation in Huainan is a bit similar to that of the central court. Isn't the rebellion of the left and right teeth a rebellion of the Forbidden Army? Now that he is over fifty years old, will he be afraid of this?

Xu Wen's mind is very sensitive and delicate, sometimes like a woman's. The more she thinks about it, the more frightened she becomes.

He glanced at Zhang Hao again and sighed secretly.

If there wasn't such a giant as Daxia in the north, he felt that he could kill Zhang Hao and take sole control of Huainan. This guy probably only has a few brains to dig out, but he only wants to make money and play with women, and then be happy.

Xing waited for the court to deliver the goods.

He was even praised a few times by officials at Xuzhou's camp, saying that he was sensible and quick. I really didn't know what to say.

Fortune favors fools.

"Your Majesty, the world is about to be unified. I am eager to perform my duties, so I have taken decisive action to ensure peace in this corner of Huainan." Xu Wen said.

Zhang Hao opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "Yang Zhe resisted the heavenly soldiers. It would be a shame to die. I will give him a ride so as not to get in the way."

Shao Shude laughed.

The officials and generals who followed him also laughed.

"In the past, Xu Qing served as a regiment training envoy in Shuzhou. He was good at fighting and defending, and he also had the skills to care for the people." Shao Shude said: "How can I not reward him for such a great contribution? The post of transfer envoy of Longyou Road happens to be vacant.

Now that he's out, Xu Qing will go to Hezhou to take office next month."

"I thank your Majesty for your kindness." Xu Wen felt relieved.

This position is actually not bad, better than he imagined. Longyou has been stable for more than 20 years, and it should not be very poor. The transfer envoy is responsible for the wealth of the country. Although it is laborious and laborious, he has quite a lot of power and a lot of money.

. He was not dissatisfied with this arrangement, so he thanked him immediately.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Shao Shude said: "Since last year, Longyou Road has been renovating the post road, hoarding supplies, and transporting them to various nodes. Later, Xu Qing can go to Zhongshu Province to understand the tasks, and then go

I pay my respects to the governor. Please do your best, I will not treat my meritorious officials badly."

"I obey the decree." Xu Wen responded.

"Zhang Qing..." Shao Shude's eyes turned to Zhang Hao again.

Zhang Hao watched helplessly.

"Li Qing, the prison envoy of Guannei Dao, has just taken up his official post. You can take over this position temporarily," Shao Shude said.

"I obey your decree...I thank your Majesty for your kindness." Zhang Hao responded immediately.

A little disappointed, but not unacceptable.

Compared with governor envoys, transfer envoys, and general commander envoys, prison envoys are actually not that important. But after all, he is a fourth-grade official, with a very high level, which cannot guarantee him a decent and wealthy life. Not to mention that he has already made money.

That's a lot of money, that's enough. Let's just mess around for the rest of the day. It seems good to put things to rest and clear up the unjust lawsuits.

"Other people from Huainan..." Shao Shude's eyes swept around the crowd.

I didn't see Tuoba Renfu and I heard that he was missing. Shao Shude didn't bother to look for him anymore. He had something in his mind and always thought that he had to deal with him. In fact, he thought too much.

"Zhu Qing!" Shao Shude looked at Zhu Jin with a complicated expression.

"Your Majesty." Zhu Jin stepped forward with some embarrassment and bowed.

Although the world is big, there is nowhere to escape, so there is nothing we can do.

Shao Shude suddenly thought of the Qi family and felt slightly regretful.

This woman was still working as a palace official and was favored by him several times, but she almost forgot about her later.

He once analyzed why he liked wives so much.

Then one day, he found out that he liked to watch the secrets of these noble women leak out to him after he had visited Princess Zhang Hui of Liang, Queen He of the former Tang Dynasty, Queen Gao of Bohai, and Khitan Ke Dun Yue Li Duo.

They wanted to write their former identities on the heads of these women. Only then did they realize that this was a perverted desire derived from conquest.

But when he visited the Qi family, it was just to vent his anger, which was a bit unworthy.

"Zhu Qing is in his prime, is he willing to serve me and fight on the battlefield?" Shao Shude asked.

There were so many people, but he only looked at Zhu Jin, and the others didn't bother to pay attention at all.

Zhu Jin sighed, and others looked at him sideways.

"Some of my thoughts have been lost." Zhu Jin said: "The secret service treats me as a distinguished guest, but it is only a courtesy. When a war needs to be fought, I am temporarily allowed to lead troops, and I am also sent to monitor and restrain my efforts."

Having said this, he turned his head and glanced at Xu Wen.

Xu Wen smiled back. During Yang Xingmi's time, he did often act as Zhu Jin's assistant and monitor him by the way.

"Now that the world has been unified, I have no other thoughts." Zhu Jin said, "I am willing to serve in the army for Your Majesty."

"Okay!" Shao Shude said happily: "Zhu Qing can go to the national army to seek a position as a cavalry general, so that I can go north to sweep the Tatars."

"I obey the decree." Zhu Jin responded loudly.

The Fengguo army numbered ten thousand, and the military envoy Xia Luqi had recently appointed Li Cunxu as deputy envoy. Zhu Jin could serve as the capital's envoy, which would give full play to his expertise.

The training time for this unit is not short. Next, it can be sent out to practice. First, it will operate on the Tatars in the Qibei Grassland.

This chapter has been completed!
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