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Chapter 22 The old place

Liu Xiu Niang climbed up to the attic and looked into the distance quietly.

There are no roads on the grassland, but there are roads everywhere.

When the embroiderer was fine, she was thinking that these roads might lead to Luoyang if they went south.

There may be obstacles along the way such as quicksand, dense forests, hills, rivers, etc., but as long as you have perseverance and perseverance, you will surely reach the divine capital: the place where the saints live.

What does the saint look like now? The embroiderer is a little unsure, after all, she has not seen him for many years. But she still remembers that day more than thirty years ago, the saint came to see her with five buckets of noodles and many silks.

The afternoon sun shone on the saint's uniform. He was the most heroic man she had ever seen in her life.

Alas! The long sigh is like ripples, floating in the south wind in summer.

"If a man wants to be strong, he doesn't need many companions. Kites fly across the sky, and birds fly in both directions..." A group of strong riders appeared on the horizon in the south, mixed with faint singing.

The song was high-pitched and neat. After singing it once, the knights laughed and rode faster.

Northern men don't like romantic, suave, melodious and melodious music, but they like this kind of straightforward and majestic folk songs.

Even in terms of the relationship between men and women, it is more frank and open. Styles such as "The moon is bright and the stars are about to fall, tell me if you want to come or not" are hard to see in the south.

After singing, the knights waded across the shallow stream and stationed their horses on a meadow.

The embroiderer suddenly stood up from the bed and looked into the distance with wide eyes.

The warrior in bright red uniform looked up at the attic and seemed to be smiling.

The embroiderer immediately turned around, held up the hem of her skirt and went downstairs.

There was a sound of hoofbeats, and knights in silver helmets filled the small village.

Every household was stunned, thinking that the Tatars had invaded again.

While the men were yelling at the soldiers, saying that the soldiers were useless, they took out their bows, spears, and axes. The women and children also picked up hatchets and short spears, ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I rushed out of the house, I heard someone shouting from a distance: "Long live our emperor!"

What? The saint has come? The saint has returned to his hometown? The men and women threw away their equipment and rushed forward one after another. Before anyone could see them, they ran and shouted "Long live our emperor".

For a moment, Shao Shude's eyes became slightly wet.

As people get older, they are easily moved. For the simplicity and enthusiasm of their parents, fellow villagers and neighbors, and for the immortal memory.

The silver-saddled samurai kept the enthusiastic villagers away.

Shao Shude looked at the tall gate tower and the magnificent house, smiled at the embroiderer and said, "I haven't seen you for many years."

"Your Majesty..." Xiu Niang likes to climb high in the attic and look far into the distance, looking towards the south, with endless reverie, but when she really sees the saint, she doesn't know what to say.

"Haha!" Shao Shude smiled, walked forward, and looked at his old friend carefully.

My old friend is getting old, and she has become a grandmother in her forties. Fortunately, in the past twenty years, she has been enjoying a good life, and her life has been pretty good. Her sons have also become minor officials and are well-known in Fengzhou.

A wealthy family.

"It's good to see you again, very good." Shao Shu took the embroiderer's hand.

The embroiderer looked up at him with a sad and sad smile.

The two of them recalled that afternoon at the same time.

At that time, it was too painful.

At that time, it was great.

"The last time we met, it was..." He got stuck at this point, and Shao Shude felt a little embarrassed.

"November of the second year of Tang Qianning's reign, seventeen years ago." Xiu Niang blurted out.

A bunch of purple-clad prime ministers and privy councilors came galloping towards me, which made my butt hurt. When I saw that the saint actually came to see an old and beautiful woman, my balls ached a little.

Moreover, the conversation was so weird that they looked at each other and did not dare to talk nonsense.

Li Tangbin glanced at everyone and smiled in his heart. You lucky people, you know nothing!

This woman's husband escaped from the army and disappeared. The saint pardoned her sin and sent people to search for it, but found nothing. There were rumors in the countryside that the saint liked this little lady, so he sent Li Yanling, Lu Huaizhong, Guan Kairun and others to hang her husband to death with a bowstring and dump his body. valley.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Li Tangbin naturally didn't believe it. This rumor was too outrageous. Why wasn't I among the writers? Do you look down on me?

But he knew that the relationship between Xiu Niang and the saint was not simple. This could be seen from the fact that the saint went straight to Da'an County as his first stop.

Naughty! Li Tangbin found it very boring to like this woman but be too embarrassed to bring her back to the palace.

Zhang Quanyi’s wife Chu’s belly has grown several times!


Shao Shude came galloping, a little tired.

He took a comfortable nap under the shade of a tree.

This sleep was unusually deep and of extremely high quality, as if all the fatigue accumulated over the past few months had been swept away.

The splendid palace and the magnificent dragon bed are not as effective as the bamboo couch in a small farmyard!

Xiu Niang brought the freshly prepared lunch and she and Shao Shude ate together, talking and laughing.

The prime ministers were all numb, hiding under the temporary awning, waving cattail fans, and looking at each other in silence.

The embroiderer's children and grandchildren were also standing in the courtyard, looking nervous and respectful.

"The embroidery lady's skills are really good." Shao Shude said, holding steamed cakes in one hand and vegetables in the other, "I should have invited you to Luoyang to cook for me."

"After your Majesty's conquest of Li Guochang and his son is over, if you go back to your hometown, you can eat it." Xiu Niang said.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, and my talking skills have improved." Shao Shude laughed and ate even more cheerfully.

The embroiderer smiled slightly and said nothing more.

"Seventeen years..." After eating half full, Shao Shude put down his kuaizi and asked, "How are the people of Da'an County doing?"

"It's even better than before. It's all thanks to your majesty." The embroiderer counted on her fingers: "We are close to the Yellow River, but it has always been difficult to get water. The waterwheel built by the saint ordered to be built, and the money was very little, but the water was poured. We have cultivated a lot of fertile land and gained a lot of harvest. Secondly, there are many traders coming from the grassland. Weird people have everything, but they are generous. The villagers sell grain, meat, fruits and vegetables and make a lot of money. Thirdly, Many business travelers came from the south, and many Tibetan people came south from the grasslands. Everyone did business here, and the people also benefited a lot."

Shao Shude hummed, as he expected.

"Many people say bad things about the Hun clan in Kedun City, saying that they are unable to fight. They have repeatedly allowed the Tatars to find opportunities to break into the Yinshan Mountains and plunder the people. Is this possible?" He asked again.

"It has happened, but rarely." Xiu Niang said: "I have seen several times when the soldiers of the government were summoned to defend the enemy. The soldiers of the town were also angry and came over the post road from the south, but it didn't take long to calm down. I heard people say

, there were very few thieves who broke in, and they didn’t dare to stay for a long time, so they robbed randomly and ran away.”

"Yeah." Shao Shude unconditionally believed in Xiu Niang's words. This kind of first-hand information was much more reliable than the memorial. What's more, Xiu Niang would not lie to him.

"That will make me feel relieved." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Feng Guo's army has already gone to Hun's pasture. In the past two years, we have used offense instead of defense, and the effect is better than before. There will be no more thieves in the future.


How many troops are needed for defense? There are countless, the cost is too high, and the effect may not be good.

There is a joke in later generations, "Defense against air and air, defend against nine out of ten." It means that it is completely unclear when people will come, where they will come from, how many missiles or aircraft will come, and the reaction time is very short, making it extremely difficult to defend.

The best way is to use offense instead of defense. Whether it is a political offensive or a military offensive, the most important thing is to destroy the enemy's ability to launch an attack.

The first meal after arriving in Toyosu was finished quickly.

Shao Shude quickly put down the bowl, glanced at Xiu Niang, and suddenly sighed: "In recent years, old friends have passed away more and more, and I miss you a lot. Are you here, do you need my help? This time we say goodbye, maybe..."

The embroiderer also became sad.

At this age, she saw less and less. The saint lived in a place in the south of the grassland that she couldn't figure out. She sat in the attic every day, and her thoughts were always wild. This was also the happiest time of her day.

No one can know what another person is thinking. At this time, she can let go and think wildly, and no one will accuse her of doing this or that.

She was really happy that the saint came here today. She lit a fire to cook and cooked the food herself. Everything happened naturally, as if she had practiced it thousands of times. Perhaps, she really had practiced it thousands of times while daydreaming in the attic.

"No more." Xiu Niang shook her head and said numbly.

"Okay." Shao Shude nodded and said nothing more.

Soon he stood up and said: "I will stay in Fengzhou for a while and meet with the chiefs."

After that, he returned to his old home under the protection of the soldiers.

The order has been sent out, and those who are coming are mainly the three tribes of Yuan Yuquanzhuang, Keduncheng Hun, Dijinze Wei, Kujiesha tribes Dangxiang, Hexi Dangxiang, Tubo, Longjia, and Qiang people.

, Uighurs, and Tatar tribes, there will also be people coming.

I recall that in those days, holding a heaven-sacrifice meeting and forming a blood alliance with the chiefs of various tribes was of great help. Now there is no need to do this. He is already the Supreme Khan, Wuzu, and Zanpu. His status has been determined, and

There is no need to be condescending, you just need to accept the surrender and praise of the chiefs of various tribes.

Before meeting the chief, he still had some time to entertain his fellow villagers.

This was something he had always wanted to do before coming here, but just now, he suddenly realized that there might not be many familiar people left, or even none at all.

In a few years, Fengzhou may really be just a symbol to him.

There is no one in the old house. There are a few state soldiers standing guard at the door all year round. These have been replaced by silver-armed straight warriors.

However, the interior was very clean. The furniture was wiped down frequently, and there was no dust on the bed. There were even some decorations in the house, which were also cleaned very clean.

When a little girl saw him coming in, she walked to the other side with her head lowered, still holding a broom in her hand.

Looking at the vaguely similar faces, he felt a little confused.

"Go to Lao Li's cemetery and have a look." Shao Shude shook his head and ordered.

After Li Yanling passed away, he was buried in Da'an County, which is not far from here. It's time to pay homage to his old brother.

This chapter has been completed!
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