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Chapter 26 Good Times

 "You little thief, you are ridiculous!" Zhu Jin spat as a corpse was picked up by a long and thick horse pole. Even with his ability, he dared to fight me.

Yerudelit glanced at him with some admiration.

This guy has already changed three horses.

The first horse was so tired that it foamed at the mouth after repeated killings, so it was replaced.

The second horse was hit by an arrow and fell to death. After Zhu Jin got up from the ground, holding a walking bow, he walked and shot until the soldiers brought him the third horse.

And this horse also broke its leg in the pursuit just now - there are often many holes that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye on the grassland, which may have been made by rats, which is an important reason for the horse's broken leg.

Changing three horses in a row, with an arrow stuck in his armor and stomach, and shouting for a fierce battle, is Zhu Jin really forty or fifty years old?

"Hey." Zhu Jin found a horse abandoned by the thieves, turned over and rode on it, and said, "If you were to fight on horseback in the Central Plains, you might not be able to get it back just by falling off the horse."

Yeludelit clasped his fists to express his admiration.

He knew that the Central Plains cavalry charged relatively intensively, and there were not so many gaps on the battlefield. They mainly engaged in face-to-face melee combat. If they accidentally fell off their horses, it would be very dangerous.

But the space in the grassland is vast, and the fighting parties are widely spread out and the formation is very scattered. It is not a big problem if the horse falls. As long as the soft riding bow is not close to the face, it may not be able to do anything to Zhu Jin - he

What he is wearing is the imperial treasure armor. This guy really has the Holy Scroll.

"Gather all the people back, don't bother chasing them, come with me." Zhu Jin held the thick horse in one hand and ordered.

"As ordered." Yerudelit immediately asked someone to wave the flag.

The battle is not over yet.

Not far ahead, the dismounted Fengguo army infantry also launched a charge.

The Tatars knew that they could not escape and had no choice but to fight, so they mustered up their courage and all the men who could fight got on board, relying on the car tent, holding rifle bows, spears, and bones, and prepared to fight to the death.

"Kill!" Uluhei roared and charged forward with three hundred soldiers.

Perhaps due to natural selection of living in the mountains and forests for generations, the Jurchens are not very tall, but short and stocky, with long body and thick joints. They have amazing strength. After wearing heavy armor, they wield an iron mace.

, heavy weapons such as heavy swords, Mo Dao, Changke axes, etc., are not strenuous at all, and they run like tigers and tigers, with amazing momentum.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The arrow flew through the air and hit the large shield carried by the first row of soldiers. The strong force almost forced them back.

"Get out of here!" Uluhei pushed aside the shield hand in front of him, not avoiding the arrows, and rushed forward while panting heavily.

He was very lucky and almost didn't get hit within twenty steps. He rushed to a carriage and banged his ax heavily.

The enemy didn't even have time to scream, and his head was smashed.

Uluhei did not stop, and jumped directly onto the carriage. He swung his long Ke ax in a circle to deflect the wooden spears that were thrust towards him. Then he jumped into the enemy group and slashed horizontally and vertically, killing the Tatars.

People and ghosts cried and howled, and fled one after another.

"How did you defeat the Jurchens before?" Zhu Jin suddenly asked.

Delit felt deeply insulted. This was comparing Khitan to Tatar!

Although they are all nomadic tribes and their fighting styles are not much different, who are the Tatars? They were driven westward by our great Khitans.

"General, the Jurchens are just brave. To deal with this kind of person, you can just like hunting a wild boar. First slowly consume its strength, keep bleeding it, and then give it a fatal blow when it is dizzy."

Ritter replied.

"Typical prairie cunning style, has it been done like this since the Huns, right?" Zhu Jin sneered and said: "But I want to tell you, those who dare not charge head-on are all cowards. The Jurchens mounted their horses and charged head-on,

I'll beat you horse archers to pieces."

Delit didn't want to argue with Zhu Jin, so he just said to Han Hu: "There is no superior or inferior method of playing. After all, we still rely on people. If people are not good, any fighting method will be useless."

"That's true." Zhu Jin smiled and said: "If a person is not good, he will still make excuses for himself, saying that his style of play is invincible and cannot be broken. I am invincible! Man!

Are you all here? Rush with me!"

After that, he rushed out immediately.

More than a thousand riders gathered and followed closely behind, shouting and yelling.

Some of these knights are Khitans, some are Bohai people, some are Mohe people, some are Shiwei people, and there are even Tatars and Ugu people. They have been together for less than a year and do not speak the same language. But at this moment, they are divided into teams in a tacit understanding.

Three groups, go around to the enemy's side and shoot with their bows.

They are all elites selected by various ministries. Even on horseback, their accuracy is good. They are also calm and calm. They did not fire randomly. Instead, they looked at the target and then released an arrow to ensure accuracy.

There is even a scene where a powerful general uses a powerful bow on horseback, which is breathtaking.

The Tatars were attacked from the front and back, and soon they could no longer withstand the attack and fell back.

Uluhei was hit by an arrow in the back and cursed in anger. This cliff was hacked by his own people!

In the flash of lightning, he could only guess that it was someone he had made a grudge against while visiting the brothel. But he had no time to think about it carefully at this moment. He picked up a stick of iron bone and rushed forward, chasing the Tatars who were defeated.

Smashed on the back.

The other infantry soldiers rushed forward in a chaotic manner, and some people began to cut off people's heads impatiently.

Black eyes cannot see white money, and every head can be exchanged for a reward. The reward can be used to buy food, use, and even whoring, it is of great use!

Zhu Jin rushed in a circle and then stopped. The enemy had collapsed, so there was no need to attack him personally or lose his rank.

He stationed his horse in the distance and carefully observed the performance of each department.

After all, he was a military envoy, and his vision was very sophisticated.

In his opinion, the Jurchens are not qualified cavalry. Some Jurchens do raise horses and can ride horses, but the ability to combine humans and horses is far inferior to that of grassland herders.

Military envoy Xia Luqi knew their nature, and the horses assigned to them were mostly riding horses and draft horses, rather than war horses. The Jurchens mainly dismounted and fought on foot, using bows, spears, and blunt weapons to attack the enemy's cavalry.


On the contrary, the Khitans are not qualified infantry. When encountering an enemy attack, they will subconsciously keep a safe distance and then shoot you with bows and arrows.

Fan people and Fan people are also different.

Goguryeo and Bohai, which focused on infantry warfare, successively emerged on the northeastern grasslands. When they were strong, they could suppress the cavalry of Xianbei, Turks, and Khitan, but when they were weak, they were suppressed or even enslaved by the other parties.

In fact, what Dielit said is right. There is no difference between horseback archery and dismounted combat. There is no difference between strength and weakness. The two major ethnic groups in the Northeast have been fighting for thousands of years. They are still going on one after another, with one side rising and the other declining.

If Daxia did not attack Liaodong, the Khitan might have risen up and wanted to overthrow the Bohai Kingdom, which had suppressed them.

After the Khitans weaken, who will overthrow their rule? The Jurchens who are good at foot combat?

After the Jurchens weakened, who would overthrow their rule? The Shiwei people who were good at riding and archery?

The truly reasonable approach is actually balanced development.

After the Goguryeo people, who built cities and farmed, devoured large areas of grassland, they also focused on developing cavalry.

Before being defeated by the imperial court, the Khitans were also recruiting captured Bohai people as infantry.

No one is stupid. The current configuration of the Fengguo Army is reasonable, with various types of arms.

Several horses came running from a distance.

Zhu Jin turned around and looked at them. It turned out to be the messenger.

"General Zhu, the military envoy ordered us to gather our troops and retreat to Yuquan." The messenger dismounted his horse and bowed.

"Is there any gains on the military envoy's side?" Zhu Jin asked.

"We destroyed two small tribes and scattered many of them. We only captured more than 5,000 people and 70,000 miscellaneous animals."

"Are the more than five thousand people all old, weak, women and children?"


"Abandoning their wives and children and running away, these people are really -" Zhu Jin closed her mouth mid-sentence and asked: "What other news is there?"

"Many tribes offered cattle, sheep, and horses, and were willing to submit," the messenger replied.

"Then why not go directly to Heichengzi? His Majesty had made a surprise attack there back then, right?" Zhu Jin asked.

"It's late August and it could snow heavily at any time. The military envoy doesn't want to take risks."

"That's alright." Zhu Jin collected his horse and said, "I've robbed a lot this time, and I can explain it when I get back. How did the gang of Yuan Yuquan Zhuang's fight fare?"

"I didn't gain much. I heard that I received the holy order to pacify the Fangdang clan in Mi'e City."

"Fangdang clan?" Zhu Jin was stunned.

"A tribe in Dangxiang, Hexi, disobeyed the sacred order. They killed hundreds of people from the leader down to the head and the rat. There are rumors in the army that the city of Mi'e may be given to a certain prince."

"Ha!" Zhu Jin smiled and said nothing.

Everyone says that parents have far-reaching plans if they love their children. Now it would be better to send one son after another to the grassland.

He knew that Mi'e City was located in the sand moraine in the northwest of Lingzhou. There was an oasis nearby, with a Tucheng and a small amount of farmland, but it was surrounded by a large area of ​​grassland. Moreover, the texture of the grassland was not very good, it was dry and lacked water.

Far inferior to the large grassland south of Yinshan Mountain, the geographical location of Mi'e River is difficult to verify. It is most likely that it is the present-day Jilantai Salt Pond.

The former Tang Dynasty servant Gu Huaien rebelled, so he broke the legs of his general Zhang Shao and threw him into Mi'e City, where he starved to death.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the Tubo people once attacked this area, but they were not interested in occupying it for a long time. It was Hexi Dangxiang in Shaqi (Alxa Pastoral Area) who finally gained the control of this grassland.

Now it seems that the Fangdang clan of Dangxiang in Hexi is finished. The tribe wants to give it to the prince? Zhu Jin suddenly wanted to laugh. Which prince is willing to go there? Will he eat sand?

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

However, looking at the organizational structure of the Seven Saint Prefectures in Liaodong Province, this does not seem to be a joke.


Shao Sheng was really ruthless enough to "send" the prince there. Fortunately, Mi'e City seemed to be not far from Lingzhou and Fengzhou. If the prince went there, it wouldn't be too difficult to buy goods from the Central Plains, and life would be hard.

It's not as bitter as the flowery world of the Central Plains, but it's not like the endless sea of ​​suffering.

"Count the people, goods, cattle and sheep, and take them all back." Zhu Jin recovered his thoughts and ordered: "Report the victory to the military envoy and the saint, which means that next year you can go to Heichengzi. Damn, there is a horse race on the grassland.

What a pleasure!”

"As ordered." The sergeants were beaming with joy. While counting their belongings, they pointed and laughed at the crying prairie women.

If you are weak, you will be beaten! The 30-year-old Tatar was bullied by the Khitans in the past and ran to the west. But when he got to the west, he was still bullied.

No one thinks highly of them. With their virtues, even if the eight Khitan tribes have been wiped out, they will still be bullied by other tribes in the future - in fact, they have been migrating westward for hundreds of years, and there was nothing wrong with the Khitan at that time.

As the sun gradually set, bonfires were lit on the grassland. The Daxia warriors who were cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle laughed happily and discussed enthusiastically how much silk they could receive as rewards when they returned.

Yeludelit looked to the west in the distance, full of imagination about the future.

His father Yeluhadi died of illness last year, and the last of his tribe was annexed by the imperial court. Some people once encouraged him to lead his tribe to escape, but he refused.

Where can he run to? Abaoji doesn’t know where the cold wind is blowing. Will his life be easy?

He was given a house in Luoyang, and he spent money to buy a house in Chang'an, and brought his family and relatives here. In the days to come, he would seize the last opportunity to make more achievements and lay the foundation for the family.

Anyway, during the former Tang Dynasty, there were a lot of people named Ashina who were serving as officials and generals in the Central Plains. Couldn't those named Yelu be the same?

The same person with the same ability may be able to make waves when the Central Plains is weak, or even go south to compete. But if the Central Plains is strong and strong and not born in a good era, then you have to accept your fate.

The Western Expedition is the best opportunity. If he misses it, he will have no choice but to go to the south to look for opportunities. Thinking about the hot climate, Delit will feel unbearable and will die in the jungle?

A woman's cry rang out in the camp.

Delit turned his head to look and laughed. He could gallop on horseback, kill enemies, steal their wives and daughters, and gain glorious military exploits. Who said this wasn't a good time?

This chapter has been completed!
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