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Chapter 58: Seven points political and three points military

Midang Hall is shaped like an earthen enclosure. The low earthen wall encloses a large building, which functions as a post station.

To be more precise, it is a large inn. After all, it is called a "pavilion", not an "inn".

There is a large area of ​​farmland around Guanyi, which is cultivated by the postmen. The harvested grain is only used to meet the expenses of the post delivery system. The post staff receive additional wages. The overall system is similar to the post system of the Tang Dynasty before Xuanzong, and is similar to the large-scale contracting after the Anshi Rebellion.

The middle and late Tang Dynasty and Daxia were completely different among local wealthy households.

As an important node on the great post road between the two capitals, Midang Pavilion usually has 30 post guards and more than 70 horses. This time there are hundreds more people, who are temporarily reinforced guards-actually Ding


Their fighting prowess can be imagined. They were condescending to shoot at Xia Bing on the earth fence, but they couldn't win. After nearly twenty people screamed and fell, no one finally dared to show their heads.

Xia Bing carried a simple wooden ladder and climbed up.

The soldiers who climbed up the wall did not avoid the arrows, jumped down, and killed them.

After a while, the door opened with a bang. More than a hundred people fled in a chaotic manner. After receiving Wang Jiao's signal, Yang Zhao led his men forward to gather them, and expanded the troops to a thousand people.

"Take your men to guard here and don't let Shanchan's troops come from the west." Wang Jiao reined in his war horse and ordered: "I also allow you to join the army and collect food and grass. The more the better. Once you receive a batch, you will

Send a batch west."

"Follow your orders." After seeing Xia Bing's bravery, Yang Zhao didn't have any small thoughts now. What he thought about all day long was how to perform meritorious service and receive rewards, and to gain greater benefits for the Yang family and himself. This was the most important goal.

After Wang Jiao finished his instructions, he took one last look at Midang Pavilion, where there was only a slight sound of fighting, and then clapped forward.

He set out from Nongdong City on the fourth day of August, bringing more than 12,000 infantry and cavalry men with him, and fought to Midang Pavilion in two days. As he expected, he did not encounter any strong resistance.

After Wang Jiao left, Yang Zhao respectfully handed over the post station to the five hundred Xia soldiers who stayed behind, and moved out to live there himself.

That evening, a messenger came from Xi'er River.

"What did brother say?" Yang Zhao was eating. When he saw the envoy, he immediately stood up and asked.

"Dong family, Zhao family are interested, Gao family, Duan family's attitude is unclear." The messenger replied.

"This..." Yang Zhao was a little confused upon hearing this.

The most powerful ones are the Gao family and the Duan family. The two families have the largest territory and the largest population in Xi'er River. Why don't they surrender?

"If you don't surrender, you won't surrender!" Yang Zhao suddenly looked cruel and sneered: "At that time, we will gather the king's troops, destroy their tribes, and divide the territory. Let's see if he regrets it."

"Where are the governors and governors of various regions?" he asked again.

"Gao Yuanzhong went to Shanchan Mansion and there is no more news," the messenger said.

"What? Went to Shanchan Mansion?" Yang Zhao asked in shock.

"General, don't you know?" The envoy was also a little surprised and explained: "Zheng Renmin was defeated at Qilongyi and cried bitterly. Gao Yuanzhong invited himself to Tokyo to reorganize his troops and attack the Xia people. Zheng Renmin agreed and ordered his commander-in-chief

He expanded the military and civilian affairs in the area under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Jiedu Envoy, and recruited troops from the Dongcuan tribes in the Tonghai Dudu Mansion, which were called the East Route Army. The Zheng family returned to Dali, summoned the sergeants in Beijing, and soldiers and horses from the Western Erhe River tribes, which were called the West Route Army."

Yang Zhao had been with the army for a long time and was not very well-informed. He really didn't know this. When he first heard about it, he was a little surprised. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly burst into laughter.

The envoy was puzzled, but he did not dare to ask the general why he laughed at this sentence.

"I laugh at Zheng Renmin's lack of wisdom and Duan Yizong's lack of strategy. If Gao Yuanzhong is a loyal minister and good general, the king's division has been crossing the river for more than ten days. Where are the soldiers and horses in Tokyo?" Yang Zhao laughed and said: "Humph, the reason why Gao didn't agree to peace

We worked together, probably because we felt that the conditions were not good enough and wanted to contact Master Wang alone. Tsk tsk, with Tokyo in hand, there is much more room for bargaining."

"The Gao family wants to separate Tokyo? Don't want their hometown in Xi'er River?" The envoy suddenly realized.

"Bah! What a beautiful idea!" Yang Zhao spat and said, "I also want Tokyo, can the Xia people give it to me? If the sage of Great Xia passes down the decree, only the Zheng family, Yang, Zhao, Gao and Duan will be killed.

, Dong and other big clans each have their own rewards, so there is no need to fight. By now, Da Changhe would have been destroyed. But is it possible?"

The messenger frowned and thought hard.

As far as he knew, the Xia Dynasty had enfeoffed nearly a hundred hereditary native officials. The governor of Baolu Prefecture and the inspection envoy of Dijinze were relatively high-ranking. Below the prefecture, there were a large number of tribal envoys, and the total number might be a hundred.

I couldn't help it, so I ran for two hundred. Why can't we give land to the local snakes in Yunnan such as the Gao family, the Duan family, and the Yang family?

"You don't understand!" Yang Zhao seemed to have figured out something, his mood improved, and he smiled and said: "According to my observation, the Xia people want to hold this in their hands in Dali, Xijing, Shanchan, Tokyo, and Nongdong Town.

This is the most essential place since Nanzhao. It is suitable for grazing and farming, and the climate is pleasant. Even if the northerners come, they can adapt. Only places that the northerners cannot adapt to will be sealed off. I, the Yang family, have made great contributions this time and established the two capitals.

Don’t think about it, but Yongchang Town can still be considered. If we get this place, it doesn’t matter if the land of Xi’er River is given to the imperial court, I will go to Yongchang City to enjoy the blessings.”

The messenger was stunned at first, then silent.

Yongchang seems to be no worse than Dali except for being more humid. Are the Xia people willing to give it away? But looking at Yang Zhao's cheerful look, he doesn't want to say more, lest he get into trouble.

"What other news?" Yang Zhao asked again.

"Zhao Shuai from Jianchuan Town sent an envoy to Beijing, saying that there were many casualties in Beiluo and there were no troops available in the town, so he waited for reinforcements. Yongchang Town had already sent troops, but it took ten days to travel more than a hundred miles. There was no news from Yinsheng and Lishui towns.

, I heard that we want to protect the country and the people." The messenger said.

Yang Zhaofu laughed.

This is the country of Great Nagasaki! This is the country of Great Nagasaki!

Why are they so loose? It's fine if nothing happens, but if something happens, they will behave like this, which is ridiculous.

Of course, he also knew that this was because Zheng Maisi went too far. He killed more than 800 Meng family members and lost all people's hearts. In addition, the Zheng family had no tribe, no territory, and a shallow foundation, so it ended up like this.

What would have happened if the Gao family had been replaced and the Duan family had been in power, this would never have happened.

In the final analysis, in the Dachanghe Kingdom, "the king and the horse share the world." If the "horse" is no longer good, the "king" will decisively abandon him.


After Wang Jiao led his army to leave Midang Hall, they continued to advance southwestward.

On the evening of the seventh day of August, I arrived at the Qiuzi Hall (佉龙驿, present-day Pusong Town, Xiangyun County) and encountered a troop coming from Xijing.

As the saying goes, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Since this army composed of strong tribesmen dared to march eastward and set up a stronghold on the road, its morale was good. After a fierce battle between the two sides, the bandit army was defeated. More than 2,000 people were killed, and the rest were scattered.

Prisoners who were tortured learned that Zheng Renmin paid to recruit brave men and got more than 20,000 people. Six thousand of them went eastward to Yunnan Fu (now Yunnan Yi Town, Xiangyun County) to guard the east gate of the capital - Fu was the administrative office of Nanzhao.

The unit can be thought of as a state.

As a result, these 6,000 people were braver and actually dared to go east to search for the enemy, hoping to make an immortal contribution so that they could ask Zheng Renmin for a reward. Now they were defeated in the battle, and when the Xia army used a cart to pull their heads to the gate of Yunnan City, the remaining

More than a thousand people dispersed in a rush.

After entering the city, after a search, there was a lot of property, but there were not many grains. It was said that too much was shipped to Xijing, and the rest seemed to be almost eaten by the bastard army who never had enough to eat.


Wang Jiao was not a good person, so he calmly ordered the wealthy households in the city to send donations, and at the same time sent thousands of troops to the surrounding areas to raise food.

It was a bloody storm for a while, no need to say more.

On August 11, the army wasted no time. Wang Jiao personally led the vanguard and marched westward with 8,000 men on foot.

When encountering thieves in a city, fight them first. If you can't find a way around them, go around and collect food and fodder in the wild.

The Art of War says that when you encounter a big city on the middle road, you must capture it or prepare it before you can continue to advance. The reason is very simple. If you don't capture these cities, others may take advantage of your main force to leave and attack in large numbers, cutting off your retreat.


But that's the general situation.

What if the enemy has lost the ability to fight in the field? Is it necessary to attack the city at this time?

It may be necessary, because most of the troops maintaining the logistics line are second-rate troops and their combat effectiveness is not strong. If the enemy's superior troops fight against the inferior troops, there may be a chance.

But if the ability of the defenders has deteriorated to a certain extent, not even your second-rate troops can fight. Even a dozen of you can chase down the enemy like sheep. Beating the drum can cause the enemy to collapse, and hundreds of people can escort them.

Carrying their belongings and strutting home, tens of thousands of enemy troops only dared to follow and watch from a distance, but did not dare to catch up?

Well, such an army may not exist in the world. It has not appeared since the Qin and Han Dynasties. Facing Huang Chao, the Shence Army dared to at least gesture twice before running away - it is such a waste. They may not be able to rob the people if they are asked to do so.

It's really unbelievable.

Wang Jiao thought about it and decided to despise the Nanman.

If I can't capture the city, I won't waste my life as a warrior. I'll go to the villages outside the city to collect grain and grass, and grab some money and silk back. Can you still sit still?

The defenders still had a sense of shame, and their eyes were splitting from what they saw at the top of the city. Some of them couldn't bear it, so they sent out troops to invite a fight.

Within three days, the Xia army achieved three victories in three battles, killing more than 4,000 bandits, beheading one general, and capturing dozens of generals and chiefs.

At this point, everyone could see that the main force of the Southern Barbarians was indeed finished, and there might only be some economic forces left in Xijing City. Most of the people guarding the outer city were temporarily strong men with strong combat capabilities.

Their resources were really limited, so the Southern Barbarian generals drove them into battle, just to give away their lives and consume little energy.

On August 14, Zhao Chuan and Meng Qin surrendered one after another. The Xia army forced its way to the Xijing city and camped in the south of the city.

Xijing is called Yangjume City, and it belongs to Dali Prefecture along with Yunnan, Zhaochuan, Mengqin and other provinces, so it is also called Dali City.

In the early days of Nanzhao, the capital was Taihe City (today's Xiaguan Town, Dali), which was a mountain city. "He" means hillside in the barbarian language. It served as the capital for about forty years.

During the Yimouxun period, he moved to Yangjumei City, which is more than ten miles away. It is located at the foot of the mountain. It was originally built by Heman (White Man). It was repaired and added by Nanzhao and served as the capital for 123 years. Later, the great

The Changhe Kingdom also took this as its western capital, and Dayi Ning returned to Taihe City. After the Dali Kingdom was established, it moved back to Yangjumei.

After Wang Jiao led his army to the outside of the city, he first sent troops to capture some prisoners. After learning that Zheng Renmin had withdrawn almost all the troops that could fight, he despised him even more.

Isn't this bird-like look a bit like a monarch? In the Qiantang Dynasty, he couldn't even do a good job as a military governor, and was directly ousted by the arrogant and powerful generals.

Nanman is still easy to talk to.

On August 15, Yang Qianzhen, the leader of Xi'er River, the governor of Dongchuan, and the governor of Huichuan, led more than 10,000 troops to the north of the city, and immediately entered the summer camp alone to show his respect.

Wang Jiao went out to the camp to greet him personally and treated him with great courtesy.

He knew that the siege of Xijing was divided into seven parts politics and three parts military affairs, which was quite complicated and beyond his capacity to control. However, he had to give the Yang family enough face to let other wealthy families take a good look at it.

That night, the news reached Li Tangbin's army.

Lao Li was camping in the east of Yunnan Province to collect food and grass. He was silent for a long time after hearing the news.

Dog Day's pursuit is too fast!


This chapter has been completed!
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