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Chapter 70: Conspiracy against the military

 The first month of the fourteenth year of Jianji (914) has nothing to go into details, just like the past ten years or so.

There are wars in some areas and people's lives are difficult.

The war in some areas has just subsided, and the people have taken a breath of relief.

Most areas are in a state of peace, and the people do not have to deal with war disasters. The main target of struggle is the increasingly cold winter - which has given rise to the increasing prosperity of the coal market and the increasing popularity of briquettes.

Envoys from all over the world gathered in Chang'an to express their congratulations and loyalty in this political center.

A hymn of loyalty!

The musicians in Pingkangli have recently rehearsed "Piao Guo Yue" because Wuling boys, generals and merchants in the capital love this music.

For a time, the sound of "Piao Guo Yue, Piao Guo Yue, comes from the southwest corner of the sea; Shunanda, the son of Yongqiang, came to offer Nanyin to Fengzheng Shuo".

"Buddha's Seal", "Zen", "Zansara Flower", "Sheep Fight", "Peacock King" and other popular music have become popular again after more than a hundred years, becoming a hot spot that lasts for several months.

The trophies such as fine chiffon cloth, tussah silk, and tonghua cloth shipped from Yunnan were handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for sale.

The people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been doing business for many years and have learned a lot about it. They distribute the spoils to various big cities, control the shipment volume, and sell them slowly, trying to prevent the price of cotton from collapsing. But - the effect is limited, because of the rumor

It has been leaked out, so it can only be said that the price did not collapse so quickly, and it made a little more money for the court.

The four families of Zhao, Kang, Zhuge, and Tuoba also got some trophies. The price Shao Shude gave them was very low. How much they could sell for them depended on their ability. It could be regarded as a disguised subsidy from the imperial court to them.

News of the establishment of Annan Trading Company spread like wildfire.

Because last year Bohai Trading Co., Ltd. spent 40,000 yuan to distribute dividends. One share is worth 40 yuan, and ten shares are 400 yuan. It is already equivalent to a large official salary, and it can be passed on to future generations. This is the same as the title.

The difference is not very big, except that there is no political privilege.

Driven by thoughtful people, the prospects of Annan Trading Co., Ltd. were described in a dazzling way. Nobles, civil and military officials, imperial army generals and even wealthy businessmen all inquired about the situation in Annan.

After learning that the rebellion in Aizhou and other places had been quelled by Wang Shi, I gained a little more confidence. When it comes to investing, the biggest fear is losing all your money. If Annan rebels every three days, no one will be able to withstand it. Now it seems,

The big chaos should have subsided, but small chaos may still happen. It depends on whether you can accept the risk.

With Bohai Trading Co. making samples in front, there are still many people who are excited.

Speaking of Bohai trading companies, recently many Bohai people, Mohe people, and Jurchens have entered the Central Plains and even Chang'an. This is the benefit brought by strengthening exchanges. Economic exchanges, cultural exchanges, and political exchanges can allow for a large flow of personnel from both sides.

Strengthening the influence and centripetal force of the central court on border areas and eliminating misunderstandings are still very important.

The Mohe people and the Jurchens were very envious of the prosperous Central Plains, but they did not have the ability to settle here. There was a vast world in the south, but the heat was uncomfortable even in the south of the Yangtze River, let alone other places.

Therefore, most people still plan to work hard to get the first pot of gold. But now that the security situation has improved, businessmen no longer need so many guards, and jobs in this area are not easy to find, which makes people feel miserable.

In the end, they still squeezed their heads and went to Shenzhou Academy to recruit new recruits. The coaches of Shenzhou Academy were selective and picked up a large number of recruits with excellent quality, which were continuously sent to the Central Plains and put into various meat grinders of the empire.

Inside, those who are lucky enough to survive will naturally become wealthy, and can go to the Jurchen Realm to spread the word again in the future.

At the end of the first month and the beginning of February, the Khotan, Gaochang Uighur, and Japanese missions arrived in Chang'an one after another, which brought some talkative topics to this slightly dull first month.

In fact, the Kingdom of Khotan sends a group of official missions every two years, and private monk missions come every year. There is not much to say.

Japan, on the other hand, has been under the rule of the new dynasty, so it would be unreasonable not to come here for a long time. Moreover, the trade between the two countries has grown at an alarming rate in recent years. There are many ships departing from Haizhou, Mingzhou, and Dengzhou, and merchants charge more copper coins.

Gold and silver have caused the outflow of Japanese precious metals to accelerate.

However, in the past few years, a piece of news spread like wildfire, mentioning that certain islands off the coast of Japan are rich in silver, with "mountains of gold and silver". It was so convincing that it even mentioned specific islands. Japan didn't believe it at first, but

As the rumors grew stronger, people were sent to check.

In fact, I didn't find anything at first. Just when I was about to give up, I discovered a silver mine.

This silver mine is not big. But the Japanese don't think so. If they can find one silver mine, there will naturally be a second one. So, they continued to explore, and the results were indeed considerable.

In recent years, Japan's silver production has been slowly increasing, and Japan is no longer so anxious about trade with the United States. The purpose of sending envoys this time is mainly to obtain a canonization and further deepen the relationship between the two countries.

The Gaochang Uighurs also came to seek canonization.

But the timing is so sensitive, I'm afraid they are destined to be disappointed. Even if the envoy keeps apologizing, it will basically be of no avail. War is inevitable.

The envoy seemed to have seen this clearly, and after lingering for a few days, he left the capital and returned to the west.


"I have respectfully inherited the throne for four years. I have guarded the importance of the great weapon, and I have been above the people who sign the omen. I have been careful every day, as if I were walking before you. I will guide people with courtesy and courtesy, use political punishments to reason, and then create new things.

The soil is open to the edge, far away is soft and pleasant, and everyone can enjoy the beauty. This is great peace..."

"Every time I think about the land of Anxi, it has been trapped in the territory of soldiers and captives. It has been lost for more than a hundred years and can never be recovered. In Qianning, the general was angry before the snow and tried to think wisely. He could only eliminate Quan Zhong, but he did not achieve success..."

"The Gaochang Uighurs have been doing evil for many years. They have abandoned the natural order and refused to command, and they have lived far away from the land. They have been willing to invade and rebel, especially the peasants and merchants. They have abandoned the relationship with each other, how can the law of heaven tolerate it..."

"I personally carry the yellow ax to sweep away the monsters, the wind drives the sharp brigade, and the lightning sweeps the leader of the canal. The generals and soldiers are marched by the armor and stomach, and the stars and frost are followed by them. Since they have accomplished extraordinary feats, isn't it a special favor? I should follow them to conquer the generals and schools.

, leaving Beijing on February 18th..."

"I am worried that I cannot be in charge of everything and manage the affairs of the people. I consult the ministers and learn from the ancient teachings. I use them to build relatives and virtuous people, and use them as artifacts. The Crown Prince honors the integrity, is generous and benevolent, and is filial and smart. In response to the military and state affairs, he will give orders to the authorities.

Things to do. Internal and external ministers should cooperate with each other to assist my son, so as to bring peace to the common people. Announcements are made to China and foreign countries, and everyone is informed."

Just after the Spring Society Festival, a copy of "The Crown Prince's Activities in Military Affairs" was issued by Zhongshu, approved by his subordinates, and announced to both China and foreign countries. It soon spread far and near.

Everyone knew that the saint was going to conquer the Western Regions himself. But at this time, the prince suddenly became the focus.

No one will question his bravery and military strategy. Now we have to see how the country is governed.

Well, you may not be able to see it now, because the prime ministers of Zhongshu have taken care of the state affairs in an orderly manner - in fact, even for today, the state affairs that pass through his hands are only a small number, and most of them are completed by the prime ministers.


Will the prince respect the authority of his senior ministers when supervising the country? This is an interesting point.

Will the prince supervising the country change some of the saint's policies? This is also an interesting point.

Will the prince supervising the country break some of the governance concepts that the saint has insisted on for more than ten years? This is still a point of view.

Of course, as long as the prince is not stupid, he will not change his ways in a big way now. What he has to do is to follow the rules, continue the saint's philosophy, and maintain it.

The saint asked the prince to supervise the country not because he valued the prince's ability to govern the country, but to use his military ability. The prince must have known this very well.

Another point is that this time it is a real signal.

There are always princes, but there are not always princes who supervise the country. The prince who can supervise the country, whether he is the crown prince, the crown prince or the crown prince, is the true heir. Even if it is not 100%, it is almost inseparable.


This edict was to be sent to all states across the country, which can be said to have greatly stabilized the prince's status.

On the fifth day of February, after the Spring Festival holiday, the queen, the prince and all the civil and military officials will leave Chang'an and return to Luoyang.

Before leaving, Shao Shude called the prince to him.

"If there is chaos in the country, how do you seek peace?" Shao Shude asked, sitting behind the eucalyptus table.

The queen brought tea.

Shao Shu took her hand and asked her to sit next to him.

The power of the Zhe family has been greatly reduced. The territory was taken away by the imperial court one by one, the army was dismantled, and many Zhe family officials in Huaixi, Eyue and other places were also cleaned up - this work took more than ten years.

It started twenty years ago. When Zhe Silun was appointed as the governor of Huaixi, Shenzhou and Shouzhou were planted by Shao Shude. This was the instinct to guard against his subordinates.

Today's Zhe family is just relatively influential among the nobles.

This level is also more suitable for Shao Shude's positioning of the Zhe family.

"Master, I will order the neighboring states to guard their borders and strictly prevent thieves and rats from escaping. Then we will mobilize the imperial army's horse and infantry sergeants to quickly eliminate them." Shao Chengjie said.

"The four words 'quick annihilation' are well used." Shao Shude smiled with satisfaction and said: "To deal with the thieves who cause trouble, we must have the attitude of a lion fighting a rabbit, try our best to kill with one blow. But how to use troops,

It’s still very particular. What would you do?”

"You will be the commander-in-chief of the army, and at the same time, you will have a general to lead the elite as the vanguard, and attack in separate ways, in order to capture the main force of the thieves and defeat the enemy in one battle." Shao Chengjie said.

"In counterinsurgency, don't be afraid of this or that. Even if you use 100,000 imperial troops to fight 10,000 thieves, there is no shame in it. Stabilizing the situation quickly is the most important thing." Shao Shude said: "If it is really impossible, we must appoint a general to go out.

The Duke of Wei, Lu Huaizhong, can be entrusted with important responsibilities. Cai Songyang, the commander of the Tiande Army, who managed the military pass and Kairun, and Fan He, who controlled the crane army, can also be trusted. Of course, the army should not be handed over to others unless it is absolutely necessary."

"You will be taught," Shao Chengjie responded.

"Can the Queen have anything to add?" Shao Shude asked.

"I am a woman. It is not easy to talk about the use of troops. Besides, my husband has already made it clear." Zhe Fang Ai said, "The most important thing is to comfort her and prevent her from causing chaos."

"Do you think you have a magic trick?" Shao Shude grabbed the queen's waist and said with a smile.

The queen's body was a little stiff.

Shao Chengjie quickly lowered his head.

"If Madam has any good suggestions, just tell her." Shao Shude said, "That is our beloved son. He will inherit the family business in the future. Let him learn from it."

The queen's waist softened and she said: "I heard that I conquered the Southern Barbarians and gained a lot. I didn't waste money and food, and the treasury is still full. Today, the only people in Huainan and Yunnan who have not recovered their hearts are Huainan and Yunnan. The prince oversees the country.

, on the grounds that the palace city of Nanjing can be built, and it will cost a lot, Huainan is allowed to be granted another one or two years. The newly acquired Yunnan should have been granted another three years. This edict has not yet been issued, so it is better to wait for the eunuch.

It will happen again after the country is over. In this way, the people will be happy and their opposition will disappear."

"Have you learned?" Shao Shude asked.

"I learned it," Shao Chengjie responded.

In fact, someone in the East Palace also made similar suggestions to him. However, the matter of freeing money and food was not suitable for the Prince of the Supervisory State, as it was too sensitive. Now that his father has agreed, there is no problem.

"I leave this home to you, don't let me down." After Shao Shude finished speaking, he looked at the queen and said, "I came from the West Tour and haven't slept with my wife yet. Come and accompany me tonight."

"Okay." Zhe Fangmai sighed and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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