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Chapter 74: National People's Congress (monthly ticket plus 3 updates)

 On both sides of the Kunming River, a new round of spring sowing has begun again.

Due to the scarcity of various materials, this year we will only sow seeds on the same scale as last year and will not blindly expand the scale.

The farmers were recruited from the three prefectures of Ling, Sheng, and Feng, a total of 3,000 people. They arrived in May last year, and with the help of some prisoners, they leveled the land and planted rye and oats.

To be honest, last year's land reclamation was a little rushed and the time was tight, which caused everything to go wrong. In the eyes of these native villagers who are used to farming, the harvest of six or seven dou per mu simply set a new record for their career.


But there was no way. I had too much appetite, so I cultivated more than a hundred hectares of fields. There were a lot of grass roots and grass seeds left in the land, and no deep plowing was carried out. It felt a bit like the Tibetan people who farmed the land, relied on the sky for food, and harvested whatever happened.

It means that no one has planted in this land for thousands of years, and there are more nutrients in the land, otherwise you wouldn't be able to harvest even six buckets.

This year is considered the second year for this field. The harvest per acre should be better than last year, but it will probably not reach one bushel. Eight or nine bushels will be enough to burn high incense.

The envoy of the Hengye Army sealed it, and the deputy envoy of the Luoyan Army, Xiao Di and Lu, rode their horses around the field and looked at the flat farmland, feeling quite satisfied.

"I heard that the Huns, Turks, and Uighurs all once had their fields on the grasslands. Where is this place?" Feng Zangzhi asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Dilu said: "The Uighurs have been dispersed for a long time, and there are few people who can write, so it is difficult to ask clearly. However, since this is the royal court, there must be a large number of people who are not engaged in production, so it should be

There are small-scale farming operations."

"Without rye, farming on the grassland is too risky." Feng Zangzhi said, "What Heichengzi will do in the future depends entirely on the wishes of the saint."

"Heichengzi feels a bit isolated and helpless. If something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to react in time." Xiao Dilu said.

He is a Khitan and knows the situation on the grassland very well.

What do the lower-class herdsmen know? Thousands of years of customs and traditions have told them that whatever the leader says is what they say, and they just follow the leader. If an ambitious man comes out and surrounds the black city, it will be difficult to persist for a long time.

As for whether there are careerists here...needless to say?

At that time, the Turkic aristocrats took advantage of the Tang court's excessive oppression, and everyone complained about it. They encouraged various tribes to rebel against the Tang Dynasty and establish post-Turkism. This is a living example.

Careers are just dormant temporarily due to the situation. They have been waiting for the opportunity! If you can't wait for it yourself, then let your son or grandson continue to wait. There will always be an opportunity, right?

In fact, after the spring of this year, some unknown people came to spy on me.

Xiao Dilu was very nervous for a while. The walls of Geinhei City were short and broken, and there were only one thousand Hengye Army and one thousand Luoyan Army in the city. If there really was to be a large-scale rebellion, people would not be able to see this.

Fortunately, the intimidation from last year's big victory was still there, and nothing happened in the end, and I have survived until now safely.

"Report, the people from Prince Yeli's family are here." A horseman galloped from a distance. When he got close, he turned over and dismounted and bowed.

"Get up." Xiao Dilu looked at his nephew Shao Zanhua and asked in a kind tone: "How many people are here?"

"More than ten people." Shao Zanhua replied.

He is sixteen years old this year. His nickname is Tuyu. He used to be named Yelvbei. He is the son of Abaoji and Yue Liduo. His current name is Shao Zanhua. He has already "recognized the thief as his father" and became a Xia Army junior high school. He is stationed in Heicheng Zikuai with his uncle.

one Year.

He has no ideas now.

His new father was very kind to him and rewarded him with a lot of property. He also had a spacious house in Luoyang. Even though he joined the army in order to gain fame and wealth, he was placed under the command of his uncle Xiao Dilu, who took great care of him.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of people coming, eating and drinking together, so it's not easy to handle." Xiao Dilu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the weather this year is not bad, and it is only early April, more than half of the pasture has turned green. However, the number of grain, grass, cattle and sheep stored in Heichengzi is still very limited. There are so many party members from Hexi that it is really difficult to handle.

"Lead all the people to the foot of Wudedan Mountain and let them set up their own tents." Feng Zangzhi said from the side: "Let the leader of Prince Yeli's family come to see me."

"Yes." Shao Zanhua got on his horse and sent the order.


On the seventh day of April, news came from the south that the Holy Spirit had arrived at Yuequan.

Ten miles north of this place, you will enter Qikou. In another month at most, the saint will arrive at Heichengzi.

At this time, more than ten troops from Hexi Dangxiang came one after another, ranging from a dozen to dozens of people each, and they were all arranged at the eastern foot of Wudeshan Mountain.

On April 15th, the new Prime Minister of Taichang Temple, Li Shouxin, and the Prime Minister of Guanglu Temple, Yang Zhao, arrived in Heichengzi to arrange various reception matters. Also coming with them were Zhang Suqing, a calligrapher and painter, and Yang Ningshi, a Hanlin scholar.

Together, the alliance ceremony has entered the substantive preparation stage.

On April 20th, almost all the party members from Hexi had arrived.

A few days later, even the chiefs from Liaodong came. They crossed almost the entire grassland and were exhausted. In history, it took Abaoji several months to fight from Liaodong to Fengzhou, but a few people

Naturally, the journey won't take that long.

On April 26, thousands of chiefs and their entourage gathered in Heichengzi, with various costumes and accents, which made it dazzling.

Feng Zangzhi, Xiao Dilu, Li Shouxin and others were also very busy. Together with Uruk, the most famous shaman on the Qibei Grassland, they discussed the alliance procedures.

"The last empire on the grassland was the Uyghur, and its rituals were adopted by all ministries, so the alliance ceremony should be based on this," Li Shouxin said.

After speaking, he glanced at Uruk, the shaman with the same name as the wizard in Uighur mythology and legend.

Uruk smiled back and said: "Very good. In fact, this has been done on the Qibei grassland since the Huns. According to the Han people, it is the ancestral law."

"Then please ask the great shaman to explain it briefly." Li Shouxin said.

"Okay." Uruk said: "If we use a term that Han people can understand, it is to convene a 'Chinese people's meeting'..."

Uruk explained it in detail.

"Guoren" means "noble people". Because of the particularity of the nomadic economy and the traditional concept of family property, the enfeoffment system has been implemented on the grasslands since the Xiongnu.

The Khan needs to meet the needs of every local force and tribal group under his rule in exchange for the loyalty and following of the leaders of these local forces to the Khan. This is true for the Xiongnu Chanyu, Turkic Khan, and Uighur Khan, without exception.

On major national affairs, Khan also needs to discuss with these nobles who represent local forces.

Taking the Xiongnu as an example, the nobles gathered in the royal court three times a year to hold "court meetings" to discuss state affairs. These three meetings were fixed meetings. If there was an emergency, the Shanyu would send someone to notify and hold additional meetings temporarily.

Participants included shamans, relatives of the Khan/Khan, and local nobles.

The power of the nobles/countrymen meeting is very great, because the vast majority of the population of the steppe empire is controlled by the nobles, and the Khan is just the largest noble.

In the pre-Tang Dynasty, there was a story about Guo Ziyi riding back to the Uighurs alone. At that time, there were five Yue (prime ministers) in the Uyghur army. Guo Ziyi relied on his old connections and personal charm to convince them, and the Yue people cherished Pugu.

En's words aroused doubts. Therefore, even though the military commander insisted on attacking, the five countries held a national meeting in Vietnam and made the decision to withdraw their troops.

The decision made by the National People's Congress is above all else and is higher than the orders of the Shanyu/Khan.

In fact, this is the tribal democratic deliberation system. The tradition has a long history. Even until the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was a similar deliberation system in the Later Jin Dynasty, and we can get a glimpse of its appearance.

An important issue in the National Assembly was the election of Khan.

Unlike the Khitan system where the term of office was three years and anyone could run for election, the Uighur khan was appointed for life and was in principle succeeded by the eldest son.

During the Uighur period, they used a system called "generational selection", that is, the successor of the Khan was given priority among the descendants of the "Yaoluoge" family. When the previous Khan passed away and the new Khan had not yet succeeded, the successor was usually

The people in Yueyue temporarily supervise the country, handle various affairs, and then convene a meeting of the people.

At this time, there is actually room for maneuver. If Yu Yue is very capable and has high prestige, he may replace the descendants of Yaoluoge and become the new Khan. But even if the bloodline of the Khan changes, the new Khan will still be the new Khan.

Yao Luo Ge is the surname. Looking at the history of Uighurs, such examples are not uncommon - there are only a few people who directly usurped the throne like Gaochang Uighur servant Gujun without changing their surnames.

"What happened when the powerful Pei Luo established the Uighur Khanate and became Khan?" Li Shouxin asked again.

"The Han people have a theory of 'legal system', and the grasslands also have it." Ulugu smiled slightly and said: "In the last years of the Later Turkic Khanate, the world was in chaos. Pei Luoxian, a strong man, joined the army with Ashina Shih, made many military exploits, and won the 'Yehu'

Later, he defeated Panque Teqin, Usumish Khan, Pugu, Tongluo and other tribes. He also joined forces with Ge Luolu and defeated the old master Ashina Shi. Then he fell out with Ge Luolu and competed in Mobei.

, and drove him far away to the Western Regions. After doing these things, Pei Luo, the strong bones, calmly killed the last Turkic Khan (White Eyebrow Khan), ending the Ashina family's rule over the grassland."

The father of Guli Peiluo was the leader of the Uighur tribe. He once held the post of governor of Hanhai in the Tang Dynasty. Later, he was falsely accused of treason and was exiled to Lingnan by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

The powerful Peiro then defected to the Turks. In the last days of the post-Turkic Khanate, he showed his extraordinary military talent and super strong ability to control vertical and horizontal directions. In the end, he killed the last Turkic Khan in one fell swoop, ending the rule of the Ashina family and ushering in the grassland.

The Yaoluoge era.

"After Gu Li Pei Luo killed the White-browed Khan, everyone said that he was canonized by the Tang Dynasty, so he became the Great Khan. This is just one of the reasons." Uruk said: "The real reason is that a meeting of the people was held, and everyone recommended Gu Li.

Peluo became the Khan and established the Uighur Khanate. Without this meeting, Peluo would not be the real Great Khan, regardless of whether he was canonized by the Tang Dynasty or not."

In the past, Li Shouxin had only read the history books of the Han Dynasty. Now he heard the narrative from another angle for the first time and found it quite interesting. After listening to it, it became clear that the canonization of the Tang Dynasty only consolidated the status of the powerful Pei Luo, but it still lacked "legitimacy".

", "legitimacy", this requires convening a national meeting.

"Now that the Uighurs are dead, the grasslands are ownerless, all the tribes have gathered together." Li Shouxin said: "Can the leaders who came to participate in the meeting be considered Chinese?"

"Yes." Uruk said.

"Then are you qualified to convene the National People's Congress?"


"That's good." Li Shouxin smiled and said: "After the National People's Congress was held, the new Khan elected was the only God of the grassland?"


"After the new Khan came to the throne, the Pugu clan of Gaochang and the Luoge clan of Chongxi Yao stole the throne of the Khan. They should be conquered. Is there any problem?"


"So, get ready quickly." Li Shouxin said.

At the same time, he prepared to report the situation to the saint.

The saint's previous title, "Supreme Khan", was strictly a self-proclaimed title and had not gone through any procedures. It was just that he was powerful and had become a fait accompli, so no one dared to object.

Now all the tribes in Qibei are here. After being elected by the National People's Congress, he will be the undisputed Great Khan, just like the powerful Peluo in his time, which is equivalent to the founding of the country.

After the founding of the country, the saint became the emperor of the newly established khanate on the grassland, without any flaws in its orthodoxy.

Some things seem to be unnecessary. But you'd better really be "unnecessary" because many people believe that this is "unnecessary".

This chapter has been completed!
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