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Chapter 75 Go!

On the seventh day of May, the Qibei grassland is covered with green grass and brilliant wildflowers.

Frogs were croaking in the grass.

Birds sat on the branches and chirped non-stop.

The cattle and sheep roamed slowly on the grass, munching on the fresh and juicy grass - they had really eaten enough of the shriveled grass saved last autumn!

The shepherd found a leeward spot on the hillside and lay down comfortably.

Rays of golden sunlight shine through the gaps between the branches and leaves, making the dust in the air sparkle with gold.

What a beautiful day!

Suddenly an eagle chirped in the sky, and the birds that had been lively and cheerful a moment ago immediately panicked and fled in all directions.

The shepherd squinted his eyes and looked towards the sky.

What a big "bird"!

It doesn't look like the golden foliage favored by the prairie nobles, but it should be a kind of wild bird, but I don't know where it came from.

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly.

The shepherd sat up subconsciously.

The tremors grew louder and louder. Gradually, towering smoke appeared on the southern horizon. Under the smoke, a silver torrent poured in with an unstoppable force.

The shepherd stood up.

The torrent changed again. It extended to the left and right sides, like two arms.

The arms began to speed up, roaring deep into the two wings, outflanking them.

In the black city at the foot of the mountain, there was a burst of people shouting and neighing. Some people tried to get on their horses, but were quickly stopped. Most of the people gathered outside the city and lined up in a noisy manner in a welcoming gesture.

"So the new Khan is coming." The shepherd sat back again.

As long as the sheep not far away were not disturbed, he didn't bother to care about other messy things.

When I was young, I followed this Ye Hu and that Yu Yue, fighting here and there, but I didn't get any fame. When I get old, I am still herding cattle for others and living a hard life, so why bother with those irrelevant things?

The silver torrent quickly rushed to the vicinity of Aokunshui. They slowed down slowly, and their movements were extremely neat.

"Crash!" At the shallows, countless knights waded through the water, splashing countless waves.

Behind them, more knights emerged from the smoke, and there were endless herds of horses, almost filling the world.

So many cavalry!

The shepherd squinted his eyes and made calculations based on his experience in conquering the north and south when he was young, but soon gave up. Because on both sides of the Kunshui River, and even further west of the Udtun Mountain, there were urgent or slow fires everywhere. The sound of horse hooves.

Since the fall of the Uighur Khanate, probably no great Khan has been able to provide so many cavalry, right?

No, the heads may still be pulled out, but they are all miserable people like him. There is no divine horse, no strong armor, no fully sheathed weapons, and no murderous momentum.

It is said by old people in the grassland that during the reign of Tian Khan, there were 160,000 such cavalry in the Tang Dynasty.

Has another Heavenly Khan arisen in the Central Plains now? The shepherd looked down the mountain and knew something about it.

"The shepherds are the ones suffering from fighting and killing..." The shepherd sighed and murmured to himself: "The rise of every so-called grassland hero brings only turmoil and endless killing. The grassland - no need

So many heroes!”

The wind blew gently, whimpering softly, as if she was also agreeing with his words.


When Huang Umbrella crossed the Aokun River, cheers suddenly rose into the sky.

"His Majesty!"



The chiefs of all the tribes bowed to the ground respectfully and were sincerely convinced.

There were many reasons why they were so convinced. The most direct factor was the large groups of cavalry that had arrived in the past few days.

Armored lancers, light lancers, light archers, bow and lance cavalry, armored cavalry, mounted infantry...

Team after team, battalion after battalion, were distributed on both sides of the Kunming River, east and west of Wudetan Mountain, all over the wilderness, boundless, and almost surrounded the entire Black City.

The carriage stopped in the wilderness east of Heichengzi. Shao Shude, who was wearing a dragon robe, got out of the carriage and looked around.

"See the Great Khan!" the chiefs paid their respects again.

"Everyone, get up." Shao Shude waved his hand with satisfaction.

He already knew about the convening of the National People's Congress and agreed to it. Now that the meeting has not even started, everyone is sweating. It seems that there should be no problem in this meeting. Otherwise, with so many chiefs present, every one of them is counted.

, can’t even leave.

Of course, it's just a joke, why does this happen!

"Your Majesty, the ceremony is all ready and can begin." Li Shouxin stepped forward to report.

The meeting was held today. This was Shao Shude's request. He didn't want to wait a day.

Therefore, since last night, the shamans have prepared altars and sacrifices. With the "communication efficiency" of this era, God should already know.

"Go to the venue." Shao Shude nodded and took the lead. The guards, palace people, Huangmen, concubines, and officials followed closely behind.

It is tradition to offer sacrifices before a meeting.

The ceremony is similar to that of party events in Tubo: the shamans first pray to heaven, then offer sacrifices, and then the leaders of all tribes make an oath together. Because it involves the election of a new khan, the oath is integrated with the following procedures - a meeting on the grassland to elect a new khan,

It’s not that everyone sits together and votes. In fact, the candidates have been decided before the meeting. Now everyone just needs to express their agreement or disagreement.

After the lengthy sacrificial ceremony, Li Shouxin and others trotted over and whispered: "Your Majesty, it's time to say a few words."

Shao Shude was sitting there talking with officials from the Ministry of Industry about the construction of the new city. Hearing this, he turned around and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Everything is ready." Li Shouxin replied.

What the saint says now must be engraved on a stone tablet. Therefore, those who record, copy, rub, and engrave must be prepared in advance.

"Your Majesty, I will polish it." Yang Ningshi said from the side: "The Uighur and Turkic versions will be translated on the spot by people from the Lifan Academy."

The words spoken by the saints were not only written in Chinese, but also in Uighur and Turkic languages, which also had to be engraved on stone tablets.

"I speak directly in Uighur language." Shao Shude said.

Yang Ningshi was a little shocked. He heard that His Majesty was proficient in the Dangxiang language and could speak most Tubo languages. He once tried to learn the Uighur language, but gave up because of the complexity of things and lack of energy.

"I just don't understand Uighur writing, so the conversation is generally fine." Shao Shude glanced at Yue Liduo, laughed, and walked into the venue.

Yue Liduo is proficient in Uighur writing and language. She actually gave him a draft of his speech, but he was a little careful. For example, he wrote "Khan and Ketun will accept the ban together" in the first paragraph.

So the question is, if there is a Khan, who is Ketun?

If you play tricks, you will be punished, and it will be a very painful punishment: Yue Liduo will give birth to another life in her belly, let this woman bear the child until she dies!

After Shao Shude walked into the venue, the venue immediately became quiet, and everyone was attentive.

"I - a born, wise, wise, and mighty king, will soon receive the title of Khan under the holy peak." He spoke in the common language of the grassland, which surprised many people, and the aura of responsibility in his words was even more impressive.


"I will build my own city here. I order my eternal edict to be recorded, engraved on a heavy stone tablet, and announced to all directions..."

"With the protection of heaven above and the nourishment of the earth below, I will build my country here..."

"The people of the east where the sun rises in front, and the people of the west where the moon sets behind, cheer and praise my rule."

"Between the eight rivers (Orkhon River, Selenge River, Tula River, etc.) are my cattle, sheep and land. The people from all directions gave me strength, and I conquered the Khitans who went astray and captured the exhausted

of the Tatars...my enemy has lost forever his people and the woman he loved..."

"While saying these words, you - followers of the supreme Khan who are born wise, thirty surnamed Tatars, seventeen tribes of party members, nobles inside and outside the Yinshan Mountains, my in-laws, seven tribes of Wei from the Great Xianbei Mountains

The chiefs, the seven generals of my son's lands, the distant chiefs of the Jurchens of Blackwater—all will receive my appointment."

"You are natural officials under the rule of the natural Khan, and you have established immortal merits. From the sea in the east to the western end of the Altai Mountains in the west, you will defend everything..."

"Back then, the Yinshan Tatar Absi offended my majesty, so I summoned my army and said, 'Go!'"

"We defeated them openly and seized their land, cattle and sheep. Absi's beloved woman cried under me day and night."

"Back then, when the people under the Khitan Khans were weakening and fleeing, I summoned my army and said, 'Catch them!'"

"My cavalry easily defeated the Khitan Khan and captured his exhausted people. His khadun became my trophy and gave birth to my children."

"Back then, the Gaochang Uighurs stole my steeds. I sent people to question me, but they offended me, insulted me, and refused to acknowledge my majesty. As the saying goes, 'The blessed can govern the people, but the strength of the unlucky is like running water.' Now I say, '

Go ahead!' Conquer their people and feast on their women..."

Having said this, Shao Shude raised his right hand, chopped it down hard, and said: "Go!"

"Catch them!" the chiefs heard nearby shouted in agreement.

"Go!" Shao Shude raised his right hand again.

"Catch them!" This time even the chiefs in the distance shouted.

"Go for it!"

"Catch them!" sparse voices also sounded from the south bank of the Kunshui River.

"Go for it!"

"Catch them!" The cheers were deafening, and even the birds and beasts on the mountain ran away.

"Now -" the cheers came to an end, the great shaman Uruk stepped forward and said loudly: "We declare that Shao Shude is the eternal God between the eight rivers stretching from the sea in the east to the Altai Mountains in the west. He was born.

The wise and noble supreme khan."

The cheers rang out again, soaring into the sky.

Shao Shude quietly accepted the worship of everyone.

At this point, he solemnly accepted the identity of the Khan of the Grassland, becoming the second "Khan of the Sky" since Li Shimin.

Perhaps, he went further than Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, because he personally went to the grassland to conduct the alliance, which was more justified.

There is an enemy below.

"Go and catch them!" He turned his head to look to the west and laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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