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Chapter 86 Main Hall

 On the night of August 19th and the entire day of August 20th in the 14th year of Jianji, Gaochang City was in chaos.

The reason for the chaos was that the city gates suddenly opened, some people rebelled and joined the Xia people, and there was no news of Piga Khan. In addition, the various departments were confused. Some people wanted to fight, some wanted to escape, and some wanted to surrender...

A scene that had happened in Dali happened again: more than 3,000 people opened the west gate and fled. As a result, the Xia army, who was waiting in full formation, fired their bows and crossbows, killing the enemy one after another. After the arrows missed, Yuan Xingqin

The cavalry of the Wuwei Army rushed forward to kill, cutting and scattering the enemies in the chaos. Xia Luqi led three thousand soldiers with silver saddles, Wangjuzi barbarians, and Jurchen soldiers to finish off, turning the outside of the west gate into a bloody hell.

More than a thousand people ran out from the east gate. They were first attacked by armored cavalry, causing chaos. He Gui led the German cavalry to follow and killed all the thieves.

During the day on the 20th, we basically wiped out the remaining enemies throughout the city and killed more than a thousand enemy soldiers who were unwilling to surrender.

By the evening of that day, the situation had basically stabilized, and the whole city was in peace and happy to welcome Master Wang.

On the 21st and 22nd, the entire city was searched to further clear out the remnants of the enemy hiding among the people, collect corpses and blood stains, and clean the palace.

In the past few days, Shao Shude has been discussing future governance with officials outside the city.

In the Western Region, winning is not a problem, the difficulty lies in how to rule steadily for a long time.

You can't just come over like a tornado, sweep away all kinds of monsters and monsters, and then leave. Within a few years, rebels sprung up again, messing up the local situation and even causing the territory that had been occupied to be lost again.

Shao Shude had the idea of ​​imitating Huhu. At this time, news came that the Khotan army heard that the King of Daxia had captured Yinzhou and marched into Xizhou. The main force turned to attack Qiuci, which they had just captured.

By this time, his thoughts became clearer.

Travelers all know that the Western Region will be greened on a large scale in the next few centuries.

But this process is iterative.

The big BOSS in the Western Region's fight against the Green Sect has the Gaochang Uyghurs as the main backer and Khotan as the vanguard.

Historically, in 960, because Musa occupied Suiye, 200,000 Turks in Rehai collectively converted to the Green religion.

In 962, the Karakhanid dynasty conquered Khotan and began the Holy War.

Their size was several times that of Khotan, but due to fighting on two fronts, they suffered repeated defeats. Even the old capital Shule was captured by Khotan.

"The Biography of Bugla Khan" records: "The pagans coerced Kashgar green believers to convert to the original religion, forced them to eat dog meat, donkey meat, pork, and violated religious laws. They became accustomed to doing unjust things, and people became pagans again.


After Bugla Khan transferred troops from Central Asia back to southern Xinjiang, he besieged Kashgar for five months. The Khotan defenders were hungry and cold, and were forced to leave the city to fight. They were led by Quktirexiti. The two sides fought three battles.

"The battle was fierce and cruel, with heavy casualties on both sides... In the third battle, the pagans were defeated and fled..."

The entire city of Kashgar, young and old, once again converted to the Green religion.

In this siege, the Karakhanids defeated the Khotan army, regained the old capital, and defeated the volunteer army of the Gaochang Uighurs. Although the Gaochang Uighurs did not directly participate in the war, many Buddhists volunteered to go south to participate in the holy war.

Religious wars lasted for centuries and were very cruel. Local people did not have the right to freely choose their beliefs, and everything was decided by the butcher's knife.

Take Kashgar as an example. They originally believed in Buddhism and later converted to the Green Religion. After Khotan invaded, they converted to Buddhism. After Khotan was defeated and retreated, they converted back to the Green Religion...

This kind of war has no mercy, only blood. In the end, Kara Khan relied on his strength and defeated Khotan in a forty-year war of attrition.

Shao Shude felt that the rise of the Green Sect in the west was not necessarily a bad thing for his rule in the Western Region.

Everything must be viewed dialectically.

When the Buddhists and Manichaeans in Khotan and Gaochang face the threat of the Green Christians, they will rely heavily on the support of the Central Plains Dynasty.

In history, Khotan sent people to the Northern Song Dynasty many times to ask for help, but the Song Dynasty was helpless, unable to provide any support, and had no interest in providing support.

It's different now...

Perhaps we can take advantage of this and write some articles. That is, the local Jisi regime resists on the front line, and the imperial court provides assistance in the rear, such as materials, troops, immigrants, etc. This will consume the least amount of money and can step by step strengthen the imperial court's presence in the local area.

, and then eat it completely.


On the 23rd, Shao Shude led his troops into the city and held a banquet in the palace to celebrate the victory.

In addition to the officials who accompanied him during the expedition, there were many more new ministers under Shao Shude, including seven or eight central officials such as Meilu Achu, Linya Huoshannu, Dagan Aligu, and local tribe Yili Jin.

The number has increased to fifteen, as Arbus et al.

Just yesterday, he gave the two men Shao Yuanzhu and Lian You the position of Mei Lu, and Gaochang general Pugu Dabei Nu Dagan who was the first to open the city gate.

For the tribes in the conquered areas such as Beiting, Xizhou, and Yinzhou, Achu Meilu was temporarily responsible for the finance and taxation. Zhuang Ao's younger brother Zhuang Yue, who was also transferred to Luoyang as an official, went to the west and was given the post of Meilu, and he was in charge of it.

Finance and taxation.

Each tribe is generally autonomous, but affairs such as pasture disputes, criminal and prison justice, household registration checks, disaster relief, academic studies, etc. are handled by Mei Lu, the two men of Sha Yuanzhu and Lian You.

Tiao Xiao Agu only came to the west and taught Da Qian.

Each tribe regularly sends out troops for training, with Xiao Aguzhi and Pugu Dabeinu in charge.

Ali Gu commanded the original 2,000 people - now reduced to more than 1,600 - as troops directly under the Khan's court, accompanying them in battles.

Basically, Shao Shude affirmed the contribution of surrendering people, and transferred some new people to share power with them and jointly manage the tribes in the conquered areas.

It can be seen from these job assignments that because the tribes on the Beiting and Xizhou sides were severely beaten and had low united front value, the Khan Court exercised tighter control over them.

In the era of the former Steppe Empire, many of the officials at the center of the Khan Court were mascots and did not have great power.

What Shao Shude is now strengthening is their power, which is actually consolidating the Great Khan's own authority.

If the system established by the Hengshan Dangxiang and Yinshan tribes was similar to that of the Tang Dynasty, the Lifan Yuan and the Beiya Privy Council were his first reform of the grassland governance system.

The intensity of that reform was relatively gentle, and it was mainly targeted at Hengshan Dangxiang, and the household registration work was mostly completed in those areas. Now the Yeli clan, the Meizang clan and Dongshan Dangxiang have basically been wiped out by the court, and the household registration

Qi Min. At this point, the Lifan Yuan will also undergo a second reform.

At the time of the alliance meeting in Wudeshan Mountain, Shao Shude discussed this matter with Yang Yao and asked them to slowly improve the system.

During these days of the war, he also participated in the formulation of policies. Now he plans to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of a more thorough campaign in the Western Region to conduct a pilot test to see the effect before deciding whether to expand it indefinitely.

The most sensitive one is to send people to each tribe to verify, determine its actual population and number of soldiers, and register them in the register - tribal soldiers work as farmers in peacetime and as soldiers in wartime. It is tentatively determined that one soldier per household will be sent out after peace.

, it can be reduced to two soldiers from three households or even lower if appropriate.

Yang Yao gave Shao Shude an example.

Three towns in Hebei have not reported their household registrations or paid taxes for a long time. During the Yuanhe period of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, they successfully got the three towns in Hebei to report their household registration numbers (although they were false...) and the number of soldiers, especially the latter. The imperial court sent people to Hebei

During the inspection, Weibo Town once hid some soldiers and went home to farm temporarily. After the imperial envoys left, they recalled them to the military camp.

In addition, three towns in Hebei have begun to pay taxes.

This is actually a kind of progress.

This time, the pilot reform of tribes in the Western Regions will refer to the methods used by the Tang Dynasty to regulate the feudal towns. Taking advantage of the power of the army, we will boil the frog in warm water step by step and slowly strengthen control.


Bright music sounded in the hall.

After a while, dozens of dancers entered and danced cheerfully.

"This wine is good." Shao Shude took a sip of wine and praised.

He has a lot of experience in drinking wine, and Gaochang wine really gives him an extraordinary feeling. Even if it is not the first place, it is still in the top three.

"Your Majesty, this is the sweet wine produced by our temple, which is famous far and wide. The best among them, only sixty barrels are available this year..." Master Li Sheng of Beishan Temple in the jungle of Xizhou said immediately.

"Wealthy households in Gaochang are judged by how many vineyards they have?" Shao Shude asked with a smile.


"Besides vineyards, what else does your temple have?"

"Our temple is self-sufficient. We give the monks eighty shi of wheat, seven shi of sesame, three shi of millet, and two shi of beans for food every month. In addition, the whole temple is given 20 melons, a pound of green onions, and a number of vegetables every day."

"Self-sufficient..." Shao Shude laughed and asked: "I want to build Anxi Road and establish prefectures and counties. Your temple cannot always stay in Xizhou, you have to look further west."

"Yes." Master Li Sheng answered with his hands clasped together.

Buddhism is the second foreign religion believed in by the Gaochang Uighurs, and it is also very powerful. Like the Manichaean temple, it has the privilege of tax exemption. The temple has farmland, pastures, vineyards, mills, etc., and also supports many customs.

Wu's monks can basically be regarded as local powerful men.

Master Li Sheng knew that after Daxia occupied Xizhou, they might not be given tax-free privileges again. Even if they were, it would not be in Gaochang, but farther west.

Could it be that he is about to be pushed to the front line against the enemy?

After talking to Master Li Sheng, Shao Shude ended the topic and turned to drink and laugh with the generals sitting on both sides of the hall.

After destroying an entire country, everyone's morale was high and the atmosphere at the banquet was lively. After drinking for a while, everyone stared at the dancers in the venue.

There are rumors that these dancing girls are the wives and concubines of Uighur Khans and criminal officials. At this time, following the custom of the Western Regions, they wore masks on their faces and danced to Kucha music.

The graceful dancing posture, plump and graceful figure, and the exotic charm all attracted the attention of these rough and tumble men. After drinking, they spoke more brazenly, commented and laughed non-stop.

Han Quanjie came over, lowered his head, and said a few words in Shao Shude's ear.

Shao Shude nodded slightly, and when the dancer jumped in front of him, he stood up and entered. He took the two of them into his arms, one from the left and the other from the right, and sat them down.

The body of the woman on the left stiffened slightly, then softened again after a while.

The body of the woman on the right was shaking non-stop, and tears were falling behind her mask.

Shao Shude laughed loudly and said: "Whichever one you like, go ahead and pick it, and you can take it home and reward it to you."

"Long live my emperor/Khan!" The generals were overjoyed and convinced.

Fighting with the saints, there are military exploits, rewards, and women to play with. No wonder everyone is brave and vying for the first place. If there is such a good thing in the next battle to the west, then this battle can last forever - the warriors think

, the saints now are the true saints, the control was really too tight in the past.

This chapter has been completed!
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