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Chapter 87 Accounting and Digestion

 It was sunny on August 24, the fourteenth year of Jianji.

Early in the morning, Zang Dubao came to the palace and bid farewell to the saint.

He will lead more than 20,000 horse and infantry soldiers and 30,000 Tibetan soldiers to march west to Yanqi.

Gaochang's messenger has already gone west, but he may not be able to successfully persuade local officials, so he has to make two preparations.

Mr. Lian was wearing a tulle and dressing up in front of the mirror.

Meng looked at Lian's chest, then looked down at himself, sighed inaudibly, and then felt a little sympathetic.

They are both about the same age, forty.

Their identities are similar, they are both queen mothers of the same country.

The situation is still the same, they are all captured and allowed to vent their desires.

The only difference is probably that Montessori's belly is already very big and she will give birth in a few months.

The child has become the king's son, and he is so shameless that he has grown up like a pearl. And the perpetrator is the most perverted among perverts. There is obviously a young and beautiful woman waiting for his blessing, but he doesn't even look at it. , but it destroyed the chastity of these poor people, leaving people speechless and asking the heavens.

"Zang Qing will go to Yanqi first, and I will be cooking in Gaochang." The sonorous voice of the "Lord of Evil" sounded from next door: "It is easy to defeat the enemy, but long-term rule is the best test of skill."

"Gaochang is different from the Central Plains. Official fields, temple fields, and civilian fields all rely on irrigation, and the land records in the hands of the government are full of errors and omissions, so we need to check them carefully."

"Since this Western Expedition, we have killed 40,000 to 50,000 people, and taken tens of thousands captive. The Yunnan side is still immigrating to the Tonghai Dudu Mansion, and seeing that the Western Regions are also recruiting, there are many things going on."

"Does Zang Qing have any good ideas for ruling the Western Regions? Tell me."

"Your Majesty." Another voice sounded: "Actually, if we clean up the sect jungles and wealthy families in Gaochang, we may be able to get a lot of fertile fields, orchards, surrounding areas that are inconvenient to irrigate, and pastures. I have seen it, and it is indeed drought. But it’s not that grass doesn’t grow, there are people grazing there. If a killer is killed, the free space will be enough to place thousands of soldiers. In this way, Xizhou Da’an will also be there.”

Mrs. Lian, who was dressing up, couldn't help but tremble.

Montessori glanced at her. The purple grapes were shaking up and down. There were blood marks on the hills behind the grapes, like grape branches and leaves.

Sunlight poured in through the window, and there was a layer of fluff on Lian's snow-white body, which was so golden that Meng couldn't help but want to touch it.

"That's inappropriate." Shao Shude's voice sounded again: "Gaochang has surrendered. If I kill people wantonly, wouldn't I be breaking my promise? In the next few days, I will convict a group of officials and wealthy people, and then exile them to Yufu Bing in Liaodong. Qu, there is no official for the family property. After finishing this batch, I will not do it anymore. Keep it quiet and slowly digest it. Yanqi, you have a good fight."

"How far does Your Majesty want to fight?"

"Those who resist the king should not be soft-hearted. If they are willing to surrender, do not disturb them. Just ask their generals, chiefs, and clan chiefs to come to Gaochang to see me. I may have to stay in this winter capital for the next period of time. Handle government affairs."

"The general understands."

"Be on guard against the Anxi Uighurs. I heard Pugu Dabeinu mention that a merchant from Shule once came to Gaochang. He said that Satuk, the nephew of Ogurchak, had a guard army of 2,000 men, with the military name 'Gulam'.

', they are all selected from the brave and good warriors of the Turkic tribes, and have been trained for many years. They have both infantry and cavalry, and their cavalry are probably armored cavalry, so they should not be taken lightly."

"Armored cavalry?" Zang Dubao was a little surprised.

"It's just a rumor, it may not be true, but you need to be careful." Shao Shude said: "Both Tubo and Nanzhao had armored cavalry, as did the Turks and Uighurs in their heyday. What's so strange? On the other side of the mountain, it's not

What a land of ignorance, there are many cities that have been run by the Sogdians for many years."

"Your Majesty, since this ancient... Gulam army is led by the Khan's nephew, it may be possible to alienate their uncle and nephew." Zang Dubao said.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you, a thick-browed warrior with big eyes, would do this." Shao Shude laughed and said: "Actually, inheritance has always been the Achilles heel of the grassland. When Ogurchak professed his power in Talas, he ended up in the city.

It was attacked and his wife was kidnapped by the Persians. Later he ran to Shule and lived to survive, never daring to go west again. He became the Great Khan entirely because his brother Basil died, he married his sister-in-law back home, and boarded the

My nephew, Khan, may not be so easy to change, but most of the conflicts will exist. This is an opportunity. Lian You also proposed this plan to me yesterday. I am very happy. If it succeeds in the future, the Lian family should take the lead.


Mrs. Lian gently tightened the tulle and continued dressing up.

Meng got up carefully, walked to Lian's side, and helped braid her hair.

After all, a forty-year-old woman is more open-minded than a young lady. Montessori thought that he was not as good as others. When he was kneeled on the couch by the saint, he wanted to die for a while, but after he became pregnant with the child, some things became indifferent.


Mr. Lian seems to be much calmer than her.

"If your Majesty has no other instructions, I will retire." Zang Dubao said over there.

"That's all, I'll give Wang Chong's 2,600 cavalry to you as well." Shao Shude said: "It's good that you fight with caution. Keep up the good work and don't be careless. If you can capture the old Uighur territory of Gaochang, you have achieved the minimum goal.

I'm not greedy, I'll do it step by step."

"As ordered." Zang Dubao responded.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Zang Dubao led his troops to fight.


Outside Gaochang City, a crowd of people screamed.

When an army goes on an expedition, it naturally needs supplies.

Ah Chu has fully entered the role of Mei Lu (in charge of finance and taxation), and has taken charge of Xizhou's money and food in a grand manner. However, he has no local foundation, so he still needs the cooperation of Shao Yuanzhu and Lian You.

"Military supplies are the top priority and there is no room for bargaining." Beside the official field in the west of the city, Ah Chui said while inspecting the wells and canals for irrigation.

Shao Yuanshu and Lian You both nodded, "You are right," and then looked at each other and smiled.

It's nothing more than that when a villain succeeds.

Who is Ah Chu? Originally, Lin Ya was just in charge of finance and taxation in the Xia Capital. He could only manage the tribes, and the oasis farmland at the foot of the mountain had nothing to do with him.

In the past, when winter came, I had to report on my work and give them gifts, but now they are acting like dogs. You are really good at it!

"Recently, we have dealt with some corrupt officials and generals, and have freed up a lot of official fields and vineyards. We have to take good care of them. The output is carefully stored in the warehouse, and the people are recruited and sent to the front line." Ah Chu continued: "If there is a shortage of manpower in the official fields,

, just follow the old rules. Only the great sweat will win, I wonder who dares to jump out without fear of death?"

The Gaochang Uighurs have a magical tradition.

Land can be roughly divided into three categories: official land, temple land, and private land. There is actually a lot of land in the hands of the government. In addition to its own small number of tenants (not enough), the remaining labor force comes from various wealthy families. Burke's farm


Rich families, including the Burkes, had serfs. After working on their master's fields, they would go to the official fields to help.

This tradition is rare in the Han Dynasty, especially during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when aristocratic families tightly controlled their serfs and were rarely willing to let the government control them.

"Also, please calculate how much food is needed to maintain the daily expenses of the five counties in Xizhou. The rest will be used as military supplies." Ah Chu said again.

Ah Chu always held high the banner of "military supplies", which made Shao Yuanzhu a little annoyed, and he couldn't help but said: "The sage just issued an order that the twelve counties of Yinzhou, Xizhou, and Tingzhou should widely open Confucian classics and train them in the Chinese style. This

But it costs a lot of money.”

Ah Chu was stunned for a moment, his arrogance diminished, and he asked: "Did the saint really say that?"

"You don't care about civil affairs, so of course you don't know." Shao Yuanzhu Yun Danfeng said lightly: "In a few days, I will go to Tingzhou and visit the counties to supervise the construction of school buildings and recruit students. Early next year at the latest,

There will be a large number of teachings, and doctors will come from the Central Plains to give lectures."

"Then...then deduct this part of the expenses." Ah Di said.

"Actually, there are still some expenses that cannot be postponed." After Shao Yuanzhu finished speaking, Lian You coughed and said: "The saint comforted the troops yesterday and asked Luoyan, the soldiers of the Second Army of Fengguo, how is this place? Mohe from the bitter cold land of Liaodong

, Jurchen, Khitan, and Xi people all say that this is a good place, better than the grassland, so some people are willing to settle in Gaochang."

It's a saint again! Ah Chu's arrogance has completely disappeared. He stood up straight and asked carefully: "Is this a military registration? A civilian registration?"

"Of course he has military status." Lian You said: "The saint wants to form an Anxi town army, and the number of soldiers is initially set at six thousand."

It is said that Daxia has a forbidden army, a state army, and in some important frontier places, there is also a town army.

The treatment of the town army is not as good as that of the forbidden army, but it is worse than the state army. There are currently five towns in total.

In the Yinshan area, one town is stationed in Feng, Sheng, with 10,000 infantry and cavalry; one town is stationed in Rouzhou, with 8,000 people. It is composed of the entire Xinquan Army, Zhongwu and Huaining towns selected when the vassal was withdrawn, and new recruits.

In the Qingtang area, a town was stationed near Shanzhou. It initially had 5,000 people, most of whom were trustworthy Weibo warriors recruited by Liang Huaijin from Bozhou. Later, he recruited 3,000 new soldiers from Bozhou and Chanzhou, and the number expanded to 8,000.

, now there are 10,000 infantry and cavalry, because they joined the Shaanzhou Academy and the 2,000 recruits sent by the Yunzhou Academy.

In the Yanshan area, one town was stationed in Ruzhou, with a population of 7,000 at the beginning, and later expanded to 8,500; a town was stationed in Guizhou, with a population of 6,000 at the beginning, and now 7,500. Their old foundation was the original Xiaojie Army, that is,

The rebel soldiers who had a very bad reputation in Weibo and the former soldiers of Hezhong Domain later joined some recruits from Shaanzhou Academy and Lingzhou Academy.

The three major groups have a total of 44,000 border town sergeants. Their current combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as that of the Forbidden Army, but it is hard to say what will happen in the future. It is hard to predict. More than a hundred years later, these people will be responsible for the military force of the Daxia Dynasty.

The Anxi Town Army that is about to be formed is considered the fourth group.

Shao Shude's initial plan was to recruit warriors from all walks of life who were willing to settle here - this could not be forced, at least it had to be half-seduce and half-forced - he touched the background of the Luoyan Army and the Fengguo Army, and found that they were from the Bitter Cold Country.

Local people are more accepting of Xizhou.

This is a good thing, but the Anxi town army cannot be composed entirely of them. It still needs to come from more sources.

Considering Yinzhou and Xizhou, the two main states of Eastern Xinjiang - if Xinjiang is subdivided in later generations, it can be divided into three parts: Southern Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang and Eastern Xinjiang. Turpan and Hami are Eastern Xinjiang - the agricultural foundation is very good

, so the first town of Anxi Zhenjun will be located in Gaochang, Yin and Ting two states near the radiation.

As for what to do further west, Shao Shude hasn't seen it yet, and he doesn't think the conditions in those places that have been war-torn for a long time are any better than those in Eastern Xinjiang. Maybe the potential is good, but potential is one thing, and the current strength is another

Another thing.

"The saint's business is important." Hearing what Sha Yuanzhu and Lian You said, Ah Chu was a little scared, and his tone became much softer. He just heard him say: "Running a school is a good thing, and suppressing the army is even more important. It's a big thing.

Let's put it together and discuss it."

Shao Yuanzhu and Lian You looked at each other and smiled again.

Shuzi, I still can’t cure you? We are all Mei Lu, regardless of high or low. In the future, if the Lifan Yuan becomes an institution like the Zhongshu Province and the Zhengshitang, everyone will have to serve as officials in the same court. It is better to stay on the front line as a human being.

After the three of them visited Guan Tian, ​​they checked the warehouse and then returned to the city. They sat down and took stock of how many cattle, sheep, horses and camels they had, whether they could raise fat before winter, and whether there would be enough to support military supplies next year.

In short, a small imperial court slowly started to function amidst the bumps and bumps in the process.

This chapter has been completed!
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