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Chapter 28 Grassland Craftsmanship

 Dunyu came to Karasha in a hurry.

After a few months, he barely recognized the place where he had lived for more than ten years.

Near villages, post roads, and woods, there are Turkic cavalry carrying swords and bows everywhere. If you look closely, you will see that they are looting the countryside.

I heard that the Khotanese had already robbed the country once, and the Turks came again. What would the people have left? Just this, and it was euphemistically called "grain collection."

Dunyu's face looked a little ugly.

When passing a certain village, I met a carriage. The carriage was fully loaded and covered with reed mats.

With sharp eyes, Dunyu saw several pairs of feet peeking out from under the reed mat.

It turned out to be a corpse.

He felt that he was a little over the top. As a result, his capital was so harmed by outsiders, and he must have been very uncomfortable. But he knew very well that he could not fall out with the Xia people now. Even in the foreseeable future, he would not be able to fall out with him. Without this


What we should do now is to get back our capital as much as possible, even if it is a capital that has been ruined by human disasters. If that is not possible, then persuade the Xia people to send troops together to gain more benefits in the west.

When entering Karasha City, Dagan Aligu and Linya Huoshannu came out to greet him.

He didn't have much affection for these two Xia officials who were born in Gaochang.

Let’s not talk about the old grievances between the Gaochang Uighurs and the Anxi Uighurs. Let’s talk about the differences in life between the two.

The Gaochang Uighurs are too "Tang".

The urban architecture is like the Tang Dynasty, the army is like the Tang Dynasty, the system is like the Tang Dynasty, and even the food and clothing are mixed with too many elements of the Tang Dynasty. Perhaps, after being tainted with farming customs, it will gradually become like this.

On the other hand, the Great Uighur Kingdom has become more and more Turkic in the past few decades, which certainly makes Dunyu a little unhappy, but the Turks are always more approachable than the Tang Dynasty, right?

"The little prince will go to the hotel to stay for a few days, waiting for your Majesty's summons." When he arrived at the hotel gate, Huoshan Slave said.

"The little prince should be familiar with this place. It's not far from the palace and he sees it every day." Ali said with a smile.

Dunyu glanced at the palace and asked, "Does the saint live in the palace?"

"No, the saint lives in the Satuk family." Aligu said, "Please invite me, little prince."

Dun Yu hesitated for a moment, took the two bags from his entourage, handed them to the two of them respectively, and said: "If possible, I would like to ask you both to help me. The military situation is urgent and I must see the saint as soon as possible."

Ali Gu and Huoshan Slave hesitated for a while, but finally did not dare to accept it and pushed it back.

They knew, judging from its heavy appearance, that it contained mostly gold and silver coins circulating in Persia, which was a lot of money. But they really didn't dare to accept it now, and there were some things they couldn't decide.

"There is a rebellion in Persia. This opportunity must not be missed. The time will never come again. If we miss this time, it will not be so easy to fight when Persia slows down." Dunyu was a little anxious and pushed the bag back.

He told the truth.

After my father led his troops into the territory of Balakhana, he heard that Karasha had been captured by the Xia army. He sighed several times, and after a large plunder, he led his men back to Balashagon.

And it was this attack that allowed the father and son to see the weakness beneath the surface of Persia's strength. After interrogating the prisoners again, they immediately learned more information.

He was now anxious to inform the princes of Daxia about this news, and then persuade them to send troops together.

In that case, even if Karasha cannot be reclaimed, as long as it can gain more benefits in the west, such as taking Talas, it will be worthwhile.

Ali Gu and Huoshan Nu were so frightened that they took two steps back, bowed politely, and left in a hurry.

Dunyu sighed, returned to the courtyard lonely, and put his luggage in the room.

Several attendants sat with him, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"I'm going out for a walk." Dunyu stood up irritably and said.


When Dun Yu came, Shao Shude was actually patrolling outside the city.

"The Six Codes of the Tang Dynasty records that there are seven military fields in Shule, and they are all in the Chihe River Basin, right?" Shao Shude pointed to an empty village and asked.

There were two types of farming in the Tang Dynasty.

One type is the fields under the auspices of Sinong Temple, cultivated by sinners and slaves, with a field of more than 20 hectares and less than 30 hectares being a village.

One is the army's farming, with 50 hectares forming a farm.

There are seven military villages in Shule, which is 35,000 acres.

The largest military camp is in Qiuci, with a total of 20 villages, or 100,000 acres, and an average annual harvest of more than 260,000 shi. The output is very high, and it is even enough to supply military rations for the entire four towns of Anxi - the rewards still need to be paid.

Transporting from the mainland, Zhang Ji once wrote a poem that said, "Yingtuo should be carried to Anxi in vain", which is what he said.

"Your Majesty, according to the Chang'an archives, it should be in that area." Yang Yao looked at the map in his hand for a while, and then looked at the rivers, fields, and woods over there, and he was a little unsure.

"Whatever area it is!" Shao Shude said: "As long as it's close to the city. It's not easy for my good son to go to the Western Regions. He can't be sent to the barren mountains, right? That village -"

"Khotan King Dabao sent troops to plunder and plunder, killing many and injuring many, but they are all gone now," Yang Yao said.

"What nonsense!" Shao Shude was a little angry and said: "Tomorrow I will issue an edict to reprimand and issue an announcement to calm the people. I have been fooling around for long enough and it's time to stop. Well, the village is free, we can't waste it like this. Give it to Luoyang

According to the decree, the second batch of 3,000 Anxi soldiers can set off. The third batch of 3,000 soldiers will be sent to Chang'an for training and will set off after the Double Ninth Festival. These two batches of 6,000 soldiers will all be resettled in Shule. The family members are willing to follow.

You can also come together. Each soldier will be granted twenty acres of land."

"Your Majesty, this requires 120,000 acres of land." Yang Yao reminded.

"How many people are left in Shule?" Shao Shude asked.

"Less than sixty thousand."

"It's a bit cruel." Shao Shude said vaguely, and then added: "The land is still enough. If it doesn't work, we will label a group of unreliable people as thieves and gang members, demote them to slaves, and try to get rid of them."

"Yes." Yang Yao responded.

When it comes to ruthlessness, who can compare with the saint?

Shao Shude looked at the fields and rivers again, feeling quite satisfied.

The population carrying capacity of southern Xinjiang is limited, and they mainly live near oases.

Li Shengtian said that the Khotan household registration was 200,000, and he would send 50,000 troops. Shao Shude did not comment at the time, but he knew that this guy was bragging.

Thirty thousand Khotanese troops are already the limit. Working backwards, it can never exceed 150,000. In history, when Khotan attacked Karakhan, more than 30,000 troops were dispatched. Only then could its population exceed 20,000.

One hundred thousand.

The conditions in Kashgar are no worse than those in Khotan, or even better. Even if there are 6,000 more households of soldiers, the population limit has not been reached. After all, during the Ming Dynasty in history, only the Yarkand Khan of southern Xinjiang (excluding Yanqi) was left.

Due to years of war with the Mongols, the country's household registration has been reduced. At that time, there were still 500,000 people.

Land doesn't matter. What's difficult is how to let the new immigrants survive the first one or two years. This requires investment, or more precisely, the consumption of food.

Hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep will be sent from the northern grasslands in mid-July. After they are well fed, they can go south in batches, greatly alleviating the food shortage.

But what can I say, we still need to reserve as much food and grass as possible.

Shao Shude's eyes turned to the west again.

After a long time, he said leisurely: "I have recently chosen an envoy to cross the Congling Nanyuan and go to Bahan."

"Your Majesty, please clarify the mission of the envoy." Yang Yao said.

Shao Shude pondered for a while and said: "Rebuked the Persian governor and asked him why he connected with the Uighurs and messed up our territory."

"According to the order." Yang Yao responded.


After Shao Shude arrived in Shule, it was as if a button was activated. On the three thousand-mile post road from Gaochang to Shule, people, vehicles and horses came and went frequently.

The personnel who stayed behind in Gaochang began to move southward under the escort of the palace guards - they would follow wherever the Holy Emperor was.

By the end of the month, even businessmen showed up.

These people with a keen sense of smell and extremely courageous people would dare to do anything for profit. So much so that Shao Shude planned to sell all the captured Uighur palaces and treasures in the treasury to merchants and let them find a way to transport grain.

On June 27, Shao Shude returned to Shule after completing his inspection and summoned Dunyu at the old house of Satuk.

"Greetings to the Great Xia Zi." Dun Yu knelt down directly on the ground and paid homage.

"Get up, you don't need to kneel down to see me." Shao Shude said kindly.

Dun wanted to say thank you and sat down on a rope chair.

"I heard that your father withdrew from the army? Why?" Shao Shude asked.

"The Persian governor named Ismail bribed the Rehai Turks and the Gelulu people with a batch of gold and silver. The tribes were already plundered and had no intention of fighting, so they retreated." Dunyu replied.

Shao Shude believed this to a great extent.

The nomads are indeed virtuous, they leave when they have grabbed enough. If there is no hero to unify the tribes, they may not have the idea of ​​occupying a certain place and keeping it as their own for a long time.

At the same time, it can also be seen that Ogurchak's appeal is indeed not very good, and some tribes are not convinced.

"Bakhan was originally the old land of the Uighurs, right? It has been taken away by the Persians for twenty years, and you have no idea?" Shao Shude asked.

"Father Khan still wants to retake the old territory, but the leaders of the various ministries are unable to do it. Every time he mentions this matter, he always tries to push back." Dun Yu said.

"How many troops can Balasagon send?"

"There are still 50,000 to 60,000 riders."

Shao Shude silently estimated the population.

Generally speaking, nomads like to use tents as units. Theoretically, one soldier is sent out per tent. But most of the time they will not attack with all their troops. There are 50,000 to 60,000 horsemen and a population of about 4 to 50,000. The maximum recruitment is when

More than 100,000 riders.

No wonder Persia could only defeat the Uighurs but could never destroy them.

It’s not too far from Talas to Balasagun. Twenty years later, Persia was content with driving them away and not allowing these nomads to go deep into its hinterland to plunder. Occasionally, they plowed the courtyard and swept the caves, and won the frontal battle.

However, they were unable to occupy it and had to retreat in the end. The captured land was recovered by local warlords and tribal leaders of the Uighur Kingdom.

"How about pulling the sweat?" Shao Shude asked.

"There are many villages, covered with farmland and vineyards. The locals have dug many wells and canals to irrigate the fields. They are rich in wheat, barley, and grapes." Dun Yu didn't understand what Shao Shude was asking about, so he just answered casually.

Shao Shude seemed to be hit.

"Speaking of which, I am still the Great Khan of the grassland." He suddenly smiled and said: "I lead Han soldiers to fight every year, but my skills in fighting on the grassland are a bit rusty."

"Your Majesty..." Dun Yu was a little confused.

"You are not qualified yet." Shao Shude said rudely: "Let the male camel king come to see me and tell me that we have something important to discuss."

"Transmit my message again." Shao Shude turned to look at Yang Yao and said: "The Tibetan soldiers from Qibei tribes, after arriving at Beiting, do not rush back. In Beiting, the Tibetan tribes in Anxi are recruiting troops, horses, cattle and sheep.


"Your Majesty, this is..." Yang Yao asked.

"Of course this is what prairie warriors are best at." Shao Shude laughed, as if he was a little crazy.

This chapter has been completed!
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