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Chapter 34 Castle (Additional update for the alliance leader Xingyinlongjun)

 After running all the way back to Wosh, Satuk entered the castle directly.

The castles in Central Asia are different from the castles owned by European nobles in later generations.

They are generally rectangular in shape and generally face southeast to allow for adequate lighting.

Many castles are divided into two parts, "winter" and "summer". The materials used are different, and the castle owners will live in different areas in different seasons.

The people living in the castle are relatively complex. In addition to the city lord's family, there are usually guard soldiers, officials who come to work during the day, servants and maids, teachers and students of the seminary, etc. - of course, there are also prisoners imprisoned in the prison.

The castle generally has four gates, and the entrance and exit roads are made of stone. There are tall watchtowers and arrow towers on the four corners. At the highest point of the castle, there is a huge terrace, where the owner usually accepts the cheers of the people.

Typical Persian style.

The moment Sartuk rushed into the castle, he gave the order to summon the soldiers.

Yes, the professional warriors in the territory are basically all in the castle. Most of the troops need to be recruited temporarily to save money, and small places like Woshi are no exception.

As soon as the order was given, a crisp bell rang in the square.

The castle officials went out to gather the men who had been on the battlefield, issued them with weapons, and organized them into various troops.

The priests also returned to the Temple of the Creator and armed all the Jihads in service, about a hundred of them, as a separate army.

There are also some jihads who retired from the establishment after getting older, and they took the fanatical believers of the Creator who gathered after hearing the bell and distributed them to various villages outside the city. They gathered as many people as they could. Looking at the stronger ones, they felt

Give serious weapons, look relatively thin and short, and give them a wooden spear, in short, arm the residents as quickly as possible.

It should be said that their efficiency is still very high. This may be related to the fact that they often travel through the streets and go deep into the countryside to spread the majesty of the Creator, and they are already very familiar with the conditions in various places.

What is organizational power? This is organizational power.

Jihad, a full-time warrior, serves as the supervisor of the battle team, and older veterans and fanatical believers serve as the backbone. They organize the scattered residents and do their best to equip them with weapons to form the most basic combat effectiveness.

This may be an important reason why they are so unstoppable in the area of ​​Bukhanna and the river.

Satuk was fully armed and climbed onto the terrace, quietly looking at the busy city.

Woshi is just a small town, but it has great prospects.

The six major cities including Bakhna are all in the west, which was the first place to be developed many years ago. After a long period of time, the farmland, canals, pastures, and orchards in the west are basically owned, and the people began to move eastward.

Go ahead and develop this area.

According to old people in the city, the population of Woshi Town has increased from 4,000 to 6,000 in the past ten years. Countless poor farmers are looking for new land from west to east - generally speaking, it is unlikely, but

With the help of the priests, they did get a lot of land, and of course they later became firm believers in the Creator.

"This is my city..." Satuuk spread his hands and murmured to himself: "I will not tolerate anyone taking it away, no one can."

At thirty years old, he really doesn't have the courage to start over again. If the so-called horse bandits are really from Xia, he will not retreat this time and will live and die with Wo Shi.

The sound of neat footsteps sounded on the street, and the men, roughly organized into groups, dispersed to various city gates and sections of the city wall, guarding them to the death.

They had no choice. By the end of the recruitment process, it would be good to have a thousand soldiers. This number of people was far from enough for field battles.

Of course, if the person here is a real horse bandit, then maybe you can give it a try.

But Saturk never believed that those people were gangsters. Reminiscent of the fact that last year a group of Jihad broke into Shule through the southern plains of Congling Mountains. This time, it is very likely that the Xia people came to take revenge.

Some overconfident Dihkan still wanted to try Xia Bing's fighting prowess. They said that Satuk was bragging and trying his best to ridicule him, and his words were very unpleasant.

But Saturk was not angry. His life was his own, and there was no need to argue with those people about the outcome. Reality would teach them a lesson.

Smoke and dust rose from the southern horizon.

Sartuk's eyes flashed, and he subconsciously tightened the Sheschl scimitar around his waist and stepped off the terrace.

The battle is about to begin.


More than ten miles south of Uzkand City, the overwhelming cavalry almost covered the entire grassland.

Among the crowd, a group of warriors, numbering no more than three hundred, formed a tight formation and looked around nervously.

Arrows continued to fly and fell into the formation at an angle, barely causing much damage to them.

The cavalry surrounding them were not in a hurry, and spread out far away with laughter, avoiding the counterattack of the infantry bows.

On their left and right, a large group of cavalry quickly passed by and poured into the village.

Caught off guard, the men in the village still showed enough fighting courage. They fought back with hunting bows, wooden spears and even dung forks, and roared loudly from time to time to encourage themselves.

"Dismount and kill the enemy on foot!" Meng Zhixiang, the bodyguard of the army, ordered.

Hundreds of pro-army members reined in their horses and dismounted immediately.

Two hundred men in iron armor lined up in front, followed closely by those in leather armor. After forming a tight formation, they slowly stepped forward.

The bodyguards and pro-army were formed by recruiting farmers and herdsmen from various palace slaves. In essence, they were the likes of Tutuan countrymen.

But their equipment, which has been repeatedly rewarded by saints, is really good, and they have participated in many battles.

During the expedition to Henan, Li Tangbin was reprimanded by Shao Shude for letting his guards and soldiers watch a show, and finally threw them into a cruel meat grinder-style battle.

They took turns to conquer Hebei and Hedong.

When Bohai was conquered, it was the imperial guards who took the lead in attacking the palace.

They know how to fight and are very experienced.

"Woo——" the horn sounded.

The unarmored light cavalry wandering around the outside took advantage of the enemy's attention being attracted by the infantry guards, and rushed forward, raining down a huge rain of arrows.

Screams came and went incessantly.

The enemy, who had just been gathered together by beating chicken blood, ran forward and subconsciously looked for a place to hide.

"Kill!" the guard and the soldier shouted, stepped forward quickly, and stabbed through the enemy's thin formation in an instant.

"Kill!" The heavy swordsmen and the swordsmen came out more and more, slashing wildly.

In the rain of blood, broken limbs and broken arms were scattered all over the ground, and heads were rolling around.

The enemy finally couldn't hold on any longer, and the people behind simply threw away their equipment, turned around and ran away.

The cavalry guarding the main army saw the opportunity and rushed forward again, throwing a hail of arrows at the enemy's back.

"What a massacre!" Liu Han, the captain of the Golden Sword Army, came over and cursed with a smile: "The dogs are quite good at fighting and cooperating. They have become spirits."

The "dog thing" in his mouth naturally refers to the bodyguards and soldiers.

The Forbidden Army warriors always have a certain self-confidence and look down on other people. This time, I was a little surprised to see the guards defeat the enemy with skillful cooperation.

With good equipment, tacit cooperation, and courage to fight, they may only be inferior to the Imperial Army in terms of combat skills. These Shao family slaves should not be underestimated.

After all the thieves were eliminated, the Qingqi immediately dispersed and cruised in circles near the village.

A large group of infantry rushed into the village and looted grain, grass and property in an orderly manner.

The grain was sorted into categories, put into sacks, barrels or any containers, and even loaded directly onto the carriage, surrounded by several wooden boards to allow more grain to be loaded.

The sheep were herded together while bleating, and were taken over by a special person and brought to the pastures at the southern foot of the mountain for grazing. They would then be handed over to the main army, and some would be used as military supplies, and some would be rushed to Shule to be raised in captivity.

As for the collected horses, all were requisitioned and used as means of transportation.

The looting is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the other side, with the arrival of the five hundred crossbowmen of the Golden Sword Army, the end of the three hundred enemy soldiers also came.

After a rapid burst of crossbow bolts, blood flowed on the battlefield, which was too tragic to look at.


Five hundred mounted infantrymen dismounted outside the town of Uzkand, carried improvised simple wooden ladders, easily climbed over the earth wall, and opened the city gate.

Hundreds of cavalrymen, who had been impatient for a long time, swarmed forward and rushed into the town along the stone road.

The cry sounded almost at the same time.

The only three hundred soldiers had been wiped out in the wilderness, and there was almost no armed force in the city. The Khotanese rode forward on horseback, firing their bows and shooting every moving person like a hunting beast.

The mounted infantry did not delay, lined up neatly, and rushed straight to the castle.

There were probably dozens of warriors inside the fort, with temporarily armed men, shooting down the approaching Xia soldiers from a high position.

These people's archery skills were very accurate. In a moment, more than ten people were lying on the ground, and Ma Sixun, who was leading the team, cursed loudly.

As a last resort, they gave up their plan to take the castle lightly, put away their contempt for the enemy, and started attacking in a systematic manner according to the regular siege methods.

After a while, the first group of people climbed to the top of the south city. Several spears came towards them. They were very tricky and directly stabbed down the first few people who climbed up.

Ma Sixun waved his hand expressionlessly, and the second batch came in, but they were quickly killed by the enemy again.

The third batch will follow.

On the west side of the castle, another group of people climbed onto the city wall and fought fiercely with the defenders.

On the east side of the castle, the warriors who first arrived roared into the crowd of enemy soldiers, fighting bravely as if they were going to die with the enemy.

The fighting lasted for half an hour before it ended.

There were about fifty or sixty castle guards, seventy or eighty male servants, dozens of seminary students, and more than a hundred men who had taken refuge in the castle. Most of them died on the spot.

The black warriors who rushed into the castle launched a massacre to vent their anger.

No matter men, women, old or young, they were all stabbed one by one to frighten all those who dared to resist.

Those who stayed behind in the Temple of the Creator were also picked out and beheaded on the spot on the street.

For a time, the city of Uzkand was filled with blood and a fishy smell.

At three o'clock in the Yin hour, Yang Liang, the vanguard and beheader, entered the city.

He had already received news that Aitbash had been captured and more than two hundred people had been beheaded. Li Siyuan was leading his troops to plunder supplies in the wild and would meet again in a few days.

After three days of going down the mountain, two towns were captured and more than ten villages were plundered. The gains exceeded Yang Liang's most optimistic imagination before the war.

Thanks to the fact that the new grain had just been harvested, it was estimated that the grain seized was no less than 70,000 hu of dendrobium, and the number was still increasing. This was inconvenient to transport, so in accordance with regulations, most of it was kept as military supplies.

There were more than 10,000 cattle, sheep, horses, camels and other miscellaneous livestock. Except for the horses, all the other livestock were sent to the rear and then driven back to Shule via the Congling Nanyuan.

In addition to these, there are many more goods whose value is difficult to estimate.

For example, Yang Liang at this time was holding a few coins in his hand.

The gold coins are called dinars, and the silver coins are called dirkhams. They are round in shape, and the workmanship is quite exquisite, showing a very good level of craftsmanship.

On the front of the coin is a scripture written: "He is Hu Da, the only Lord. Hu Da is the one on whom all things depend."

On the reverse side are the names of the dynasties and caliphs.

This place is indeed much richer than the grassland tribes!

Yang Liang felt that this trip was the right one, and looked forward to getting greater gains in the future.


This chapter has been completed!
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